/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: paramtools.inc * Type: Core * Description: Provides functions for parsing strings with parameters in * key=value format. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Counts number of parameters in a string. */ stock GetParameterCount(const String:rawString[]) { new lenRawString = strlen(rawString); new paramCount; // Check if the raw string is empty. if (lenRawString == 0) { return 0; } // Count number of "=". for (new searchPos = 0; searchPos < lenRawString; searchPos++) { // Set searchPos and check if "=" was found. searchPos = StrContains(rawString[searchPos], "="); if (searchPos) { paramCount++; // Increment one position so we dont find the same "=" again. searchPos++; } else { // Exit loop. break; } } return paramCount; } /** * Gets a value from a string in key=value format and writes it to a buffer. * * Note: No spaces in values or parameter names. Only spaces between each * key/value set. * * Example raw string: "key1=val1 key2=5.3 key3=1" * * @param buffer Destination string bufffer. * @param maxlen Length of destination buffer. * @param rawString Source string to read from. * @param parameter Parameter to read. * * @return Number of cells written. -1 if the parameter wasn't * found. */ stock GetParameterValue(String:buffer[], maxlen, const String:rawString[], const String:parameter[]) { new paramPos; new paramLen; new valuePos; new valueLen; new nextPos; // Get the position of parameter. paramPos = StrContains(rawString, parameter, false); // Check if found. if (paramPos >= 0) { // Get parameter length. paramLen = strlen(parameter); // Get the position of the next parameter. nextPos = StrContains(rawString[paramPos + 1], " "); // Check if the next parameter was found. if (nextPos >= 0) { // Calculate value starting position. valuePos = paramPos + paramLen + 1; // Calculate value length. valueLen = nextPos - valuePos; // Check if value length is longer than buffer size. if (valueLen > maxlen) { valueLen = maxlen; } // Copy value to buffer. return strcopy(buffer, valueLen, rawString[valuePos]); } else { // It's the last or only parameter, get the rest of the string. return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, rawString[paramPos + paramLen + 1]); } } else { return -1; } } /** * Gets the name of the parameter at the specified index. * * @param buffer Destination string bufffer. * @param maxlen Length of destination buffer. * @param rawString Source string to read from. * @param parameterIndex The zero-based parameter index to read. * * @return Number of cells written. -1 if failed. */ stock GetParameterName(String:buffer[], maxlen, const String:rawString[], parameterIndex) { new paramPos; new valuePos; new nextValuePos; // Check if the raw string is empty. if (strlen(rawString) == 0) { return -1; } if (parameterIndex > 0) { // Get the value starting position for the previous index. for (new index = 0; index < parameterIndex - 1; index++) { valuePos = StrContains(rawString[valuePos], "="); } // Find the next space from valuePos where the specified parameter // starts. paramPos = StrContains(rawString[valuePos], " ") + 1; // Find the next value position from paramPos to get the end position // of the parameter name. nextValuePos = StrContains(rawString[paramPos], "="); // Check if a value is specified. if (nextValuePos > 0) { // Return the parameter name between paramPos and nextValuePos. return strcopy(buffer, nextValuePos - paramPos, rawString[paramPos]); } else { // No value specified. Return the rest of rawString from paramPos. return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, rawString[paramPos]); } } else { // It's the first parameter. Read the string until '=' is found. valuePos = StrContains(rawString, "="); // Check if a value is specified. if (valuePos > 0) { // Return the parameter name. return strcopy(buffer, valuePos, rawString); } else { // No value specified, return the entire raw string. return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, rawString); } } }