/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: visualeffects.inc * Type: Module * Description: Visual effects API. * * ============================================================================ */ #include "zr/visualeffects/visualambience" /** * Visual effect loading. */ VEffectsLoad() { // Forward event to sub-modules. VAmbienceLoad(); } /** * Plugin has just finished creating/hooking cvars. */ VEffectsOnCvarInit() { // Hook zr_veffects_* cvars. VAmbienceCvarsHook(); } /** * Create an energy splash effect. * * @param client The client index. * @param origin The origin of the effect. * @param direction The direction of the effect. */ VEffectsCreateEnergySplash(const Float:origin[3], const Float:direction[3], bool:explosive) { TE_SetupEnergySplash(origin, direction, explosive); TE_SendToAll(); } /** * Create an explosion effect with strict flags. * * @param origin The (x, y, z) coordinate of the explosion. * @param flags The flags to set on the explosion. */ VEffectsCreateExplosion(const Float:origin[3], flags) { // Create an explosion entity. new explosion = CreateEntityByName("env_explosion"); // If explosion entity isn't valid, then stop. if (explosion == -1) { return; } // Get and modify flags on explosion. new spawnflags = GetEntProp(explosion, Prop_Data, "m_spawnflags"); spawnflags = spawnflags | EXP_NODAMAGE | EXP_NODECAL | flags; // Set modified flags on entity. SetEntProp(explosion, Prop_Data, "m_spawnflags", spawnflags); // Spawn the entity into the world. DispatchSpawn(explosion); // Set the origin of the explosion. DispatchKeyValueVector(explosion, "origin", origin); // Set fireball material. PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/xfireball3.vmt"); DispatchKeyValue(explosion, "fireballsprite", "materials/sprites/xfireball3.vmt"); // Tell the entity to explode. AcceptEntityInput(explosion, "Explode"); // Remove entity from world. RemoveEdict(explosion); } /** * Shake a client's screen with specific parameters. * * @param client The client index. * @param amplitude The amplitude (intensity) of the shaking. * @param frequency The frequency (speed) of the shaking. * @param duration The duration (time) of the shaking. */ VEffectsShakeClientScreen(client, Float:amplitude, Float:frequency, Float:duration) { // If shake usermsg isn't invalid, then stop. new Handle:hShake = StartMessageOne("Shake", client); if (hShake == INVALID_HANDLE) { return; } // Write shake information to usermsg handle. BfWriteByte(hShake, 0); BfWriteFloat(hShake, amplitude); BfWriteFloat(hShake, frequency); BfWriteFloat(hShake, duration); // End usermsg and send to client. EndMessage(); }