Section content is listed in order of importance. Some of these can be ideas too. ---- CRITICAL/IMPORTANT ---- * FIXED -- fix spawn protection players gets invisible, but not protected against zombies. the array pProtect isn't used at all, just set to off and on. * DONE -- change class knockback to be a multiplier of the default knockback (like the old ZR), not absolute values: knockback = default * class knockback ---- NORMAL/GAMEPLAY ---- * Make it possible to disable certain classes on certain maps. Admin command: zr_class_enabled <0/1> * Make a more advanced teleporter: - Admin command: zr_teleport - Separate teleport limits for both teams - Separate delays for both teams - Startup time - Separate cooldown for both teams - Maybe some teleportation effects, like sound, glow or smoke. (make a separate inc-file for the teleporter) * Make a admin command to read and write settings to a spesific class, using key/value. Integrate it with the zr_admin menu. * Zombie dont have fall damage (damage by player 0 = server should always work) Make it a CVAR, so for example zombies can't kill themselfs on some maps by going through lasers. * / Make a CVAR for setting shotgun/hegrenade knockback boost. The zombies don't fly away that much. * Fix some zombies not able to zombify some humans when using the infect command before the first zombie. (make him a mother zombie, kill infect timer, set some switches)