/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: menu_weapons.inc * Type: Core * Description: Handles weapons management menu. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Weapons Menus */ enum WeaponsMenu { Weapon, WeaponGroup, } /** * Array to store the client's current weapon menu. */ new WeaponsMenu:curMenuWeapons[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; /** * Array to store the client's current weapon group menu. */ new String:curMenuGroup[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH][MAXPLAYERS + 1]; /** * Sends main weapon menu to client. * @param client The client index. */ WeaponsMenuMain(client) { // Create menu handle. new Handle:menu_weapons_main = CreateMenu(WeaponsMenuMainHandle); SetGlobalTransTarget(client); SetMenuTitle(menu_weapons_main, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu main title"); decl String:toggleweaponrestriction[64]; decl String:togglewgrouprestriction[64]; decl String:zmarket[64]; Format(toggleweaponrestriction, sizeof(toggleweaponrestriction), "%t", "Weapons menu main toggle weapon restrict"); Format(togglewgrouprestriction, sizeof(togglewgrouprestriction), "%t", "Weapons menu main toggle weapon group restrict"); Format(zmarket, sizeof(zmarket), "%t", "Weapons menu main market"); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_main, "toggleweaponrestriction", toggleweaponrestriction); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_main, "togglewgrouprestriction", togglewgrouprestriction); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_main, "zmarket", zmarket, MenuGetItemDraw(g_bMarket)); // Create a "Back" button to the weapons main menu. SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_weapons_main, true); // Send menu. DisplayMenu(menu_weapons_main, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } /** * Called when client selects option in the weapons main menu, and handles it. * @param menu_weapons_main Handle of the menu being used. * @param action The action done on the menu (see menus.inc, enum MenuAction). * @param client The client index. * @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0). */ public WeaponsMenuMainHandle(Handle:menu_weapons_main, MenuAction:action, client, slot) { // Client selected an option. if (action == MenuAction_Select) { switch(slot) { case 0: { WeaponsMenuWeapons(client, Weapon); } case 1: { WeaponsMenuWeapons(client, WeaponGroup); } case 2: { WeaponsMenuMarket(client); } } } // Client closed the menu. if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { // Client hit "Back" button. if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { ZRAdminMenu(client); } } // Client hit "Exit" button. else if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu_weapons_main); } } /** * Sends weapon list menu to client. * @param client The client index. */ WeaponsMenuWeapons(client, WeaponsMenu:type) { // Set the current action client is performing on a weapon. (see enum WeaponsMenu) curMenuWeapons[client] = type; // Create menu handle. new Handle:menu_weapons_weapons = CreateMenu(WeaponsMenuWeaponsHandle); SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // If client wants to perform an action on a single weapon, show weapon list. switch(curMenuWeapons[client]) { case Weapon: { SetMenuTitle(menu_weapons_weapons, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu weapons weapon title"); decl String:weapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:display[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; new Handle:arrayWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE; new size = WeaponsCreateWeaponArray(arrayWeapons); // x = Array index. for (new x = 0; x < size; x++) { GetArrayString(arrayWeapons, x, weapon, sizeof(weapon)); strcopy(display, sizeof(display), weapon); if (RestrictIsWeaponRestricted(weapon)) { Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s*", weapon); } // If weapon restriction is blocked for the menu, disable option. new bool:menu = WeaponsIsWeaponMenu(weapon); if (menu) { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, weapon, display); } else { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, weapon, display, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } } // If there are no weapons, add an "(Empty)" line. if (size == 0) { decl String:empty[64]; Format(empty, sizeof(empty), "%t", "Menu empty"); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, "empty", empty, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } // Kill the array handle. CloseHandle(arrayWeapons); } // If client wants to perform an action on a weapon group, show custom group list. case WeaponGroup: { SetMenuTitle(menu_weapons_weapons, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu weapons group title"); decl String:weapongroup[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:display[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH + 2]; new Handle:arrayWeaponGroups = INVALID_HANDLE; new size = RestrictCreateGroupArray(arrayWeaponGroups); // x = Array index. for (new x = 0; x < size; x++) { GetArrayString(arrayWeaponGroups, x, weapongroup, sizeof(weapongroup)); strcopy(display, sizeof(display), weapongroup); if (RestrictIsPartialRestricted(weapongroup)) { Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s*", weapongroup); } else if (RestrictIsGroupRestricted(weapongroup)) { Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s**", weapongroup); } AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, weapongroup, display); } // If there are no weapons, add an "(Empty)" line. if (size == 0) { decl String:empty[64]; Format(empty, sizeof(empty), "%t", "Menu empty"); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, "empty", empty, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } // Kill the array handle CloseHandle(arrayWeaponGroups); } } SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_weapons_weapons, true); DisplayMenu(menu_weapons_weapons, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } /** * Called when client selects option in the weapons list menu, and handles it. * @param menu_weapons_main Handle of the menu being used. * @param action The action done on the menu (see menus.inc, enum MenuAction). * @param client The client index. * @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0). */ public WeaponsMenuWeaponsHandle(Handle:menu_weapons_weapons, MenuAction:action, client, slot) { // Client selected an option. if (action == MenuAction_Select) { decl String:weapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; GetMenuItem(menu_weapons_weapons, slot, weapon, sizeof(weapon)); switch(curMenuWeapons[client]) { // Client is restricting a single weapon. case Weapon: { new WpnRestrictQuery:output; if (!RestrictIsWeaponRestricted(weapon)) { output = RestrictRestrict(weapon); RestrictPrintRestrictOutput(client, output, weapon, false); } else { output = RestrictUnrestrict(weapon); RestrictPrintUnrestrictOutput(client, output, weapon, false); } // Resend menu. WeaponsMenuWeapons(client, curMenuWeapons[client]); } // Client is accessing a weapon group. case WeaponGroup: { // Send weapon group menu. WeaponsMenuWeaponGroup(client, weapon); } } } // Client closed the menu. if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { // Client hit "Back" button. if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { WeaponsMenuMain(client); } } // Client hit "Exit" button. else if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu_weapons_weapons); } } WeaponsMenuWeaponGroup(client, const String:weapongroup[]) { strcopy(curMenuGroup[client], WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH, weapongroup); // Create menu handle. new Handle:menu_weapons_groupweapon = CreateMenu(WeaponsMenuWeaponGroupHandle); SetMenuTitle(menu_weapons_groupweapon, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu weapon group title", weapongroup); decl String:restrictall[64]; decl String:unrestrictall[64]; Format(restrictall, sizeof(restrictall), "%t", "Weapons menu weapon group restrict all"); Format(unrestrictall, sizeof(unrestrictall), "%t", "Weapons menu weapon group unrestrict all"); if (RestrictIsGroupRestricted(weapongroup)) { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, "restrictall", restrictall, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } else { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, "restrictall", restrictall); } if (RestrictIsGroupUnrestricted(weapongroup)) { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, "unrestrictall", unrestrictall, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } else { AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, "unrestrictall", unrestrictall); } decl String:groupweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:display[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; new Handle:arrayGroupWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE; new size = RestrictCreateGroupWeaponsArray(arrayGroupWeapons, weapongroup); // x = Array index. for (new x = 0; x < size; x++) { GetArrayString(arrayGroupWeapons, x, groupweapon, sizeof(groupweapon)); strcopy(display, sizeof(display), groupweapon); if (RestrictIsWeaponRestricted(groupweapon)) { Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s*", groupweapon); } AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, groupweapon, display); } // Kill the array handle. CloseHandle(arrayGroupWeapons); SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_weapons_groupweapon, true); DisplayMenu(menu_weapons_groupweapon, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } /** * Called when client selects option in the weapon group menu, and handles it. * @param menu_weapons_main Handle of the menu being used. * @param action The action done on the menu (see menus.inc, enum MenuAction). * @param client The client index. * @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0). */ public WeaponsMenuWeaponGroupHandle(Handle:menu_weapons_groupweapon, MenuAction:action, client, slot) { // Client selected an option. if (action == MenuAction_Select) { switch(slot) { case 0: { new WpnRestrictQuery:output = RestrictRestrict(curMenuGroup[client]); RestrictPrintRestrictOutput(client, output, curMenuGroup[client], false); } case 1: { new WpnRestrictQuery:output = RestrictUnrestrict(curMenuGroup[client]); RestrictPrintUnrestrictOutput(client, output, curMenuGroup[client], false); } default: { new WpnRestrictQuery:output; decl String:groupweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; GetMenuItem(menu_weapons_groupweapon, slot, groupweapon, sizeof(groupweapon)); if (!RestrictIsWeaponRestricted(groupweapon)) { output = RestrictRestrict(groupweapon); RestrictPrintRestrictOutput(client, output, groupweapon, false); } else { output = RestrictUnrestrict(groupweapon); RestrictPrintUnrestrictOutput(client, output, groupweapon, false); } } } // Resend menu. WeaponsMenuWeaponGroup(client, curMenuGroup[client]); } // Client closed the menu. if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { // Client hit "Back" button. if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { WeaponsMenuWeapons(client, curMenuWeapons[client]); } } // Client hit "Exit" button. else if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu_weapons_groupweapon); } } /** * Sends market options menu to client. * @param client The client index. */ WeaponsMenuMarket(client) { // Create menu handle. new Handle:menu_weapons_market = CreateMenu(WeaponsMenuMarketHandle); SetGlobalTransTarget(client); SetMenuTitle(menu_weapons_market, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu market title"); decl String:togglebuyzone[64]; decl String:curSetting[8]; ConfigBoolToSetting(GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE]), curSetting, sizeof(curSetting)); Format(togglebuyzone, sizeof(togglebuyzone), "%t", "Weapons menu market toggle buyzone", curSetting); AddMenuItem(menu_weapons_market, "togglebuyzone", togglebuyzone); // Create a "Back" button to the weapons main menu. SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_weapons_market, true); // Send menu DisplayMenu(menu_weapons_market, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } /** * Called when client selects option in the weapons main menu, and handles it. * @param menu_weapons_main Handle of the menu being used. * @param action The action done on the menu (see menus.inc, enum MenuAction). * @param client The client index. * @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0). */ public WeaponsMenuMarketHandle(Handle:menu_weapons_market, MenuAction:action, client, slot) { // Client selected an option. if (action == MenuAction_Select) { switch(slot) { case 0: { if (GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE])) { SetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE], false); } else { SetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE], true); } } } // Resend menu. WeaponsMenuMarket(client); } // Client closed the menu. if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { // Client hit "Back" button. if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { WeaponsMenuMain(client); } } // Client hit "Exit" button. else if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu_weapons_market); } }