/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: apply.inc * Type: Core * Description: Functions for applying attributes and effects on a client. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Applies all class attributes on a player. Changing model, hp, speed, health, * effects etc. The players current team will be used to get the class index. * * @param client The player to apply attributes on. * @param improved Optional. Gives advantages or improvements in some * attributes. To be used on mother zombies. Default is * false. * @return True if all success on applying all attributes, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyAttributes(client, bool:improved = false) { new classindex = ClassGetActiveIndex(client); // Validate class index. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { return false; } // Override improved settings if it's a mother zombie class. if (ClassHasFlags(classindex, ZR_CLASS_FLAG_MOTHER_ZOMBIE)) { improved = false; } ClassApplyModel(client, classindex); ClassApplyAlpha(client, classindex); ClassApplyOverlay(client, classindex); ClassApplyNightVision(client, classindex); ClassApplyFOV(client, classindex); ClassApplyHealth(client, classindex, improved); ClassApplyHealthRegen(client, classindex); ClassApplySpeed(client, classindex); return true; } /** * Changes the model on a player. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyModel(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { decl String:modelpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; // Get the model path from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { ClassGetModelPath(client, modelpath, sizeof(modelpath), cachetype); } else { ClassGetModelPath(classindex, modelpath, sizeof(modelpath), cachetype); } // Check if the user specified a random model. if (strcmp(modelpath, "random", false) == 0) { // TODO: Make a function that gets a random model from the specified team. ModelsGetRandomModelIndex(modelpath, sizeof(modelpath), false, true); Format(modelpath, sizeof(modelpath), "%s.mdl", modelpath); } // Check if the user specified no change. else if (strcmp(modelpath, "default", false) == 0) { // Get current model. GetClientModel(client, modelpath, sizeof(modelpath)); // Restore original model if not already set. if (!StrEqual(ClassOriginalPlayerModel[client], modelpath)) { strcopy(modelpath, sizeof(modelpath), ClassOriginalPlayerModel[client]); } else { // Wanted model is already set, don't change. return true; } } SetEntityModel(client, modelpath); return true; } /** * Sets transparency on a player. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyAlpha(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new alpha; // Get the alpha value from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { alpha = ClassGetAlphaInitial(client, cachetype); } else { alpha = ClassGetAlphaInitial(classindex, cachetype); } if (alpha < 0) { return false; } ToolsSetClientAlpha(client, alpha); return true; } /** * Apply the overlay on a player if not applied. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyOverlay(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; // Get the overlay path from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath), cachetype); } else { ClassGetOverlayPath(classindex, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath), cachetype); } ClassOverlayInitialize(client, overlaypath); return true; } /** * Gives night vision to a player. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyNightVision(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new bool:nvgs; // Get the night vision setting from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { nvgs = ClassGetNvgs(client, cachetype); } else { nvgs = ClassGetNvgs(classindex, cachetype); } ToolsSetClientNightVision(client, nvgs); ToolsSetClientNightVision(client, nvgs, false); return true; } /** * Sets the field of view setting on a player. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyFOV(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new fov; // Get the field of view setting from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { fov = ClassGetFOV(client, cachetype); } else { fov = ClassGetFOV(classindex, cachetype); } ToolsSetClientDefaultFOV(client, fov); return true; } /** * Gives health points on a player. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param boost Double health boost. Default: false * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyHealth(client, classindex, bool:boost = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new health; // Get the health points from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { health = ClassGetHealth(client, cachetype); } else { health = ClassGetHealth(classindex, cachetype); } if (boost) { health *= 2; } SetEntityHealth(client, health); return true; } /** * Applies health regeneration on a player if enabled. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param boost Double health boost. Default: false * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True if applied, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplyHealthRegen(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new Float:interval; new amount; new max; // Get the health regeneration info from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { interval = ClassGetHealthRegenInterval(client, cachetype); amount = ClassGetHealthRegenAmount(client, cachetype); max = ClassGetHealth(client, cachetype); } else { interval = ClassGetHealthRegenInterval(classindex, cachetype); amount = ClassGetHealthRegenAmount(classindex, cachetype); max = ClassGetHealth(classindex, cachetype); } if (interval > 0) { ClassHealthRegenInitialize(client, interval, amount, max); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the players speed. * * @param client The client index. * @param classindex The class to read from. * @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. * Options: * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data. * ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER (default) - Player cache. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ bool:ClassApplySpeed(client, classindex, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { new Float:speed; // Get the health points from the specified cache. if (cachetype == ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { speed = ClassGetSpeed(client, cachetype); } else { speed = ClassGetSpeed(classindex, cachetype); } ToolsSetClientLMV(client, speed); return true; }