/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: voltools.inc * Type: Module * Description: Provides functions for managing volumes. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Returns wether a point is within a certain location. * * @param point The point to check. * @param min Minimum x, y and z values of the location. * @param max Maximum x, y and z values of the location. * @return True if the position is within min and max values. False * otherwise. */ bool:IsPointInLocation(Float:point[3], Float:min[3], Float:max[3]) { // Cache to avoid re-indexing arrays. new Float:posX = point[0]; new Float:posY = point[1]; new Float:posZ = point[2]; // Check if within x boundaries. if ((posX >= min[0]) && (posX <= max[0])) { // Check if within y boundaries. if ((posY >= min[1]) && (posY <= max[1])) { // Check if within x boundaries. if ((posZ >= min[2]) && (posZ <= max[2])) { // The point is within the location boundaries. return true; } } } // The point is outside the location boundaries. return false; } /** * Returns wether a volume is marked as in use. * * Note: Does not validate index. * * @param volumeIndex The volume index. * @return True if in use, false otherwise. */ bool:VolInUse(volumeIndex) { return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_InUse]; } /** * Returns wether a volume is enabled or not. * * Note: Does not validate index. * * @param volumeIndex The volume index. * @return True if enabled, false otherwise. */ bool:VolIsEnabled(volumeIndex) { return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_Enabled]; } /** * Validates a volume index. * * @param volumeIndex The volume index. * @return True if valid, false otherwise. */ bool:VolIsValidIndex(volumeIndex) { if (volumeIndex >= 0 && volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets the first free volume index. * * @return The first free volume index if successful, or -1 if there are * no free volumes. */ VolGetFreeVolume() { // Loop through all volumes. for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++) { // Check if it's free. if (!VolInUse(volumeIndex)) { return volumeIndex; } } // No free volumes found. return -1; } /** * Gets a free index in the data array for the specified volume type. * * @param volumeType Volumetric feature type. * @return Data index, or -1 on error. */ VolGetFreeDataIndex(VolumeFeatureTypes:volumeType) { switch (volumeType) { case VolFeature_Anticamp: { return VolAnticampGetFreeIndex(); } case VolFeature_ClassEdit: { return VolClassEditGetFreeIndex(); } } // No match. return -1; } /** * Checks if the specified client match the team filtering for the specified * volume. * * @param client The client index. * @param volumeIndex The volume to check team filtering on. * @return True if client pass the team filtering, false otherwise. */ bool:VolTeamFilterMatch(client, volumeIndex) { new VolumeTeamFilters:filter; // Chache filter value. filter = Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_TeamFilter]; switch (filter) { case VolTeam_All: { // All maches everyone. return true; } case VolTeam_Humans: { // Check if client is a human. return InfectIsClientHuman(client); } case VolTeam_Zombies: { // Check if client is a zombie. return InfectIsClientInfected(client); } } // Invalid filter value. return false; } /** * Checs if a volume is a certain type. * * @param volumeIndex Volume to check. * @param volType Type to match. * @return True if the types match, false otherwise. */ bool:VolIsType(volumeIndex, VolumeFeatureTypes:volType) { return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_Type] == volType; } /** * Gets wether a client is within volumes or not. Result is stored in a boolean * array. * * @param client The client index. * @param buffer Destination buffer. * @param maxlen Size of destination buffer. * @return Number of volumes the client is within. */ VolGetPlayerStates(client, bool:buffer[], maxlen) { new volumeBuffer[VolumeAttributes]; new volCount; new Float:volMinBuffer[3]; new Float:volMaxBuffer[3]; // Loop through all available volumes. for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX && volumeIndex < maxlen; volumeIndex++) { if (VolInUse(volumeIndex)) { // Chache volume to avoid re-indexing. volumeBuffer = Volumes[volumeIndex]; // Get min positions. volMinBuffer[0] = volumeBuffer[Vol_xMin]; volMinBuffer[1] = volumeBuffer[Vol_yMin]; volMinBuffer[2] = volumeBuffer[Vol_zMin]; // Get max positions. volMaxBuffer[0] = volumeBuffer[Vol_xMax]; volMaxBuffer[1] = volumeBuffer[Vol_yMax]; volMaxBuffer[2] = volumeBuffer[Vol_zMax]; // Check the cached player location. if (IsPointInLocation(VolPlayerLoc[client], volMinBuffer, volMaxBuffer)) { // Mark player as in volume. buffer[volumeIndex] = true; volCount++; } else { // Do explicit reset. buffer[volumeIndex] = false; } } } return volCount; } /** * Converts a string into a volumetric feature type. * * @param volType String to convert. Name of type. * @return Volumetric feature type or VolFeature_Invalid on error. */ VolumeFeatureTypes:VolGetTypeFromString(const String:volType[]) { // Check if empty. if (strlen(volType) == 0) { return VolFeature_Invalid; } // Match types. if (StrEqual(volType, "anticamp", false)) { return VolFeature_Anticamp; } else if (StrEqual(volType, "classedit", false)) { return VolFeature_ClassEdit; } // No match. return VolFeature_Invalid; } /** * Converts a volume type to a string. * * @param volType Volume type to convert. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Size of destination buffer. * @param shortName Optional. Write short name or human readable name. * Default is human readable (false). * @return Number of cells written. */ VolTypeToString(VolumeFeatureTypes:volType, String:buffer[], maxlen, bool:shortName = false) { switch (volType) { case VolFeature_Invalid: { return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "(none)"); } case VolFeature_Anticamp: { return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "anticamp") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "Anti-Camp"); } case VolFeature_ClassEdit: { return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "classedit") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "Class Editor"); } } return 0; }