Section content is listed in order of importance. Some of these can be ideas too. ---- CRITICAL/IMPORTANT ---- ---- NORMAL/GAMEPLAY ---- * Fix ambience not always playing: separate timers for each player. * Fix zvision not disabled if the class value is blank. Improve ZVision function, use strlen instead of checking the first character. Also check the main CVAR. * Make admin commands to get or set classes: zr_classes_set zr_classes_get <#userid|name> * Make it possible to disable certain classes on certain maps. Only specify the class name to read the value: zr_class_enabled [ <0/1>] * Super features for both zombies and humans: - Humans: No fall damage for X seconds. X limits per round. - Zombies: No knockback/damage for X seconds. X limits per round. * Make a admin command to read and write settings to a spesific class, using key/value. Integrate it with the zr_admin menu. * Knockback presets (integrated into zombie admin menu). Temporary do many changes on the zombies (by executing configs). Useful settings or fun settings. SourceMod already has a execute config menu, but it would be better if this was integrated in ZR. * / Make a CVAR for adjusting shotgun/hegrenade knockback boost. * Validate ALL configs and cvars while loading the plugin. Log messages and unload ZR (or use default) if invalid data is found. * Make a jetpack feature. * Fix some zombies not able to zombify some humans when using the infect command before the first zombie. (make him a mother zombie, kill infect timer, set some switches)