/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: zombiesounds.inc * Description: Zombie sound effects. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @section Defines for min/max moaning sound file index. */ #define SOUND_MOAN_PATH "npc/zombie/zombie_voice_idle%d.wav" // %d is sound file index #define SOUND_MOAN_MIN 1 #define SOUND_MOAN_MAX 14 /** * @endsection */ /** * @section Defines for min/max groan sound file index. */ #define SOUND_GROAN_PATH "npc/zombie/zombie_pain%d.wav" // %d is sound file index #define SOUND_GROAN_MIN 1 #define SOUND_GROAN_MAX 6 /** * @endsection */ /** * @section Defines for min/max death sound file index. */ #define SOUND_DEATH_PATH "npc/zombie/zombie_die%d.wav" // %d is sound file index #define SOUND_DEATH_MIN 1 #define SOUND_DEATH_MAX 3 /** * @endsection */ /** * Zombie sound types */ enum ZombieSounds { Moan, /** Zombie's moan periodically */ Groan, /** When zombie is hurt */ Death, /** When a zombie is killed */ } /** * Array for storing zombie moaning timer handles per client. */ new Handle:tSEffectsMoan[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; /** * Client is joining the server. * * @param client The client index. */ ZombieSoundsClientInit(client) { // Reset timer handle. tSEffectsMoan[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; } /** * Client is spawning into the game. * * @param client The client index. */ ZombieSoundsOnClientSpawn(client) { // If timer is running, kill it. if (tSEffectsMoan[client] != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(tSEffectsMoan[client]); } // Reset timer handle. tSEffectsMoan[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; } /** * Client has been killed. * * @param client The client index. */ ZombieSoundsOnClientDeath(client) { // If timer is running, kill it. if (tSEffectsMoan[client] != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(tSEffectsMoan[client]); } // Reset timer handle. tSEffectsMoan[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; // If player isn't a zombie, then stop. if (!IsPlayerZombie(client)) { return; } // If death sound cvar is disabled, then stop. new bool:death = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SOUNDEFFECTS_DEATH]); if (!death) { return; } // Get random death sound. decl String:sound[SOUND_MAX_PATH]; ZombieSoundsGetRandomSound(sound, Death); SEffectsEmitSoundFromClient(client, sound); } /** * Client has been hurt. * * @param client The client index. */ ZombieSoundsOnClientHurt(client) { // If player isn't a zombie, then stop. if (!IsPlayerZombie(client)) { return; } // Get groan factor, if 0, then stop. new groan = GetConVarInt(gCvars[CVAR_SOUNDEFFECTS_GROAN]); if (!groan) { return; } // 1 in 'groan' chance of groaning. if (GetRandomInt(1, groan) == 1) { // Get random groan sound. decl String:sound[SOUND_MAX_PATH]; ZombieSoundsGetRandomSound(sound, Groan); SEffectsEmitSoundFromClient(client, sound); } } /** * Client has been infected. * * @param client The client index. */ ZombieSoundsOnClientInfected(client) { // If interval is set to 0, then stop. new Float:interval = GetConVarFloat(gCvars[CVAR_SOUNDEFFECTS_MOAN]); if (!interval) { return; } // If timer is currently running, kill it. if (tSEffectsMoan[client] != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(tSEffectsMoan[client]); } // Start repeating timer. tSEffectsMoan[client] = CreateTimer(interval, ZombieSoundsMoanTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT); } /** * Gets a random zombie sound from hl2 folder. * * @param sound The randomly picked sound. * @param soundtype The type of sound to get. (See enum ZombieSounds) * @return True if sound was successfully picked, false otherwise. */ bool:ZombieSoundsGetRandomSound(String:sound[], ZombieSounds:soundtype) { new soundmin; new soundmax; decl String:soundpath[SOUND_MAX_PATH]; switch(soundtype) { // Find moan sound. case Moan: { // Copy min and max soundmin = SOUND_MOAN_MIN; soundmax = SOUND_MOAN_MAX; // Copy path strcopy(soundpath, sizeof(soundpath), SOUND_MOAN_PATH); } // Find groan sound. (zombie shot) case Groan: { // Copy min and max soundmin = SOUND_GROAN_MIN; soundmax = SOUND_GROAN_MAX; // Copy path strcopy(soundpath, sizeof(soundpath), SOUND_GROAN_PATH); } // Find death sound. case Death: { // Copy min and max soundmin = SOUND_DEATH_MIN; soundmax = SOUND_DEATH_MAX; // Copy path strcopy(soundpath, sizeof(soundpath), SOUND_DEATH_PATH); } // Invalid case given. default: { // No handled case was given. return false; } } // Pick a random integer between min and max sound file index. new randsound = GetRandomInt(soundmin, soundmax); // Format random index into sound path. Format(sound, SOUND_MAX_PATH, soundpath, randsound); // Found sound. return true; } /** * Timer callback, repeats a moaning sound on zombies. * * @param timer The timer handle. * @param client The client index. */ public Action:ZombieSoundsMoanTimer(Handle:timer, any:client) { // If client isn't in-game or client is no longer a zombie, then stop. if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerZombie(client)) { // Reset timer handle. tSEffectsMoan[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; // Stop timer. return Plugin_Stop; } // Get random moan sound. decl String:sound[SOUND_MAX_PATH]; ZombieSoundsGetRandomSound(sound, Moan); // Emit sound from client. SEffectsEmitSoundFromClient(client, sound, SNDLEVEL_SCREAMING); // Allow timer to continue. return Plugin_Continue; }