/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: models.inc * Type: Core * Description: Model validation. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Maximum folder depth a model file can be located. */ #define MODELS_PATH_MAX_DEPTH 8 /** * Maximum string length of a folder a model file is located under. */ #define MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH 32 /** * Array that stores a list of validated models. */ new Handle:arrayModels = INVALID_HANDLE; /** * Prepare all model/download data. */ ModelsLoad() { // Register config file. ConfigRegisterConfig(File_Models, Structure_List, CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_MODELS); // Get models file path. decl String:pathmodels[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; new bool:exists = ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_MODELS, pathmodels); // If file doesn't exist, then log and stop. if (!exists) { // Log failure and stop plugin. LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Missing models file: \"%s\"", pathmodels); } // Set the path to the config file. ConfigSetConfigPath(File_Models, pathmodels); // Load config from file and create array structure. new bool:success = ConfigLoadConfig(File_Models, arrayModels, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH); // Unexpected error, stop plugin. if (!success) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Unexpected error encountered loading: %s", pathmodels); } new modelcount; new modelpublicvalidcount; new modelnonpublicvalidcount; new modelfilecount; decl String:modelbase[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; decl String:modelpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; decl String:modelname[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:modelfile[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:modeldiskname[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH]; decl String:modelfullpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; new String:baseexploded[MODELS_PATH_MAX_DEPTH][MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH]; new FileType:type; new models = modelcount = GetArraySize(arrayModels); // x = model array index. for (new x = 0; x < models; x++) { // Get base model path, excluding the public/non-public setting. ModelReturnPath(x, modelbase, sizeof(modelbase)); // Explode path into pieces. (separated by "/") new strings = ExplodeString(modelbase, "/", baseexploded, sizeof(baseexploded), sizeof(baseexploded[])); // Get model file name. strcopy(modelname, sizeof(modelname), baseexploded[strings - 1]); // Get the path to the file. // Works by truncating original path by the length of the file name. strcopy(modelpath, strlen(modelbase) - strlen(modelname), modelbase); // Open dir containing model files. new Handle:modeldir = OpenDirectory(modelpath); if (modeldir == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Error opening model path directory: %s", modelpath); continue; } // Reset model file count. modelfilecount = 0; while (ReadDirEntry(modeldir, modelfile, sizeof(modelfile), type)) { // If entry isn't a file, then stop. if (type != FileType_File) { continue; } // Find break point index in the string to get model name. // Add one because it seems to break on the character before. new breakpoint = FindCharInString(modelfile, '.') + 1; strcopy(modeldiskname, breakpoint, modelfile); // If this file doesn't match, then stop. if (!StrEqual(modelname, modeldiskname, false)) { continue; } // Format a full path string. strcopy(modelfullpath, sizeof(modelfullpath), modelpath); Format(modelfullpath, sizeof(modelfullpath), "%s/%s", modelfullpath, modelfile); // Precache model file and add to downloads table. PrecacheModel(modelfullpath); AddFileToDownloadsTable(modelfullpath); // Increment modelfilecount modelfilecount++; } CloseHandle(modeldir); // Increment variable if model files are valid. if (modelfilecount) { // Increment proper variable. if (ModelIsPublic(x)) { modelpublicvalidcount++; } else { modelnonpublicvalidcount++; } } else { // Remove client from array. RemoveFromArray(arrayModels, x); // Subtract one from count. models--; // Backtrack one index, because we deleted it out from under the loop. x--; // Log missing model files. LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Missing model files on server (%s)", modelbase); } } // Log model validation info. LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Total: %d | Successful Public: %d | Successful Non-Public: %d | Unsuccessful: %d", modelcount, modelpublicvalidcount, modelnonpublicvalidcount, modelcount - (modelpublicvalidcount + modelnonpublicvalidcount)); // If none of the model paths are valid, then log and fail. if (!modelpublicvalidcount) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "No usable (public) model paths in %s", pathmodels); } // Set config data. ConfigSetConfigLoaded(File_Models, true); ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(File_Models, GetFunctionByName(GetMyHandle(), "ModelsOnConfigReload")); ConfigSetConfigHandle(File_Models, arrayModels); } /** * Called when config is being reloaded. */ public ModelsOnConfigReload(ConfigFile:config) { // Reload models config. ModelsLoad(); } /** * Checks if a model is public. * * @param modelindex The array index of the model to check. * @return True if public, false if not. */ stock bool:ModelIsPublic(modelindex) { // Get the entire model string to parse for what we need. decl String:modelsetting[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 16]; GetArrayString(arrayModels, modelindex, modelsetting, sizeof(modelsetting)); // We define this to use as little memory as possible, because the value won't be used. decl String:modelpath[1]; decl String:strpublic[32]; if (StrContains(modelsetting, ";") > -1) { // Get string index of where the public setting starts. new strindex = SplitString(modelsetting, ";", modelpath, sizeof(modelpath)); // Copy setting to new string strcopy(strpublic, sizeof(strpublic), modelsetting[strindex]); // Trim the whitespace. TrimString(strpublic); // If public, return true, non-public returns false. return StrEqual(strpublic, "public", false); } // If nothing is specified, assume public. return true; } /** * Returns the path of a given model index. * * @param modelindex The array index of the model. * @param modelpath The output string of the model path. * @param maxlen The maximum length of the output string. */ stock ModelReturnPath(modelindex, String:modelpath[], maxlen) { // Get the entire model string to parse for what we need. decl String:modelsetting[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 16]; GetArrayString(arrayModels, modelindex, modelsetting, sizeof(modelsetting)); // Copy to path before split just in case the string has no ";" strcopy(modelpath, maxlen, modelsetting); if (StrContains(modelsetting, ";") > -1) { SplitString(modelsetting, ";", modelpath, maxlen); } // Trim whitespace. TrimString(modelpath); } /** * Get a random model index in arrayModels, allows you to specify a filter. * * @param modelpath The output string of the model path. * @param maxlen The maximum length of the output string. * @param all True to choose any of the models in the file, false to use 'publicmodels' param. * @param publicmodels True to find a random public model, false to find non-public. */ stock ModelsGetRandomModelIndex(String:modelpath[], maxlen, bool:all = true, bool:publicmodels = true) { new modelindex = -1; // Return any random model. if (all) { // Get random model index and return the string in it. modelindex = GetRandomInt(0, GetArraySize(arrayModels) - 1); } else { new Handle:modelsarray = CreateArray(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH); decl String:modelsetting[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; // x = Array index. new size = GetArraySize(arrayModels); for (new x = 0; x < size; x++) { if (publicmodels == ModelIsPublic(x)) { // Transfer model to temp array. GetArrayString(arrayModels, x, modelsetting, sizeof(modelsetting)); PushArrayString(modelsarray, modelsetting); } } // y = Array index. size = GetArraySize(modelsarray); // If there are no models then copy a blank string to the output. if (size == 0) { strcopy(modelpath, maxlen, ""); // Destroy the handle. CloseHandle(modelsarray); return; } // Get random model index from the temp list, and return the string in it. modelindex = GetRandomInt(0, GetArraySize(modelsarray) - 1); // Destroy the handle. CloseHandle(modelsarray); } // Get the path to the selected model. ModelReturnPath(modelindex, modelpath, maxlen); }