/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: models.inc * Type: Core * Description: Model manager. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ /* * Note: Data structures and constants defined in models.h.inc. */ /** * Parsed model data. */ new ModelData[MODELS_MAX][ModelAttributes]; /** * Number of valid models. */ new ModelCount; /** * Prepare all model/download data. */ ModelsLoad() { new Handle:kvModels = INVALID_HANDLE; // Register config file. ConfigRegisterConfig(File_Models, Structure_List, CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_MODELS); // Get models file path. decl String:modelPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; new bool:exists = ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_MODELS, modelPath); // If file doesn't exist, then log and stop. if (!exists) { // Log failure and stop plugin. LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Missing model list: \"%s\"", modelPath); } // Set the path to the config file. ConfigSetConfigPath(File_Models, modelPath); // Prepare key/value structure. kvModels = CreateKeyValues(CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_MODELS); // Log what models file that is loaded. LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Loading models from file \"%s\".", modelPath); // Load model data file. FileToKeyValues(kvModels, modelPath); // Try to find the first model. KvRewind(kvModels); if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kvModels)) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Can't find any models in \"%s\"", modelPath); } decl String:buffer[256]; decl String:name[64]; decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; decl String:team[64]; decl String:access[64]; decl String:group[64]; ModelCount = 0; new failedCount; new publicCount; // Loop through all models and store attributes in ModelData array. do { if (ModelCount > MODELS_MAX) { // Maximum number of models reached. Log a warning and exit the loop. LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Warning: Maximum number of models reached (%d). Skipping other models.", MODELS_MAX + 1); break; } KvGetString(kvModels, "name", name, sizeof(name)); strcopy(ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Name], 64, name); KvGetString(kvModels, "path", path, sizeof(path)); strcopy(ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Path], 64, path); KvGetString(kvModels, "team", team, sizeof(team)); ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Team] = ModelsStringToTeam(team); KvGetString(kvModels, "access", access, sizeof(access)); ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Access] = ModelsStringToAccess(access); KvGetString(kvModels, "group", group, sizeof(group)); strcopy(ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Group], 64, group); // Validate model attributes. // Build path and check if model file exist. strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), path); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), name); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ".mdl"); if (!FileExists(buffer)) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Warning: Invalid model name/path setting at index %d. File not found: \"%s\".", ModelCount + failedCount, buffer); failedCount++; continue; } // Validate team. if (ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Team] == ModelTeam_Invalid) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Warning: Invalid model team setting at index %d: \"%s\".", ModelCount + failedCount, team); failedCount++; continue; } // Validate access. if (ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Access] == ModelAccess_Invalid) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Warning: Invalid model access setting at index %d: \"%s\".", ModelCount + failedCount, access); failedCount++; continue; } else { // Increment public model counter. if (ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Access] == ModelAccess_Public) { publicCount++; } } // Validate group. if (ModelData[ModelCount][Model_Access] == ModelAccess_Group && FindAdmGroup(group) == INVALID_GROUP_ID) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Warning: Invalid model group setting at index %d. Couldn't find SourceMod group \"%s\".", ModelCount + failedCount, group); failedCount++; continue; } // Open directory with model files. new Handle:dir = OpenDirectory(path); // Check if failed. if (dir == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Error opening directory: %s", dir); continue; } new FileType:type; decl String:file[64]; decl String:fileShort[64]; // Search for model files with the specified name and add them to // downloads table. while (ReadDirEntry(dir, file, sizeof(file), type)) { // Skip if entry isn't a file. if (type != FileType_File) { continue; } // Find break point index in the string to get model name. // Add one to make space for null terminator. new breakpoint = FindCharInString(file, '.') + 1; strcopy(fileShort, breakpoint, file); // If this file doesn't match model name, then skip it. if (!StrEqual(name, fileShort, false)) { continue; } // Format a full path string. strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), path); Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s", buffer, file); // Precache model file and add to downloads table. PrecacheModel(buffer, true); AddFileToDownloadsTable(buffer); } CloseHandle(dir); ModelCount++; } while (KvGotoNextKey(kvModels)); CloseHandle(kvModels); // Check if there are no public models. if (!publicCount) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Couldn't find any public model in \"%s\". There must be at least one public model.", modelPath); } // Log model validation info. LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Models, "Config Validation", "Successful: %d | Unsuccessful: %d", ModelCount, failedCount); // Set config data. ConfigSetConfigLoaded(File_Models, true); ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(File_Models, GetFunctionByName(GetMyHandle(), "ModelsOnConfigReload")); } /** * Called when config is being reloaded. */ public ModelsOnConfigReload(ConfigFile:config) { // Reload models config. ModelsLoad(); } /** * Returns a random model index according to the specified filter settings. * * @param client Optional. Client index used to check for * permissions in "group" or "admins" access mode. * Use negative index to disable permission check * (default). * @param teamFilter Optional. Team filtering settings. Use * ModelTeam_Invalid to disable filter. Default is * ModelTeam_Zombies. * @param accessRequireFlags Optional. One or more required access flags. * Default is MODEL_ACCESS_PUBLIC. * @return Random model index according to filter, or -1 on error. */ ModelsGetRandomModel(client = -1, ModelTeam:teamFilter = ModelTeam_Zombies, accessRequireFlags = MODEL_ACCESS_PUBLIC) { decl modelIndexes[MODELS_MAX]; new listCount; // Loop through all models. for (new index = 0; index < ModelCount; index++) { // Check team filtering. Skip if no match. if (teamFilter != ModelTeam_Invalid && ModelsGetTeam(index) != teamFilter) { continue; } // Cache current model access flag. new ModelAccess:access = ModelsGetAccess(index); new accessFlag = ModelsGetAccessFlag(access); // Check access filtering. Skip if no match. if (accessRequireFlags > 0 && !(accessRequireFlags & accessFlag)) { continue; } // Do client group authentication if client is specified. if (client > 0) { // Check if current model use group authentication. if (access == ModelAccess_Group) { decl String:group[64]; ModelsGetGroup(index, group, sizeof(group)); if (!ZRIsClientInGroup(client, group)) { // Client not authorized to use this model. continue; } } else { // No group authentication. Do regular authentication if model // is a admin model. if (access == ModelAccess_Admins && !ZRIsClientAdmin(client)) { // Client not authorized to use this model. continue; } } } // Model passed filter tests. Add to list. modelIndexes[listCount] = index; listCount++; } // Check if any models passed the filter. if (listCount) { return modelIndexes[GetRandomInt(0, listCount - 1)]; } else { return -1; } } /** * Validates the specified index according to maximum number of models, and * number of models in use. Unused indexes will fail validation by default. * * @param index Model index to validate. * @param rangeOnly Optional. Do not check if the index is in use. Default * is false, check if in use. * @return True if valid, false otherwise. */ bool:ModelsIsValidIndex(index, bool:rangeOnly = false) { new bool:rangeValid = (index >= 0 && index < MODELS_MAX); if (rangeOnly) { // Only check if the index is valid. return rangeValid; } else { // Check if the index is valid, and if it's in use. return rangeValid && (index < ModelCount); } } /** * Gets the name for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Size of buffer. * @return Number of cells written, or -1 on error. */ ModelsGetName(index, String:buffer[], maxlen) { // Validate index. if (!ModelsIsValidIndex(index)) { return -1; } return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, ModelData[index][Model_Name]); } /** * Gets the path for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Size of buffer. * @return Number of cells written, or -1 on error. */ ModelsGetPath(index, String:buffer[], maxlen) { // Validate index. if (!ModelsIsValidIndex(index)) { return -1; } return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, ModelData[index][Model_Path]); } /** * Gets the team for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @return Team for the specified model, ModelTeam_Invalid on error. */ ModelTeam:ModelsGetTeam(index) { // Validate index. if (!ModelsIsValidIndex(index)) { return ModelTeam_Invalid; } return ModelData[index][Model_Team]; } /** * Gets the access setting for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @return Access setting for the specified model, ModelAccess_Invalid * on error. */ ModelAccess:ModelsGetAccess(index) { // Validate index. if (!ModelsIsValidIndex(index)) { return ModelAccess_Invalid; } return ModelData[index][Model_Access]; } /** * Gets the access flag for the specified access setting. * * @param access Access setting to convert. * @return Access flag, or 0 on error. */ ModelsGetAccessFlag(ModelAccess:access) { switch (access) { case ModelAccess_Public: { return MODEL_ACCESS_PUBLIC; } case ModelAccess_Admins: { return MODEL_ACCESS_ADMINS; } case ModelAccess_Hidden: { return MODEL_ACCESS_HIDDEN; } case ModelAccess_MotherZombies: { return MODEL_ACCESS_MOTHER_ZOMBIES; } case ModelAccess_Group: { return MODEL_ACCESS_GROUP; } } // Invalid access flag. return 0; } /** * Gets the group for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Size of buffer. * @return Number of cells written, or -1 on error. */ ModelsGetGroup(index, String:buffer[], maxlen) { // Validate index. if (!ModelsIsValidIndex(index)) { return -1; } return strcopy(buffer, maxlen, ModelData[index][Model_Group]); } /** * Gets the full model file path for the specified model. * * @param index Model index. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Size of buffer. * @return Number of cells written, or -1 on error. */ ModelsGetFullPath(index, String:buffer[], maxlen) { decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; decl String:name[64]; ModelsGetPath(index, path, sizeof(path)); ModelsGetName(index, name, sizeof(name)); buffer[0] = 0; StrCat(buffer, maxlen, path); StrCat(buffer, maxlen, name); StrCat(buffer, maxlen, ".mdl"); } /** * Converts the specified string to a team setting. * * @param team String to convert. * @return Team setting, or ModelTeam_Invalid on error. */ ModelTeam:ModelsStringToTeam(const String:team[]) { if (StrEqual(team, "zombies", false)) { return ModelTeam_Zombies; } else if (StrEqual(team, "humans", false)) { return ModelTeam_Humans; } return ModelTeam_Invalid; } /** * Converts the specified class team ID to a team setting. * * @param teamid Class team ID. * @return Team setting, or ModelTeam_Invalid on error. */ ModelTeam:ModelsTeamIdToTeam(teamid) { switch (teamid) { case ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES: { return ModelTeam_Zombies; } case ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS: { return ModelTeam_Humans; } } return ModelTeam_Invalid; } /** * Converts the specified string to a access setting. * * @param access String to convert. * @return Access setting, or ModelAccess_Invalid on error. */ ModelAccess:ModelsStringToAccess(const String:access[]) { if (StrEqual(access, "public", false)) { return ModelAccess_Public; } else if (StrEqual(access, "admins", false)) { return ModelAccess_Admins; } else if (StrEqual(access, "hidden", false)) { return ModelAccess_Hidden; } else if (StrEqual(access, "motherzombies", false)) { return ModelAccess_MotherZombies; } else if (StrEqual(access, "group", false)) { return ModelAccess_Group; } return ModelAccess_Invalid; }