"Phrases" { // =========================== // General (base) // =========================== "General round objective" { "no" "Spillet går ut på at @greenmennesker og zombier@default kjemper mot hverandre. Målet for zombiene er å infisere alle med kniven." } "General zmenu reminder" { "no" "For å få hjelp om kommandoer til Zombie:Reloaded, skriv \"{1}{2}\" i samtaleområdet." } // =========================== // Generic (base) // =========================== // General "Literal text" { "no" "{1}" } // Set string to "{1}" for all languages. "Feature is disabled" { "no" "Denne funksjonen er deaktivert av tjeneren." } "Not enough money" { "no" "Du har ikke nok penger til å kjøpe denne gjenstanden." } "Must be player" { "no" "Denne funksjonen gjelder kun for spillere." } "Must be admin" { "no" "Denne funksjonen gjelder kun for administratorer." } "Must be alive" { "no" "Denne funksjonen gjelder kun for levende spillere." } "Must be dead" { "no" "Denne funksjonen gjelder kun før døde spillere." } "Must be on team" { "no" "Du må være på et lag for å kunne bruke denne funksjonen." } "Must be zombie" { "no" "Du må være zombie for å kunne bruke denne funksjonen." } "Must be human" { "no" "Du må være menneske for å kunne bruke denne funksjonen." } "Increase by" { "no" "Økning med {1}" } "Decrease by" { "no" "Reduser med {1}" } "Current Value" { "no" "Gjeldende verdi:" } "Zombie" { "no" "Zombie" } "Human" { "no" "Menneske" } // Menu "Menu empty" { "no" "(Tom)" } // =========================== // Config (core) // =========================== // Commands "Config command reload syntax" { "no" "Syntaks: zr_reloadconfig [fil 2] ... - Laster om en konfigurasjonsfil." } "Config command reload related commands" { "no" "Relaterte kommandoer: zr_config_reloadall" } "Config command reload syntax aliases" { "no" "Filalias:\n* \"{1}\"\n* \"{2}\"\n* \"{3}\"\n* \"{4}\"\n* \"{5}\"" } "Config command reload invalid" { "no" "Ugyldig filalias: \"{1}\"" } "Config command reload not loaded" { "no" "Kunne ikke laste konfigurasjonsfilen \"{1}\". Filen har ugyldig innhold eller funksjonen er deaktivert." } "Config command reload all stats begin" { "no" "Laster om alle konfigurasjonsfilene til Zombie:Reloaded...\n------------------------------------------------" } "Config command reload all stats successful" { "no" "\"{1}\" - Vellykket." } "Config command reload all stats failed" { "no" "\"{1}\" - Feilet. Filen har ugyldig innhold eller funksjonen er deaktivert." } // =========================== // Log (core) // =========================== "Log Generic Flag" { // Max length: 19 characters. "no" "Generisk flagg:" } "Log Value" { // Max length: 7 characters: "no" "Verdi:" } "Log Module" { // Max length: 23 characters: "no" "Modul:" } "Log Status" { "no" "Filterstatus:" } "Log Module Filtering" { "no" "Modulfiltrering:" } "Log Module Short Name" { "no" "Kort navn:" } // =========================== // Classes // =========================== // General "Classes admin mode enabled" { "no" "Administratormodus er aktivert!" } "Classes random assignment" { "no" "Du er blitt tilfeldig tildelt klassen @green\"{1}\"@default." } // Center Text/HUD "Classes overlay toggle" { "no" "Kommandoer for å veksle mellom overlegg: {1}" } // Menu "Classes menu title" { "no" "Klassevalg:" } "Classes menu zombie" { "no" "Velg zombieklasse:" } "Classes menu zombie current" { "no" "Velg zombieklasse\n {1}" } "Classes menu zombie next" { "no" "Velg zombieklasse\n Aktiv: {1}\n Påfølgende: {2}" } "Classes menu human" { "no" "Velg menneskeklasse:" } "Classes menu human current" { "no" "Velg menneskeklasse\n {1}" } "Classes menu human next" { "no" "Velg menneskeklasse\n Aktiv: {1}\n Påfølgende: {2}" } "Classes menu admin" { "no" "Velg administratormodusklasse:" } "Classes menu admin current" { "no" "Velg administratormodusklasse\n {1}" } "Classes menu admin next" { "no" "Velg administratormodusklasse\n Active: {1}\n Next spawn: {2}" } "Classes menu admin mode toggle" { "no" "Veksle mellom administratormodus" } "Classes Menu Team Select Title" { "no" "velg lag:" } "Classes Menu Zombies" { "no" "Zombier" } "Classes Menu Humans" { "no" "Mennesker" } "Classes Menu Multiplier Select Title" { "no" "Velg multiplikator:" } "Classes Menu Adjust Value" { "no" "Juster verdi:" } // Attributes "Classes Attrib Napalm Time" { "no" "Varighet for brannbombegranater" } "Classes Attrib Health" { "no" "Helse" } "Classes Attrib Regen Interval" { "no" "Interval for helseregenerasjon" } "Classes Attrib Regen Amount" { "no" "Mengde for helseregenerasjon" } "Classes Attrib Infect Gain" { "no" "Helsegevinst ved infeksjon" } "Classes Attrib Speed" { "no" "Løpehastighet" } "Classes Attrib Knockback" { "no" "Tilbakeslag" } "Classes Attrib Jump Height" { "no" "Hoppehøyde" } "Classes Attrib Jump Distance" { "no" "Hoppelengde" } // =========================== // Overlays (core) // =========================== "Overlays not supported" { "no" "Blokkerer overlegg - DirectX {1} oppdaget, men DirectX {2} er påkrevd." } // =========================== // Infect (core) // =========================== // General "Infect infected" { "no" "Du er blitt infisert! Smitt det videre til så mange mennesker du klarer." } "Infect human" { "no" "De barmhjertige gudene (kjent som administratorer) har berget sjelen din. Finn et gjemmested!" } "Infect disconnect" { "no" "Den siste zombien har forlatt spillet. Du er blitt valgt som erstatning." } // Menu "Infect menu clients title" { "en" "Zombie Management\nToggle Infection:\n[] = Infected" } // Commands "Infect command infect syntax" { "en" "Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect [respawn - 1/0]" } "Infect command human syntax" { "en" "Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human [respawn - 1/0] [protect - 1/0]" } "Infect command infect successful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected." } "Infect command infect mother successful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected as the mother zombie." } "Infect command infect unsuccessful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a zombie." } "Infect command human successful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully brought back as a human." } "Infect command human unsuccessful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a human." } // =========================== // Damage (core) // =========================== "Damage suicide intercept" { "en" "Suicide attempt intercepted." } // =========================== // Menu (core) // =========================== // General "Menu main title" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "ZR Commands:\nPrefix command with \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" (quiet) when typing in chat." } "Menu main zadmin" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZAdmin - Open admin menu. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main zclass" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZClass - Configure class settings. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main zcookies" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZCookies - Toggle personal ZR settings here. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main zspawn" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZSpawn - Join late? Spawn with this. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main ztele" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZTele - Stuck? Teleport back to spawn. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main zhp" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZHP - Shows real HP as zombie. (Command: {1})" } "Menu main zmarket" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZMarket - Customize loadouts here. (Command: {1})" } // =========================== // Weapons (core) // =========================== // General "Zombie cant use weapon" { "en" "Zombies can't use weapons!" "ru" "Зомби не могут использовать оружие!" } // Restrict "Restrict weapon" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaulthas been restricted." } "Unrestrict weapon" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaulthas been unrestricted." } "Restrict weapon stopped" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultis already restricted." } "Unrestrict weapon stopped" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @default has no restrictions set." } "Restrict weapon type" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave been restricted." } "Unrestrict weapon type" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave been unrestricted." } "Restrict weapon type stopped" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaultare all already restricted." } "Unrestrict weapon type stopped" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave no restrictions set." } "Restrict weapon untoggleable" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultmay not have its restrictions toggled." } "Weapon invalid" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultis an invalid weapon (type) name." } "Weapon is restricted" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaultis restricted." "ru" "Оружие @green{1} @default запрещено." } // ZMarket "Weapons zmarket buyzone" { "en" "You must be in a buyzone to use ZMarket." } "Weapons zmarket purchase" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You have purchased weapon @green{1}. @defaultSelect item again to buy ammo if you are low." } "Weapons zmarket purchase max" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaulthas a purchase limit of @green{2}@default. Wait until you respawn to try again." } "Weapons zmarket auto-rebuy toggle on" { "en" "Auto-rebuy has been enabled, your loadout will be automatically purchased for you each time you spawn." } "Weapons zmarket auto-rebuy toggle off" { "en" "Auto-rebuy has been disabled." } "Weapons zmarket updated loadout" { "en" "You are not able to purchase a weapon at this time, but your loadout has been updated with this weapon." } "Weapons zmarket get current loadout" { "en" "Updated current loadout, use rebuy option to purchase these weapons again." } // Commands "Weapons command restrict syntax" { "en" "Restricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_restrict [weapon2|weapontype2] ..." } "Weapons command unrestrict syntax" { "en" "Unrestricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_unrestrict [weapon2|weapontype2] ..." } // Menu (Restrict) "Weapons menu restrict main title" { "en" "Weapons Management" } "Weapons menu restrict main restrict" { "en" "Weapon Restrictions" } "Weapons menu restrict main market" { "en" "ZMarket" } "Weapons menu restrict types title" { "en" "Weapon Restrictions\nSelect Weapon Type:" } "Weapons menu restrict types weapon type title" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Weapon Restrictions\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted" } "Weapons menu restrict types restrict all" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Restrict weapon type {1}" } "Weapons menu restrict types unrestrict all" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Unrestrict weapon type {1}" } "Weapons menu restrict zmarket title" { "en" "ZMarket\nSelect Setting:" } "Weapons menu restrict zmarket buyzone" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Buyzone Only - {1}" } // Menu (ZMarket) "Weapons menu zmarket main title" { "en" "ZMarket\nSelect an Option:" } "Weapons menu zmarket main get loadout" { "en" "Get Current Loadout" } "Weapons menu zmarket main view loadout" { "en" "View My Loadout" } "Weapons menu zmarket main rebuy" { "en" "Rebuy My Loadout" } "Weapons menu zmarket main auto-rebuy" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Auto-Rebuy: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket main weapons list" { "en" "View Weapons List" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout title" { "en" "ZMarket\nMy Current Loadout:\nSelect weapon slot to clear.\nNote: Rebuy refers to these weapons." } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout primary" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Primary: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout secondary" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Secondary: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout melee" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Melee: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout projectile" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Projectile: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout explosive" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Explosive: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout nvgs" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "NVGs: {1}" } "Weapons menu zmarket loadout empty" { "en" "(None)" } "Weapons menu zmarket types title" { "en" "ZMarket\nSelect Weapon Type:" } "Weapons menu zmarket types weapon type title" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZMarket\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted" } "Weapons menu zmarket types weapon info" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "{1} (${2})\nPurchases Left: {3}" } "Weapons menu zmarket types weapon ammo" { "en" "Ammo" } // =========================== // Hitgroups (core) // =========================== // Menu "Hitgroups menu hitgroups title" { "en" "Hitgroup Management\nCommands: zr_hitgroup(_enable_all/_headshots_only)\nSelect a Hitgroup to Toggle:" } "Hitgroups menu hitgroups enable all" { "en" "Enable All Hitgroups" } "Hitgroups menu hitgroups headshots only" { "en" "Headshots Only" } // Commands "Hitgroups command syntax" { "en" "Toggles or sets if a zombie's hitgroup can be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup [1/0]" } "Hitgroups command related commands" { "en" "Related command(s): zr_hitgroup_enable_all, zr_hitgroup_headshots_only" } "Hitgroups command syntax names" { "en" "Hitgroup Names:" } "Hitgroups command successful on" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled on." } "Hitgroups command successful off" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled off." } "Hitgroups command invalid hitgroup" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "\"{1}\" is not a valid hitgroup alias. Type zr_hitgroup to view all aliases." } "Hitgroups command enable all successful" { "en" "All zombie hitgroups have been enabled for damage." } "Hitgroups command headshots only successful" { "en" "Zombies may now only be damaged by headshots." } // =========================== // ZAdmin (core) // =========================== "ZAdmin main title" { "en" "ZAdmin\nSelect Category:" } "ZAdmin main class multipliers" { "en" "Class Multipliers" } "ZAdmin main weapons" { "en" "Weapon Management" } "ZAdmin main hitgroups" { "en" "Hitgroup Management" } "ZAdmin main zombie" { "en" "Zombie Management" } "ZAdmin main force zspawn" { "en" "Force ZSpawn" } "ZAdmin main force ztele" { "en" "Force ZTele" } // =========================== // AntiStick (module) // =========================== // Commands "AntiStick command set width syntax" { "en" "Sets the width of a model's hull. (See zr_antistick_list_models) Usage: zr_antistick_set_width " } "AntiStick command list models list" { "en" "Player name: Model: Hull width:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" } "AntiStick command list models name" { "#format" "{1:-35s},{2:-51s},{3:-.2f}" "en" "{1} {2} {3}" } "AntiStick command set width successful" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:f}" "en" "Model hull width for model \"{1}\" has been changed to \"{2}.\"" } "AntiStick command set width invalid model" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Invalid model/player specified: \"{1}\"" } "AntiStick command set width invalid width" { "#format" "{1:f}" "en" "Invalid model hull width specified: \"{1}\"" } // =========================== // Spawn Protect (module) // =========================== // General "Spawn protection begin" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Zombies are present, you have {1} seconds to find a safe place before you lose immunity." "ru" "Зомби на свободе, у вас {1} секунд, чтобы найти безопасное место, пока не потеряли иммунитет." } "Spawn protection end" { "en" "You are now susceptible to zombie infection." "ru" "Теперь вы восприимчивы к зомби инфекции." } // HUD "Spawn Protect" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Zombie protection ends in: {1} seconds." } // =========================== // ZCookies (module) // =========================== "ZCookies Menu main title" { "en" "ZCookies\nSelect a Cookie:" } "ZCookies menu main auto-rebuy" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZMarket Auto-Rebuy: {1}" } "ZCookies menu main zhp" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "ZHP Display: {1}" } "ZCookies menu main overlay" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Human/Zombie Class Overlay: {1}" } "ZCookies zmarket loadout" { "en" "ZMarket Loadout" } // =========================== // ZSpawn (module) // =========================== // General "ZSpawn double spawn" { "en" "ZSpawn can only be used if you joined late during a round in progress." } "ZSpawn timelimit" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "The timelimit ({1} seconds), to use ZSpawn, has already expired." } // Menu "ZSpawn clients title" { "en" "Force ZSpawn (zr_zspawn_force)\nSelect a Player:" } // Commands "ZSpawn command force syntax" { "en" "Force ZSpawn on a client. Usage: zr_zspawn_force ['0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie]" } "ZSpawn command force successful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player {1} was successfully spawned." } "ZSpawn command force unsuccessful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player {1} couldn't be spawned." } // =========================== // ZTele (module) // =========================== // General "ZTele restricted human" { "en" "ZTele is restricted for humans at this time." } "ZTele max" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "You have reached your max of {1} teleport(s) per round." } "ZTele in progress" { "en" "You are currently pending teleportation." } "ZTele autocancel text" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Teleport has been cancelled. (Restrictive boundary is {1} ft.)" } // Center Text "ZTele countdown" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Teleporting back to spawn in: {1} seconds." } "ZTele autocancel centertext" { "en" "Teleport has been cancelled." } "ZTele countdown end" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "Teleported back to spawn. (Count: {1}/{2})" } // Menu "ZTele clients title" { "en" "Force ZTele (zr_ztele_force)\nSelect a Player:" } // Commands "ZTele command force syntax" { "en" "Force ZTele on a client. Usage: zr_ztele_force " } "ZTele command force successful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player {1} was successfully teleported." } "ZTele command force unsuccessful" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Player {1} couldn't be teleported." } // =========================== // ZHP (module) // =========================== // General "ZHP enable" { "en" "HP display enabled, your real HP will be displayed after infection." } "ZHP disable" { "en" "HP display disabled." "ru" "Отображение здоровья включено." } // HUD "Display HP" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "HP: {1}" "ru" "Здоровье: {1}" } // =========================== // Volumetric features (module) // =========================== "Vol Anticamp Message" { "en" "This area is restricted, please move along." } "Vol Slay" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "Slayed player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})." } "Vol Ignite" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "Ignited player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})." } }