/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: antistick.inc * Type: Module * Description: Antistick system. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @section Collision values. */ #define ANTISTICK_COLLISIONS_OFF 2 #define ANTISTICK_COLLISIONS_ON 5 /** * @endsection */ /** * @section Offsets relating to player hull dimensions. */ #define ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_XY_OFFSET 32 #define ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_Z_OFFSET 12 #define ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_STACK_OFFSET 14 /** * @endsection */ /** * Variable to store antistick offset value. */ new g_iToolsCollisionGroup; /** * Handle to keep track of AntiStickTimer. */ new Handle:tAntiStick = INVALID_HANDLE; /** * Find antistick-specific offsets here. */ AntiStickOnOffsetsFound() { // If offset "m_CollisionGroup" can't be found, then stop the plugin. g_iToolsCollisionGroup = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseEntity", "m_CollisionGroup"); if (g_iToolsCollisionGroup == -1) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Antistick, "Offsets", "Offset \"CBaseEntity::m_CollisionGroup\" was not found."); } } /** * Map is starting. */ AntiStickOnMapStart() { // Reset timer handle. tAntiStick = INVALID_HANDLE; } /** * The round is starting. */ AntiStickOnRoundStart() { // If timer is running, kill it. if (tAntiStick != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(tAntiStick); } // If antistick is disabled, then stop. new bool:antistick = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK]); if (!antistick) { return; } new Float:interval = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK_INTERVAL]); tAntiStick = CreateTimer(interval, AntiStickTimer, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } /** * Checks if a player is currently stuck within another player. * * @param client The client index. * @return The client index of the other stuck player, -1 when * player is not stuck. */ AntiStickIsStuck(client) { new Float:clientloc[3]; new Float:stuckloc[3]; GetClientAbsOrigin(client, clientloc); // x = client index. for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++) { // Validate player is in-game, alive, and isn't the player being checked. ('client') if (!IsClientInGame(x) || !IsPlayerAlive(x) || x == client) { continue; } GetClientAbsOrigin(x, stuckloc); // x-y plane distance formula: sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) new Float:xydistance = SquareRoot(Pow(stuckloc[0] - clientloc[0], 2.0) + Pow(stuckloc[1] - clientloc[1], 2.0)); if (xydistance < ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_XY_OFFSET) { if (clientloc[2] <= stuckloc[2]) { new Float:eyeloc[3]; GetClientEyePosition(client, eyeloc); // Get the distance between the eyes and feet and subtract the stack "view crush." new Float:eyedistance = FloatAbs(eyeloc[2] - clientloc[2]) - ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_STACK_OFFSET; new Float:zdistance = FloatAbs(stuckloc[2] - clientloc[2]); if (zdistance <= eyedistance + ANTISTICK_PLAYER_HULL_Z_OFFSET) { return x; } } } } return -1; } /** * Timer callback, automatically unsticks players that are stuck together. */ public Action:AntiStickTimer(Handle:timer) { // x = client index for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++) { // Validate player is in-game and alive. if (!IsClientInGame(x) || !IsPlayerAlive(x)) { continue; } // Stop if the player isn't stuck. new stuckindex = AntiStickIsStuck(x); if (stuckindex == -1) { continue; } if (AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(x, false)) { AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(x, true, ANTISTICK_COLLISIONS_OFF); CreateTimer(0.5, AntiStickSolidify, x, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } if (AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(stuckindex, false)) { AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(stuckindex, true, ANTISTICK_COLLISIONS_OFF); CreateTimer(0.5, AntiStickSolidify, stuckindex, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } } } /** * Repeated timer function. * Re-solidifies a player being unstuck. * * @param timer The timer handle. * @param client The client index. */ public Action:AntiStickSolidify(Handle:timer, any:client) { // Validate player is in-game, alive, and is being unstuck. if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(client, false)) { return Plugin_Stop; } // Stop if the player is still stuck. if (AntiStickIsStuck(client) > -1) { return Plugin_Continue; } AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(client, true, ANTISTICK_COLLISIONS_ON); return Plugin_Stop; } /** * Set collision group flags on a client. * @param client The client index. * @param collisiongroup Collision group flag. * @return The collision group on the client, -1 if applying collision group. */ AntiStickClientCollisionGroup(client, bool:apply = true, collisiongroup = 0) { if (apply) { SetEntData(client, g_iToolsCollisionGroup, collisiongroup, 1, true); return -1; } return GetEntData(client, g_iToolsCollisionGroup, 1); }