/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: translation.inc * Type: Core * Description: Translation parsing functions. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @section Max length of different message formats. */ #define TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT 192 #define TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CONSOLE 1024 /** * @endsection */ /** * Prefix on all messages printed from the plugin. */ #define TRANSLATION_PHRASE_PREFIX "[ZR]" /** * @section Text color chars. */ #define TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT "\x01" #define TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_LGREEN "\x03" #define TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_GREEN "\x04" /** * @endsection */ /** * HUD text usermsg */ #define TRANSLATION_USERMSG_HINTTEXT "HintText" /** * Load translations file here. */ TranslationInit() { // Load translations phrases used by plugin. LoadTranslations("common.phrases.txt"); LoadTranslations("zombiereloaded.phrases.txt"); } /** * Translate a phrase in zombiereloaded.phrases.txt * * @param client The client index * @param translation The translated text. * @param maxlen Maximum length of the translated string. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationTranslatePhrase(client, String:translation[], maxlen, any:...) { // Set translation target to given target. SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Dump translation into return string. VFormat(translation, maxlen, "%t", 3); } /** * Format the string to the plugin's style. * * @param text Text to format. * @param maxlen Maximum length of the formatted text. */ stock TranslationPluginFormatString(String:text[], maxlen, bool:color = true) { if (color) { // Format prefix onto the string. Format(text, maxlen, "@green%s @default%s", TRANSLATION_PHRASE_PREFIX, text); // Replace color tokens with CS:S color chars. ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@default", TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT); ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@lgreen", TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_LGREEN); ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@green", TRANSLATION_TEXT_COLOR_GREEN); return; } // Format prefix onto the string. Format(text, maxlen, "%s %s", TRANSLATION_PHRASE_PREFIX, text); } /** * Print chat text to client. (with style) * * @param client The client index. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintToChat(client, any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 2); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation)); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintToChat(client, translation); } /** * Format the string to the plugin's style. * * @param server True to also print text to server console, false just to clients. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintToChatAll(bool:server, bool:admin, any:...) { decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; if (server) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); // Translate phrase. VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 3); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print phrase to server. PrintToServer(translation); } // x = client index. for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++) { // If client isn't in-game, then stop. if (!IsClientInGame(x)) { continue; } // If client isn't an admin, and we're only printing to admins, then stop. if (admin && !ZRIsClientAdmin(x)) { continue; } // Set translation target to client. SetGlobalTransTarget(x); // Translate phrase. VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 3); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation)); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintToChat(x, translation); } } /** * Print console text to client. (with style) * * @param client The client index. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintToConsole(client, any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 2); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintToConsole(client, translation); } /** * Format the string to the plugin's style. * * @param server True to also print text to server console, false just to clients. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintToConsoleAll(bool:server, bool:admin, any:...) { decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; if (server) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); // Translate phrase. VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 3); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print phrase to server. PrintToServer(translation); } // x = client index. for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++) { // If client isn't in-game, then stop. if (!IsClientInGame(x)) { continue; } // If client isn't an admin, and we're only printing to admins, then stop. if (admin && !ZRIsClientAdmin(x)) { continue; } // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); // Translate phrase. VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 3); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintToConsole(x, translation); } } /** * Print center text to client. (with style) * * @param client The client index. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintCenterText(client, any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 2); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintCenterText(client, translation); } /** * Print HUD text to client. (with style) * * @param client The client index. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintHUDText(client, any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 2); // Print translated phrase to client. // If hint text usermsg is invalid, then stop. new Handle:hHintText = StartMessageOne(TRANSLATION_USERMSG_HINTTEXT, client); if (hHintText == INVALID_HANDLE) { return; } BfWriteByte(hHintText, -1); BfWriteString(hHintText, translation); EndMessage(); } /** * Print text to server. (with style) * * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationPrintToServer(any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 1); // Format string to create plugin style. TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print translated phrase to client. PrintToServer(translation); } /** * Print chat text to client. (with style) * * @param client The client index. * @param ... Translation formatting parameters. */ stock TranslationReplyToCommand(client, any:...) { // Set translation target SetGlobalTransTarget(client); // Translate phrase. decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT]; VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 2); if (ZRIsClientValid(client)) { // Format string to create plugin style. (color) TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation)); // Print translated phrase to client's chat/console. PrintToChat(client, translation); } else { // Format string to create plugin style. (no color) TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false); // Print to server. PrintToServer(translation); } }