/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: ragdoll.inc * Type: Module * Description: Remove ragdolls with optional effects. * * ============================================================================ */ #define VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_EFFECTLESS -1 #define VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_ENERGY 0 #define VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICALH 1 #define VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_ELECTRICALL 2 #define VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_CORE 3 /** * Variable to store ragdoll offset value. */ new g_iToolsRagdoll; /** * Find VAmbience-specific offsets here. */ RagdollOnOffsetsFound() { // If offset "m_iAccount" can't be found, then stop the plugin. g_iToolsRagdoll = FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayer", "m_hRagdoll"); if (g_iToolsRagdoll == -1) { LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_VEffects, "Offsets", "Offset \"CCSPlayer::m_hRagdoll\" was not found."); } } /** * Client has been killed. * * @param client The client index. */ RagdollOnClientDeath(client) { new ragdoll = RagdollGetClientRagdoll(client); // If the ragdoll is invalid, then stop. if (ragdoll == -1) { return; } // Get the delay. new Float:dissolvedelay = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DELAY]); // If the delay is 0 or less, then remove right now. if (dissolvedelay <= 0) { RagdollTimer(INVALID_HANDLE, ragdoll); return; } // Create a timer to remove/dissolve ragdoll. CreateTimer(dissolvedelay, RagdollTimer, ragdoll, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } /** * Removed a ragdoll from the game following plugin settings. * * @param ragdoll The ragdoll index. */ RagdollRemove(ragdoll) { // Get the dissolve type. new dissolve = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE]); if (dissolve == VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_DISSOLVE_EFFECTLESS) { // Remove entity from world. RemoveEdict(ragdoll); return; } // Prep the ragdoll for dissolving. decl String:targetname[64]; Format(targetname, sizeof(targetname), "zr_dissolve_%d", ragdoll); DispatchKeyValue(ragdoll, "targetname", targetname); // Prep the dissolve entity. new dissolver = CreateEntityByName("env_entity_dissolver"); // Set the target to the ragdoll. DispatchKeyValue(dissolver, "target", targetname); // Set the dissolve type. decl String:dissolvetype[16]; Format(dissolvetype, sizeof(dissolvetype), "%d", dissolve); DispatchKeyValue(dissolver, "dissolvetype", dissolvetype); // Tell the entity to dissolve the ragdoll. AcceptEntityInput(dissolver, "Dissolve"); // Remove the dissolver. RemoveEdict(dissolver); } /** * Timer callback. Removed a client's ragdoll. * * @param timer The timer handle. * @param ragdoll The ragdoll index. */ public Action:RagdollTimer(Handle:timer, any:ragdoll) { // If ragdoll removal is disabled, then stop. new bool:ragdollremove = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_RAGDOLL_REMOVE]); if (!ragdollremove) { return; } // If the ragdoll is already gone, then stop. if (!IsValidEdict(ragdoll)) { return; } // Remove the ragdoll. RagdollRemove(ragdoll); } /** Finds the ragdoll entity of a client. * @param client The client index. * @return The entity index of the client's ragdoll, -1 if none exists. */ RagdollGetClientRagdoll(client) { return GetEntDataEnt2(client, g_iToolsRagdoll); }