/** * ==================== * Zombie:Reloaded * File: translations.inc * Author: Greyscale * ==================== */ FormatTextString(String:text[], maxlen) { Format(text, maxlen, "@green[%t] @default%s", "ZR", text); ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@default","\x01"); ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@lgreen","\x03"); ReplaceString(text, maxlen, "@green","\x04"); } stock ZR_PrintToChat(client, any:...) { decl String:phrase[192]; if (ZRIsValidClient(client)) { SetGlobalTransTarget(client); VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); FormatTextString(phrase, sizeof(phrase)); PrintToChat(client, phrase); } else { SetGlobalTransTarget(client); VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); FormatTextString(phrase, sizeof(phrase)); PrintToServer(phrase); for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++) { if (IsClientInGame(x)) { SetGlobalTransTarget(x); VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); FormatTextString(phrase, sizeof(phrase)); PrintToChat(x, phrase); } } } } stock ZR_PrintCenterText(client, any:...) { SetGlobalTransTarget(client); decl String:phrase[192]; VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); PrintCenterText(client, phrase); } stock ZR_HudHint(client, any:...) { SetGlobalTransTarget(client); decl String:phrase[192]; VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); new Handle:hHintText = StartMessageOne("HintText", client); if (hHintText != INVALID_HANDLE) { BfWriteByte(hHintText, -1); BfWriteString(hHintText, phrase); EndMessage(); } } stock ZR_PrintToServer(any:...) { SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); decl String:phrase[192]; decl String:buffer[192]; VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 1); Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%t] %s", "ZR", phrase); PrintToServer(buffer); } stock ZR_LogMessage(any:...) { SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); decl String:phrase[192]; VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 1); LogMessage(phrase); } stock ZR_TranslateMessage(String:buffer[], maxlen, any:...) { SetGlobalTransTarget(LANG_SERVER); VFormat(buffer, maxlen, "%t", 3); } stock ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, any:...) { decl String:phrase[192]; SetGlobalTransTarget(client); VFormat(phrase, sizeof(phrase), "%t", 2); FormatTextString(phrase, sizeof(phrase)); ReplyToCommand(client, phrase); } /** * Adds support for printing long strings. * * @param client The client index. * @param text The text to print. */ stock ZR_ReplyToCommandLong(client, const String:text[]) { decl String:partbuffer[1024]; new pos; new cellswritten = 1; // Initialize for the loop. while (cellswritten) { cellswritten = strcopy(partbuffer, sizeof(partbuffer), text[pos]); ReplyToCommand(client, partbuffer); pos += cellswritten; } }