/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: account.inc * Type: Module * Description: Handles client's accounts. (cash) * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Maximum limit for cash in CS:S. */ #define ACCOUNT_CASH_MAX 16000 /** * Client is spawning into the game. * * @param client The client index. */ AccountOnClientSpawn(client) { // If cashfill cvar is disabled, then stop. new bool:accountcashfill = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL]); if (!accountcashfill) { return; } // Get cash value. new cash = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL_VALUE]); // Set client's account. AccountSetClientCash(client, cash); } /** * Set's a client's account value (cash) * * @param client The client index. * @param value The value to set to. */ AccountSetClientCash(client, value) { // If value if below 0, then set to 0. if (value < 0) { value = 0; } // If value is above max, then set to max. else if (value > ACCOUNT_CASH_MAX) { value = ACCOUNT_CASH_MAX; } // Set client's cash. SetEntData(client, g_iToolsAccount, value, 4); }