/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: classcommands.inc * Type: Core * Description: Console commands for working with classes. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ ClassOnCommandsCreate() { // Register ZClass command. RegConsoleCmd(SAYHOOKS_KEYWORD_ZCLASS, ZClassCommand, "Opens class selection menu."); // Create base class commands. RegAdminCmd("zr_class_dump", ClassDumpCommand, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. Usage: zr_class_dump "); RegAdminCmd("zr_class_dump_multipliers", ClassDumpMultipliersCommand, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Dumps class attribute multipliers for the specified team. Usage: zr_class_dump_multipliers <\"zombies\"|\"humans\">"); RegAdminCmd("zr_class_modify", ClassModifyCommand, ADMFLAG_CONFIG, "Modify class data on one or more classes. Usage: zr_class_modify [is_multiplier]"); RegAdminCmd("zr_class_set_multiplier", ClassSetMultiplierCommand, ADMFLAG_CONFIG, "Sets the multiplier on a class attribute. Usage: zr_class_set_multiplier <\"zombies\"|\"humans\"> "); RegAdminCmd("zr_class_reload", ClassReloadCommand, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Refreshes the player cache and reloads class attributes on one or more players. Usage: zr_class_reload "); } /** * Hook commands related to classes here. */ ClassOnCommandsHook() { // Forward event to sub-modules. ClassOverlayOnCommandsHook(); } /** * Command callback (zclass) * Opens class selection menu. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:ZClassCommand(client, argc) { // If client is console, then stop and tell them this feature is for players only. if (ZRIsConsole(client)) { TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Must be player"); return Plugin_Handled; } // Check if class selection is allowed. if (!ClassAllowSelection(client)) { TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Classes Selection Not Allowed"); return Plugin_Handled; } // Send class menu. ClassMenuMain(client); // This stops the "Unknown command" message in client's console. return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Command callback. (zr_class_dump) * Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:ClassDumpCommand(client, argc) { decl String:syntax[320]; syntax[0] = 0; if (argc < 2) { // Write syntax info. StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. Usage: zr_class_dump \n\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Cache types:\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "original - Unmodified class data\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "modified - Newest class data\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "player - Players class data\n"); ReplyToCommand(client, syntax); return Plugin_Handled; } new cachetype = -1; new index = -1; decl String:type[64]; decl String:target[64]; decl String:buffer[2048]; // Quick initialize buffer. buffer[0] = 0; // Get cache type. GetCmdArg(1, type, sizeof(type)); // Set cache type depending on parameter setting. if (StrEqual(type, "original", false)) { cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL; } else if (StrEqual(type, "modified", false)) { cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED; } else if (StrEqual(type, "player", false)) { cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER; // Get client index. GetCmdArg(2, target, sizeof(target)); index = FindTarget(client, target, _, false); // Check if failed. if (index < 0) { // Note: FindTarget automatically write error messages. return Plugin_Handled; } } // Check if cachetype is valid. if (cachetype < 0) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid cache type."); return Plugin_Handled; } // Validate class index. if (cachetype != ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER) { // Get class index. GetCmdArg(2, target, sizeof(target)); index = StringToInt(target); if (!ClassValidateIndex(index)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid class index."); return Plugin_Handled; } } // Dump the specified cache. ReplyToCommand(client, "DUMPING CACHE: \"%s\" (%d classes total)\n========================================\n", type, ClassCount); ClassDumpData(index, cachetype, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Print all data to client. decl String:partbuffer[1024]; new pos; new cellswritten = 1; // Initialize for the loop. while (cellswritten) { cellswritten = strcopy(partbuffer, sizeof(partbuffer), buffer[pos]); ReplyToCommand(client, partbuffer); pos += cellswritten; } return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Command callback. (zr_class_dump_multipliers) * Dumps class attribute multipliers for the specified team. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:ClassDumpMultipliersCommand(client, argc) { decl String:buffer[512]; decl String:linebuffer[128]; decl String:arg[16]; buffer[0] = 0; if (argc < 1) { // Write syntax info. ReplyToCommand(client, "Dumps class attribute multipliers for the specified team. Usage: zr_class_dump_multipliers <\"zombies\"|\"humans\">"); return Plugin_Handled; } new teamid = -1; // Get team id. GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); if (StrEqual(arg, "zombies", false)) { teamid = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES; } else if (StrEqual(arg, "humans", false)) { teamid = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS; } if (teamid >= 0) { Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Dumping multipliers for team: %s\n----------------------------------------\n", arg); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Napalm time: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_NapalmTime]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Health: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Health]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Health regen interval: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthRegenInterval]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Health regen amount: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthRegenAmount]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Health infect gain: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthInfectGain]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Speed: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Speed]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Knock back: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Knockback]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Jump height: %f\n", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_JumpHeight]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "Jump distance: %f", ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_JumpDistance]); StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), linebuffer); ReplyToCommand(client, buffer); return Plugin_Handled; } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid team name specified."); return Plugin_Handled; } } /** * Modifies class data on one or more classes. * * Syntax: zr_class_modify [is_multiplier] * * class: The class to modify. Can be any class name, or one of the * following team names; "all", "humans", "zombies" or * "admins". * attribute: The name of the class attribute. * value: Value to set. Use quotes if value is a string. * is_multiplier: Optional. specifies wether the original value should be * multiplied by the specified value. Defaults to false. * * Note: Original values are retrieved from the original class cache, not the * modified class cache. */ public Action:ClassModifyCommand(client, argc) { decl String:syntax[1024]; syntax[0] = 0; if (argc < 3) { // Write syntax info. StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Modifies class data on one or more classes. Usage: zr_class_modify [is_multiplier]\n\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "class: The class to modify. Can be any class name, or one of the following team names; all, humans, zombies or admins.\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "attribute: The name of the class attribute.\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "value: Value to set. Use quotes if value is a string.\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "is_multiplier: Optional. specifies wether the original value should be multiplied by the specified value. Not all attributes support multiplying. Defaults to false.\n\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Note: Original values are retrieved from the original class cache, not the modified class cache."); ReplyToCommand(client, syntax); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:classname[64]; decl String:attributename[128]; decl String:value[256]; decl String:ismultiplier[4]; new attributeflag; new ClassDataTypes:attributetype; new bool:isgroup; new bool:hasmultiplier; new Handle:classlist; new classindex; new bool:listresult; classlist = CreateArray(); // Get command arguments. GetCmdArg(1, classname, sizeof(classname)); GetCmdArg(2, attributename, sizeof(attributename)); GetCmdArg(3, value, sizeof(value)); // Get last command argument if specified. if (argc == 4) { GetCmdArg(4, ismultiplier, sizeof(ismultiplier)); if (StringToInt(ismultiplier)) { hasmultiplier = true; } } // Get attribute flag. attributeflag = ClassAttributeNameToFlag(attributename); // Validate attribute flag. if (attributeflag < 0) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid class attribute specified."); return Plugin_Handled; } // Get attribute data type. attributetype = ClassGetAttributeType(attributeflag); // Check if classname is a group. Add classes to the class list // and use the specified team filter. if (StrEqual(classname, "all", false)) { listresult = ClassAddToArray(classlist); isgroup = true; } else if (StrEqual(classname, "humans", false)) { listresult = ClassAddToArray(classlist, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS); isgroup = true; } else if (StrEqual(classname, "zombies", false)) { listresult = ClassAddToArray(classlist, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES); isgroup = true; } else if (StrEqual(classname, "admins", false)) { listresult = ClassAddToArray(classlist, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS); isgroup = true; } // Check if classname is a group. if (isgroup) { // Check if the list is valid. if (!listresult) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to get classes in the specified team: \"%s\".", classname); return Plugin_Handled; } // Loop through all classes in the list. new listsize = GetArraySize(classlist); for (new i = 0; i < listsize; i++) { classindex = GetArrayCell(classlist, i); switch (attributetype) { case ClassDataType_Boolean: { if (!ClassModifyBoolean(classindex, attributeflag, bool:StringToInt(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } case ClassDataType_Integer: { if (hasmultiplier) { if (!ClassModifyInteger(classindex, attributeflag, StringToInt(value), StringToFloat(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } else { if (!ClassModifyInteger(classindex, attributeflag, StringToInt(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } } case ClassDataType_Float: { if (!ClassModifyFloat(classindex, attributeflag, StringToFloat(value), hasmultiplier)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } case ClassDataType_String: { if (!ClassModifyString(classindex, attributeflag, value)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } } } } else { // It's a single class. classindex = ClassGetIndex(classname); // Validate classindex. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid class name specified."); return Plugin_Handled; } switch (attributetype) { case ClassDataType_Boolean: { if (!ClassModifyBoolean(classindex, attributeflag, bool:StringToInt(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } case ClassDataType_Integer: { if (hasmultiplier) { if (!ClassModifyInteger(classindex, attributeflag, StringToInt(value), StringToFloat(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } else { if (!ClassModifyInteger(classindex, attributeflag, StringToInt(value))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } } case ClassDataType_Float: { if (!ClassModifyFloat(classindex, attributeflag, StringToFloat(value)), hasmultiplier) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } case ClassDataType_String: { if (!ClassModifyString(classindex, attributeflag, value)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to set \"%s\" to \"%s\" in class \"%d\".", attributename, value, classindex); } } } } return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Sets the multiplier on a class attribute. * * Syntax: zr_class_modify [is_multiplier] * * class: The class to modify. Can be any class name, or one of the * following team names; "all", "humans", "zombies" or * "admins". * attribute: The name of the class attribute. * value: Value to set. Use quotes if value is a string. * is_multiplier: Optional. specifies wether the original value should be * multiplied by the specified value. Defaults to false. * * Note: Original values are retrieved from the original class cache, not the * modified class cache. */ public Action:ClassSetMultiplierCommand(client, argc) { decl String:syntax[320]; syntax[0] = 0; if (argc < 3) { // Write syntax info. StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Sets the multiplier on a class attribute. Usage: zr_class_set_multiplier <\"zombies\"|\"humans\"> \n\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "Valid attributes:\n----------------------------------------\n"); StrCat(syntax, sizeof(syntax), "napalm_time\nhealth\nhealth_regen_interval\nhealth_regen_amount\nhealth_infect_gain\nspeed\nknockback\njump_height\njump_distance"); ReplyToCommand(client, syntax); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:teamname[16]; decl String:attributename[32]; decl String:multiplier[32]; new teamid = -1; new ClassMultipliers:attribute; new Float:value; // Get arguments. GetCmdArg(1, teamname, sizeof(teamname)); GetCmdArg(2, attributename, sizeof(attributename)); GetCmdArg(3, multiplier, sizeof(multiplier)); // Get team id. if (StrEqual(teamname, "zombies", false)) { teamid = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES; } else if (StrEqual(teamname, "humans", false)) { teamid = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS; } // Validate team id. if (teamid < 0) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid team name: %s", teamname); return Plugin_Handled; } // Get attribute type. attribute = ClassAttributeNameToMultiplier(attributename); // Validate type. if (attribute == ClassM_Invalid) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Attribute is invalid or not a multiplier: %s", attributename); } // Get value. value = StringToFloat(multiplier); // Set multiplier. ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][attribute] = value; return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Command callback. (zr_class_reload) * Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:ClassReloadCommand(client, argc) { decl String:arg[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; decl String:targetname[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; new targetlist[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new targetcount; new bool:tn_is_ml; if (argc < 1) { // Write syntax info. ReplyToCommand(client, "Refreshes the player cache and reloads class attributes on one or more players. Usage: zr_class_reload "); return Plugin_Handled; } // Get the target string. GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); // Get target clients. if ((targetcount = ProcessTargetString(arg, client, targetlist, sizeof(targetlist), 0, targetname, sizeof(targetname), tn_is_ml)) <= 0) { // Failed to get targets. ReplyToTargetError(client, targetcount); return Plugin_Handled; } // Loop through each target. for (new target = 0; target < targetcount; target++) { ClassReloadPlayer(targetlist[target]); } // Check phrase format. if (tn_is_ml) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Refreshed cache to %t.", targetname); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "Refreshed cache to %s.", targetname); } return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Modify class boolean attribute on a class. * * @param classindex The class index. * @param attributeflag Attribute to modify (a single attribute flag). * @param value New value to set. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ stock bool:ClassModifyBoolean(classindex, attributeflag, bool:value) { // Validate class index. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { return false; } switch (attributeflag) { case ZR_CLASS_ENABLED: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Enabled] = bool:value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_NVGS: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Nvgs] = bool:value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_NO_FALL_DAMAGE: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_NoFallDamage] = bool:value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_HAS_NAPALM: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_HasNapalm] = bool:value; return true; } } // Invalid flag or multiple flags combined. return false; } /** * Modify class integer attribute on a class. * * @param classindex The class index. * @param attributeflag Attribute to modify (a single attribute flag). * @param value New value to set, or multiply with. * @param multiplier Optional. Use a multiplier instead of the value, * that multiplies with the original class value. * Not all attributes support multipliers. 0.0 to * disable. Value is ignored if this is non-zero. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ stock ClassModifyInteger(classindex, attributeflag, value, Float:multiplier = 0.0) { // Validate class index. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { return false; } // Check if multiplier is specified. new bool:ismultiplier = (multiplier != 0.0) ? true : false; switch (attributeflag) { case ZR_CLASS_FLAGS: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Flags] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_INITIAL: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaInitial]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_AlphaInitial] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGED: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaDamaged]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_AlphaDamaged] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGE: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaDamage]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_AlphaDamage] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_FOV: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Fov] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_IMMUNITY_MODE: { ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_ImmunityMode] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_HEALTH: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_Health]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Health] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_AMOUNT: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthRegenAmount]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_HealthRegenAmount] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_INFECT_GAIN: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthInfectGain]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_HealthInfectGain] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_KILL_BONUS: { if (ismultiplier) { value = RoundToNearest(float(ClassData[classindex][Class_KillBonus]) * multiplier); } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_KillBonus] = value; return true; } } // Invalid flag or multiple flags combined. return false; } /** * Modify class float attribute on a class. * * @param classindex The class index. * @param attributeflag Attribute to modify (a single attribute flag). * @param value New value to set, or multiply with. * @param ismultiplier Optional. Specifies wether to use value as a * multiplier that is multiplied with the original * class value. Unsupported attributes are ignored. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ stock ClassModifyFloat(classindex, attributeflag, Float:value, bool:ismultiplier = false) { // Validate class index. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { return false; } switch (attributeflag) { case ZR_CLASS_NAPALM_TIME: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_NapalmTime] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_NapalmTime] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_IMMUNITY_AMOUNT: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_ImmunityAmount] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_ImmunityAmount] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_INTERVAL: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthRegenInterval] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_HealthRegenInterval] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_SPEED: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_Speed] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Speed] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_KNOCKBACK: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_KnockBack] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_KnockBack] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_JUMP_HEIGHT: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_JumpHeight] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_JumpHeight] = value; return true; } case ZR_CLASS_JUMP_DISTANCE: { if (ismultiplier) { value = ClassData[classindex][Class_JumpDistance] * value; } ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_JumpDistance] = value; return true; } } // Invalid flag or multiple flags combined. return false; } /** * Modify class string attribute on a class. * * @param classindex The class index. * @param attributeflag Attribute to modify (a single attribute flag). * @param value New value to set. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ stock ClassModifyString(classindex, attributeflag, const String:value[]) { // Validate class index. if (!ClassValidateIndex(classindex)) { return false; } switch (attributeflag) { case ZR_CLASS_GROUP: { strcopy(ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Group], 64, value); return true; } case ZR_CLASS_NAME: { strcopy(ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Name], 64, value); return true; } case ZR_CLASS_DESCRIPTION: { strcopy(ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_Description], 256, value); return true; } case ZR_CLASS_MODEL_PATH: { strcopy(ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_ModelPath], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, value); return true; } case ZR_CLASS_OVERLAY_PATH: { strcopy(ClassDataCache[classindex][Class_OverlayPath], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, value); return true; } } // Invalid flag or multiple flags combined. return false; }