/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: damage.inc * Description: (Core) Modify damage stuff here. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @section Damage type flags. */ #define DMG_FALL (1 << 5) /** Client was damaged by falling. */ #define DMG_BLAST (1 << 6) /** Client was damaged by explosion. */ #define DMG_BULLET (1 << 12) /** Client was shot or knifed. */ #define DMG_HEADSHOT (1 << 30) /** Client was shot in the head. */ /** * @endsection */ /** * @section Suicide intercept defines. */ #define DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_CMDS 5 #define DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_LENGTH 16 /** * @endsection */ /** * List of damage-related hooks. */ enum DamageHooks { Hook_TraceAttack, /** TraceAttack HookID */ Hook_OnTakeDamage, /** OnTakeDamage HookID */ } new g_iDamageHooks[MAXPLAYERS + 1][DamageHooks]; /** * Damage module init function. */ DamageInit() { // Create command callbacks (intercepts) for listed suicide commands. decl String:suicidecmds[64]; GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_CMDS], suicidecmds, sizeof(suicidecmds)); // Create array to store cmds new String:arrayCmds[DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_CMDS][DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_LENGTH]; // Explode string into array indexes. new cmdcount = ExplodeString(suicidecmds, ", ", arrayCmds, DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_CMDS, DAMAGE_SUICIDE_MAX_LENGTH); // x = array index. // arrayCmds[x] = suicide command. for (new x = 0; x <= cmdcount - 1; x++) { // Prepare intercept for this command. RegConsoleCmd(arrayCmds[x], DamageSuicideIntercept); } } /** * Client is joining the server. * * @param client The client index. */ DamageClientInit(client) { // Hook damage callbacks. g_iDamageHooks[client][Hook_TraceAttack] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_TRACEATTACK, DamageTraceAttack); g_iDamageHooks[client][Hook_OnTakeDamage] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_ONTAKEDAMAGE, DamageOnTakeDamage); } /** * Client is leaving the server. * * @param client The client index. */ DamageOnClientDisconnect(client) { // Unhook damage callbacks. Hacks_Unhook(g_iDamageHooks[client][Hook_TraceAttack]); Hacks_Unhook(g_iDamageHooks[client][Hook_OnTakeDamage]); } /** * Hook: TraceAttack * Called right before the bullet enters a client. * * @param client The client index. * @param inflictor Entity index of damage-causing entity. * @param attacker The client doing the damage. * @param damage The amount of damage that will be inflicted. * @param hitbox The hitbox index. * @param hitgroup The hitgroup index. * @return Hacks_Continue allows shot to be made. * 0 stops the bullet from impacting. */ public DamageTraceAttack(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, hitbox, hitgroup) { // Disabled // new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ENABLE]); // If attacker isn't valid, then stop. if (!ZRIsValidClient(attacker)) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Get zombie flag for each client. new bool:clientzombie = IsPlayerZombie(client); new bool:attackerzombie = IsPlayerZombie(attacker); // If the flags are the same on both clients, then stop. if (clientzombie == attackerzombie) { return 0; } // Players are on differen't teams. return Hacks_Continue; } /** * Hook: OnTakeDamage * Called right before damage is done. * * @param client The client index. * @param inflictor Entity index of damage-causing entity. * @param attacker The client doing the damage. * @param damage The amount of damage that will be inflicted. * @param damagetype The type of damage done (see damage flag defines) * @param ammotype Type of ammo attacker shot at client. * @return Hacks_Continue allows shot to be made. * 0 stops the bullet from doing damage. */ public DamageOnTakeDamage(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, damagetype, ammotype) { // Disabled. /** new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (!enabled) { return Hacks_Continue; }*/ // Get classname of the inflictor. decl String:classname[64]; GetEdictClassname(inflictor, classname, sizeof(classname)); // If entity is a trigger, then allow damage. (Map is damaging client) if (StrContains(classname, "trigger") > -1) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Client was damaged by falling. if (damagetype & DMG_FALL) { // If client isn't a zombie, then allow damage. if (!IsPlayerZombie(client)) { return Hacks_Continue; } // If class has "nofalldamage" disabled, then allow damage. new bool:blockfalldamage = ClassGetNoFallDamage(client); if (!blockfalldamage) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Stop damage. return 0; } // Client was damaged by explosion. else if (damagetype & DMG_BLAST) { // If attacker isn't valid, then allow damage. if (!ZRIsValidClient(attacker)) { return Hacks_Continue; } // If client is a zombie, then allow damage. if (IsPlayerZombie(client)) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Stop damage. return 0; } // Client was shot or knifed. else if (damagetype & DMG_BULLET) { // If attacker isn't valid, then allow damage. if (!ZRIsValidClient(attacker)) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Get zombie flag for each client. new bool:clientzombie = IsPlayerZombie(client); new bool:attackerzombie = IsPlayerZombie(attacker); // If client and attacker are on the same team, then let CS:S handle the rest. if (clientzombie == attackerzombie) { return Hacks_Continue; } // We know that clientzombie is the opposite of attacker zombie. // If the client is a zombie, then allow damage. if (clientzombie) { return Hacks_Continue; } // Client is about to be infected, re-add HP so they aren't killed by knife. new health = GetClientHealth(client); SetEntityHealth(client, health + damage); // Allow damage. return Hacks_Continue; } // Allow damage. return Hacks_Continue; } /** * Command callback (kill, jointeam, spectate) * Block command if plugin thinks they are trying to commit suicide. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc The number of arguments in command string. */ public Action:DamageSuicideIntercept(client, argc) { // Disabled. /** new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (!enabled) { return Plugin_Continue; }*/ // If zombie hasn't spawned, then stop. if (!g_bZombieSpawned) { return Plugin_Continue; } // If client is invalid, then stop. (Stop console.) if (!ZRIsValidClient(client)) { return Plugin_Continue; } // If client is dead, then stop. if (!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { return Plugin_Continue; } // Get zombie flag on client. new bool:clientzombie = IsPlayerZombie(client); // Get cvar values for suicide interception. new bool:suicidezombie = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_ZOMBIE]); new bool:suicidehuman = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_HUMAN]); // Determine whether to block suicide based off of the client's zombie flag and cvar values. new bool:blocksuicide = clientzombie ? suicidezombie : suicidehuman; // If cvar for this team is disabled, then stop. if (!blocksuicide) { return Plugin_Continue; } // Tell client their command has been intercepted. ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Damage suicide intercept"); // Log attempt. if (LogCheckFlag(LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_DAMAGE)) { LogMessageFormatted(client, "Damage", "Suicide Intercept", "Player %N attempted suicide.", LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_FULL, client); } // Block command. return Plugin_Handled; }