/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: event.inc * Type: Core * Description: Event hooking and forwarding. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * Init function for event module. */ EventInit() { // Hook all events used by plugin. EventHook(); } /** * Hook events used by plugin. * * @param unhook If true, then unhook all events, if false, then hook. */ EventHook(bool:unhook = false) { // If unhook is true, then continue. if (unhook) { // Unhook all events. UnhookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart); UnhookEvent("round_freeze_end", EventRoundFreezeEnd); UnhookEvent("round_end", EventRoundEnd); UnhookEvent("player_team", EventPlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Pre); UnhookEvent("player_spawn", EventPlayerSpawn); UnhookEvent("player_hurt", EventPlayerHurt); UnhookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath); UnhookEvent("player_jump", EventPlayerJump); UnhookEvent("weapon_fire", EventWeaponFire); // Stop after unhooking events. return; } // Hook all events used by plugin. HookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart); HookEvent("round_freeze_end", EventRoundFreezeEnd); HookEvent("round_end", EventRoundEnd); HookEvent("player_team", EventPlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Pre); HookEvent("player_spawn", EventPlayerSpawn); HookEvent("player_hurt", EventPlayerHurt); HookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath); HookEvent("player_jump", EventPlayerJump); HookEvent("weapon_fire", EventWeaponFire); } /** * Event callback (round_start) * The round is starting. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { ZR_PrintToChat(0, "Round objective"); // Forward event to sub-modules. RoundEndOnRoundStart(); InfectOnRoundStart(); VEffectsOnRoundStart(); SEffectsOnRoundStart(); AntiStickOnRoundStart(); ZSpawnOnRoundStart(); } /** * Event callback (round_freeze_end) * The freeze time is ending. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventRoundFreezeEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { RemoveObjectives(); // Forward events to modules. RoundEndOnRoundFreezeEnd(); InfectOnRoundFreezeEnd(); ZSpawnOnRoundFreezeEnd(); } /** * Event callback (round_end) * The round is ending. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventRoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. new reason = GetEventInt(event, "reason"); // Forward event to modules. RoundEndOnRoundEnd(reason); InfectOnRoundEnd(); SEffectsOnRoundEnd(); RespawnOnRoundEnd(); ZSpawnOnRoundEnd(); } /** * Event callback (player_team) * Client is joining a team. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventPlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new team = GetEventInt(event, "team"); // Forward event to modules. InfectOnClientTeam(index, team); return Plugin_Handled; } /** * Event callback (player_spawn) * Client is spawning into the game. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventPlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); // Reset FOV and overlay. ToolsSetClientDefaultFOV(index, 90); ClientCommand(index, "r_screenoverlay \"\""); // Check if client is on a team. if (ZRIsClientOnTeam(index)) { // Turn off nightvision. ToolsClientNightVision(index, false, false); // Take nightvision away. ToolsClientNightVision(index, false); if (g_bZombieSpawned) { if (ZRIsClientOnTeam(index, CS_TEAM_T)) { CS_SwitchTeam(index, CS_TEAM_CT); CS_RespawnPlayer(index); } } } // Forward event to modules. InfectOnClientSpawn(index); ClassOnClientSpawn(index); // Module event depends on infect module. RestrictOnClientSpawn(index); SEffectsOnClientSpawn(index); AccountOnClientSpawn(index); SpawnProtectOnClientSpawn(index); RespawnOnClientSpawn(index); ZTeleOnClientSpawn(index); ZHPOnClientSpawn(index); ZR_PrintToChat(index, "!zmenu reminder"); } /** * Event callback (player_hurt) * Client is being hurt. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventPlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new hitgroup = GetEventInt(event, "hitgroup"); new dmg_health = GetEventInt(event, "dmg_health"); decl String:weapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); // Forward event to modules. ClassAlphaUpdate(index); InfectOnClientHurt(index, attacker, weapon); SEffectsOnClientHurt(index); KnockbackOnClientHurt(index, attacker, weapon, hitgroup, dmg_health); NapalmOnClientHurt(index, weapon); ZHPOnClientHurt(index); } /** * Event callback (player_death) * Client has been killed. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventPlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get the weapon name. decl String:weapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH]; GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); // If client is being infected, then stop. if (StrEqual(weapon, "zombie_claws_of_death", false)) { return; } // Get all required event info. new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); // Extinguish any flames to stop burning sounds. ExtinguishEntity(index); // If the attacker is valid, then continue. if (ZRIsClientValid(attacker)) { // If the client is a zombie, then continue. if (InfectIsClientInfected(index)) { // Add kill bonus to attacker's score. new bonus = ClassGetKillBonus(attacker); new score = ToolsClientScore(index, true, false); ToolsClientScore(index, true, true, score + bonus); } } // Forward event to modules. ClassOnClientDeath(index); RoundEndOnClientDeath(); SEffectsOnClientDeath(index); SpawnProtectOnClientDeath(index); RespawnOnClientDeath(index, attacker, weapon); ZSpawnOnClientDeath(index); ZTeleOnClientDeath(index); ZHPOnClientDeath(index); } /** * Event callback (player_jump) * Client is jumping. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventPlayerJump(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); // Forward event to modules. JumpBoostOnClientJump(index); } /** * Event callback (weapon_fire) * Weapon has been fired. * * @param event The event handle. * @param name Name of the event. * @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not. */ public Action:EventWeaponFire(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { // Get all required event info. decl String:weapon[32]; GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); // Forward event to modules. NapalmOnWeaponFire(weapon); }