/** * ==================== * Zombie:Reloaded * File: commands.inc * Author: Greyscale * ==================== */ CreateCommands() { RegAdminCmd("zr_infect", Command_Infect, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Infects the specified player"); RegAdminCmd("zr_spawn", Command_Respawn, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Respawns the specified player following auto-respawning rules"); RegAdminCmd("zr_teleport", Command_Teleport, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Teleports one or more players to spawn. Usage: zr_teleport "); RegAdminCmd("zr_tele_saveloc", Command_TeleSaveLocation, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Saves your or a players location to a buffer. Usage: zr_tele_saveloc [#userid|name]"); RegAdminCmd("zr_tele_loc", Command_TeleportToLocation, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Teleports you or a player to the saved location. Usage: zr_tele_loc [#userid|name]"); RegAdminCmd("zr_tele_abort", Command_TeleportAbort, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Aborts a teleportation or cooldown on a client. Usage: zr_tele_abort "); // Weapon restrict commands RegAdminCmd("zr_restrict", Command_Restrict, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Restrict a specified weapon"); RegAdminCmd("zr_unrestrict", Command_Unrestrict, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Unrestrict a specified weapon"); RegAdminCmd("zr_set_class_knockback", Command_SetClassKnockback, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Sets the knockback to the specified class. Usage: zr_set_class_knockback "); RegAdminCmd("zr_get_class_knockback", Command_GetClassKnockback, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Gets the knockback to the specified class. Usage: zr_get_class_knockback "); RegAdminCmd("zr_admin", Command_AdminMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays the admin menu for Zombie: Reloaded."); RegAdminCmd("zr_knockback_m", Command_KnockbackMMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays the knockback multiplier menu."); RegAdminCmd("zr_teleadmin", Command_TeleMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays the teleport admin menu for Zombie: Reloaded."); RegAdminCmd("zr_anticamp_create_volume", Command_AnticampCreateVolume, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Creates a rectangular hurt volume between two points. Usage: ht_create_volume "); RegAdminCmd("zr_anticamp_remove_volume", Command_AnticampRemoveVolume, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Removes a volume. Use zr_anticamp_list to list volumes. Usage: zr_anticamp_remove_volume "); RegAdminCmd("zr_anticamp_list", Command_AnticampList, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "List current volumes."); RegConsoleCmd("zr_log_flags", Command_LogFlags, "List available logging flags."); } public Action:Command_Infect(client, argc) { new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (argc < 1 || !enabled) { return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:arg1[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); decl String:target_name_list[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; new targets[MAXPLAYERS]; new bool:tn_is_ml; new tcount = ProcessTargetString(arg1, client, targets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, target_name_list, sizeof(target_name_list), tn_is_ml); if (tcount <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, tcount); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:target_name[64]; decl String:client_name[64]; if (client > 0) { GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name)); } else { client_name = "Console\0"; } for (new x = 0; x < tcount; x++) { Zombify(targets[x], 0); if (LogFlagCheck(LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_COMMANDS)) { GetClientName(targets[x], target_name, sizeof(target_name)); ZR_LogMessageFormatted(client, "admin commands", "infect", "\"%s\" infected \"%s\".", true, client_name, target_name); } } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_Respawn(client, argc) { new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (argc < 1 || !enabled) { return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:arg1[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); decl String:target_name_list[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; new targets[MAXPLAYERS]; new bool:tn_is_ml; new tcount = ProcessTargetString(arg1, client, targets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD, target_name_list, sizeof(target_name_list), tn_is_ml); if (tcount <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, tcount); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:client_name[64]; decl String:target_name[64]; if (client > 0) { GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name)); } else { client_name = "Console\0"; } new team; for (new x = 0; x < tcount; x++) { team = GetClientTeam(targets[x]); if (team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT) { if (LogFlagCheck(LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_COMMANDS)) { GetClientName(targets[x], target_name, sizeof(target_name)); ZR_LogMessageFormatted(targets[x], "admin commands", "spawn", "\"%s\" spawned player \"%s\".", true, client_name, target_name); } RespawnPlayer(targets[x]); } } return Plugin_Handled; } /** * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:Command_Restrict(client, argc) { // If plugin is disabled then stop new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (argc < 1 || !enabled) { return Plugin_Handled; } // arg1 = weapon being restricted decl String:arg1[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); // Strip "weapon_" from entity name ReplaceString(arg1, sizeof(arg1), "weapon_", ""); new WpnRestrictQuery:output = WeaponRestrictRestrict(arg1); switch(output) { case Successful_Weapon: { ZR_PrintToChat(0, "Restrict weapon", arg1); } case Successful_Group: { decl String:weaponlist[128]; WeaponRestrictGetWeaponList(arg1, weaponlist, sizeof(weaponlist), ", "); ZR_PrintToChat(0, "Restrict custom weapon group", arg1, weaponlist); } case Invalid: { ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Weapon invalid", arg1); return Plugin_Handled; } } if (LogFlagCheck(LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_COMMANDS)) { decl String:client_name[64]; if (client > 0) { GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name)); } else { client_name = "Console\0"; } ZR_LogMessageFormatted(client, "admin commands", "weapon restict", "\"%s\" restricted weapon (group): \"%s\".", true, client_name, arg1); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_Unrestrict(client, argc) { // If plugin is disabled then stop new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]); if (argc < 1 || !enabled) { return Plugin_Handled; } // arg1 = weapon being restricted decl String:arg1[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); // Strip "weapon_" from entity name ReplaceString(arg1, sizeof(arg1), "weapon_", ""); new WpnRestrictQuery:output = WeaponRestrictUnrestrict(arg1); switch(output) { case Successful_Weapon: { ZR_PrintToChat(0, "Unrestrict weapon", arg1); } case Successful_Group: { decl String:weaponlist[128]; WeaponRestrictGetWeaponList(arg1, weaponlist, sizeof(weaponlist), ", "); ZR_PrintToChat(0, "Unrestrict custom weapon group", arg1, weaponlist); } case Invalid: { ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Weapon invalid", arg1); return Plugin_Handled; } } if (LogFlagCheck(LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_COMMANDS)) { decl String:client_name[64]; if (client > 0) { GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name)); } else { client_name = "Console\0"; } ZR_LogMessageFormatted(client, "admin commands", "weapon restict", "\"%s\" unrestricted weapon (group): \"%s\".", true, client_name, arg1); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_SetClassKnockback(client, argc) { if (argc < 2) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Sets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_set_class_knockback "); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:classname[64]; decl String:knockback_arg[8]; new classindex; new Float:knockback; GetCmdArg(1, classname, sizeof(classname)); GetCmdArg(2, knockback_arg, sizeof(knockback_arg)); classindex = GetClassIndex(classname); knockback = StringToFloat(knockback_arg); if (classindex < 0) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Could not find the class %s.", classname); return Plugin_Handled; } arrayClasses[classindex][data_knockback] = knockback; return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_GetClassKnockback(client, argc) { if (argc < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Gets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_get_class_knockback "); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:classname[64]; new classindex; new Float:knockback; GetCmdArg(1, classname, sizeof(classname)); classindex = GetClassIndex(classname); if (classindex < 0) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Could not find the class %s.", classname); return Plugin_Handled; } knockback = arrayClasses[classindex][data_knockback]; ReplyToCommand(client, "Current knockback for %s: %f", classname, knockback); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_AdminMenu(client, argc) { if (IsClientPlayer(client)) { ZRAdminMenu(client); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "This menu cannot be used from the console."); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_KnockbackMMenu(client, argc) { if (IsClientPlayer(client)) { ZRKnockbackMMenu(client); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "This menu cannot be used from the console."); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_TeleMenu(client, argc) { if (IsClientPlayer(client)) { ZRZTeleMenu(client); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "This menu cannot be used from the console."); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_LogFlags(client, argc) { decl String:message[2048]; message[0] = 0; StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_CORE_EVENTS (1) - Log core events like executing files, error messages, etc.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_GAME_EVENTS (2) - Log game events like admin commands, suicide prevention and anticamp kills.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_PLAYER_COMMANDS (4) - Log commands made by the player.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_DEBUG (8) - Enable debug messages (if they exist).\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_DEBUG_DETAIL (16) - Detailed debug messages. May cause spam.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_DEBUG_MAX_DETAIL (32) - Low level detailed debug messages. Causes spam! Only enable right before and after testing.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_LOG_TO_ADMINS (64) - Display log messages to admin chat.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_LOG_TO_CLIENT (128) - Display log messages to the client that executed the event/command.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_IGNORE_CONSOLE (256) - Don't log messages from client 0 (console).\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULES_ENABLED (512) - Enable detailed log control for developers. Module logs overrides previous flags.\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_ZOMBIE (1024) - zombie.inc"); ReplyToCommand(client, message); message[0] = 0; StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_AMBIENCE (2048) - ambience.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_OVERLAYS (4096) - overlays.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_SAYTRIGGERS (8192) - sayhooks.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_TELEPORT (16384) - teleport.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_CLASSES (32768) - classes.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_WEAPONRESTICT (65536) - weaponrestrict.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_COMMANDS (131072) - commands.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_ANTICAMP (262144) - anticamp.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_DAMAGECONTROL (524288) - damagecontrol.inc\n"); StrCat(message, sizeof(message), "LOG_MODULE_OFFSETS (524288) - offsets.inc"); ReplyToCommand(client, message); return Plugin_Handled; }