/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: (base) zombiereloaded.sp * Description: Plugins base file. * * ============================================================================ */ #pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include #define VERSION "3.0-dev" // Core includes. #include "zr/zombiereloaded" #include "zr/log" #include "zr/cvars" #include "zr/config" #include "zr/translation" #include "zr/tools" #include "zr/models" #include "zr/playerclasses/playerclasses" #include "zr/weapons/weapons" #include "zr/hitgroups" #include "zr/roundend" #include "zr/infect" #include "zr/damage" #include "zr/menu" #include "zr/sayhooks" #include "zr/event" #include "zr/zadmin" #include "zr/commands" //#include "zr/global" // Modules #include "zr/account" #include "zr/visualeffects" #include "zr/soundeffects/soundeffects" #include "zr/antistick" #include "zr/knockback" #include "zr/spawnprotect" #include "zr/respawn" #include "zr/napalm" #include "zr/zspawn" #include "zr/zhp" #include "zr/jumpboost" #include "zr/anticamp" #include "zr/teleport" // Almost replaced! :) #include "zr/zombie" /** * Tell SM ZR's info. */ public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Zombie:Reloaded", author = "Greyscale, Rhelgeby (Richard)", description = "Infection/survival style gameplay", version = VERSION, url = "" }; /** * Called before plugin is loaded. * * @param myself The plugin handle. * @param late True if the plugin was loaded after map change, false on map start. * @param error Error message if load failed. * @param err_max Max length of the error message. */ public bool:AskPluginLoad(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max) { // TODO: EXTERNAL API // Let plugin load. return true; } /** * Plugin is loading. */ public OnPluginStart() { // Load translations phrases used by plugin. LoadTranslations("common.phrases.txt"); LoadTranslations("zombiereloaded.phrases.txt"); // Start loading ZR init functions. ZR_PrintToServer("Plugin loading"); // Log LogInit(); // Cvars CvarsInit(); // Tools ToolsInit(); // TODO: Be modulized/recoded. CreateCommands(); HookCommands(); // Weapons WeaponsInit(); // Damage DamageInit(); // Say Hooks SayHooksInit(); // Event EventInit(); // Set market variable to true if market is installed. g_bMarket = LibraryExists("market"); // Create public cvar for tracking. CreateConVar("gs_zombiereloaded_version", VERSION, "[ZR] Current version of this plugin", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_UNLOGGED|FCVAR_DONTRECORD|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); // Finish loading ZR init functions. ZR_PrintToServer("Plugin loaded"); } /** * Library is being removed. * * @param name The name of the library. */ public OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[]) { // If market is being removed, then set variable to false. if (StrEqual(name, "market", false)) { g_bMarket = false; } } /** * Library is being added. * * @param name The name of the library. */ public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[]) { // If market is being added, then set variable to true. if (StrEqual(name, "market", false)) { g_bMarket = true; } } /** * The map is starting. */ public OnMapStart() { // Forward event to modules. RoundEndOnMapStart(); InfectOnMapStart(); SEffectsOnMapStart(); AntiStickOnMapStart(); Anticamp_Startup(); } /** * The map is ending. */ public OnMapEnd() { // Forward event to modules. Anticamp_Disable(); } /** * Configs just finished getting executed. */ public OnConfigsExecuted() { // Forward event to modules. ConfigLoad(); ModelsLoad(); WeaponsLoad(); HitgroupsLoad(); InfectLoad(); VEffectsLoad(); SEffectsLoad(); ClassLoad(); } /** * Client is joining the server. * * @param client The client index. */ public OnClientPutInServer(client) { // Forward event to modules. ClassClientInit(client); WeaponsClientInit(client); RoundEndClientInit(client); InfectClientInit(client); DamageClientInit(client); SEffectsClientInit(client); SpawnProtectClientInit(client); RespawnClientInit(client); ZHPClientInit(client); } /** * Client is leaving the server. * * @param client The client index. */ public OnClientDisconnect(client) { // Forward event to modules. ClassOnClientDisconnect(client); WeaponsOnClientDisconnect(client); InfectOnClientDisconnect(client); DamageOnClientDisconnect(client); ZSpawnOnClientDisconnect(client); ZTeleResetClient(client); }