/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: zombiereloaded.sp * Type: Base * Description: Plugin's base file. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================================ */ // Comment to use ZR Tools Extension, otherwise SDK Hooks Extension will be used. #define USE_SDKHOOKS #pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #if defined USE_SDKHOOKS #include #define ACTION_CONTINUE Plugin_Continue #define ACTION_HANDLED Plugin_Handled #else #include #define ACTION_CONTINUE ZRTools_Continue #define ACTION_HANDLED ZRTools_Handled #endif #define VERSION "3.0.0-b2" // Comment this line to exclude version info command. Enable this if you have // the repository and HG installed (Mercurial or TortoiseHG). #define ADD_VERSION_INFO // Header includes. #include "zr/log.h" #include "zr/models.h" #if defined ADD_VERSION_INFO #include "zr/hgversion.h" #endif // Core includes. #include "zr/zombiereloaded" #if defined ADD_VERSION_INFO #include "zr/versioninfo" #endif #include "zr/translation" #include "zr/cvars" #include "zr/admintools" #include "zr/log" #include "zr/config" #include "zr/steamidcache" #include "zr/sayhooks" #include "zr/tools" #include "zr/menu" #include "zr/cookies" #include "zr/paramtools" #include "zr/paramparser" #include "zr/shoppinglist" #include "zr/downloads" #include "zr/overlays" #include "zr/playerclasses/playerclasses" #include "zr/models" #include "zr/weapons/weapons" #include "zr/hitgroups" #include "zr/roundstart" #include "zr/roundend" #include "zr/infect" #include "zr/damage" #include "zr/event" #include "zr/zadmin" #include "zr/commands" //#include "zr/global" // Modules #include "zr/account" #include "zr/visualeffects/visualeffects" #include "zr/soundeffects/soundeffects" #include "zr/antistick" #include "zr/knockback" #include "zr/spawnprotect" #include "zr/respawn" #include "zr/napalm" #include "zr/jumpboost" #include "zr/zspawn" #include "zr/ztele" #include "zr/zhp" #include "zr/zcookies" #include "zr/volfeatures/volfeatures" #include "zr/debugtools" #include "zr/api/api" /** * Record plugin info. */ public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Zombie:Reloaded", author = "Greyscale | Richard Helgeby", description = "Infection/survival style gameplay", version = VERSION, url = "http://www.zombiereloaded.com" }; /** * Called before plugin is loaded. * * @param myself The plugin handle. * @param late True if the plugin was loaded after map change, false on map start. * @param error Error message if load failed. * @param err_max Max length of the error message. * * @return APLRes_Success for load success, APLRes_Failure or APLRes_SilentFailure otherwise. */ public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max) { // Load API. APIInit(); // Let plugin load. return APLRes_Success; } /** * Plugin is loading. */ public OnPluginStart() { // Forward event to modules. LogInit(); // Doesn't depend on CVARs. TranslationInit(); CvarsInit(); ToolsInit(); CookiesInit(); CommandsInit(); WeaponsInit(); EventInit(); } /** * All plugins have finished loading. */ public OnAllPluginsLoaded() { // Forward event to modules. WeaponsOnAllPluginsLoaded(); } /** * The map is starting. */ public OnMapStart() { // Forward event to modules. ClassOnMapStart(); OverlaysOnMapStart(); RoundEndOnMapStart(); InfectOnMapStart(); SEffectsOnMapStart(); ZSpawnOnMapStart(); VolInit(); } /** * The map is ending. */ public OnMapEnd() { // Forward event to modules. VolOnMapEnd(); VEffectsOnMapEnd(); } /** * Main configs were just executed. */ public OnAutoConfigsBuffered() { // Load map configurations. ConfigLoad(); } /** * Configs just finished getting executed. */ public OnConfigsExecuted() { // Forward event to modules. (OnConfigsExecuted) ModelsLoad(); DownloadsLoad(); WeaponsLoad(); HitgroupsLoad(); InfectLoad(); DamageLoad(); VEffectsLoad(); SEffectsLoad(); ClassOnConfigsExecuted(); ClassLoad(); VolLoad(); // Forward event to modules. (OnModulesLoaded) ConfigOnModulesLoaded(); ClassOnModulesLoaded(); } /** * Client has just connected to the server. */ public OnClientConnected(client) { // Forward event to modules. ClassOnClientConnected(client); } /** * Client is joining the server. * * @param client The client index. */ public OnClientPutInServer(client) { // Forward event to modules. ClassClientInit(client); OverlaysClientInit(client); WeaponsClientInit(client); InfectClientInit(client); DamageClientInit(client); SEffectsClientInit(client); AntiStickClientInit(client); SpawnProtectClientInit(client); RespawnClientInit(client); ZTeleClientInit(client); ZHPClientInit(client); } /** * Called once a client's saved cookies have been loaded from the database. * * @param client Client index. */ public OnClientCookiesCached(client) { // Check if client disconnected before cookies were done caching. if (!IsClientConnected(client)) { return; } // Forward "OnCookiesCached" event to modules. ClassOnCookiesCached(client); WeaponsOnCookiesCached(client); ZHPOnCookiesCached(client); } /** * Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, and * after all post-connection authorizations have been performed. * * This callback is gauranteed to occur on all clients, and always * after each OnClientPutInServer() call. * * @param client Client index. * @noreturn */ public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) { // Forward authorized event to modules that depend on client admin info. ClassOnClientPostAdminCheck(client); } /** * Client is leaving the server. * * @param client The client index. */ public OnClientDisconnect(client) { // Forward event to modules. ClassOnClientDisconnect(client); WeaponsOnClientDisconnect(client); InfectOnClientDisconnect(client); DamageOnClientDisconnect(client); AntiStickOnClientDisconnect(client); ZSpawnOnClientDisconnect(client); VolOnPlayerDisconnect(client); } /** * Called when a clients movement buttons are being processed * * @param client Index of the client. * @param buttons Copyback buffer containing the current commands (as bitflags - see entity_prop_stocks.inc). * @param impulse Copyback buffer containing the current impulse command. * @param vel Players desired velocity. * @param angles Players desired view angles. * @param weapon Entity index of the new weapon if player switches weapon, 0 otherwise. * @return Plugin_Handled to block the commands from being processed, Plugin_Continue otherwise. */ public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) { Class_OnPlayerRunCmd(client, vel); return Plugin_Continue; }