/* * ============================================================================ * * Zombie:Reloaded * * File: clientoverlays.inc * Type: Core * Description: Handles overlays on clients, as a part of class attributes. * * ============================================================================ */ /** * @section Suicide intercept defines. */ #define CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS 5 #define CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH 16 /** * @endsection */ /** * Array to store default class overlay enable flag. */ new bool:h_bClassOverlay[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; /** * Client is joining the server. * * @param client The client index. */ ClassOverlayClientInit(client) { // Get overlay toggle cvar values. new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]); new bool:overlaydefault = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_DEFAULT]); // Apply default value if toggle is enabled, default to true if toggle is disabled. h_bClassOverlay[client] = overlaytoggle ? overlaydefault : true; } /** * Hook commands related to overlay here. */ ClassOverlayOnCommandsHook() { // Create command callbacks (intercepts) for listed suicide commands. decl String:togglecmds[CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS * CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH]; GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds)); // Create array to store cmds new String:arrayCmds[CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS][CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH]; // Explode string into array indexes. new cmdcount = ExplodeString(togglecmds, ", ", arrayCmds, CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS, CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH); // x = array index. // arrayCmds[x] = suicide command. for (new x = 0; x <= cmdcount - 1; x++) { // Prepare intercept for this command. RegConsoleCmd(arrayCmds[x], ClassOverlayEnableCommand); } } /** * Client is spawning into the game. * * @param client The client index. */ ClassOverlayOnClientSpawn(client) { // If overlay toggle is enabled and class has an overlay, then send center text. new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]); decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath)); if (overlaytoggle && overlaypath[0]) { decl String:togglecmds[CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS * CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH]; GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds)); ZR_HudHint(client, "Classes overlay toggle", togglecmds); } } /** * Client has been infected. * * @param client The client index. */ ClassOverlayOnClientInfected(client) { // If overlay toggle is enabled and class has an overlay, then send center text. new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]); decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath)); if (overlaytoggle && overlaypath[0]) { decl String:togglecmds[CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_CMDS * CLASSOVERLAY_TOGGLE_MAX_LENGTH]; GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds)); ZR_PrintCenterText(client, "Classes overlay toggle", togglecmds); } } ClassOverlayInitialize(client, const String:overlay[]) { if (IsFakeClient(client)) { return; } // If overlay path is empty, then disable channel, then stop. if (!overlay[0]) { OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, false, false, true); return; } // Display class overlays. OverlaysClientSetChannelPath(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, overlay); OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, false, h_bClassOverlay[client]); } /** * Command callback (See zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds) * Toggles nightvision of a client. * * @param client The client index. * @param argc Argument count. */ public Action:ClassOverlayEnableCommand(client, argc) { // If overlay toggle is disabled, then stop. new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]); if (!overlaytoggle) { return; } // Toggle current overlay channel, and retrieve new value. h_bClassOverlay[client] = OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, true); }