/** * ==================== * Zombie:Reloaded * File: zombiereloaded.inc * Author: Greyscale * ==================== */ enum ZTeam { Neither, /** Round is not over */ Zombie, /** Round is over because zombies win */ Human, /** Round is over because humans wins */ } #define Target_Bombed 1 // Target Successfully Bombed! #define VIP_Escaped 2 // The VIP has escaped! #define VIP_Assassinated 3 // VIP has been assassinated! #define Terrorists_Escaped 4 // The terrorists have escaped! #define CTs_PreventEscape 5 // The CT's have prevented most of the terrorists from escaping! #define Escaping_Terrorists_Neutralized 6 // Escaping terrorists have all been neutralized! #define Bomb_Defused 7 // The bomb has been defused! #define CTs_Win 8 // Counter-Terrorists Win! #define Terrorists_Win 9 // Terrorists Win! #define Round_Draw 10 // Round Draw! #define All_Hostages_Rescued 11 // All Hostages have been rescued! #define Target_Saved 12 // Target has been saved! #define Hostages_Not_Rescued 13 // Hostages have not been rescued! #define Terrorists_Not_Escaped 14 // Terrorists have not escaped! #define VIP_Not_Escaped 15 // VIP has not escaped! #define Game_Commencing 16 // Game Commencing! #define DXLEVEL_MIN 90 #define DEFAULT_FOV 90 new bool:market; new dxLevel[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:zombieSpawned; new bool:motherZombie[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:gZombie[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:gBlockMotherInfect[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:bZVision[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:dispHP[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new bool:pProtect[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new pClass[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new pNextClass[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new teleCount[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new protCount[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new Float:spawnLoc[MAXPLAYERS+1][3]; new Handle:tRound = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:tInfect = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:pList = INVALID_HANDLE; #define MAXTIMERS 7 #define TMOAN 0 #define TREGEN 1 #define TTELE 2 #define TZHP 3 #define TPROTECT 4 #define TRESPAWN 5 #define TZVISION 6 new Handle:tHandles[MAXPLAYERS+1][MAXTIMERS]; new QueryCookie:mat_dxlevel; FindClientDXLevel(client) { if (IsFakeClient(client)) { return; } mat_dxlevel = QueryClientConVar(client, "mat_dxlevel", DXLevelClientQuery); } public DXLevelClientQuery(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[]) { if (cookie != mat_dxlevel) { return; } dxLevel[client] = 0; if (result != ConVarQuery_Okay) { return; } dxLevel[client] = StringToInt(cvarValue); } DisplayClientOverlay(client, const String:overlay[]) { if (!dxLevel[client]) { FindClientDXLevel(client); return; } if (dxLevel[client] >= DXLEVEL_MIN) { ClientCommand(client, "r_screenoverlay \"%s\"", overlay); } else { ZR_PrintCenterText(client, "DX90 not supported", dxLevel[client], DXLEVEL_MIN); } } RefreshList() { ClearList(); pList = CreateArray(); new maxplayers = GetMaxClients(); for (new x = 1; x <= maxplayers; x++) { if (IsClientInGame(x)) { new team = GetClientTeam(x); if (team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT) { PushArrayCell(pList, x); } } } } AddPlayerToList(client) { if (pList != INVALID_HANDLE) { PushArrayCell(pList, client); } } ClearList() { if (pList != INVALID_HANDLE) { ClearArray(pList); } } RandomPlayerFromList() { if (pList != INVALID_HANDLE) { new size = GetArraySize(pList); new index = GetRandomInt(0, size - 1); return GetArrayCell(pList, index); } return -1; } bool:IsPlayerInList(client) { if (pList != INVALID_HANDLE) { return (FindValueInArray(pList, client) != -1); } return false; } bool:IntToBool(intval) { if (intval == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }