richard 257659a683 Implemented human classes and fixed class related bugs.
Moved class initial event forward into OnConfigsExecuted.
Changed class attributes in default configuration file, and made new example human classes: speedy and light.
Implemented feature for applying human and admin classes. Admin mode is still not implemented.
Extended model path class attribute to support "default" for using default CS models.
Fixed event forward order in OnPlayerSpawn event. The class module depends on infection module.
Fixed class menu crash when there are no admin classes. Admin class and mode options are removed from the menu if there are no classes.
Fixed class menu not closing when selecting 0 (exit) if auto-close CVAR is disabled.
New global variable to separate current admin class and the admin class to be used on next spawn: ClassPlayerNextAdminClass.
Moved hard coded valitation values into defines.
Removed log warning if there are no admin classes. They are optional.
Fixed jump boost adding to height and not multiplying (which were 0 on the player velocity).
2009-04-25 14:19:14 +02:00

342 lines
11 KiB

// ============================================================================
// Class configurations
// Check the class configuration section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled 0/1 Enables or disables a class.
// team number Specifies what type of class it is:
// 0 - Zombies
// 1 - Humans
// 2 - Admins only (incomplete feature!)
// team_default 0/1 Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// name text The class name used in class menu.
// description text The class description used in class menu.
// model_path text Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// alpha_spawn number Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged number Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage number How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path text Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs 0/1 Give night vision.
// fov number Field of view value. 90 is default.
// immunity_mode number Sets the immunity mode.
// immunity_amount decimal Sets the immunity value.
// no_fall_damage 0/1 Disables fall damage.
// health number How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval decimal Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount number How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain number How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus number How many points to give per kill. Humans only.
// speed decimal The player speed.
// knockback decimal Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height decimal Extra upwards jump boost.
// jump_distance decimal Extra forwards jump boost.
// ------------------------------------------
// Zombie classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "1"
"name" "Classic"
"description" "Need brains!!! Arrrrggghh!"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zh/zh_charple001.mdl"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "10.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "1"
"health" "3000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "800"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "350"
"knockback" "3"
"jump_height" "40.0"
"jump_distance" "1.5"
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "0"
"name" "Fast"
"description" "-HP | +Speed | +Jump | +Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zh/zh_corpse002.mdl"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "5.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "1"
"health" "2000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "500"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "380"
"knockback" "3.5"
"jump_height" "60.0"
"jump_distance" "2.0"
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "0"
"name" "Mutated"
"description" "+HP | -Speed | +Jump | +Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zh/zh_zombie003.mdl"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "15.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "1"
"health" "5000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "1000"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "275"
"knockback" "3.5"
"jump_height" "40.0"
"jump_distance" "1.3"
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "0"
"name" "Heavy"
"description" "+HP | -Speed | -Jump | -Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/ics/hellknight_red/t_guerilla.mdl"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "20.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "1"
"health" "5000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "1000"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "280"
"knockback" "2.0"
"jump_height" "0.0"
"jump_distance" "0.8"
// ------------------------------------------
// Human classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "1"
"name" "Normal Human"
"description" "Default Counter-Strike settings"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "0.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "0"
"name" "Speedy"
"description" "Fast human"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "380"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "0.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "1"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "0"
"name" "Light"
"description" "Regular human with improved jump skills"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_spawn" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "0"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behaviour
"immunity_mode" "0"
"immunity_amount" "0.0"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "64.0"
"jump_distance" "2.0"