Greyscale 0f8206596a Recoded weapon restrictions, and made new way of storing data. (Arrays)
* Removed ZMarket as an external plugin (to be integrated next commit)
* Updated weapon configs, removed weapongroups.txt and moved weapons.txt to root zr config folder.
* Moved offset finding to respective module, made new forward *OnOffsetsFound.
* Updated weapons&hitgroups config file format to match playerclass.txt
* Updated translations.
* Recoded weapon restrict menu, commented out all zadmin options that don't quite work.
* Added weaponammo module (not finished but existent)
* Started zmarket module.
2009-05-28 23:43:15 -07:00

172 lines
5.6 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Model validation.
* ============================================================================
* Maximum folder depth a model file can be located.
* Maximum string length of a folder a model file is located under.
* Array that stores a list of validated models.
new Handle:arrayModels = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Prepare all model/download data.
// Register config file.
ConfigRegisterConfig(File_Models, Structure_List, CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_MODELS);
// Get models file path.
decl String:pathmodels[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new bool:exists = ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_MODELS, pathmodels);
// If file doesn't exist, then log and stop.
if (!exists)
// Log failure and stop plugin.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_FATALERROR, "Models", "Config Validation", "Fatal Error: Missing models file: \"%s\"", pathmodels);
// Set the path to the config file.
ConfigSetConfigPath(File_Models, pathmodels);
// Load config from file and create array structure.
new bool:success = ConfigLoadConfig(File_Models, arrayModels);
// Unexpected error, stop plugin.
if (!success)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_FATALERROR, "Models", "Config Validation", "Fatal Error: Unexpected error encountered loading: %s", pathmodels);
new modelcount;
new modelvalidcount;
new modelfilecount;
decl String:modelbase[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:modelpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:modelname[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:modelfile[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:modeldiskname[MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:modelfullpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new FileType:type;
new models = modelcount = GetArraySize(arrayModels);
// x = model array index.
for (new x = 0; x < models; x++)
// Get base model path (rawline in models.txt)
GetArrayString(arrayModels, x, modelbase, sizeof(modelbase));
// Explode path into pieces. (separated by "/")
new strings = ExplodeString(modelbase, "/", baseexploded, MODELS_PATH_MAX_DEPTH, MODELS_PATH_DIR_MAX_LENGTH);
// Get model file name.
strcopy(modelname, sizeof(modelname), baseexploded[strings - 1]);
// Get the path to the file.
// Works by truncating original path by the length of the file name.
strcopy(modelpath, strlen(modelbase) - strlen(modelname), modelbase);
// Open dir containing model files.
new Handle:modeldir = OpenDirectory(modelpath);
// Reset model file count.
modelfilecount = 0;
while (ReadDirEntry(modeldir, modelfile, sizeof(modelfile), type))
// If entry isn't a file, then stop.
if (type != FileType_File)
// Find break point index in the string to get model name.
// Add one because it seems to break on the character before.
new breakpoint = FindCharInString(modelfile, '.') + 1;
strcopy(modeldiskname, breakpoint, modelfile);
// If this file doesn't match, then stop.
if (!StrEqual(modelname, modeldiskname, false))
// Format a full path string.
strcopy(modelfullpath, sizeof(modelfullpath), modelpath);
Format(modelfullpath, sizeof(modelfullpath), "%s/%s", modelfullpath, modelfile);
// Precache model file and add to downloads table.
// Increment modelfilecount
// Increment modelvalidcount if model files are valid.
if (modelfilecount)
// Remove client from array.
RemoveFromArray(arrayModels, x);
// Subtract one from count.
// Backtrack one index, because we deleted it out from under the loop.
// Log missing model files.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Models", "Config Validation", "Missing model files on server (%s)", modelbase);
// Log model validation info.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_NORMAL, "Models", "Config Validation", "Total: %d | Successful: %d | Unsuccessful: %d", modelcount, modelvalidcount, modelcount - modelvalidcount);
// If none of the model paths are valid, then log and fail.
if (!modelvalidcount)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_FATALERROR, "Models", "Config Validation", "Fatal Error: No usable model paths in %s", pathmodels);
// Set config data.
ConfigSetConfigLoaded(File_Models, true);
ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(File_Models, GetFunctionByName(GetMyHandle(), "ModelsOnConfigReload"));
ConfigSetConfigHandle(File_Models, arrayModels);
* Called when config is being reloaded.
public ModelsOnConfigReload(ConfigFile:config)
// Reload models config.