richard 433fd41ede Finished base management for volumetric features. Code compiles, but this feature is not tested so far!
Made CVARs for volumetric features module.
Made trigger delay attribute for volumes, per player. Count down for n seconds after when a player enter. When leaving a volume trigger delay is aborted.
Made parameter parsing functions;
Made functions for setting and parsing generic volume attributes.
Updated header in files to volumetric features and
Removed unused knockback functions in
Made certain class functions into stock functions.
2009-05-30 04:17:01 +02:00

282 lines
7.7 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Module
* Description: Functions for getting or setting general volume attributes.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Parses a team string value and applies it to the specified volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param team A team string value. Valid options: "all", "humans"
* and "zombies".
* @return True if successfully set, false otherwise.
stock bool:VolSetTeamString(volumeIndex, const String:team[])
new VolumeTeamFilters:teamfilter;
// Check if string value is empty.
if (strlen(team) == 0)
return false;
// Convert value.
if (strcmp(team, "all", false))
teamfilter = VolTeam_All;
else if (strcmp(team, "humans", false))
teamfilter = VolTeam_Humans;
else if (strcmp(team, "zombies", false))
teamfilter = VolTeam_Zombies;
// Apply value.
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_team_filter] = teamfilter;
return true;
* Sets the feam filter attribute on a volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param team The team filter value.
stock VolSetTeam(volumeIndex, VolumeTeamFilters:team[])
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_team_filter] = team;
* Parses a delay string value and applies it to the specified volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param delay The delay to apply. A floating point number formatted
* as a string.
* @return True if successfully set, false otherwise.
stock bool:VolSetDelayString(volumeIndex, const String:delay[])
new Float:triggerdelay;
// Check if string value is empty.
if (strlen(delay) == 0)
return false;
// Convert value.
triggerdelay = StringToFloat(delay);
// Apply value.
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_trigger_delay] = triggerdelay;
return true;
* Sets the trigger delay attribute on a volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param delay The trigger delay, in seconds.
stock VolSetDelay(volumeIndex, Float:delay)
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_trigger_delay] = delay;
* Parses a effect string value and applies it to the specified volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param effect A effect string value. Valid options: see VolumeEffects
* enumeration, exclude prefix.
* @return True if successfully set, false otherwise.
stock bool:VolSetEffectString(volumeIndex, const String:effect[])
// Check if string value is empty.
if (strlen(effect) == 0)
return false;
// Check effect string values and apply them to the volume.
if (strcmp(effect, "none", false))
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect] = VolEffect_None;
return true;
else if (strcmp(effect, "wireframe", false))
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect] = VolEffect_Wireframe;
return true;
else if (strcmp(effect, "smoke", false))
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect] = VolEffect_Smoke;
return true;
// The string value didn't match any valid effects.
return false;
* Sets the effect attribute on a volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param effect Specifies what effect to apply on the volume.
stock VolSetEffect(volumeIndex, VolumeEffects:effect)
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect] = effect;
* Parses a effect color string value and applies it to the specified volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param effect_color A effect color string value. No whitespace! Format
* (0-255): "red,green,blue".
* @return True if successfully set, false otherwise.
stock bool:VolSetEffectColorString(volumeIndex, const String:effect_color[])
new String:colors[3][3];
new red, green, blue;
// Check if string value is empty.
if (strlen(effect_color) == 0)
return false;
// Split values into a string array.
ExplodeString(effect_color, ",", colors, 3, 3);
// Convert values.
red = StringToInt(colors[0]);
green = StringToInt(colors[1]);
blue = StringToInt(colors[2]);
// Apply values.
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][0] = red;
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][1] = green;
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][2] = blue;
return true;
* Sets the effect color attribute on a volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param red Amount of red color. 0 to 255.
* @param green Amount of green color. 0 to 255.
* @param blue Amount of blue color. 0 to 255.
stock VolSetEffectColor(volumeIndex, red, green, blue)
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][0] = red;
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][1] = green;
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_effect_color][2] = blue;
* Parses a enabled string value and applies it to the specified volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param enabled A enabled string value. Valid options: A number that
* evaluates to true or false, "yes" or "no".
* @return True if successfully set, false otherwise.
stock bool:VolSetEnabledString(volumeIndex, const String:enabled[])
// Check if string value is empty.
if (strlen(enabled) == 0)
return false;
new bool:val = bool:StringToInt(enabled);
// Check yes or no values first.
if (strcmp(enabled, "yes", false) == 0)
val = true;
else if (strcmp(enabled, "no", false) == 0)
val = false;
// Check if the new value is different from the current.
if (Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_enabled] != val)
// Forward event.
if (val)
// Apply converted value.
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_enabled] = val;
return true;
* Sets the enabled attribute on a volume.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index to apply to.
* @param enabled Specifies if the volume should be enabled or not.
stock VolSetEnabled(volumeIndex, bool:enabled)
// Check if the new value is different from the current.
if (Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_enabled] != enabled)
// Forward event.
if (enabled)
Volumes[volumeIndex][vol_enabled] = enabled;