richard 06771e6d15 New feature for blocking class selection. Changes in translations. See details.
Finished norwegian translation.
Fixed missing quote in english translation file.
Added cvars for blocking players from changing classes.
Minior typo fixes in log module.
Changed TranslationReplyToCommand to use the ReplyToCommand function.
2009-08-09 22:44:28 +02:00

738 lines
24 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Provides functions for managing class menus.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Displays the main class menu with the players class settings.
* @param client The client index.
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(ClassMenuMainHandle);
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:zombieclass[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:humanclass[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:adminclass[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:nextzombiename[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:nexthumanname[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:nextadminname[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:zombieselect[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:humanselect[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:adminselect[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:inadminmnode[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:adminmode[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:toggleadminmode[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
// Get number of enabled classes per team.
new zombiecount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
new humancount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
new admincount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS);
// Get previously selected class indexes, if set.
new nextzombie = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES];
new nexthuman = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS];
new nextadmin = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS];
// Set draw style on class options depending on number of enabled classes
// and selection permissions. Disable class selection if there's only one
// class.
new zombie_itemdraw = (zombiecount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new human_itemdraw = (humancount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new admin_itemdraw = (admincount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
// Check if the player is in admin mode.
if (ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
// Notify the player.
Format(inadminmnode, sizeof(inadminmnode), "%t\n", "Classes admin mode enabled");
AddMenuItem(menu, "", inadminmnode, ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
// List zombie class options.
// --------------------------
// Get current class name.
ClassGetName(ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES], zombieclass, sizeof(zombieclass), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
// Check if previous index is set.
if (ClassValidateIndex(nextzombie))
// Get name of previous class index and format item text.
ClassGetName(nextzombie, nextzombiename, sizeof(nextzombiename), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
Format(zombieselect, sizeof(zombieselect), "%t", "Classes menu zombie next", zombieclass, nextzombiename);
// Use current class name and format item text.
Format(zombieselect, sizeof(zombieselect), "%t", "Classes menu zombie current", zombieclass);
// Add item to list.
AddMenuItem(menu, "", zombieselect, zombie_itemdraw);
// List human class options.
// -------------------------
// Get current class name.
ClassGetName(ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS], humanclass, sizeof(humanclass), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
// Check if previous index is set.
if (ClassValidateIndex(nexthuman))
// Get name of previous class index and format item text.
ClassGetName(nexthuman, nexthumanname, sizeof(nexthumanname), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
Format(humanselect, sizeof(humanselect), "%t", "Classes menu human next", humanclass, nexthumanname);
// Use current class name and format item text.
Format(humanselect, sizeof(humanselect), "%t", "Classes menu human current", humanclass);
// Add item to list.
AddMenuItem(menu, "", humanselect, human_itemdraw);
// List admin class options, if they exist.
// ----------------------------------------
// Only display admin class options for admins, and if admin classes exist.
if (ZRIsClientAdmin(client) && ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS))
// Get current class name.
ClassGetName(ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS], adminclass, sizeof(adminclass), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
// Check if previous index is set.
if (ClassValidateIndex(nextadmin))
// Get name of previous class index and format item text.
ClassGetName(nextadmin, nextadminname, sizeof(nextadminname), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
Format(adminselect, sizeof(adminselect), "%t", "Classes menu admin next", adminclass, nextadminname);
// Use current class name and format item text.
Format(adminselect, sizeof(adminselect), "%t", "Classes menu admin current", adminclass);
// Add item to list.
AddMenuItem(menu, "", adminselect, admin_itemdraw);
// Set admin mode status string.
if (ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
Format(adminmode, sizeof(adminmode), "%t", "On");
Format(adminmode, sizeof(adminmode), "%t", "Off");
// Spacer. ITEMDRAW_SPACER not used because it use a slot.
AddMenuItem(menu, "", " ", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
// Show admin mode toggle option.
Format(toggleadminmode, sizeof(toggleadminmode), "%t\n %s", "Classes menu admin mode toggle", adminmode);
AddMenuItem(menu, "", toggleadminmode, admin_itemdraw);
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n", "Classes menu title");
SetMenuTitle(menu, title);
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
* Main class menu handler.
public ClassMenuMainHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
case 0:
ClassMenuSelect(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
case 1:
ClassMenuSelect(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS);
case 2:
ClassMenuSelect(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS);
case 3:
// ClassToggleAdminMode(client);
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Displays the class selection menu.
* @param client The client index.
* @param teamid What class types to display.
ClassMenuSelect(client, teamid)
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(ClassMenuSelectHandle);
new arraycount;
new classindex;
new denyflags;
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:classname[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:description[MENU_LINE_BIG_LENGTH];
decl String:menuitem[MENU_LINE_HUGE_LENGTH];
// Set correct menu title depending on team ID.
switch (teamid)
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n", "Classes menu zombie");
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n", "Classes menu human");
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n", "Classes menu admin");
SetMenuTitle(menu, title);
// Create buffer array.
new Handle:classarray = CreateArray();
// Set up filtering.
denyflags = ZR_CLASS_FLAG_MOTHER_ZOMBIE; // Hide mother zombie classes.
denyflags += !ZRIsClientAdmin(client) ? ZR_CLASS_FLAG_ADMIN_ONLY : 0; // Hide admin-only classes if not admin.
// Copy all class indexes into the array, with the specified filter settings.
if (ClassAddToArray(classarray, teamid, _, _, denyflags))
// Get number of classes.
arraycount = GetArraySize(classarray);
// Loop through each class.
for (new i = 0; i < arraycount; i++)
// Get index, name and description.
classindex = GetArrayCell(classarray, i);
ClassGetName(classindex, classname, sizeof(classname), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
ClassGetDescription(classindex, description, sizeof(description), ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
// Add menu item. Using extra spaces for indention on the second line.
Format(menuitem, sizeof(menuitem), "%s\n %s", classname, description);
AddMenuItem(menu, classname, menuitem);
// Destroy array.
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
* Class selection menu handler.
public ClassMenuSelectHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
decl String:classname[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
new classindex;
new teamid;
new bool:autoclose = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_MENU_AUTOCLOSE]);
new bool:iszombie = InfectIsClientInfected(client);
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
// Get class name from the information string.
GetMenuItem(menu, slot, classname, sizeof(classname));
// Solve class index from the name.
classindex = ClassGetIndex(classname);
// Solve teamid from the class index.
teamid = ClassGetTeamID(classindex, ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
// Check if the player is alive.
if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
// Set next spawn index if the player is changing the class on
// his active team.
if ((iszombie && teamid == ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES) ||
(!iszombie && teamid == ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS) ||
(ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client] && teamid == ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS))
// Set class to be used on next spawn.
ClassSelectedNext[client][teamid] = classindex;
// Directly change the selected class index.
ClassSelected[client][teamid] = classindex;
// Player isn't alive. The class can be directly changed.
ClassSelected[client][teamid] = classindex;
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Stop so menu doesn't reopen.
case MenuAction_End:
// Stop so menu doesn't reopen.
// Redisplay the main class menu if autoclose is disabled.
if (!autoclose)
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Displays the team selection admin menu.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if displayed, false otherwise.
// Validate client.
if (!ZRIsClientValid(client, false))
return false;
// Validate permissions.
if (!ZRIsClientAdmin(client, Admin_Config))
return false;
// Create menu.
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(ClassTeamSelectHandle);
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:zombies[MENU_LINE_SMALL_LENGTH];
decl String:humans[MENU_LINE_SMALL_LENGTH];
// Set translation language.
// Translate phrases.
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t", "Classes Menu Team Select Title");
Format(zombies, sizeof(zombies), "%t", "Classes Menu Zombies");
Format(humans, sizeof(humans), "%t", "Classes Menu Humans");
SetMenuTitle(menu, title);
AddMenuItem(menu, "zombies", zombies);
AddMenuItem(menu, "humans", humans);
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return true;
* Team selection menu handler.
public ClassTeamSelectHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
case 0:
ClassAdminTeamSelected[client] = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES;
case 1:
ClassAdminTeamSelected[client] = ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS;
// Display multiplier menu.
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Displays the multiplier selection admin menu.
* @param client The client index.
// Create menu.
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(ClassMultiplierSelectHandle);
new teamid = ClassAdminTeamSelected[client];
new bool:zombiesselected = bool:(teamid == ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:napalmtime[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:health[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:regeninterval[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:regenamount[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:infectgain[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:speed[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:knockback[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:jumpheight[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:jumpdistance[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
new Float:currentnapalmtime;
new Float:currenthealth;
new Float:currentregeninterval;
new Float:currentregenamount;
new Float:currentinfectgain;
new Float:currentspeed;
new Float:currentknockback;
new Float:currentjumpheight;
new Float:currentjumpdistance;
// Get current multipliers.
currentnapalmtime = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_NapalmTime];
currenthealth = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Health];
currentregeninterval = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthRegenInterval];
currentregenamount = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthRegenAmount];
currentinfectgain = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_HealthInfectGain];
currentspeed = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Speed];
currentknockback = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_Knockback];
currentjumpheight = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_JumpHeight];
currentjumpdistance = Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][ClassM_JumpDistance];
// Translate phrases.
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n", "Classes Menu Multiplier Select Title");
Format(health, sizeof(health), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Health", currenthealth);
Format(regeninterval, sizeof(regeninterval), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Regen Interval", currentregeninterval);
Format(regenamount, sizeof(regenamount), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Regen Amount", currentregenamount);
Format(speed, sizeof(speed), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Speed", currentspeed);
Format(jumpheight, sizeof(jumpheight), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Jump Height", currentjumpheight);
Format(jumpdistance, sizeof(jumpdistance), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Jump Distance", currentjumpdistance);
// Only translate zombie phrases if zombie team is selected.
if (zombiesselected)
Format(napalmtime, sizeof(napalmtime), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Napalm Time", currentnapalmtime);
Format(infectgain, sizeof(infectgain), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Infect Gain", currentinfectgain);
Format(knockback, sizeof(knockback), "%t\n %.2f", "Classes Attrib Knockback", currentknockback);
SetMenuTitle(menu, title);
// Add items. Don't add zombie attributes if human team is selected.
if (zombiesselected) AddMenuItem(menu, "napalmtime", napalmtime);
AddMenuItem(menu, "health", health);
AddMenuItem(menu, "regeninterval", regeninterval);
AddMenuItem(menu, "regenamount", regenamount);
if (zombiesselected) AddMenuItem(menu, "infectgain", infectgain);
AddMenuItem(menu, "speed", speed);
if (zombiesselected) AddMenuItem(menu, "knockback", knockback);
AddMenuItem(menu, "jumpheight", jumpheight);
AddMenuItem(menu, "jumpdistance", jumpdistance);
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
* Multiplier select menu handler.
public ClassMultiplierSelectHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
decl String:attributename[48];
new ClassMultipliers:attribute;
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
// Get attribute name.
GetMenuItem(menu, slot, attributename, sizeof(attributename));
// Initialize in case of errors.
attribute = ClassM_Knockback;
// Convert type.
if (StrEqual(attributename, "napalmtime", false))
attribute = ClassM_NapalmTime;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "health", false))
attribute = ClassM_Health;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "regeninterval", false))
attribute = ClassM_HealthRegenInterval;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "regenamount", false))
attribute = ClassM_HealthRegenAmount;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "infectgain", false))
attribute = ClassM_HealthInfectGain;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "speed", false))
attribute = ClassM_Speed;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "knockback", false))
attribute = ClassM_Knockback;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "jumpheight", false))
attribute = ClassM_JumpHeight;
else if (StrEqual(attributename, "jumpdistance", false))
attribute = ClassM_JumpDistance;
// Display multiplier menu for the selected attribute.
ClassMultiplierMenu(client, attribute);
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Displays multiplier menu for the specified attribute.
ClassMultiplierMenu(client, ClassMultipliers:attribute)
// Cache selected attribute.
ClassAdminAttributeSelected[client] = attribute;
new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(ClassMultiplierHandle);
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:attributename[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:linebuffer[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
// Get attribute string.
ClassMultiplierToString(client, attribute, attributename, sizeof(attributename));
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t %s\n%t %.2f\n", "Classes Menu Adjust Value", attributename, "Current Value", Float:ClassMultiplierCache[ClassAdminTeamSelected[client]][attribute]);
SetMenuTitle(menu, title);
Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "%t", "Increase by", "0.5");
AddMenuItem(menu, "increasehalf", linebuffer);
Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "%t", "Increase by", "0.1");
AddMenuItem(menu, "increasedeci", linebuffer);
Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "%t", "Decrease by", "0.1");
AddMenuItem(menu, "decreasedeci", linebuffer);
Format(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), "%t", "Decrease by", "0.5");
AddMenuItem(menu, "decreasehalf", linebuffer);
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public ClassMultiplierHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
new Float:value;
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
switch (slot)
case 0:
value = 0.5;
case 1:
value = 0.1;
case 2:
value = -0.1;
case 3:
value = -0.5;
// Update multiplier.
ClassAddToMultiplier(ClassAdminTeamSelected[client], ClassAdminAttributeSelected[client], value);
// Re-display menu.
ClassMultiplierMenu(client, ClassAdminAttributeSelected[client]);
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
* Add to the specified multiplier.
* @param teamid The team to filter.
* @param attribute The attribute to add to.
* @param value Value to add.
ClassAddToMultiplier(teamid, ClassMultipliers:attribute, Float:value)
ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][attribute] = ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][attribute] + value;