richard 3794251cc5 Updated all admin console commands to check if client is privileged (so group authentication works), instead of using RegAdminCmd. Minior fixes.
Changed admin teleport command to log target names.
Cached result of privilege check instead of calling function twice (zadmin menu).
Disabled old debug commands. Do not remove, we need them for testing later.
2009-10-26 23:17:22 +01:00

1178 lines
33 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Client infection functions.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* @section Explosion flags.
#define EXP_NODAMAGE 1
#define EXP_NOSMOKE 8
#define EXP_NODECAL 16
#define EXP_NOSPARKS 32
#define EXP_NOSOUND 64
#define EXP_NODLIGHTS 1024
#define EXP_NOCLAMPMIN 2048
#define EXP_NOCLAMPMAX 4096
* @endsection
* Global variable to store infect timer handle.
new Handle:tInfect = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Array for flagging client as zombie.
new bool:bZombie[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
* @section bInfectImmune indexes
* @endsection
* Array for flagging client to be protected. (See defines above)
new bool:bInfectImmune[MAXPLAYERS + 1][2];
* Map is starting.
// Reset timer handle.
* Loads downloadable content data for infect module.
// Get infection sound.
decl String:sound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND], sound, sizeof(sound));
// If infect sound cvar is empty, then stop.
if (!sound[0])
// Prepend sound/ to the path.
Format(sound, sizeof(sound), "sound/%s", sound);
// Add sound file to downloads table.
* Create commands specific to infect here.
RegConsoleCmd("zr_infect", InfectInfectCommand, "Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect <filter> [respawn - 1/0]");
RegConsoleCmd("zr_human", InfectHumanCommand, "Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human <filter> [respawn - 1/0]");
* Client is joining the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Reset infect immunity flags.
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_MOTHER] = false;
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_NORMAL] = false;
* Client is leaving the server.
* @param client The client index.
// If client is still connecting, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
// If zombie hasn't spawned, then stop.
if (!g_bZombieSpawned)
// If client is dead, then stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
// Initialize count variables
new zombiecount;
new humancount;
// Count valid clients.
ZRCountValidClients(zombiecount, humancount);
// If client is a human.
if (InfectIsClientHuman(client))
// If there are other humans (ignoring this human), then stop.
if (humancount > 1)
// If there are no more clients in the server, then stop.
if (!ZRTeamHasClients(CS_TEAM_T))
// Manually terminate round.
RoundEndTerminateRound(ROUNDEND_DELAY, ZombiesWin);
// We know here that player is a zombie.
// If there is 1 or less humans, then stop.
if (humancount <= 1)
// If there are other zombies (ignoring this zombie), then stop.
if (zombiecount - 1)
// Create eligible player list.
new Handle:arrayEligibleClients = INVALID_HANDLE;
// Create eligible client list, with no mother infect immunities
new eligibleclients = ZRCreateEligibleClientList(arrayEligibleClients, true, true, true);
// If there are no eligible client's then stop.
if (!eligibleclients)
// Destroy handle.
// Get a random valid array index.
new randindex = GetRandomInt(0, eligibleclients - 1);
// Get the client stored in the random array index.
new randclient = GetArrayCell(arrayEligibleClients, randindex);
// Infect player.
// Tell client they have been randomly been chosen to replace disconnecting zombie.
TranslationPrintToChat(randclient, "Infect disconnect");
// Destroy handle.
* Client is joining a team.
* @param client The client index.
* @param team The team index.
InfectOnClientTeam(client, team)
// If client isn't joining spec, then stop.
if (team != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
// Disable zombie flag on client.
bZombie[client] = false;
* Client is spawning into the game.
* @param client The client index.
// Disable zombie flag on client.
bZombie[client] = false;
// Check if client is spawning on the terrorist team.
if (ZRIsClientOnTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T))
if (g_bZombieSpawned)
CS_SwitchTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
* Client has been killed.
* @param client The client index.
* @param attacker The attacker index.
InfectOnClientDeath(client, attacker)
// If attacker isn't valid, then stop.
if (!ZRIsClientValid(attacker))
// If attacker isn't a human, then stop.
if (!InfectIsClientHuman(attacker))
// If client isn't a zombie, then stop.
if (!InfectIsClientInfected(client))
// Add kill bonus to attacker's score.
new bonus = ClassGetKillBonus(client);
new score = ToolsClientScore(attacker, true, false);
ToolsClientScore(attacker, true, true, score + bonus);
/** Client has been hurt.
* @param client The client index.
* @param attacker The attacker index.
* @param weapon The weapon used.
InfectOnClientHurt(client, attacker, const String:weapon[])
// If attacker isn't valid, then stop.
if (!ZRIsClientValid(attacker))
// If client isn't a human, then stop.
if (!InfectIsClientHuman(client))
// Attacker isn't a zombie, then stop.
if (!InfectIsClientInfected(attacker))
// If client has infect immunity, then stop.
if (bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_NORMAL])
// If weapon isn't a knife, then stop.
if (!StrEqual(weapon, "knife"))
// Infect client.
InfectHumanToZombie(client, attacker);
* The round is starting.
// If infect timer is running, then kill it.
if (tInfect != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Kill timer.
// Reset timer handle.
// Tell plugin there are no zombies.
g_bZombieSpawned = false;
* The freeze time is ending.
// If infect timer is running, then kill it.
if (tInfect != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Kill timer.
// Get min and max times.
new Float:infectspawntimemin = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MIN]);
new Float:infectspawntimemax = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MAX]);
// Pick random time between min and max.
new Float:randomtime = GetRandomFloat(infectspawntimemin, infectspawntimemax);
tInfect = CreateTimer(randomtime, InfectMotherZombie, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
* The round is ending.
// If infect timer is running, then kill it.
if (tInfect != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Kill timer.
// Reset timer handle.
// x = client index.
for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
// If client isn't in-game, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(x))
// Disable zombie flag on client.
bZombie[x] = false;
* Timer callback, chooses mother zombies.
* @param timer The timer handle.
public Action:InfectMotherZombie(Handle:timer)
// Reset timer handle.
// Create eligible player list.
new Handle:arrayEligibleClients = INVALID_HANDLE;
new eligibleclients = ZRCreateEligibleClientList(arrayEligibleClients, true, true, true);
// If there are no eligible client's then stop.
if (!eligibleclients)
// Destroy handle.
// Variable to store client stored in random array index.
new client;
// Prune list of immune clients.
// x = Array index.
// client = client index.
for (new x = 0; x < eligibleclients; x++)
// Stop pruning if there is only 1 player left.
if (eligibleclients <= 1)
// Get client stored in array index.
client = GetArrayCell(arrayEligibleClients, x);
// If client is immune from being a mother zombie, then stop.
if (bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_MOTHER])
// Take away immunity.
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_MOTHER] = false;
// Remove client from array.
RemoveFromArray(arrayEligibleClients, x);
// Subtract one from count.
// Backtrack one index, because we deleted it out from under the loop.
// Move all clients to CT
for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
// If client isn't in-game, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(x))
// If client is dead, then stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(x))
// Switch client to CT team.
CS_SwitchTeam(x, CS_TEAM_CT);
// Variable to store randomly chosen array index.
new randindex;
// Ratio of mother zombies to humans.
new ratio = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RATIO]);
// If ratio is 0 or lower, then pick 1 zombie.
if (ratio <= 0)
// Get a random valid array index.
randindex = GetRandomInt(0, eligibleclients - 1);
// Get the client stored in the random array index.
client = GetArrayCell(arrayEligibleClients, randindex);
// Infect player.
InfectHumanToZombie(client, _, true);
// Initialize count variables
new zombiecount;
new humancount;
// Count valid human clients
ZRCountValidClients(zombiecount, humancount, _, true);
// Calculate mother zombie count.
new mothercount = RoundToNearest(float(humancount) / ratio);
// If mothercount is 0, then set to 1.
if (!mothercount)
mothercount = 1;
// x = current mother zombie count.
for (new x = 0; x < mothercount; x++)
// Recount eligible clients.
eligibleclients = GetArraySize(arrayEligibleClients);
// If there are no more eligible clients, then break loop.
if (!eligibleclients)
// Get a random valid array index.
randindex = GetRandomInt(0, eligibleclients - 1);
// Get the client stored in the random array index.
client = GetArrayCell(arrayEligibleClients, randindex);
// Infect player.
InfectHumanToZombie(client, _, true);
// Remove player from eligible zombie list.
RemoveFromArray(arrayEligibleClients, randindex);
// Mother zombies have been infected.
g_bZombieSpawned = true;
// Destroy handle.
* Infects a client. Execute events, sets attributes and flags that indicate
* that the client is a zombie.
* @param client The client to infect.
* @param attacker (Optional) The attacker who did the infect.
* @param motherinfect (Optional) Indicates a mother zombie infect.
* @param respawnoverride (Optional) Set to true to override respawn cvar.
* @param respawn (Optional) Value to override with.
InfectHumanToZombie(client, attacker = -1, bool:motherinfect = false, bool:respawnoverride = false, bool:respawn = false)
// Mark player as zombie.
bZombie[client] = true;
// Check if consecutive infection protection is enabled.
new bool:infectconsecutiveblock = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_CONSECUTIVE_BLOCK]);
// Flag player to be immune from being mother zombie twice, if consecutive infect protection is enabled.
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_MOTHER] = infectconsecutiveblock ? motherinfect : false;
// Apply effects.
// If attacker is valid, then continue.
if (ZRIsClientValid(attacker))
// Create and send custom player_death event.
new Handle:event = CreateEvent("player_death");
if (event != INVALID_HANDLE)
SetEventInt(event, "userid", GetClientUserId(client));
SetEventInt(event, "attacker", GetClientUserId(attacker));
SetEventString(event, "weapon", "zombie_claws_of_death");
FireEvent(event, false);
// Give client's infector a point.
new score = ToolsClientScore(attacker, true, false);
ToolsClientScore(attacker, true, true, ++score);
// Add a death to the zombie's score.
new deaths = ToolsClientScore(client, false, false);
ToolsClientScore(client, false, true, ++deaths);
// Apply infect HP gain.
new healthgain = ClassGetHealthInfectGain(attacker);
new health = GetClientHealth(attacker);
// Set attacker's new health.
SetEntityHealth(attacker, health + healthgain);
// Forward event to modules.
// Get a list of all client's weapon indexes.
new weapons[WeaponsSlot];
WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons);
// Check if weapons drop is enabled.
new bool:weaponsdrop = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_WEAPONS_DROP]);
// This must be after the event forwarding because it fixes a problem caused by changing models in ClassOnClientInfected.
// Remove all weapons but knife.
WeaponsRemoveAllClientWeapons(client, weaponsdrop);
// Switch the player to terrorists.
// TODO: A solution to stop confusing bots? Respawn and teleport?
CS_SwitchTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
// If respawn is enabled, then teleport mother zombie back to spawnpoint.
if (motherinfect)
new bool:zombierespawn = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RESPAWN]);
// Check override.
if (respawnoverride && respawn)
// Print message to client.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Infect infected");
// Forward event to modules.
ClassOnClientInfected(client, motherinfect);
DamageOnClientInfected(client, motherinfect);
* Turns a zombie back into a human. Execute events, sets attributes and flags that indicate
* that the client is a human.
* @param client The client to make human.
* @param respawn Teleport client back to spawn if true.
* @param protect Start spawn protection on new human.
InfectZombieToHuman(client, bool:respawn = false, bool:protect = false)
// Mark player as human.
bZombie[client] = false;
// Switch the player to counter-terrorists.
CS_SwitchTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT);
// Set client as translation target.
// Print message to client.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Infect human");
// Forward event to modules.
// Give human a new knife. (If you leave the old one there will be glitches with the knife positioning)
new knife = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, _:Slot_Melee);
if (knife != -1)
RemovePlayerItem(client, knife);
GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife");
// Check if we should respawn the client.
if (respawn)
// Check if we should spawn protect the client.
if (protect)
// Forward event to modules.
* Creates effects on a newly infected client.
* @param client The client index.
// Initialize vector variables.
new Float:clientloc[3];
new Float:direction[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
// Get client's position.
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, clientloc);
clientloc[2] += 30;
new bool:explosion = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_EXPLOSION]);
if (explosion)
// Initialize explosion flags variable.
new flags;
// Set "nofireball" flag if fireball is disabled.
new bool:fireball = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL]);
if (!fireball)
flags = flags | EXP_NOFIREBALL;
// Set "nosmoke" flag if smoke is disabled.
new bool:smoke = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE]);
if (!smoke)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSMOKE;
// Set "nosparks" flag if sparks are disabled.
new bool:sparks = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS]);
if (!sparks)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSPARKS;
// Create explosion at client's origin.
VEffectsCreateExplosion(clientloc, flags);
// If cvar contains path, then continue.
decl String:sound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND], sound, sizeof(sound));
if (sound[0])
// Emit infect sound from infected client.
SEffectsEmitSoundFromClient(client, sound, SNDLEVEL_SCREAMING);
// If energy splash effect is enabled, then continue.
new bool:esplash = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH]);
if (esplash)
// Create energy splash effect.
VEffectsCreateEnergySplash(clientloc, direction, true);
// If shake effect is enabled, then continue.
new bool:shake = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE]);
if (shake)
// Get shake info.
new Float:shakeamp = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_AMP]);
new Float:shakefrequency = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_FREQUENCY]);
new Float:shakeduration = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_DURATION]);
// Shake client's screen.
VEffectsShakeClientScreen(client, shakeamp, shakefrequency, shakeduration);
* Sends list of clients to infect/human.
* @param client The client index.
// Create menu handle.
new Handle:menu_infect_clients = CreateMenu(InfectMenuClientsHandle);
// Set client as translation target.
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:clientoption[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:clientuserid[8];
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
// If client isn't in-game, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(x))
// If client isn't alive, then stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(x))
// Get client info.
GetClientName(x, clientoption, sizeof(clientoption));
IntToString(GetClientUserId(x), clientuserid, sizeof(clientuserid));
// Append client's current team to the option.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(x))
Format(clientoption, sizeof(clientoption), "%s [%t]", clientoption, "Zombie");
Format(clientoption, sizeof(clientoption), "%s [%t]", clientoption, "Human");
// Add option to menu.
AddMenuItem(menu_infect_clients, clientuserid, clientoption);
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n ", "Infect menu clients title");
SetMenuTitle(menu_infect_clients, title);
// Create a "Back" button to the main admin menu.
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_infect_clients, true);
// Send menu.
DisplayMenu(menu_infect_clients, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
* Called when client selects option in the infect clients menu, and handles it.
* @param menu_infect_clients Handle of the menu being used.
* @param action The action done on the menu (see, enum MenuAction).
* @param client The client index.
* @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0).
public InfectMenuClientsHandle(Handle:menu_infect_clients, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
// Client selected an option.
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
// Get selected client index.
new target = MenuGetClientIndex(menu_infect_clients, slot);
// If target has left the server, then stop.
if (!target)
// Re-send menu.
// Create an array with a single slot and set target to it.
new targets[1];
targets[0] = target;
// Toggle infect on the client.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(target))
InfectManualHuman(client, targets, 1);
InfectManualInfect(client, targets, 1);
// Re-send menu.
// Client closed the menu.
if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
// Client hit "Back" button.
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Re-open admin menu.
// Client hit "Exit" button.
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
* Returns if a client is infected.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client has been infected, false otherwise.
// If client is invalid, then stop.
if (!ZRIsClientValid(client))
return false;
// Return client's zombie flag.
return bZombie[client];
* Returns if a client is a human.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client is a human, false otherwise.
// If client is invalid, then stop.
if (!ZRIsClientValid(client))
return true;
// Return opposite of client's zombie flag.
return !bZombie[client];
* Infecting a client manually (via zr_infect or the "Zombie Management" menu)
* @param client The client index infecting another client.
* @param targets Array containing all clients to infect.
* @param count The number of clients in the array.
* @param respawnoverride (Optional) True to override respawn cvar.
* @param respawn (Optional) True to respawn client on infect.
stock InfectManualInfect(client, targets[], count, bool:respawnoverride = false, bool:respawn = false)
new bool:zombiespawned = g_bZombieSpawned;
// If zombie hasn't spawned, then make targetted player(s) mother zombies.
if (!zombiespawned)
// Stop mother infect timer.
if (tInfect != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Move all clients to CT
for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
// If client isn't in-game, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(x))
// If client is dead, then stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(x))
// Switch client to CT team.
CS_SwitchTeam(x, CS_TEAM_CT);
// Tell the plugin a mother zombie has spawned.
g_bZombieSpawned = true;
decl String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 0; x < count; x++)
// Get client's name for later use.
GetClientName(targets[x], targetname, sizeof(targetname));
// Check if client is a human before turning into zombie.
if (!InfectIsClientHuman(targets[x]))
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the command was unsuccessful.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was unsuccessful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect unsuccessful", targetname);
// If zombie hasn't spawned, then make targetted player(s) mother zombies.
if (!zombiespawned)
// Turn client into a mother zombie.
InfectHumanToZombie(targets[x], _, true, respawnoverride, respawn);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect mother successful", targetname);
// Turn client into a zombie.
InfectHumanToZombie(targets[x], _, false, respawnoverride, respawn);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect successful", targetname);
* Infecting a client manually (via zr_human or the "Zombie Management" menu)
* @param client The client index changing a zombie to human.
* @param targets Array containing all clients to make human.
* @param count The number of clients in the array.
* @param respawn (Optional) True to respawn client upon changing to human.
* @param protect (Optional) True to protect client upon changing to human.
stock InfectManualHuman(client, targets[], count, bool:respawn = false, bool:protect = false)
decl String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 0; x < count; x++)
// Get client's name for later use.
GetClientName(targets[x], targetname, sizeof(targetname));
// Check if client is a human before turning into zombie.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(targets[x]))
// Turn client into a zombie.
InfectZombieToHuman(targets[x], respawn, protect);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was successful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human successful", targetname);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the command was unsuccessful.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was unsuccessful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human unsuccessful", targetname);
* Command callback (zr_infect)
* Infects a client.
* @param client The client index.
* @param argc Argument count.
public Action:InfectInfectCommand(client, argc)
// Check if privileged.
if (!ZRIsClientPrivileged(client, OperationType_Generic))
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "No access to command");
return Plugin_Handled;
// If not enough arguments given, then stop.
if (argc < 1)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect syntax");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
new targets[MAXPLAYERS], bool:tn_is_ml, result;
// Get targetname.
GetCmdArg(1, target, sizeof(target));
// Find a target.
result = ProcessTargetString(target, client, targets, sizeof(targets), COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE , targetname, sizeof(targetname), tn_is_ml);
// Check if there was a problem finding a client.
if (result <= 0)
ZRReplyToTargetError(client, result);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Get respawn parameter.
decl String:strRespawn[8];
GetCmdArg(2, strRespawn, sizeof(strRespawn));
new bool:respawnoverride, bool:respawn;
// If parameter exists then cast it into a bool and feed it to infect function.
if (strRespawn[0])
respawnoverride = true;
respawn = bool:StringToInt(strRespawn);
// Infect player.
InfectManualInfect(client, targets, result, respawnoverride, respawn);
return Plugin_Handled;
* Command callback (zr_human)
* Turns a client into a human.
* @param client The client index.
* @param argc Argument count.
public Action:InfectHumanCommand(client, argc)
// Check if privileged.
if (!ZRIsClientPrivileged(client, OperationType_Generic))
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "No access to command");
return Plugin_Handled;
// If not enough arguments given, then stop.
if (argc < 1)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human syntax");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
new targets[MAXPLAYERS], bool:tn_is_ml, result;
// Get targetname.
GetCmdArg(1, target, sizeof(target));
// Find a target.
result = ProcessTargetString(target, client, targets, sizeof(targets), COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE , targetname, sizeof(targetname), tn_is_ml);
// Check if there was a problem finding a client.
if (result <= 0)
ZRReplyToTargetError(client, result);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Get respawn&protect parameters
decl String:strRespawn[8], String:strProtect[8];
GetCmdArg(2, strRespawn, sizeof(strRespawn));
GetCmdArg(3, strProtect, sizeof(strProtect));
// If parameter exists then cast it into a bool and feed it to "humanize" function.
new bool:respawn = (strRespawn[0]) ? (bool:StringToInt(strRespawn)) : false;
new bool:protect = (strProtect[0]) ? (bool:StringToInt(strProtect)) : false;
// Turn client into human.
InfectManualHuman(client, targets, result, respawn, protect);
return Plugin_Handled;