2014-07-30 12:03:42 +03:00

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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _eventsmsgs_included
#define _eventsmsgs_included
* UserMsg helper values.
enum UserMsg
* UserMsg message serialization formats
enum UserMessageType
UM_BitBuf = 0,
* @section Message Flags.
#define USERMSG_RELIABLE (1<<2) /**< Message will be set on the reliable stream */
#define USERMSG_INITMSG (1<<3) /**< Message will be considered to be an initmsg */
#define USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS (1<<7) /**< Prevents the message from triggering SourceMod and Metamod hooks */
* @endsection
* Returns usermessage serialization type used for the current engine
* @return The supported usermessage type.
native UserMessageType:GetUserMessageType();
* Returns the ID of a given message, or -1 on failure.
* @param msg String containing message name (case sensitive).
* @return A message index, or INVALID_MESSAGE_ID on failure.
native UserMsg:GetUserMessageId(const String:msg[]);
* Retrieves the name of a message by ID.
* @param msg_id Message index.
* @param msg Buffer to store the name of the message.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of string buffer.
* @return True if message index is valid, false otherwise.
native bool:GetUserMessageName(UserMsg:msg_id, String:msg[], maxlength);
* Starts a usermessage (network message).
* @note Only one message can be active at a time.
* @note It is illegal to send any message while a non-intercept hook is in progress.
* @param msgname Message name to start.
* @param clients Array containing player indexes to broadcast to.
* @param numClients Number of players in the array.
* @param flags Optional flags to set.
* @return A handle to a bf_write bit packing structure, or
* INVALID_HANDLE on failure.
* @error Invalid message name, unable to start a message, invalid client,
* or client not connected.
native Handle:StartMessage(String:msgname[], clients[], numClients, flags=0);
* Starts a usermessage (network message).
* @note Only one message can be active at a time.
* @note It is illegal to send any message while a non-intercept hook is in progress.
* @param msg Message index to start.
* @param clients Array containing player indexes to broadcast to.
* @param numClients Number of players in the array.
* @param flags Optional flags to set.
* @return A handle to a bf_write bit packing structure, or
* INVALID_HANDLE on failure.
* @error Invalid message name, unable to start a message, invalid client,
* or client not connected.
native Handle:StartMessageEx(UserMsg:msg, clients[], numClients, flags=0);
* Ends a previously started user message (network message).
* @noreturn
native EndMessage();
* Called when a message is hooked
* @param msg_id Message index.
* @param msg Handle to the input bit buffer or protobuf.
* @param players Array containing player indexes.
* @param playersNum Number of players in the array.
* @param reliable True if message is reliable, false otherwise.
* @param init True if message is an initmsg, false otherwise.
* @return Ignored for normal hooks. For intercept hooks, Plugin_Handled
* blocks the message from being sent, and Plugin_Continue
* resumes normal functionality.
functag public Action:MsgHook(UserMsg:msg_id, Handle:msg, const players[], playersNum, bool:reliable, bool:init);
* Called when a message hook has completed.
* @param msg_id Message index.
* @param sent True if message was sent, false if blocked.
functag public MsgPostHook(UserMsg:msg_id, bool:sent);
* Hooks a user message.
* @param msg_id Message index.
* @param hook Function to use as a hook.
* @param intercept If intercept is true, message will be fully intercepted,
* allowing the user to block the message. Otherwise,
* the hook is normal and ignores the return value.
* @param post Notification function.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid message index.
native HookUserMessage(UserMsg:msg_id, MsgHook:hook, bool:intercept=false, MsgPostHook:post=MsgPostHook:-1);
* Removes one usermessage hook.
* @param msg_id Message index.
* @param hook Function used for the hook.
* @param intercept Specifies whether the hook was an intercept hook or not.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid message index.
native UnhookUserMessage(UserMsg:msg_id, MsgHook:hook, bool:intercept=false);
* Starts a usermessage (network message) that broadcasts to all clients.
* @note See StartMessage or StartMessageEx().
* @param msgname Message name to start.
* @param flags Optional flags to set.
* @return A handle to a bf_write bit packing structure, or
* INVALID_HANDLE on failure.
stock Handle:StartMessageAll(String:msgname[], flags=0)
new total = 0;
new clients[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientConnected(i))
clients[total++] = i;
return StartMessage(msgname, clients, total, flags);
* Starts a simpler usermessage (network message) for one client.
* @note See StartMessage or StartMessageEx().
* @param msgname Message name to start.
* @param client Client to send to.
* @param flags Optional flags to set.
* @return A handle to a bf_write bit packing structure, or
* INVALID_HANDLE on failure.
stock Handle:StartMessageOne(String:msgname[], client, flags=0)
new players[1];
players[0] = client;
return StartMessage(msgname, players, 1, flags);