Greyscale 85c3400a62 Fixed weapons bug for what.. the 4th time? Finally figured out the cause, reproduced, made fix, no more bug.
Zombies no longer pick up weapons after the round.
Fixed bug where disabling restrict/weapons module allowed zombies to get weapons.
2009-06-26 18:33:09 -07:00

732 lines
20 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: API for all weapon-related functions.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Maximum length of a weapon name string
* Number of weapon slots (For CS:S)
* @section CS:S start weapons.
#define WEAPONS_SPAWN_T_WEAPON "weapon_glock"
#define WEAPONS_SPAWN_CT_WEAPON "weapon_usp"
* @endsection
* Weapon config data indexes.
enum WeaponsData
* @endsection
* Variable to store active weapon offset value.
new g_iToolsActiveWeapon;
* Weapon slots.
enum WeaponsSlot
Slot_Invalid = -1, /** Invalid weapon (slot). */
Slot_Primary = 0, /** Primary weapon slot. */
Slot_Secondary = 1, /** Secondary weapon slot. */
Slot_Melee = 2, /** Melee (knife) weapon slot. */
Slot_Projectile = 3, /** Projectile (grenades, flashbangs, etc) weapon slot. */
Slot_Explosive = 4, /** Explosive (c4) weapon slot. */
* Array handle to store weapon config data.
new Handle:arrayWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE;
#include "zr/weapons/restrict"
#include "zr/weapons/weaponammo"
#include "zr/weapons/weaponalpha"
#include "zr/weapons/zmarket"
#include "zr/weapons/menu_weapons"
* Weapons module init function.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Find active weapon-specific offsets here.
// If offset "m_hActiveWeapon" can't be found, then stop the plugin.
g_iToolsActiveWeapon = FindSendPropInfo("CBasePlayer", "m_hActiveWeapon");
if (g_iToolsActiveWeapon == -1)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Fatal, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Offsets", "Offset \"CBasePlayer::m_hActiveWeapon\" was not found.");
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Create commands related to weapons here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Create weapon-related cookies here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Loads weapon data from file.
// Register config file.
ConfigRegisterConfig(File_Weapons, Structure_Keyvalue, CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_WEAPONS);
// If module is disabled, then stop.
new bool:weapons = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS]);
if (!weapons)
// Get weapons config path.
decl String:pathweapons[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new bool:exists = ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONS, pathweapons);
// If file doesn't exist, then log and stop.
if (!exists)
// Log failure.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Config Validation", "Missing weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
// Set the path to the config file.
ConfigSetConfigPath(File_Weapons, pathweapons);
// Load config from file and create array structure.
new bool:success = ConfigLoadConfig(File_Weapons, arrayWeapons);
// Unexpected error, stop plugin.
if (!success)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Config Validation", "Unexpected error encountered loading: %s", pathweapons);
// Validate weapons config.
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
if (!size)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Config Validation", "No usable data found in weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
// Now copy data to array structure.
// Set config data.
ConfigSetConfigLoaded(File_Weapons, true);
ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(File_Weapons, GetFunctionByName(GetMyHandle(), "WeaponsOnConfigReload"));
ConfigSetConfigHandle(File_Weapons, arrayWeapons);
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Caches weapon data from file into arrays.
* Make sure the file is loaded before (ConfigLoadConfig) to prep array structure.
// Get config's file path.
decl String:pathweapons[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ConfigGetConfigPath(File_Weapons, pathweapons, sizeof(pathweapons));
new Handle:kvWeapons;
new bool:success = ConfigOpenConfigFile(File_Weapons, kvWeapons);
if (!success)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Config Validation", "Unexpected error caching data from weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
decl String:weaponname[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = array index
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
for (new x = 0; x < size; x++)
WeaponsGetName(x, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
if (!KvJumpToKey(kvWeapons, weaponname))
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "Config Validation", "Couldn't cache weapon data for: %s (check weapons config)", weaponname);
// Get config data.
decl String:weapontype[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:ammotype[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
// General
KvGetString(kvWeapons, "weapontype", weapontype, sizeof(weapontype));
new WeaponsSlot:weaponslot = WeaponsSlot:KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "weaponslot", -1);
// Restrict (core)
new bool:restrictdefault = ConfigKvGetStringBool(kvWeapons, "restrictdefault", "no");
new bool:toggleable = ConfigKvGetStringBool(kvWeapons, "toggleable", "yes");
// Weapon Ammo (core)
KvGetString(kvWeapons, "ammotype", ammotype, sizeof(ammotype));
new ammoprice = KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "ammoprice", -1);
// Knockback (module)
new Float:knockback = KvGetFloat(kvWeapons, "knockback", 1.0);
// ZMarket (module)
new zmarketprice = KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "zmarketprice", -1);
new zmarketpurchasemax = KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "zmarketpurchasemax", 0);
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, x);
// Push data into array.
PushArrayString(arrayWeapon, weapontype); // Index: 1
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, weaponslot); // Index: 2
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, restrictdefault); // Index: 3
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, toggleable); // Index: 4
PushArrayString(arrayWeapon, ammotype); // Index: 5
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, ammoprice); // Index: 6
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, knockback); // Index: 7
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, zmarketprice); // Index: 8
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, zmarketpurchasemax); // Index: 9
// Initialize other stored weapon info here.
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, restrictdefault); // Index: 10
// We're done with this file now, so we can close it.
* Called when config is being reloaded.
public WeaponsOnConfigReload()
// Reload weapons config.
* Client is joining the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Client is leaving the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Client is spawning into the game.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Client is spawning into the game. *Post
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* The round is ending.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Called when a client picks up an item.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index.
WeaponsOnItemPickup(client, weapon)
// Forward event to sub-modules.
// Fire post OnItemPickup event.
// Fill datapack with event information.
new Handle:eventinfo = CreateDataPack();
WritePackCell(eventinfo, client);
WritePackCell(eventinfo, weapon);
// Create post delay timer.
CreateTimer(0.0, WeaponsOnItemPickupPost, eventinfo, TIMER_DATA_HNDL_CLOSE);
* Called when a client picks up an item. *Post
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index.
public Action:WeaponsOnItemPickupPost(Handle:timer, Handle:eventinfo)
// Get event info.
new client = ReadPackCell(eventinfo);
new weapon = ReadPackCell(eventinfo);
// If client isn't in the game anymore, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
// If the weapon entity isn't valid anymore, then stop.
if (!IsValidEdict(weapon))
// Forward event to sub-modules.
WeaponAlphaOnItemPickupPost(client, weapon);
* Weapon data reading API.
* Clear cache for a given weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
stock WeaponsClearCache(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:hWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Clear array.
* Find the index at which the weapon's name is at.
* @param weapon The weapon name.
* @return The array index containing the given weapon name.
stock WeaponsNameToIndex(const String:weapon[])
decl String:weaponname[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = Array index.
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
for (new x = 0; x < size; x++)
WeaponsGetName(x, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
// If names match, then return index.
if (StrEqual(weapon, weaponname, false))
return x;
// Name doesn't exist.
return -1;
* Takes a weapon's classname and returns the display name in weapons config file.
* @param
stock WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(String:classname[], classnamemaxlen, String:display[], displaymaxlen)
// Strip off classnames' weapon prefix.
ReplaceString(classname, classnamemaxlen, "weapon_", "");
ReplaceString(classname, classnamemaxlen, "item_", "");
// Get the index of the weapon.
new weaponindex = WeaponsNameToIndex(classname);
// If weapon index is invalid, then return an empty string.
if (weaponindex == -1)
// Return an empty string.
strcopy(display, displaymaxlen, "");
// Return the display name.
WeaponsGetName(weaponindex, display, displaymaxlen);
* Checks if a weapon is valid. (E.G. listed in weapons.txt)
* @param weapon The weapon name.
* @return Returns true if valid, false it not.
stock bool:WeaponsIsWeaponValid(const String:weapon[])
return (WeaponsNameToIndex(weapon) != -1);
* Gets the name of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param weapon The string to return name in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetName(index, String:weapon[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get weapon name.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_NAME, weapon, maxlen);
* Gets the type of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param type The string to return type in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetType(index, String:type[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get weapon type.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_TYPE, type, maxlen);
* Gets the slot index of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The slot index of the weapon.
stock WeaponsSlot:WeaponsGetSlot(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return default restriction status.
return WeaponsSlot:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_SLOT);
* Gets if a weapon is restricted by default.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return True if the weapon is restricted by default, false if not.
stock bool:WeaponsGetRestrictDefault(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return default restriction status.
return bool:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_RESTRICTDEFAULT);
* Gets if a weapon's restriction status is toggleable.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return True if the weapon restriction can be toggled, false if not.
stock bool:WeaponsGetToggleable(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return if weapon is toggleable.
return bool:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_TOGGLEABLE);
* Gets the ammo type of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param ammotype The string to return ammotype in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetAmmoType(index, String:ammotype[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get ammo type of the weapon.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_AMMOTYPE, ammotype, maxlen);
* Gets the price of ammo for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The ammo price.
stock WeaponsGetAmmoPrice(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return ammo price of the weapon.
return GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_AMMOPRICE);
* Gets the knockback multiplier for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The weapon knockback multiplier.
stock Float:WeaponsGetKnockback(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return knockback multiplier of the weapon.
return Float:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_KNOCKBACK);
* Gets the ZMarket price for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The ZMarket price.
stock WeaponsGetZMarketPrice(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return the ZMarket price of the weapon.
return GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_ZMARKETPRICE);
* Gets the max purchases from ZMarket per round per client of a weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The max purchases of the weapon.
stock WeaponsGetZMarketPurchaseMax(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return the ZMarket price of the weapon.
return GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_ZMARKETPURCHASEMAX);
* General weapon API.
* Checks if a client has a specific weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon classname.
stock bool:WeaponsClientHasWeapon(client, const String:weapon[])
// Get all of client's current weapons.
new weapons[WeaponsSlot];
WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons);
decl String:classname[64];
// x = slot index
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
// If slot is empty, then stop.
if (weapons[x] == -1)
// If the weapon's classname matches, then return true.
GetEdictClassname(weapons[x], classname, sizeof(classname));
ReplaceString(classname, sizeof(classname), "weapon_", "");
if (StrEqual(weapon, classname, false))
return true;
return false;
* Return an array that contains all client's weapon indexes.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapons The weapon index array.
* -1 if no weapon in slot.
stock WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons[WeaponsSlot])
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
weapons[x] = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, x);
* Returns weapon index of the client's deployed weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The weapon index of the deployed weapon.
* -1 if no weapon is deployed.
stock WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponIndex(client)
// Return the client's active weapon.
return GetEntDataEnt2(client, offsActiveWeapon);
* Returns slot of client's deployed weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The slot number of deployed weapon.
stock WeaponsSlot:WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponSlot(client)
// Get all client's weapon indexes.
new weapons[WeaponsSlot];
WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons);
// Get client's deployed weapon.
new deployedweapon = WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponIndex(client);
// If client has no deployed weapon, then stop.
if (deployedweapon == -1)
return Type_Invalid;
// x = weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
if (weapons[x] == deployedweapon)
return WeaponsSlot:x;
return Type_Invalid;
* Forces player to drop weapon index.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index to force client to drop.
stock WeaponsForceClientDrop(client, weapon)
// Force client to drop weapon.
SDKCall(g_hToolsCSWeaponDrop, client, weapon, true, false);