richard 4117519b39 Added command for modifying or scaling class attributes. Minior fixes, see details.
Fixed error getting default classes on early player connect (bots, source tv, etc.).
Fixed jump boost not resetting height velocity. Changed to add to velocity. Jump from boost platform still doesn't work because the velocity is set too early.
Added check for reserved class names when validating.
Updated class default attributes and jump limits.
2009-05-10 18:49:47 +02:00

773 lines
24 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Class system tools; validating, getting indexes or lists
* ============================================================================
* Validates the team requirements in a class cache and check that theres at
* least one class for each team. Minium team requirements are zombies and
* humans. The admin team is optinal and not validated.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to validate. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL (default, unchanged class data),
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (modified class data).
* @return True if validation was successful, false otherwise.
bool:ClassValidateTeamRequirements(cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL)
new zombieindex;
new humanindex;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Test if a zombie and human class was found.
zombieindex = ClassGetFirstClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, cachetype);
humanindex = ClassGetFirstClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS, _, cachetype);
// Validate indexes.
if (ClassValidateIndex(zombieindex) && ClassValidateIndex(humanindex))
return true;
return false;
* Validates that there's a class marked as team default for each team.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to validate. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL (default, unchanged class data),
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (modified class data).
* @return True if validation was successful, false otherwise.
bool:ClassValidateTeamDefaults(cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL)
new zombieindex;
new humanindex;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Test if a default zombie and human class was found.
zombieindex = ClassGetDefaultClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, cachetype);
humanindex = ClassGetDefaultClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS, _, cachetype);
// Validate indexes.
if (ClassValidateIndex(zombieindex) && ClassValidateIndex(humanindex))
return true;
return false;
* Validates all the class attributes in the original class data array, to
* check if they have invalid values. Boolean settings are not validated.
* @param classindex The index of the class to validate.
* @return A value with attribute error flags.
// TODO: Validate immunity mode and amount.
new flags;
// Name.
if (strlen(ClassData[classindex][class_name]) < ZR_CLASS_NAME_MIN)
decl String:name[64];
strcopy(name, sizeof(name), ClassData[classindex][class_name]);
// Check for reserved name keyworks.
if (StrEqual(name, "all", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "humans", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "zombies", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "admins", false))
// Description.
if (strlen(ClassData[classindex][class_description]) < ZR_CLASS_DESCRIPTION_MIN)
// Model path.
decl String:model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (strcopy(model_path, sizeof(model_path), ClassData[classindex][class_model_path]) == 0)
// Check if default or random model is specified.
if (strcmp(model_path, "random", false) != 0 && strcmp(model_path, "default", false) != 0)
// Check if the file exists.
if (!FileExists(model_path))
// Alpha, initial.
new alpha_initial = ClassData[classindex][class_alpha_initial];
if (!(alpha_initial >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_INITIAL_MIN && alpha_initial <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_INITIAL_MAX))
// Alpha, damaged.
new alpha_damaged = ClassData[classindex][class_alpha_damaged];
if (!(alpha_damaged >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGED_MIN && alpha_damaged <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGED_MAX))
// Alpha, damage.
new alpha_damage = ClassData[classindex][class_alpha_damage];
if (!(alpha_damage >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGE_MIN && alpha_damage <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGE_MAX))
// Overlay path.
decl String:overlay_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:overlay[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (strcopy(overlay_path, sizeof(overlay_path), ClassData[classindex][class_overlay_path]) > 0)
// Check if the file exists.
Format(overlay, sizeof(overlay), "materials/%s.vmt", overlay_path);
if (!FileExists(overlay))
// Field of view.
new fov = ClassData[classindex][class_fov];
if (!(fov >= ZR_CLASS_FOV_MIN && fov <= ZR_CLASS_FOV_MAX))
// Napalm time.
new Float:napalm_time = ClassData[classindex][class_napalm_time];
if (!(napalm_time >= ZR_CLASS_NAPALM_TIME_MIN && napalm_time <= ZR_CLASS_NAPALM_TIME_MAX))
// Health.
new health = ClassData[classindex][class_health];
if (!(health >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_MIN && health <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_MAX))
// Health regen interval.
new Float:regen_interval = ClassData[classindex][class_health_regen_interval];
if (!(regen_interval >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_INTERVAL_MIN && regen_interval <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_INTERVAL_MAX))
// Health regen amount. Only validating if interval is set.
new regen_amount = ClassData[classindex][class_health_regen_amount];
if (!(regen_amount >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_AMOUNT_MIN && regen_amount <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_REGEN_AMOUNT_MAX))
// Health infect gain.
new infect_gain = ClassData[classindex][class_health_infect_gain];
if (!(infect_gain >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_INFECT_GAIN_MIN && infect_gain <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_INFECT_GAIN_MAX))
// Kill bonus.
new kill_bonus = ClassData[classindex][class_kill_bonus];
if (!(kill_bonus >= ZR_CLASS_KILL_BONUS_MIN && kill_bonus <= ZR_CLASS_KILL_BONUS_MAX))
// Speed.
new Float:speed = ClassData[classindex][class_speed];
if (!(speed >= ZR_CLASS_SPEED_MIN && speed <= ZR_CLASS_SPEED_MAX))
// Knockback.
new Float:knockback = ClassData[classindex][class_knockback];
if (!(knockback >= ZR_CLASS_KNOCKBACK_MIN && knockback <= ZR_CLASS_KNOCKBACK_MAX))
// Jump height.
new Float:jump_height = ClassData[classindex][class_jump_height];
if (!(jump_height >= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_HEIGHT_MIN && jump_height <= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_HEIGHT_MAX))
// Jump distance.
new Float:jump_distance = ClassData[classindex][class_jump_distance];
if (!(jump_distance >= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_DISTANCE_MIN && jump_distance <= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_DISTANCE_MAX))
return flags;
* Checks if the specified class index points to a existing class in the
* ClassData array.
* @param classindex The class index to validate.
* @return True if the class exist, false otherwise.
if (classindex >= 0 && classindex < ClassCount)
return true;
return false;
* Compares the class team ID with a team ID.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param teamid The team ID to compare with the class.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER - Player cache. If this one is used,
* index will be used as a client index.
* @return True if equal, false otherwise.
bool:ClassTeamCompare(index, teamid, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
switch (cachetype)
if (ClassData[index][class_team] == teamid)
return true;
if (ClassDataCache[index][class_team] == teamid)
return true;
if (ClassPlayerCache[index][class_team] == teamid)
return true;
return false;
* Gets the first class index of a class with the specified name (not a case
* sensitive search).
* @param name The name to search for.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* @return The class index if successful, -1 otherwise.
ClassGetIndex(const String:name[], cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
decl String:current_name[64];
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
// Get its name and compare it with the specified class name.
ClassGetName(classindex, current_name, sizeof(current_name), cachetype);
if (strcmp(name, current_name, false) == 0)
return classindex;
// The class index wasn't found.
return -1;
* Gets the currently active class index that the player is using.
* Note: Does not check if the player is dead.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The active class index. -1 on error or if a spectactor.
new teamid = GetClientTeam(client);
if (!ZRIsClientOnTeam(client))
// No active team.
return -1;
// Check if the player currently is in admin mode.
if (ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
// Not in admin mode, check if player is human or zombie.
if (InfectIsClientHuman(client))
// Return the active class for the active team.
return ClassSelected[client][teamid];
* Gets all class indexes or from a specified team, and adds them to the
* specified array.
* @param array The destination array to add class indexes.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value for
* no filter (default).
* @param ignoreEnabled Optional. Ignore the class's enabled attribute. Default
* is false.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return True on success. False on error or if no classes were added or
* found.
bool:ClassAddToArray(Handle:array, teamfilter = -1, bool:ignoreEnabled = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Validate the array.
if (array == INVALID_HANDLE)
return false;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Store a local boolean that says if the user specified a team filter or not.
new bool:has_filter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
new classes_added;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
if (!ignoreEnabled && !ClassIsEnabled(classindex, cachetype))
// The class is disabled and the enabled attribute is NOT ignored.
// Skip to the next class.
// Check team filtering.
if (has_filter)
// Only add classes with matching team ID.
if (ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype) == teamfilter)
// Team ID match. Add class index to array.
PushArrayCell(array, classindex);
// No filter. Add any class to the array.
PushArrayCell(array, classindex);
if (classes_added)
return true;
// No classes were found/added.
return false;
* Counts total classes or classes in the specified team.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. Negative value for
* no filter (default).
* @param ignoreEnabled Ignore the enabled attribute.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return Number of total classes or classes in the specified team.
ClassCountTeam(teamfilter = -1, bool:ignoreEnabled = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return 0;
// Store a local boolean that says if the user specified a team filter or not.
new bool:has_filter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
new count;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
if (!ignoreEnabled && !ClassIsEnabled(classindex, cachetype))
// The class is disabled and the enabled attribute is NOT ignored.
// Skip to the next class.
// Check team filtering.
if (has_filter)
// Only add classes with matching team ID.
if (ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype) == teamfilter)
// Team ID match. Increment counter.
// No filter. Increment counter.
// Return number of classes found.
return count;
* Gets a random class index from a specified team or from all classes.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value for
* no filter (default).
* @param ignoreEnabled Optional. Ignore the class's enabled attribute. Default
* is false.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The class index if successful, or -1 on error.
ClassGetRandomClass(teamfilter = -1, bool:ignoreEnabled = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
new Handle:classarray;
new arraycount;
new randnum;
classarray = CreateArray();
// Try to get a class list.
if (ClassAddToArray(classarray, teamfilter, ignoreEnabled, cachetype))
// Get a random index from the new class array.
arraycount = GetArraySize(classarray);
randnum = GetRandomInt(0, arraycount - 1);
// Return the value at the random index.
return GetArrayCell(classarray, randnum);
// Failed to get a random class.
return -1;
* Gets the first class index, or the first class index with the specified team
* ID.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value for
* no filter (default).
* @param ignoreEnabled Optional. Ignore the class's enabled attribute. Default
* is false.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The first class index, or the first class index with the specified
* team ID. -1 on error.
ClassGetFirstClass(teamfilter = -1, bool:ignoreEnabled = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
new bool:has_filter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
if (!ignoreEnabled && !ClassIsEnabled(classindex, cachetype))
if (has_filter)
if (teamfilter == ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype))
// Team ID match. Return the class index.
return classindex;
// No team filter. Return the class index.
return classindex;
return -1;
* Gets the first class marked as default for the specified team.
* @param teamid The team ID.
* @param ignoreEnabled Optional. Ignore the class's enabled attribute. Default
* is false.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The first default class index. -1 on error.
ClassGetDefaultClass(teamid, bool:ignoreEnabled = false, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
new Handle:classarray;
new arraycount;
new classindex;
classarray = CreateArray();
// Get all classes from the specified team.
if (!ClassAddToArray(classarray, teamid, ignoreEnabled, cachetype))
// Failed to get classes.
return -1;
// Loop through all classes and return the first class marked as team default.
arraycount = GetArraySize(classarray);
for (new i = 0; i < arraycount; i++)
// Get class index from the array.
classindex = GetArrayCell(classarray, i);
// Check if the current class is marked as team default.
if (ClassGetTeamDefault(classindex, cachetype))
// Default class found.
return classindex;
return -1;
* Gets the default class index for the specified team configured to be used
* when players join the server.
* @param teamid The team ID.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* @return The class index of the default class for the specified team if
* successful. -1 on critical errors. Otherwise it will try to fall
* back on the first class in the specified team.
ClassGetDefaultSpawnClass(teamid, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
decl String:classname[64];
new classindex;
// Initialize log boolean.
new bool:enablelog = LogCheckFlag(LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LOG_MODULE_CLASSES);
// Get the default class name from the correct CVAR depending on teamid.
switch (teamid)
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ZOMBIE], classname, sizeof(classname));
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_HUMAN], classname, sizeof(classname));
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ADMIN], classname, sizeof(classname));
// Invalid team ID.
return -1;
// Check if the class name isn't empty.
if (strlen(classname) > 0)
// Check if the user set "random" as default class.
if (strcmp(classname, "random", false) == 0)
// Get a list of all classes with the specified team ID.
classindex = ClassGetRandomClass(teamid, _, cachetype);
// Validate the result, in case there were errors.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex))
return classindex;
// Invalid index. The ClassGetRandomClass function is pretty
// failsafe. So if we can't get a class index here, it's a
// critical error. No reason to fall back on other solutions.
return -1;
// The user set a spesific class.
// Try to get the class index with the specified class name.
classindex = ClassGetIndex(classname, cachetype);
// Validate the class index and check if the team IDs match.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex) && (teamid == ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype)))
return classindex;
// The class index is invalid or the team IDs didn't match.
// Because it's user input, we'll fall back to the first class
// in the specified team, and log a warning.
classindex = ClassGetFirstClass(teamid, _, cachetype);
if (enablelog)
LogMessageFormatted(-1, "Classes", "DefaultSpawnClass", "Warning: Failed to set \"%s\" as default spawn class for team %d. The class doesn't exist or the team IDs doesn't match. Falling back to the first class in the team.", _, classname, teamid);
// Validate the new index.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex))
// Log a warning.
if (enablelog)
LogMessageFormatted(-1, "Classes", "DefaultSpawnClass", "Warning: The default class name \"%s\" does not exist or matches the team ID.", _, classname);
return classindex;
// Something went wrong. This is a critical error.
return -1;
// Blank class name, get the default class and return the index.
return ClassGetDefaultClass(teamid, _, cachetype);