richard d6b5edd289 Fixes in class system. See details.
Fixed admin classes assigned to non-admin when zr_classes_random is 1.
Fixed mother zombie classes not assigned when they should be.
Fixed improved class skills on mother infection also applied to mother zombie classes.
Updated class configuration with new special classes.
2009-07-08 02:16:29 +02:00

246 lines
7.4 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Functions for handling class related events.
* ============================================================================
/* ------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------
* Create class-related cookies here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Called when all modules are done loading.
// Set default classes on all player slots.
* Called when a client connects to the server (OnClientPutInServer).
// Check if there are valid classes and the client is valid.
// To prevent bots or SourceTV causing errors. If classes are invalid this
// event was executed before classes were loaded.
if (ClassValidated && ZRIsClientValid(client))
// Set default class indexes on the player.
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Called a client disconnects.
// Disable class attributes with timers.
* Client is spawning into the game.
* @param client The client index.
decl String:originalmodel[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:steamid[16];
decl String:classname[64];
// Check if the player is alive.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
// Check if there are valid classes. Block this event if classes aren't
// done loading.
if (!ClassValidated)
// Reset attributes by triggering death event.
// Cache original player model.
GetClientModel(client, originalmodel, sizeof(originalmodel));
strcopy(ClassOriginalPlayerModel[client], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, originalmodel);
// Exclude special class flags like mother zombies and admin classes.
new denyflags = ZR_CLASS_SPECIALFLAGS;
// Allow admin classes if admin.
denyflags -= ZRIsClientAdmin(client) ? ZR_CLASS_FLAG_ADMIN_ONLY : 0;
// Get random class setting.
new bool:randomclass = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_RANDOM]);
// Assign random classes if enabled. Always do it for bots.
GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
if (randomclass || StrEqual(steamid, "BOT"))
// Get random classes for each type.
new randomzombie = ClassGetRandomClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, _, denyflags);
new randomhuman = ClassGetRandomClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS, _, _, denyflags);
// Save selected zombie class index.
ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES] = randomzombie;
ClassGetName(randomzombie, classname, sizeof(classname), ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Classes random assignment", classname);
// Save selected human class index.
ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS] = randomhuman;
ClassGetName(randomhuman, classname, sizeof(classname), ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Classes random assignment", classname);
// Update player cache with the human class data, and apply it.
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, randomhuman);
// Check if the player should spawn in admin mode.
if (ClassPlayerAdminMode[client])
// Mark player as in admin mode.
ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client] = true;
// Update player cache with the admin class and apply attributes.
new adminindex = ClassPlayerNextAdminClass[client];
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, adminindex);
// Mark player as not in admin mode.
ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client] = false;
// Apply class attributes for the currently active class.
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, ClassGetActiveIndex(client));
* Client died. Stops timers and reset certain attributes. Call this event to
* clean up class related stuff.
* @param client The client index.
// Disable class attributes with timers.
// Set client's FOV back to normal.
ToolsSetClientDefaultFOV(client, 90);
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Client got infected. Reloads class attributes.
* @param client The client index.
ClassOnClientInfected(client, bool:motherzombie = false)
new classindex = ClassGetActiveIndex(client);
new isadmin;
new motherindex;
decl String:motherzombiesetting[64];
// Disable class attributes with timers.
// Check if it's a mother zombie.
if (motherzombie)
// Set admin flag if client is admin, so it's removed in special class
// flags.
isadmin = ZRIsClientAdmin(client) ? ZR_CLASS_FLAG_ADMIN_ONLY : 0;
// Get default mother zombie setting.
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_M_ZOMB], motherzombiesetting, sizeof(motherzombiesetting));
if (StrEqual(motherzombiesetting, "disabled", false))
// Do nothing. Keep current class.
else if (StrEqual(motherzombiesetting, "random", false))
// Get random regular zombie class. Remove admin flag if admin.
motherindex = ClassGetRandomClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, _, ZR_CLASS_SPECIALFLAGS - isadmin);
// Validate index. Do not change class if it's invalid.
if (ClassValidateIndex(motherindex))
// Change class.
classindex = motherindex;
else if (StrEqual(motherzombiesetting, "motherzombies", false))
// Get random mother zombie class. Include admin classes if admin.
motherindex = ClassGetRandomClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, ZR_CLASS_FLAG_MOTHER_ZOMBIE + isadmin, ZR_CLASS_FLAG_ADMIN_ONLY - isadmin);
// Validate index. Do not change class if it's invalid.
if (ClassValidateIndex(motherindex))
// This is a mother zombie class. Reset mother zombie setting so
// class skills aren't improved.
motherzombie = false;
// Change class.
classindex = motherindex;
// Assume it's a class name. Get index for the specified class name.
motherindex = ClassGetIndex(motherzombiesetting);
// Validate index.
if (ClassValidateIndex(motherindex))
// Change class.
classindex = motherindex;
// Update the players cache with zombie attributes.
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, classindex);
// Apply the new attributes.
ClassApplyAttributes(client, motherzombie);