richard 3794251cc5 Updated all admin console commands to check if client is privileged (so group authentication works), instead of using RegAdminCmd. Minior fixes.
Changed admin teleport command to log target names.
Cached result of privilege check instead of calling function twice (zadmin menu).
Disabled old debug commands. Do not remove, we need them for testing later.
2009-10-26 23:17:22 +01:00

204 lines
6.3 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Handle admin functions and menus.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Create commands specific to ZAdmin.
// Register ZAdmin command.
RegConsoleCmd(SAYHOOKS_KEYWORD_ZADMIN, ZAdminCommand, "Opens ZR admin menu.");
* Command callback (zadmin)
* Opens ZR admin menu.
* @param client The client index.
* @param argc Argument count.
public Action:ZAdminCommand(client, argc)
// If client is console, then stop and tell them this feature is for players only.
if (ZRIsConsole(client))
TranslationPrintToServer("Must be player");
return Plugin_Handled;
// Send admin menu.
// This stops the "Unknown command" message in client's console.
return Plugin_Handled;
* Main admin menu.
* @param client The client index.
// If client isn't an generic admin, then stop.
if (!ZRIsClientAdmin(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Must be admin");
return false;
// Boolean that tell if client is allowed to do configuration.
new bool:configallowed = ZRIsClientPrivileged(client, OperationType_Configuration);
// Create menu handle.
new Handle:menu_zadmin = CreateMenu(ZAdminMenuHandle);
// Set translation target as the client.
decl String:title[MENU_LINE_TITLE_LENGTH];
decl String:classmultipliers[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:weapons[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:hitgroups[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:infect[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:zspawn[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
decl String:ztele[MENU_LINE_REG_LENGTH];
Format(title, sizeof(title), "%t\n ", "ZAdmin main title");
Format(classmultipliers, sizeof(classmultipliers), "%t", "ZAdmin main class multipliers");
Format(weapons, sizeof(weapons), "%t", "ZAdmin main weapons");
Format(hitgroups, sizeof(hitgroups), "%t", "ZAdmin main hitgroups");
Format(infect, sizeof(infect), "%t", "ZAdmin main zombie");
Format(zspawn, sizeof(zspawn), "%t", "ZAdmin main force zspawn");
Format(ztele, sizeof(ztele), "%t", "ZAdmin main force ztele");
// Get conditions for options.
new configdraw = MenuGetItemDraw(configallowed);
new moderatordraw = MenuGetItemDraw(ZRIsClientPrivileged(client, OperationType_Generic));
new hitgroupdraw = MenuGetItemDraw(GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_HITGROUPS]) && configallowed);
// Add items to menu.
SetMenuTitle(menu_zadmin, title);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "classmultipliers", classmultipliers, configdraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "weapons", weapons, configdraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "hitgroups", hitgroups, hitgroupdraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "infect", infect, moderatordraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "zspawn", zspawn, moderatordraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_zadmin, "ztele", ztele, moderatordraw);
// Set "Back" button.
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_zadmin, true);
// Send menu to client.
DisplayMenu(menu_zadmin, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return true;
* Menu callback (zadmin)
* Handles options selected in the admin menu.
* @param menu The menu handle.
* @param action Action client is doing in menu.
* @param client The client index.
* @param slot The menu slot selected. (starting from 0)
public ZAdminMenuHandle(Handle:menu_zadmin, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
// Create variable to possible resend menu later.
new bool:resend = true;
// Class multipliers.
case 0:
resend = !ClassTeamSelect(client);
// Weapon management.
case 1:
resend = !WeaponsMenuMain(client);
// Hitgroup management.
case 2:
resend = !HitgroupsMenuHitgroups(client);
// Zombie management.
case 3:
// We're not resending this menu.
resend = false;
// Send list of clients to infect.
// Force ZSpawn.
case 4:
// We're not resending this menu.
resend = false;
// Send list of clients to infect.
MenuClientList(client, ZSpawnForceHandle, true, false, true, "ZSpawn clients title");
// Force ZTele.
case 5:
// We're not resending this menu.
resend = false;
// Send list of clients to infect.
MenuClientList(client, ZTeleForceHandle, true, true, false, "ZTele clients title");
// Re-send menu if selection failed.
if (resend)
if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Exit back to main menu.
else if (action == MenuAction_End)