
1023 lines
32 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Class system tools; validating, getting indexes or lists
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Validates the team requirements in a class cache and check that theres at
* least one class for each team. Minium team requirements are zombies and
* humans. The admin team is optinal and not validated.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to validate. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL (default, unchanged class data),
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (modified class data).
* @return True if validation was successful, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassValidateTeamRequirements(cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL)
new zombieindex;
new humanindex;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Test if a zombie and human class was found.
zombieindex = ClassGetFirstClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, cachetype);
humanindex = ClassGetFirstClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS, _, cachetype);
// Validate indexes.
if (ClassValidateIndex(zombieindex) && ClassValidateIndex(humanindex))
return true;
return false;
* Validates that there's a class marked as team default for each team.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to validate. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL (default, unchanged class data),
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (modified class data).
* @return True if validation was successful, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassValidateTeamDefaults(cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL)
new zombieindex;
new humanindex;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Test if a default zombie and human class was found.
zombieindex = ClassGetDefaultClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES, _, cachetype);
humanindex = ClassGetDefaultClass(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS, _, cachetype);
// Validate indexes.
if (ClassValidateIndex(zombieindex) && ClassValidateIndex(humanindex))
return true;
return false;
* Validates all the class attributes in the original class data array, to
* check if they have invalid values. Boolean settings are not validated.
* @param classindex The index of the class to validate.
* @return A value with attribute error flags.
stock ClassValidateAttributes(classindex)
// TODO: Validate immunity mode and amount.
new flags;
// Team.
if (ClassData[classindex][Class_Team] < ZR_CLASS_TEAM_MIN || ClassData[classindex][Class_Team] > ZR_CLASS_TEAM_MAX)
flags += ZR_CLASS_TEAM;
// Class flags.
if (ClassData[classindex][Class_Flags] < ZR_CLASS_FLAGS_MIN || ClassData[classindex][Class_Flags] > ZR_CLASS_FLAGS_MAX)
flags += ZR_CLASS_FLAGS;
// Group.
if (strlen(ClassData[classindex][Class_Group]))
// Check if the group exist.
if (FindAdmGroup(ClassData[classindex][Class_Group]) == INVALID_GROUP_ID)
flags += ZR_CLASS_GROUP;
// Name.
if (strlen(ClassData[classindex][Class_Name]) < ZR_CLASS_NAME_MIN)
flags += ZR_CLASS_NAME;
decl String:name[64];
strcopy(name, sizeof(name), ClassData[classindex][Class_Name]);
// Check for reserved name keyworks. These aren't allowed as names.
if (StrEqual(name, "all", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "humans", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "zombies", false) ||
StrEqual(name, "admins", false))
flags += ZR_CLASS_NAME;
// Description.
if (strlen(ClassData[classindex][Class_Description]) < ZR_CLASS_DESCRIPTION_MIN)
// Model path.
decl String:model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (strcopy(model_path, sizeof(model_path), ClassData[classindex][Class_ModelPath]) == 0)
// Check if a model different from default or random is specified.
if (!StrEqual(model_path, "random", false) && !StrEqual(model_path, "default", false))
// Check if the file exists.
if (!FileExists(model_path))
// Alpha, initial.
new alpha_initial = ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaInitial];
if (!(alpha_initial >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_INITIAL_MIN && alpha_initial <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_INITIAL_MAX))
// Alpha, damaged.
new alpha_damaged = ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaDamaged];
if (!(alpha_damaged >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGED_MIN && alpha_damaged <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGED_MAX))
// Alpha, damage.
new alpha_damage = ClassData[classindex][Class_AlphaDamage];
if (!(alpha_damage >= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGE_MIN && alpha_damage <= ZR_CLASS_ALPHA_DAMAGE_MAX))
// Overlay path.
decl String:overlay_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:overlay[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (strcopy(overlay_path, sizeof(overlay_path), ClassData[classindex][Class_OverlayPath]) > 0)
// Check if the file exists.
Format(overlay, sizeof(overlay), "materials/%s.vmt", overlay_path);
if (!FileExists(overlay))
// Field of view.
new fov = ClassData[classindex][Class_Fov];
if (!(fov >= ZR_CLASS_FOV_MIN && fov <= ZR_CLASS_FOV_MAX))
flags += ZR_CLASS_FOV;
// Napalm time.
new Float:napalm_time = ClassData[classindex][Class_NapalmTime];
if (!(napalm_time >= ZR_CLASS_NAPALM_TIME_MIN && napalm_time <= ZR_CLASS_NAPALM_TIME_MAX))
// Immunity mode (not implemented).
// Health.
new health = ClassData[classindex][Class_Health];
if (!(health >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_MIN && health <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_MAX))
// Health regen interval.
new Float:regen_interval = ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthRegenInterval];
if (!(regen_interval >= ZR_CLASS_REGEN_INTERVAL_MIN && regen_interval <= ZR_CLASS_REGEN_INTERVAL_MAX))
// Health regen amount.
new regen_amount = ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthRegenAmount];
if (!(regen_amount >= ZR_CLASS_REGEN_AMOUNT_MIN && regen_amount <= ZR_CLASS_REGEN_AMOUNT_MAX))
// Health infect gain.
new infect_gain = ClassData[classindex][Class_HealthInfectGain];
if (!(infect_gain >= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_INFECT_GAIN_MIN && infect_gain <= ZR_CLASS_HEALTH_INFECT_GAIN_MAX))
// Kill bonus.
new kill_bonus = ClassData[classindex][Class_KillBonus];
if (!(kill_bonus >= ZR_CLASS_KILL_BONUS_MIN && kill_bonus <= ZR_CLASS_KILL_BONUS_MAX))
// Speed.
new Float:speed = ClassData[classindex][Class_Speed];
if (!(speed >= ZR_CLASS_SPEED_MIN && speed <= ZR_CLASS_SPEED_MAX))
flags += ZR_CLASS_SPEED;
// Knockback.
new Float:knockback = ClassData[classindex][Class_KnockBack];
if (!(knockback >= ZR_CLASS_KNOCKBACK_MIN && knockback <= ZR_CLASS_KNOCKBACK_MAX))
// Jump height.
new Float:jump_height = ClassData[classindex][Class_JumpHeight];
if (!(jump_height >= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_HEIGHT_MIN && jump_height <= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_HEIGHT_MAX))
// Jump distance.
new Float:jump_distance = ClassData[classindex][Class_JumpDistance];
if (!(jump_distance >= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_DISTANCE_MIN && jump_distance <= ZR_CLASS_JUMP_DISTANCE_MAX))
return flags;
* Checks if the specified class index is a valid index.
* @param classindex The class index to validate.
* @return True if the class exist, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassValidateIndex(classindex)
if (classindex >= 0 && classindex < ClassCount)
return true;
return false;
* Compares the class team ID with a team ID.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param teamid The team ID to compare with the class.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER - Player cache. If this one is used,
* index will be used as a client index.
* @return True if equal, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassTeamCompare(index, teamid, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
switch (cachetype)
if (ClassData[index][Class_Team] == teamid)
return true;
if (ClassDataCache[index][Class_Team] == teamid)
return true;
if (ClassPlayerCache[index][Class_Team] == teamid)
return true;
return false;
* Gets the first class index of a class with the specified name (not a case
* sensitive search).
* @param name The name to search for.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* @return The class index if successful, -1 otherwise.
stock ClassGetIndex(const String:name[], cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
decl String:current_name[64];
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
// Get its name and compare it with the specified class name.
ClassGetName(classindex, current_name, sizeof(current_name), cachetype);
if (strcmp(name, current_name, false) == 0)
return classindex;
// The class index wasn't found.
return -1;
* Gets the currently active class index that the player is using.
* Note: Does not check if the player is dead.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The active class index. -1 on error or if a spectactor.
stock ClassGetActiveIndex(client)
new teamid;
if (!ZRIsClientOnTeam(client))
// No active team.
return -1;
// Check if the player currently is in admin mode.
if (ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
// Not in admin mode, check if player is human or zombie.
if (InfectIsClientHuman(client))
// Return the active class for the active team.
return ClassSelected[client][teamid];
* Gets the multiplier for the specified team and attribute.
* @param client The client index.
* @param attribute Specifies what attribute multiplier to get.
* @return Multiplier for the specified team and attribute. 1.0 if the
* client is in admin mode.
stock Float:ClassGetAttributeMultiplier(client, ClassMultipliers:attribute)
new teamid;
// Check if player is not in admin mode.
if (!ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
// Not in admin mode, check if player is human or zombie.
if (InfectIsClientHuman(client))
// Get multiplier for the specified team and attribute.
return Float:ClassMultiplierCache[teamid][attribute];
// Do not use multipliers on admin classes.
return 1.0;
* Check if a class pass the specified filter.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param filter Structure with filter settings.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER - Player cache. If this one is
* used index will be used as a client index.
* @return True if passed, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassFilterMatch(index, filter[ClassFilter], cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Check if the class is disabled and the enabled attribute is NOT ignored.
if (!filter[ClassFilter_IgnoreEnabled] && !ClassIsEnabled(index, cachetype))
return false;
// Check class flags pass the flag filter.
if (!ClassFlagFilterMatch(index, filter[ClassFilter_RequireFlags], filter[ClassFilter_DenyFlags], cachetype))
return false;
// Check if a client is specified in the filter.
new client = filter[ClassFilter_Client];
if (ZRIsClientValid(client))
// Get class group name.
decl String:groupname[64];
groupname[0] = 0;
ClassGetGroup(index, groupname, sizeof(groupname), cachetype);
// Check if a group is set on the class. Note: This group name is
// validated when classes are loaded.
if (strlen(groupname))
// Check if the client is a member of that group.
if (!ZRIsClientInGroup(client, groupname))
return false;
// The class passed the filter.
return true;
* Check if a class pass the specified flag filters.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param require Class flags to require. 0 for no filter.
* @param deny Class flags to exclude. 0 for no filter.
* @param cachetype Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER - Player cache. If this one is
* used index will be used as a client index.
* @return True if passed, false otherwise.
stock bool:ClassFlagFilterMatch(index, require, deny, cachetype)
new flags;
new bool:requirepassed;
new bool:denypassed;
// Do quick check for optimization reasons: Check if no flags are specified.
if (require == 0 && deny == 0)
return true;
// Cache flags.
flags = ClassGetFlags(index, cachetype);
// Match require filter.
if (require == 0 || flags & require)
// All required flags are set.
requirepassed = true;
// Not all required flags are set.
requirepassed = false;
// Match deny filter.
if (deny == 0 || !(flags & deny))
// No denied flags are set.
denypassed = true;
// It has denied flags set.
denypassed = false;
// Check if required and denied flags passed the filter.
if (requirepassed && denypassed)
// The class pass the filter.
return true;
// The class didn't pass the filter.
return false;
* Decides whether a class selection menu should be enabled. The decision is
* based on zr_class_allow_* console variables.
* @param team Optional. Team ID to match. Default is all.
* @return True if allowed, false otherwise.
bool:ClassAllowSelection(client, team = -1)
// Get selection settings.
new bool:zombie = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ZOMBIE_SELECT]);
new bool:human = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_HUMAN_SELECT]);
new bool:admin = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ADMIN_SELECT]);
// Since admin mode classes are optional they must be counted to verify
// that they exist.
new bool:adminexist;
// Check if player is admin.
new bool:isadmin = ZRIsClientAdmin(client);
// Only count admin mode classes if client is admin for better performance.
if (isadmin)
adminexist = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS) > 0;
// Check if a team id is specified.
if (team >= 0)
// Check team and return the corresponding selection setting.
switch (team)
return zombie;
return human;
// Player must be admin to select admin mode classes.
return admin && isadmin && adminexist;
// Team ID didn't match.
return false;
// Check zombie and human.
return zombie || human;
* Gets all class indexes or from a specified team, and adds them to the
* specified array.
* @param array The destination array to add class indexes.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value
* for no filter (default).
* @param filter Optional. Structure with filter settings.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return True on success. False on error or if no classes were added or
* found.
stock bool:ClassAddToArray(Handle:array, teamfilter = -1, filter[ClassFilter] = ClassNoFilter, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Validate the array.
if (array == INVALID_HANDLE)
return false;
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
// Store a local boolean that says if the user specified a team filter or not.
new bool:hasteamfilter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
new classesadded;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
// Validate filter settings.
if (!ClassFilterMatch(classindex, filter, cachetype))
// The class is didn't pass the filter, skip class.
// Check team filtering.
if (hasteamfilter)
// Only add classes with matching team ID.
if (ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype) == teamfilter)
// Team ID match. Add class index to array.
PushArrayCell(array, classindex);
// No filter. Add any class to the array.
PushArrayCell(array, classindex);
if (classesadded)
return true;
// No classes were found/added.
return false;
* Counts total classes or classes in the specified team.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. Negative value for
* no filter (default).
* @param filter Optional. Structure with filter settings.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return Number of total classes or classes in the specified team.
stock ClassCountTeam(teamfilter = -1, filter[ClassFilter] = ClassNoFilter, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return 0;
// Store a local boolean that says if the user specified a team filter or not.
new bool:hasteamfilter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
new count;
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
// Validate filter settings.
if (!ClassFilterMatch(classindex, filter, cachetype))
// The class is didn't pass the filter, skip class.
// Check team filtering.
if (hasteamfilter)
// Only add classes with matching team ID.
if (ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype) == teamfilter)
// Team ID match. Increment counter.
// No filter. Increment counter.
// Return number of classes found.
return count;
* Gets a random class index from a specified team or from all classes.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value
* for no filter (default).
* @param filter Optional. Structure with filter settings.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The class index if successful, or -1 on error.
stock ClassGetRandomClass(teamfilter = -1, filter[ClassFilter] = ClassNoSpecialClasses, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
new Handle:classarray;
new arraycount;
new randnum;
new buffer;
classarray = CreateArray();
// Try to get a class list.
if (ClassAddToArray(classarray, teamfilter, filter, cachetype))
// Get a random index from the new class array.
arraycount = GetArraySize(classarray);
randnum = GetRandomInt(0, arraycount - 1);
// Return the value at the random index.
buffer = GetArrayCell(classarray, randnum);
return buffer;
// Failed to get a random class.
return -1;
* Gets the first class index, or the first class index with the specified team
* ID.
* @param teamfilter Optional. The team ID to filter. A negative value
* for no filter (default).
* @param filter Optional. Structure with filter settings.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The first class index, or the first class index with the specified
* team ID. -1 on error.
stock ClassGetFirstClass(teamfilter = -1, filter[ClassFilter] = ClassNoSpecialClasses, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
// Check if there are no classes.
if (ClassCount == 0)
return false;
new bool:hasteamfilter = bool:(teamfilter >= 0);
// Loop through all classes.
for (new classindex = 0; classindex < ClassCount; classindex++)
// Validate filter settings.
if (!ClassFilterMatch(classindex, filter, cachetype))
// The class is didn't pass the filter, skip class.
if (hasteamfilter)
if (teamfilter == ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype))
// Team ID match. Return the class index.
return classindex;
// No team filter. Return the class index.
return classindex;
return -1;
* Gets the first class marked as default for the specified team.
* @param teamid The team ID.
* @param filter Optional. Structure with filter settings. Default
* is to deny classes with special flags
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from.
* Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest
* class data.
* @return The first default class index. -1 on error.
stock ClassGetDefaultClass(teamid, filter[ClassFilter] = ClassNoSpecialClasses, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
new Handle:classarray;
new arraycount;
new classindex;
classarray = CreateArray();
// Get all classes from the specified team.
if (!ClassAddToArray(classarray, teamid, filter, cachetype))
// Failed to get classes.
return -1;
// Loop through all classes and return the first class marked as team default.
arraycount = GetArraySize(classarray);
for (new i = 0; i < arraycount; i++)
// Get class index from the array.
classindex = GetArrayCell(classarray, i);
// Check if the current class is marked as team default.
if (ClassGetTeamDefault(classindex, cachetype))
// Default class found.
return classindex;
return -1;
* Gets the default class index for the specified team configured to be used
* when players join the server.
* @param teamid The team ID.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED (default) - Changed/newest class
* data.
* @return The class index of the default class for the specified team if
* successful. -1 on critical errors. Otherwise it will try to fall
* back on the first class in the specified team.
stock ClassGetDefaultSpawnClass(teamid, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED)
decl String:classname[64];
new classindex;
// Get the default class name from the correct CVAR depending on teamid.
switch (teamid)
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ZOMBIE], classname, sizeof(classname));
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_HUMAN], classname, sizeof(classname));
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ADMIN], classname, sizeof(classname));
// Invalid team ID.
return -1;
// Check if the class name isn't empty.
if (strlen(classname) > 0)
// Check if the user set "random" as default class.
if (StrEqual(classname, "random", false))
// Get a list of all classes with the specified team ID. Deny
// classes with special flags.
classindex = ClassGetRandomClass(teamid, _, cachetype);
// Validate the result, in case there were errors.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex))
return classindex;
// Invalid index. The ClassGetRandomClass function is pretty
// failsafe. So if we can't get a class index here, it's a
// critical error. No reason to fall back on other solutions.
return -1;
// The user set a spesific class.
// Try to get the class index with the specified class name.
classindex = ClassGetIndex(classname, cachetype);
// Validate the class index and check if the team IDs match.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex) && (teamid == ClassGetTeamID(classindex, cachetype)))
return classindex;
// The class index is invalid or the team IDs didn't match.
// Because it's user input, we'll fall back to the first class
// in the specified team, and log a warning.
classindex = ClassGetFirstClass(teamid, _, cachetype);
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Playerclasses, "Default Spawn Class", "Warning: Failed to set \"%s\" as default spawn class for team %d. The class doesn't exist or the team IDs doesn't match. Falling back to the first class in the team.", classname, teamid);
// Validate the new index.
if (ClassValidateIndex(classindex))
// Log a warning.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Playerclasses, "Default Spawn Class", "Warning: The default class name \"%s\" does not exist or matches the team ID.", classname);
return classindex;
// Something went wrong. This is a critical error. There's
// probably missing classes with no special flags set.
return -1;
// Blank class name, get the default class and return the index.
return ClassGetDefaultClass(teamid, _, cachetype);