// immunity_mode text Special immunity modes. Some modes only works on humans or zombies:
// "none" - Instant infection.
// "kill" - Humans are instantly killed instead of turning zombies when attacked by zombies.
// "full" - Completely immune. Humans can't be infected, zombies don't receive damage or knock back. Careful with this, it might not be that fun.
// "infect" - Humans are immune to infections until HP go below a threshold. Threshold at zero enable stabbing to death.
// "damage" - Zombies are immune to damage from humans/grenades, but still vulnerable to knock back.
// "delay" - Delay infection for a certain number of seconds.
// "shield" - Shield against infections (humans) or knock back (zombies) for a certain amount of seconds (similar to TF2's <20>bercharge). Deploy with "zshield" command.
// immunity_amount number Immunity data value (humans only). Depends on the immunity mode above:
// "infect" - HP threshold. Infection will be allowed when HP go below this value. Zero will enable stabbing to death.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the infection is delayed since first hit by a zombie.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the shield is active.
// immunity_cooldown number Number of seconds of cooldown for temporary immunity actions, depending on mode.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the delay is reduced every time a zombie attack, while a delayed infection is in progress.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the player has to wait before the shield can be used again.
// no_fall_damage on/off Disables fall damage.
// health number How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval decimal Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount number How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain number How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus number How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed decimal The player speed. In LMV mode 300 is normal speed, 600 is double speed.
// knockback decimal Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height decimal Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance decimal Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.