Normalize line endings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
This plugin has a command for dumping detailed version info (zr_version) based
on info from a automatically generated file (
There's a script that generate this file and must be executed every time before
Windows: updateversion.bat (Executes using Cygwin)
Mercurial (or TortoiseHG) must be installed for this script to work. If you
don't have Mercurial, there's an option to disable version info. In
zombiereloaded.sp there's a line like this:
To disable it, comment that line like this:
Then you should be able to compile without
On linux use the makefile to compile since that one will do most of the work.
Make sure you clean any existing builds before compiling:
make clean
For compiling on windows, run:
This plugin has a command for dumping detailed version info (zr_version) based
on info from a automatically generated file (
There's a script that generate this file and must be executed every time before
Windows: updateversion.bat (Executes using Cygwin)
Mercurial (or TortoiseHG) must be installed for this script to work. If you
don't have Mercurial, there's an option to disable version info. In
zombiereloaded.sp there's a line like this:
To disable it, comment that line like this:
Then you should be able to compile without
On linux use the makefile to compile since that one will do most of the work.
Make sure you clean any existing builds before compiling:
make clean
For compiling on windows, run:
@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
// ============================================================================
// Downloads configuration
// See Download List (3.6) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// * Each uncommented line will be used as a file path for clients to download.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defaults:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hellknight
// team win overlays
// zvision
// ============================================================================
// Downloads configuration
// See Download List (3.6) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// * Each uncommented line will be used as a file path for clients to download.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defaults:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hellknight
// team win overlays
// zvision
@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
// ============================================================================
// Hitgroup configuration
// Check the hitgroup configuration section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// index number The hitgroup index.
// damage on/off Allow damage to be done on this hitgroup for zombies.
// knockback decimal The knockback multiplier for this hitgroup.
"hitgroups" // Counter-Strike: Source hitgroups
// General
"index" "0"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "1"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.2"
// General
"index" "2"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "3"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "4"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "5"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "6"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "7"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "8"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// ============================================================================
// Hitgroup configuration
// Check the hitgroup configuration section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// index number The hitgroup index.
// damage on/off Allow damage to be done on this hitgroup for zombies.
// knockback decimal The knockback multiplier for this hitgroup.
"hitgroups" // Counter-Strike: Source hitgroups
// General
"index" "0"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "1"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.2"
// General
"index" "2"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "3"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
// General
"index" "4"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "5"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "6"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "7"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "0.9"
// General
"index" "8"
// Damage
"damage" "on"
// Knockback
"knockback" "1.0"
@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
// ============================================================================
// Model configuration
// See Model Configuration (3.5) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// name Name of model file, without extension.
// path Path to model files. MUST end with "/".
// team Model type:
// "zombies"
// "humans"
// access Access type:
// "public" - Everyone can use the model.
// "admins" - Model can only be used by admins.
// "hidden" - Model is excluded from public random selections.
// "motherzombies" - Model can only be used by mother zombies.
// "group" - Use group authentication.
// group If access is "group": A SourceMod group name. Otherwise blank ("").
"name" "zh_charple001"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "zh_zombie003"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "zh_corpse002"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "t_guerilla"
"path" "models/player/ics/hellknight_red/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
// Special model examples:
// -----------------------
// Only admins can use this zombie model.
// "name" "1337model"
// "path" "models/player/adminmodels/"
// "team" "zombies"
// "access" "admins"
// "group" ""
// Only members of the zr_vip group in SourceMod can use this human model.
// "name" "vipmodel"
// "path" "models/player/vip/"
// "team" "humans"
// "access" "group"
// "group" "zr_vip"
// This model will be excluded from public random selections. Only classes
// that use "random_hidden" or explicit specify this model will be able to use it.
// "name" "hiddenmodel"
// "path" "models/player/"
// "team" "humans"
// "access" "hidden"
// "group" ""
// ============================================================================
// Model configuration
// See Model Configuration (3.5) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// name Name of model file, without extension.
// path Path to model files. MUST end with "/".
// team Model type:
// "zombies"
// "humans"
// access Access type:
// "public" - Everyone can use the model.
// "admins" - Model can only be used by admins.
// "hidden" - Model is excluded from public random selections.
// "motherzombies" - Model can only be used by mother zombies.
// "group" - Use group authentication.
// group If access is "group": A SourceMod group name. Otherwise blank ("").
"name" "zh_charple001"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "zh_zombie003"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "zh_corpse002"
"path" "models/player/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
"name" "t_guerilla"
"path" "models/player/ics/hellknight_red/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""
// Special model examples:
// -----------------------
// Only admins can use this zombie model.
// "name" "1337model"
// "path" "models/player/adminmodels/"
// "team" "zombies"
// "access" "admins"
// "group" ""
// Only members of the zr_vip group in SourceMod can use this human model.
// "name" "vipmodel"
// "path" "models/player/vip/"
// "team" "humans"
// "access" "group"
// "group" "zr_vip"
// This model will be excluded from public random selections. Only classes
// that use "random_hidden" or explicit specify this model will be able to use it.
// "name" "hiddenmodel"
// "path" "models/player/"
// "team" "humans"
// "access" "hidden"
// "group" ""
@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
// ============================================================================
// Zombie:Reloaded Class configuration
// See Class Configuration (3.7) in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled yes/no Enables or disables a class.
// team number Specifies what team the class belongs to:
// 0 - Zombies
// 1 - Humans
// 2 - Admin mode classes (incomplete feautre!)
// team_default yes/no Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// flags number Special class flags (bit field). To combine multiple flags
// use a sum of the flag values. Available flags:
// 1 - Admins only
// 2 - Mother zombies only
// group text Restrict class to member of this SourceMod group. Leave blank for no restriction.
// name text The class name used in class menu.
// description text The class description used in class menu.
// model_path text Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// alpha_initial number Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged number Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage number How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path text Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs yes/no Give and turn on night vision.
// fov number Field of view value. 90 is default.
// has_napalm yes/no Allows player to throw napalm grenades. Humans only.
// napalm_time decimal Napalm burn duration. Zombies only.
// immunity_mode text Special immunity modes. Some modes only works on humans or zombies:
// "none" - Instant infection.
// "kill" - Humans are instantly killed instead of turning zombies when attacked by zombies.
// "full" - Completely immune. Humans can't be infected, zombies don't receive damage or knock back. Careful with this, it might not be that fun.
// "infect" - Humans are immune to infections until HP go below a threshold. Threshold at zero enable stabbing to death.
// "damage" - Zombies are immune to damage from humans/grenades, but still vulnerable to knock back.
// "delay" - Delay infection for a certain number of seconds.
// "shield" - Shield against infections (humans) or knock back (zombies) for a certain amount of seconds (similar to TF2's übercharge). Deploy with "zshield" command.
// immunity_amount number Immunity data value (humans only). Depends on the immunity mode above:
// "infect" - HP threshold. Infection will be allowed when HP go below this value. Zero will enable stabbing to death.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the infection is delayed since first hit by a zombie.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the shield is active.
// immunity_cooldown number Number of seconds of cooldown for temporary immunity actions, depending on mode.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the delay is reduced every time a zombie attack, while a delayed infection is in progress.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the player has to wait before the shield can be used again.
// no_fall_damage on/off Disables fall damage.
// health number How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval decimal Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount number How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain number How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus number How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed decimal The player speed. In LMV mode 300 is normal speed, 600 is double speed.
// knockback decimal Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height decimal Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance decimal Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// ------------------------------------------
// Zombie classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Nemesis"
"description" "+++ Everything!"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/ics/hellknight_red/t_guerilla.mdl"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "120"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "15.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "64000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "100"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "400"
"knockback" "1.8"
"jump_height" "1.3"
"jump_distance" "1.6"
// ------------------------------------------
// Human classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Normal Human"
"description" "Default Counter-Strike settings"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "no"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Speedy"
"description" "+Speed"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "360"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Light"
"description" "-Speed | +Jump | +Immunity"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "260"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.4"
"jump_distance" "1.4"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Stealth"
"description" "Slow, but almost invisible"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "15"
"alpha_damaged" "15"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "260"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.4"
"jump_distance" "1.4"
// ============================================================================
// Zombie:Reloaded Class configuration
// See Class Configuration (3.7) in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled yes/no Enables or disables a class.
// team number Specifies what team the class belongs to:
// 0 - Zombies
// 1 - Humans
// 2 - Admin mode classes (incomplete feautre!)
// team_default yes/no Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// flags number Special class flags (bit field). To combine multiple flags
// use a sum of the flag values. Available flags:
// 1 - Admins only
// 2 - Mother zombies only
// group text Restrict class to member of this SourceMod group. Leave blank for no restriction.
// name text The class name used in class menu.
// description text The class description used in class menu.
// model_path text Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// alpha_initial number Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged number Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage number How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path text Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs yes/no Give and turn on night vision.
// fov number Field of view value. 90 is default.
// has_napalm yes/no Allows player to throw napalm grenades. Humans only.
// napalm_time decimal Napalm burn duration. Zombies only.
// immunity_mode text Special immunity modes. Some modes only works on humans or zombies:
// "none" - Instant infection.
// "kill" - Humans are instantly killed instead of turning zombies when attacked by zombies.
// "full" - Completely immune. Humans can't be infected, zombies don't receive damage or knock back. Careful with this, it might not be that fun.
// "infect" - Humans are immune to infections until HP go below a threshold. Threshold at zero enable stabbing to death.
// "damage" - Zombies are immune to damage from humans/grenades, but still vulnerable to knock back.
// "delay" - Delay infection for a certain number of seconds.
// "shield" - Shield against infections (humans) or knock back (zombies) for a certain amount of seconds (similar to TF2's übercharge). Deploy with "zshield" command.
// immunity_amount number Immunity data value (humans only). Depends on the immunity mode above:
// "infect" - HP threshold. Infection will be allowed when HP go below this value. Zero will enable stabbing to death.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the infection is delayed since first hit by a zombie.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the shield is active.
// immunity_cooldown number Number of seconds of cooldown for temporary immunity actions, depending on mode.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the delay is reduced every time a zombie attack, while a delayed infection is in progress.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the player has to wait before the shield can be used again.
// no_fall_damage on/off Disables fall damage.
// health number How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval decimal Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount number How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain number How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus number How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed decimal The player speed. In LMV mode 300 is normal speed, 600 is double speed.
// knockback decimal Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height decimal Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance decimal Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// ------------------------------------------
// Zombie classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Nemesis"
"description" "+++ Everything!"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/ics/hellknight_red/t_guerilla.mdl"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "120"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "15.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "64000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "100"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "400"
"knockback" "1.8"
"jump_height" "1.3"
"jump_distance" "1.6"
// ------------------------------------------
// Human classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Normal Human"
"description" "Default Counter-Strike settings"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "no"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Speedy"
"description" "+Speed"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "360"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Light"
"description" "-Speed | +Jump | +Immunity"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "260"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.4"
"jump_distance" "1.4"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Stealth"
"description" "Slow, but almost invisible"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"alpha_initial" "15"
"alpha_damaged" "15"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "kill"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "260"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.4"
"jump_distance" "1.4"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Dummy config that's not doing anything so classic settings will be kept. It's
// still possible to add stuff here for configuring classic mode if something
// differ from the default configuration.
// Used by randommode.cfg.
// Dummy config that's not doing anything so classic settings will be kept. It's
// still possible to add stuff here for configuring classic mode if something
// differ from the default configuration.
// Used by randommode.cfg.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Enable a random mode in cs_italy.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/randommode.cfg
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Enable a random mode in cs_italy.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/randommode.cfg
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use swarm mode in de_dust.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/swarm.cfg
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use swarm mode in de_dust.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/swarm.cfg
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use swarm mode in de_dust. Swarm mode also has a post map config that must
// be executed.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use swarm mode in de_dust. Swarm mode also has a post map config that must
// be executed.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use nemesis mode in de_dust2.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/nemesis.cfg
// Place this in cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded to use it.
// Use nemesis mode in de_dust2.
exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/nemesis.cfg
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
// Configures ZR in nemesis mode. Everyone but a small group of humans are
// infected. Execute this config from a pre map config file.
// Using a custom class set with the nemesis class. All human classes are
// instantly killed when attacked by the zombie.
zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-nemesis.txt"
// Set default zombie to the nemesis class.
zr_classes_default_zombie "Nemesis"
// Use absolute infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode absolute
// One mother zombie.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio 1
// Zombies must be teleported to spawn on mother zombie infect, or the humans
// will be doomed.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Disable respawning of dead players.
zr_respawn 0
// Disable zspawn command.
zr_zspawn 0
// Configures ZR in nemesis mode. Everyone but a small group of humans are
// infected. Execute this config from a pre map config file.
// Using a custom class set with the nemesis class. All human classes are
// instantly killed when attacked by the zombie.
zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-nemesis.txt"
// Set default zombie to the nemesis class.
zr_classes_default_zombie "Nemesis"
// Use absolute infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode absolute
// One mother zombie.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio 1
// Zombies must be teleported to spawn on mother zombie infect, or the humans
// will be doomed.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Disable respawning of dead players.
zr_respawn 0
// Disable zspawn command.
zr_zspawn 0
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cfglist_create zr_modes
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/classic.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/nemesis.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/survivor.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/swarm.cfg
cfglist_exec_random zr_modes
cfglist_delete zr_modes
cfglist_create zr_modes
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/classic.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/nemesis.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/survivor.cfg
cfglist_add zr_modes sourcemod/zombiereloaded/swarm.cfg
cfglist_exec_random zr_modes
cfglist_delete zr_modes
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
// Configures ZR in survivor mode. Everyone but a small group of humans are
// infected. Execute this config from a pre map config file.
// Optional. Change to a different set of classes and models here if you want to
// use different classes. For instance:
// zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-survivor.txt"
// zr_config_path_models "configs/zr/models-survivor.txt"
// Use absolute infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode absolute
// Number of humans. Must be negative in this mode. For instance, -5 will give
// four remaining humans after mother zombie infection, the rest will be zombies.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio -5
// Zombies must be teleported to spawn on mother zombie infect, or the humans
// will be doomed.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Respawn in zombie team.
zr_respawn 1
zr_respawn_team_zombie 1
// Prevent zombies suiciding to get on human team.
zr_respawn_team_zombie_world 1
// Configures ZR in survivor mode. Everyone but a small group of humans are
// infected. Execute this config from a pre map config file.
// Optional. Change to a different set of classes and models here if you want to
// use different classes. For instance:
// zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-survivor.txt"
// zr_config_path_models "configs/zr/models-survivor.txt"
// Use absolute infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode absolute
// Number of humans. Must be negative in this mode. For instance, -5 will give
// four remaining humans after mother zombie infection, the rest will be zombies.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio -5
// Zombies must be teleported to spawn on mother zombie infect, or the humans
// will be doomed.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Respawn in zombie team.
zr_respawn 1
zr_respawn_team_zombie 1
// Prevent zombies suiciding to get on human team.
zr_respawn_team_zombie_world 1
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// Configures ZR in swarm mode. A large group of humans are infected, while the
// rest fight to the death (immune from infection).
// Execute this config from a pre map config file. Remember to also execute
// from a post map config file.
// Optional. Change to a different set of classes and models here if you want to
// use different classes. Remember to use immunity mode "infect" and amount "0"
// on all human classes.
// zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-swarm.txt"
// zr_config_path_models "configs/zr/models-swarm.txt"
// Use dynamic infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode dynamic
// Infection ratio. Infect every second player (50%). Use a higher number to get
// fewer zombies.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio 2
// Teleport zombies to spawn on mother zombie infection.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Disable respawning.
zr_respawn 0
zr_zspawn 0
// Use the ConfigList plugin to post execute ZR will detect this
// plugin and execute the "zr_post_exec" list if it exists.
cfglist_delete zr_post_exec
cfglist_create zr_post_exec
cfglist_add zr_post_exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/
// Configures ZR in swarm mode. A large group of humans are infected, while the
// rest fight to the death (immune from infection).
// Execute this config from a pre map config file. Remember to also execute
// from a post map config file.
// Optional. Change to a different set of classes and models here if you want to
// use different classes. Remember to use immunity mode "infect" and amount "0"
// on all human classes.
// zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses-swarm.txt"
// zr_config_path_models "configs/zr/models-swarm.txt"
// Use dynamic infection mode.
zr_infect_mzombie_mode dynamic
// Infection ratio. Infect every second player (50%). Use a higher number to get
// fewer zombies.
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio 2
// Teleport zombies to spawn on mother zombie infection.
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn 1
// Disable respawning.
zr_respawn 0
zr_zspawn 0
// Use the ConfigList plugin to post execute ZR will detect this
// plugin and execute the "zr_post_exec" list if it exists.
cfglist_delete zr_post_exec
cfglist_create zr_post_exec
cfglist_add zr_post_exec sourcemod/zombiereloaded/
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Configures ZR in swarm mode. Execute this file from a _post_ map config file.
// Make all human classes immune to infection (stab to death). These changes
// will be reset when reloading or changing the map.
zr_class_modify humans immunity_mode infect
zr_class_modify humans immunity_amount 0
// Configures ZR in swarm mode. Execute this file from a _post_ map config file.
// Make all human classes immune to infection (stab to death). These changes
// will be reset when reloading or changing the map.
zr_class_modify humans immunity_mode infect
zr_class_modify humans immunity_amount 0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,261 +1,261 @@
Zombie:Reloaded Beta 2
Patch Changelog
For detailed info about changes in configuration files, see diff-files in the
"changes" directory. They describe added and removed lines for each patch
released. If the file is empty there are no config changes in that patch.
2009.12.11 - r545
* Initial beta 2 release. See zr_3.0-b2_release_notes.txt.
2009.12.17 - r555
* Fixed too short translation buffer on yes/no phrases.
* Fixed warning about invalid class attribute.
2009.12.23 - r557
* Added russian translation by exvel.
2009.12.25 - r565
* Fixed incorrect link in docs.
* Removed redundant check for class menu command.
* Fixed suicide intercept message not displayed in chat. Text from chat will
still appear in console if written from console.
* Added source code for current snapshot in release package.
2010.01.07 - r580
* Added zrdocs/changes.diff in patches that will describe changes in text files
since the main release, in unified diff format. Use a editor that support
diff coloring for easier reading.
* Fixed players not extinguished properly when in water.
* Fixed invalid default values in some has_napalm class attributes.
* Fixed the display bug in ZTele showing 0/X uses instead of 1/X.
* Changed to error types to be fatal and stop plugin to prevent further errors
(fixes rare invalid handle error in weapon module).
* Fixed weapon not rendering correctly in rare cases.
* Added a cvar to allow zombies to pick up weapons at the end of the round.
2010.01.25 - r584
* Simplified english and norwegian zmarket menu phrases.
* Fixed account module giving money to zombies hurting themself with
self-inflicted damage
* Fixed zr_damage_suicide_human not working when enabled.
* Switched the plugin to use SDK Hooks extension instead of ZR Tools (r584 and
newer). Run this on SourceMod 1.3 or newer.
2010.02.14 - r595
* Added patch changelog.
* Fixed unlimited ammo exploit in ZMarket menu.
* Fixed admin classes not restored from cookies.
* Fixed a bug in client listing menus when selecting a client that left the
game caused errors.
* Fixed the default sky on the first map not reverting properly if
zr_veffects_sky was enabled in zombiereloaded.cfg.
* Fixed players not extinguished when in water.
* Stopped the "Zombies can't use weapons" message when using autobuy outside of
a buyzone.
* Fixed problems that came up if a client was infected through admin after the
round started, but before the freezetime expired.
* Fixed a bug where zr_suicide_cmds was being ignored and only the default
value was being used.
2010.02.23 - r598
* Fixed cookies being reset on some occasions and admin-dependant classes are
restored properly as well.
2010.04.05 - r607
* Separated patch difflog (changes.diff) into separate file for each patch
* Added scream and moan commands for zombies, with spam protection.
* Added missing note about no_fall_damage class attribute in docs.
* Fixed class attributes applied too early (moved to spawn post event). This
fixes issues with FOV and bots.
* Fixed saved classes not validated by team id when restoring from cookies.
2010.06.03 - r611
* Added cvar to enable suicide intercept before the first zombie.
* Added cvar for minimum dx level on overlays.
* Fixed classes not always restored from cookies.
2010.06.03 - r613
* Fixed signatures and round end defines that were updated in CS:S OB.
2010.07.25 - r633
* Added support for different speed methods, defaulted to prop offset method.
See the manual for more information about the class speed attribute.
Important: Class speeds and spawn protection speed must be updated! Use this
conversion formula:
prop speed offset = ((lmv speed / 300) * 250) - 250
If you don't want to update speed values right now, use
"zr_classes_speed_method lmv" in zombiereloaded.cfg for backwards
* Added 'explode' suicide command from OB update to intercept list (bug 190).
* Removed unnecessary antistick commands for model hull width, all models have
the same hull width.
* Removed hint sound on hp display and spawn protection timer. Credits goes to
to Tauphi.
* Fixed an error that happened when buying ammo and not having a weapon in
prim/sec slot.
* Fixed class menus being disabled and not checking if the player have access
to private classes.
* Fixed client not connected error in class module.
* Updated compiler. ZR now requires SourceMod 1.3 or newer.
2010.08.28 - r643
* Fixed function signatures that were changed after a CS update. Credit goes to
* Fixed class speed multiplier not properly applied with prop speed method (bug
* Fixed invalid handle error in ZMarket module (bug 152).
* Fixed a rare case where removing weapons didn't work.
* Possibly fixed invalid handle error with WeaponsEntityToDisplay (bug 163).
* Lowered sv_maxspeed to work around a acceleration issue with spectators.
* Added validation error messages for individual attributes when loading
classes. Easier than reading bits from a number.
* Improved confusing description of the NVGs class attribute.
2010.10.15 - r644
* Changed default speed method to LMV because prop speed offsets are broken at
the moment. This will introduce some side effects again; jump and fall speed
is affected. Weapon recoil is also affected, but it's not confirmed that it
has negative impact on bullets or aiming itself.
Note: Those who already changed speed method back to LMV don't need this
2010.11.14 - r647
* Added external plugin API for ZR with basic infection and respawn tools. The
following natives and forwards are now available:
See addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/zr in the package for details.
Also see addons/sourcemod/scripting/testsuite/zr for API usage examples.
2010.11.17 - r648
* Fixed players not respawning as zombies when they are supposed to.
2011.06.17 - r651, r653
* Added improved random number generator from SMLIB.
* Fixed dead players being able to get weapons through ZMarket.
* Fixed consecutive mother zombie infection prevention not always working.
2011.06.23 - r657
* Added spanish translation by Franc1sco.
2011.08.05 - r666
* Increased class limit to 64 classes.
* Fixed the ragdoll module unintentionally removing other valid entities if a
ragdoll was attempted to be removed after the round restarted.
* Fixed format settings in spanish translation spamming logs.
* Fixed index out of bounds error when class limit is reached.
* Fixed double inclusion of jump boost module preventing code from compiling on
newer compilers.
2011.10.30 - r669
* Fixed internal player spawn post event fired too early (causing invisible
* Possibly fixed invalid entity error (bug 195).
2011.12.08 - r671
* Updated gamedata file. Thanks to pillepallus.
2011.12.26 - r673
* Added infection countdown. Backported from zr-dev:52955b169945 (655).
2011.12.27 - r675
* Added cvar for disabling team balancing on round end (for use with custom
team balancer): zr_roundend_balance_teams. Disabling this will cause players
to remain on their current team when a new round starts. If zombies win,
everyone will remain on the terrorists team.
* Fixed invalid handle error after a map change.
* Fixed language code typo in translations.
* Infection countdown is no longer displayed if the infection delay is just one
2012.06.10 - r689
* Fixed ragdoll removal not being entirely disabled.
* Fixed disabled classes still being validated.
* Fixed memory leak in infection countdown feature.
* Updated to use new natives in cstrike extension instead of SDK calls (fixing ZR not finding some signatures in some cases). Requires SourceMod 1.4.0 or newer.
* Changed ZMarket to auto-buy weapons once settings are loaded (if auto-buy is enabled).
2012.07.03 - r692
* Replaced RemoveEdict with kill entity input command. This might fix some rare crashes.
* Updated gamedata file. Thanks to psychonic and TnTSCS.
2012.07.04 - r693
* Fixed incorrect offsets in gamedata file.
Zombie:Reloaded Beta 2
Patch Changelog
For detailed info about changes in configuration files, see diff-files in the
"changes" directory. They describe added and removed lines for each patch
released. If the file is empty there are no config changes in that patch.
2009.12.11 - r545
* Initial beta 2 release. See zr_3.0-b2_release_notes.txt.
2009.12.17 - r555
* Fixed too short translation buffer on yes/no phrases.
* Fixed warning about invalid class attribute.
2009.12.23 - r557
* Added russian translation by exvel.
2009.12.25 - r565
* Fixed incorrect link in docs.
* Removed redundant check for class menu command.
* Fixed suicide intercept message not displayed in chat. Text from chat will
still appear in console if written from console.
* Added source code for current snapshot in release package.
2010.01.07 - r580
* Added zrdocs/changes.diff in patches that will describe changes in text files
since the main release, in unified diff format. Use a editor that support
diff coloring for easier reading.
* Fixed players not extinguished properly when in water.
* Fixed invalid default values in some has_napalm class attributes.
* Fixed the display bug in ZTele showing 0/X uses instead of 1/X.
* Changed to error types to be fatal and stop plugin to prevent further errors
(fixes rare invalid handle error in weapon module).
* Fixed weapon not rendering correctly in rare cases.
* Added a cvar to allow zombies to pick up weapons at the end of the round.
2010.01.25 - r584
* Simplified english and norwegian zmarket menu phrases.
* Fixed account module giving money to zombies hurting themself with
self-inflicted damage
* Fixed zr_damage_suicide_human not working when enabled.
* Switched the plugin to use SDK Hooks extension instead of ZR Tools (r584 and
newer). Run this on SourceMod 1.3 or newer.
2010.02.14 - r595
* Added patch changelog.
* Fixed unlimited ammo exploit in ZMarket menu.
* Fixed admin classes not restored from cookies.
* Fixed a bug in client listing menus when selecting a client that left the
game caused errors.
* Fixed the default sky on the first map not reverting properly if
zr_veffects_sky was enabled in zombiereloaded.cfg.
* Fixed players not extinguished when in water.
* Stopped the "Zombies can't use weapons" message when using autobuy outside of
a buyzone.
* Fixed problems that came up if a client was infected through admin after the
round started, but before the freezetime expired.
* Fixed a bug where zr_suicide_cmds was being ignored and only the default
value was being used.
2010.02.23 - r598
* Fixed cookies being reset on some occasions and admin-dependant classes are
restored properly as well.
2010.04.05 - r607
* Separated patch difflog (changes.diff) into separate file for each patch
* Added scream and moan commands for zombies, with spam protection.
* Added missing note about no_fall_damage class attribute in docs.
* Fixed class attributes applied too early (moved to spawn post event). This
fixes issues with FOV and bots.
* Fixed saved classes not validated by team id when restoring from cookies.
2010.06.03 - r611
* Added cvar to enable suicide intercept before the first zombie.
* Added cvar for minimum dx level on overlays.
* Fixed classes not always restored from cookies.
2010.06.03 - r613
* Fixed signatures and round end defines that were updated in CS:S OB.
2010.07.25 - r633
* Added support for different speed methods, defaulted to prop offset method.
See the manual for more information about the class speed attribute.
Important: Class speeds and spawn protection speed must be updated! Use this
conversion formula:
prop speed offset = ((lmv speed / 300) * 250) - 250
If you don't want to update speed values right now, use
"zr_classes_speed_method lmv" in zombiereloaded.cfg for backwards
* Added 'explode' suicide command from OB update to intercept list (bug 190).
* Removed unnecessary antistick commands for model hull width, all models have
the same hull width.
* Removed hint sound on hp display and spawn protection timer. Credits goes to
to Tauphi.
* Fixed an error that happened when buying ammo and not having a weapon in
prim/sec slot.
* Fixed class menus being disabled and not checking if the player have access
to private classes.
* Fixed client not connected error in class module.
* Updated compiler. ZR now requires SourceMod 1.3 or newer.
2010.08.28 - r643
* Fixed function signatures that were changed after a CS update. Credit goes to
* Fixed class speed multiplier not properly applied with prop speed method (bug
* Fixed invalid handle error in ZMarket module (bug 152).
* Fixed a rare case where removing weapons didn't work.
* Possibly fixed invalid handle error with WeaponsEntityToDisplay (bug 163).
* Lowered sv_maxspeed to work around a acceleration issue with spectators.
* Added validation error messages for individual attributes when loading
classes. Easier than reading bits from a number.
* Improved confusing description of the NVGs class attribute.
2010.10.15 - r644
* Changed default speed method to LMV because prop speed offsets are broken at
the moment. This will introduce some side effects again; jump and fall speed
is affected. Weapon recoil is also affected, but it's not confirmed that it
has negative impact on bullets or aiming itself.
Note: Those who already changed speed method back to LMV don't need this
2010.11.14 - r647
* Added external plugin API for ZR with basic infection and respawn tools. The
following natives and forwards are now available:
See addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/zr in the package for details.
Also see addons/sourcemod/scripting/testsuite/zr for API usage examples.
2010.11.17 - r648
* Fixed players not respawning as zombies when they are supposed to.
2011.06.17 - r651, r653
* Added improved random number generator from SMLIB.
* Fixed dead players being able to get weapons through ZMarket.
* Fixed consecutive mother zombie infection prevention not always working.
2011.06.23 - r657
* Added spanish translation by Franc1sco.
2011.08.05 - r666
* Increased class limit to 64 classes.
* Fixed the ragdoll module unintentionally removing other valid entities if a
ragdoll was attempted to be removed after the round restarted.
* Fixed format settings in spanish translation spamming logs.
* Fixed index out of bounds error when class limit is reached.
* Fixed double inclusion of jump boost module preventing code from compiling on
newer compilers.
2011.10.30 - r669
* Fixed internal player spawn post event fired too early (causing invisible
* Possibly fixed invalid entity error (bug 195).
2011.12.08 - r671
* Updated gamedata file. Thanks to pillepallus.
2011.12.26 - r673
* Added infection countdown. Backported from zr-dev:52955b169945 (655).
2011.12.27 - r675
* Added cvar for disabling team balancing on round end (for use with custom
team balancer): zr_roundend_balance_teams. Disabling this will cause players
to remain on their current team when a new round starts. If zombies win,
everyone will remain on the terrorists team.
* Fixed invalid handle error after a map change.
* Fixed language code typo in translations.
* Infection countdown is no longer displayed if the infection delay is just one
2012.06.10 - r689
* Fixed ragdoll removal not being entirely disabled.
* Fixed disabled classes still being validated.
* Fixed memory leak in infection countdown feature.
* Updated to use new natives in cstrike extension instead of SDK calls (fixing ZR not finding some signatures in some cases). Requires SourceMod 1.4.0 or newer.
* Changed ZMarket to auto-buy weapons once settings are loaded (if auto-buy is enabled).
2012.07.03 - r692
* Replaced RemoveEdict with kill entity input command. This might fix some rare crashes.
* Updated gamedata file. Thanks to psychonic and TnTSCS.
2012.07.04 - r693
* Fixed incorrect offsets in gamedata file.
@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Targets plugin version 3.0.0 Beta 2, 2009.12.11
Written by Richard Helgeby
Last modified: 2009.12.11
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Targets plugin version 3.0.0 Beta 2, 2009.12.11
Written by Richard Helgeby
Last modified: 2009.12.11
Release Notes For Changes In Beta 2
Almost all known issues is now fixed. Beta 2 is a result of six months of work
on our spare time, which is pretty good in our opinion. There's a few new
features and some changes. These are the major news (also see changelog below):
* Support for group authentication on admin commands, models and classes.
See Admin Authentication (3.24) in the user manual for usage information.
* Class selections and other settings can be saved in cookies (stored in a
Almost all known issues is now fixed. Beta 2 is a result of six months of work
on our spare time, which is pretty good in our opinion. There's a few new
features and some changes. These are the major news (also see changelog below):
* Support for group authentication on admin commands, models and classes.
See Admin Authentication (3.24) in the user manual for usage information.
* Class selections and other settings can be saved in cookies (stored in a
database or a file on the server).
* Class editor for volumetric features. Modify class attributes on players in a
certain area. This could be extra jump boost in some places, or lower knock
back in tubes and vents. Note that this feature is still a work in progress.
Documentation for this one isn't written yet. This syntax should help:
zr_vol_add <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> classedit <class attribute>=<value>
This will make players run fast in a certain area (replace coordinates):
zr_vol_add -492 -522 497 511 534 681 classedit speed=500
* Changed model list to Valve's key/values format (same as classes use). Now
it's possible to separate models into different groups and teams.
* There's a compatibility fix in classes for servers with plugins that change
models. "model_path" in a class can be set to "no_change" so model can be
changed by another plugin than Zombie:Reloaded.
* The user manual is converted to a nice looking HTML manual with links for
quick navigation. Don't forget to have a look at it, at least if you have
Troubleshooting section is updated with explanation of all error messages
and some info about common problems. Otherwise look at the configuration
section on how to configure every feature.
Richard Helgeby &
* Class editor for volumetric features. Modify class attributes on players in a
certain area. This could be extra jump boost in some places, or lower knock
back in tubes and vents. Note that this feature is still a work in progress.
Documentation for this one isn't written yet. This syntax should help:
zr_vol_add <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> classedit <class attribute>=<value>
This will make players run fast in a certain area (replace coordinates):
zr_vol_add -492 -522 497 511 534 681 classedit speed=500
* Changed model list to Valve's key/values format (same as classes use). Now
it's possible to separate models into different groups and teams.
* There's a compatibility fix in classes for servers with plugins that change
models. "model_path" in a class can be set to "no_change" so model can be
changed by another plugin than Zombie:Reloaded.
* The user manual is converted to a nice looking HTML manual with links for
quick navigation. Don't forget to have a look at it, at least if you have
Troubleshooting section is updated with explanation of all error messages
and some info about common problems. Otherwise look at the configuration
section on how to configure every feature.
Richard Helgeby &
Added a cvar to either reset the burn time when naded, or to use the original burn-time. (r408)
Added norwegian translations. (r413)
Added cvars for disallowing class selection, per team. (r421)
Added cvar to redisplay class selection menu every spawn. (r424)
Added feature for allowing instant class change on humans after spawning, with a time limit. (r424)
Added feature for using group based authentication on admin commands in Zombie:Reloaded, using SourceMod groups. (425)
Added support for group authentication on classes (makes VIP and donator classes possible). (r427)
Added feature for saving class selections in cookies. (r432)
Added zr_version command for dumping version info. Useful when reporting problems. (r442)
Added support for Grenade Pack plugin (by Greyscale). (r447)
Added class editor volumetric feature that can modify certain class attributes on players in a volume. (r469)
Added HTML version of the user manual. (r486)
Added more random model selection presets for classes: public, admins, hidden and mother zombies. (r506)
Added cvar for displaying class menu on first spawn. (r518)
Changed lightstyle cvar default to be disabled. (r414)
Changed classes to support not changing player model (for compatibility with other plugins). (r431)
Changed maximum class limit to 48 classes. (r478)
Changed class dumping commands to admin commands. (r479)
Changed sky and sun cvars default to be disabled (to mach default lightstyle setting). (r483)
Changed default setting to allow humans to use teleport after mother zombie spawn. (r486)
Changed admin teleport command to also log target names. (r493)
Changed map config files to be loaded at correct time. (r500)
Changed model config to key/value format and improved model module features. (r506)
Fixed translation buffers too short for languages that use unicode characters. (r409)
Fixed some potential problems in ZMarket handling NVGs. (r410)
Fixed some menus not properly translating into the client's language. (r411)
Fixed translation issues in class menus (r412).
Fixed ZMarket auto-rebuy possibly being stuck on if market was disabled. Now auto-disables if market is disabled. (r416)
Fixed missing quote in english translation file. (r421)
Fixed default class assignment assigning classes players doesn't have access to. (r433)
Fixed teleport not resetting velocity. (r434)
Fixed no fall damage class attribute not working on human classes. (r435)
Fixed weapon type restriction menu not translating the first time. (r443)
Fixed ZMarket weapon type selection menu title not translated.
Fixed too short title string buffer in ZMarket loadout, ZTele force, ZSpawn force and hit group menus. (r443)
Fixed "empty" phrase not translated. (r443)
Fixed on/off translation string space too short in hit group menu. (r443)
Fixed not all grenades being removed when infected. (r458)
Fixed players ignited twice on some anticamp volumes. (r561)
Fixed health regeneration timer not stopping if a player were kicked or timed out. (r469)
Fixed existing volumes not removed after a map change. (r469)
Fixed server console not having full access to admin commands. (r488)
Fixed memory leak in ZMarket. (r489)
Fixed memory leak in model list parser. (r492)
Fixed timer handle error on map end. (r500)
Fixed ambience sound still playing when disabled. (r520)
Fixed health regeneration timer handle error. (r527)
Fixed zr_class_set_multiplier not aborting when there's a invalid attribute name specified. (r529)
Fixed broken FOV. (r542)
Added a cvar to either reset the burn time when naded, or to use the original burn-time. (r408)
Added norwegian translations. (r413)
Added cvars for disallowing class selection, per team. (r421)
Added cvar to redisplay class selection menu every spawn. (r424)
Added feature for allowing instant class change on humans after spawning, with a time limit. (r424)
Added feature for using group based authentication on admin commands in Zombie:Reloaded, using SourceMod groups. (425)
Added support for group authentication on classes (makes VIP and donator classes possible). (r427)
Added feature for saving class selections in cookies. (r432)
Added zr_version command for dumping version info. Useful when reporting problems. (r442)
Added support for Grenade Pack plugin (by Greyscale). (r447)
Added class editor volumetric feature that can modify certain class attributes on players in a volume. (r469)
Added HTML version of the user manual. (r486)
Added more random model selection presets for classes: public, admins, hidden and mother zombies. (r506)
Added cvar for displaying class menu on first spawn. (r518)
Changed lightstyle cvar default to be disabled. (r414)
Changed classes to support not changing player model (for compatibility with other plugins). (r431)
Changed maximum class limit to 48 classes. (r478)
Changed class dumping commands to admin commands. (r479)
Changed sky and sun cvars default to be disabled (to mach default lightstyle setting). (r483)
Changed default setting to allow humans to use teleport after mother zombie spawn. (r486)
Changed admin teleport command to also log target names. (r493)
Changed map config files to be loaded at correct time. (r500)
Changed model config to key/value format and improved model module features. (r506)
Fixed translation buffers too short for languages that use unicode characters. (r409)
Fixed some potential problems in ZMarket handling NVGs. (r410)
Fixed some menus not properly translating into the client's language. (r411)
Fixed translation issues in class menus (r412).
Fixed ZMarket auto-rebuy possibly being stuck on if market was disabled. Now auto-disables if market is disabled. (r416)
Fixed missing quote in english translation file. (r421)
Fixed default class assignment assigning classes players doesn't have access to. (r433)
Fixed teleport not resetting velocity. (r434)
Fixed no fall damage class attribute not working on human classes. (r435)
Fixed weapon type restriction menu not translating the first time. (r443)
Fixed ZMarket weapon type selection menu title not translated.
Fixed too short title string buffer in ZMarket loadout, ZTele force, ZSpawn force and hit group menus. (r443)
Fixed "empty" phrase not translated. (r443)
Fixed on/off translation string space too short in hit group menu. (r443)
Fixed not all grenades being removed when infected. (r458)
Fixed players ignited twice on some anticamp volumes. (r561)
Fixed health regeneration timer not stopping if a player were kicked or timed out. (r469)
Fixed existing volumes not removed after a map change. (r469)
Fixed server console not having full access to admin commands. (r488)
Fixed memory leak in ZMarket. (r489)
Fixed memory leak in model list parser. (r492)
Fixed timer handle error on map end. (r500)
Fixed ambience sound still playing when disabled. (r520)
Fixed health regeneration timer handle error. (r527)
Fixed zr_class_set_multiplier not aborting when there's a invalid attribute name specified. (r529)
Fixed broken FOV. (r542)
@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Targets plugin version 3.0.0 Beta 1, 2009.07.25
Written by Richard Helgeby
Last modified: 2009.12.11
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Targets plugin version 3.0.0 Beta 1, 2009.07.25
Written by Richard Helgeby
Last modified: 2009.12.11
Release Notes
This is a major release and it do break compatibility with older configuration!
This is a major release and it do break compatibility with older configuration!
Clean install of configuration files and reconfiguring is recommended.
A lot of work is put into this plugin. The entire plugin is completely recoded
with lots of improvements and fixes.
Our code base have expanded at least five times compared to version 2.5.1
(source have reached 30 000 lines total). Of course, made with optimizing in
mind. This is, as far as we know, the biggest SourceMod plugin ever made!
We also hope Zombie:Reloaded will be a good learning resource for new or
existing coders to find out how certain things are done. The code is well
structured and documented with comments explaining almost what every line do.
In addition we try to make this a quality release with a well tested release
and a full user manual. Read the user manual for details on how to use or
configure individual features. Better quality and less time spent on support
gives more time for us to do more.
UPDATE: See "zr_3.0-b2_release_notes.txt" for changes in Beta 2.
Richard Helgeby &
A lot of work is put into this plugin. The entire plugin is completely recoded
with lots of improvements and fixes.
Our code base have expanded at least five times compared to version 2.5.1
(source have reached 30 000 lines total). Of course, made with optimizing in
mind. This is, as far as we know, the biggest SourceMod plugin ever made!
We also hope Zombie:Reloaded will be a good learning resource for new or
existing coders to find out how certain things are done. The code is well
structured and documented with comments explaining almost what every line do.
In addition we try to make this a quality release with a well tested release
and a full user manual. Read the user manual for details on how to use or
configure individual features. Better quality and less time spent on support
gives more time for us to do more.
UPDATE: See "zr_3.0-b2_release_notes.txt" for changes in Beta 2.
Richard Helgeby &
* New configuration style. Configuration files and CVARs are also validated so
* New configuration style. Configuration files and CVARs are also validated so
errors and invalid values are caught early.
* Expanded class system with support for human classes and additional
attributes like setting transparency on player classes, effects or other
attributes like setting transparency on player classes, effects or other
special behaviour.
* New weapon configurations that support knock back multipliers per weapon and
custom weapon groups for easy restriction.
* Market feature for pre configuring or buying equimpents and weapons from the
custom weapon groups for easy restriction.
* Market feature for pre configuring or buying equimpents and weapons from the
oposite team, also outside the buy zone if allowed in configuration.
* Improved knock back with support for scaling based on different modules. Now
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ OVERVIEW OF MAJOR CHANGES
* Improved teleport settings. Delays and limits separated per team.
* Admin menu. Configure certain settings in-game, do generic commands like
infect, spawn and teleport.
* Cookies. This plugin is using the cookie system of SourceMod so player
* Admin menu. Configure certain settings in-game, do generic commands like
infect, spawn and teleport.
* Cookies. This plugin is using the cookie system of SourceMod so player
preferences can be saved until next time they connect.
* New logging system that is fully customizable. Makes it possible to decide
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ Configuration settings are validated when the plugin starts. The plugin will
stop, use defaults or disable features if there are invalid values. Also a
warning is logged in the SourceMod error logs.
The validation prevents unexpected or invalid behaviour in the plugin. Dealing
with errors or warnings in error logs helps a lot troubleshooting eventual
The validation prevents unexpected or invalid behaviour in the plugin. Dealing
with errors or warnings in error logs helps a lot troubleshooting eventual
issues in the plugin caused by incorrect configurations.
It's also possible to specify the path of configuration files. This can be used
@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ configuration sets per map.
Support for post map configs is made. These are configs executed after the
plugin and its features are loaded. Some settings can only be changed or
overridden after loading. Those commands must be placed in post map configs.
There's a lot of new features in the class system. The major change is that
it's made for multiple teams (humans and zombies). Now human classes can be
made. It has support for extended team filtering where admin-only and mother
made. It has support for extended team filtering where admin-only and mother
zombie classes can be made.
In addition any attribute on one or more classes can be modified in-game, which
@ -108,26 +108,26 @@ running speed.
One of the new features is transparency on players. There are also immunity
modes (but it's currently a incomplete feature) that could implement slow
infection that requires zombies to stab multiple times with its knife before
infection that requires zombies to stab multiple times with its knife before
the humans get infected, or stab them to death (turning into a zombie).
The new weapon system lets makes it possible to do more than just restricting
weapons. Now it's possible to set knock back multipliers per weapon.
Hit groups can also be configured with knock back multipliers, or disable
damage on certain hit groups completely.
There's also a new market feature which is a custom buy menu with all available
weapons, including from the oposite team. It's also possible to buy weapons
outside the buy zone if the server admins enable that setting.
Weapon selections can be pre configured and even saved using cookies so they
can be quickly bought on next spawn or on next connect to the server.
The new weapon system lets makes it possible to do more than just restricting
weapons. Now it's possible to set knock back multipliers per weapon.
Hit groups can also be configured with knock back multipliers, or disable
damage on certain hit groups completely.
There's also a new market feature which is a custom buy menu with all available
weapons, including from the oposite team. It's also possible to buy weapons
outside the buy zone if the server admins enable that setting.
Weapon selections can be pre configured and even saved using cookies so they
can be quickly bought on next spawn or on next connect to the server.
@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ certain stuff on players. These are the available features:
- Modify knock back set on players or knock back in hit groups.
- Teleporter.
Features that modify settings will be reverted when players leave volumes.
Example of usage is to only allow pistols in tubes, use the anti-camp to hurt
humans camping in a certain unfair place, or fine tune knock back for a area in
the map.
Features that modify settings will be reverted when players leave volumes.
Example of usage is to only allow pistols in tubes, use the anti-camp to hurt
humans camping in a certain unfair place, or fine tune knock back for a area in
the map.
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ or do generic commands. That is:
The logging system is based on logging flags and filtering that gives full
The logging system is based on logging flags and filtering that gives full
control of what log types and events to be logged.
There are a few generic log events and settings, like these:
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ There are a few generic log events and settings, like these:
- Debug messages, if any. Usually only developers use this one.
- Debug messages with more detail. It may cause spam, but this can be
- Debug messages with more detail. It may cause spam, but this can be
avoided in combination with module filtering.
- Ignoring log events caused by server commands (console), like from map
@ -233,6 +233,6 @@ There are a few generic log events and settings, like these:
In addition a module filter can be enabled. Only log messages from modules
listed in the filter is logged, other are ignored. Except fatal errors, those
are logged anyways.
The logging system is made this way so server admins can monitor activity in
Zombie:Reloaded whithout reading spammed log messages.
The logging system is made this way so server admins can monitor activity in
Zombie:Reloaded whithout reading spammed log messages.
@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Version 3.1.0
Written by Richard Helgeby
Release Notes
Zombie:Reloaded is now mature enough to be called stable and we bump the version
to 3.1. The patches since the beta 2 release have fixed several issues and
improved a few things.
There's no official CS: GO support yet, as it's not our primary focus.
Richard Helgeby &
Immunity modes is an old idea that has been around since ZR 3.0 beta 1. It was
never given priority, until now.
These modes change the way attacks are received either as zombie or human. It's
now possible to do the following:
* Slow infection. Zombies can hurt humans so they'll loose HP. Either humans
are stabbed to death, or they can be infected if go below a HP threshold. If
some maps have medkits (or implement them) humans will get multiple chances
of getting away from zombies.
* Delayed infection. Instead of instantly turning a zombie, the infection is
delayed a few seconds (customizable). It's also possible to enable that
subsequent zombie attacks will reduce the delay by a certain amount of
seconds and speedup the infection. A possible feature that can be
implemented later is a cure for infection so that humans can cure themself
before the time is up.
* Instant kill. Zombies will instantly kill humans when attacking instead of
* Block damage. Zombies can't take damage from humans, but are still
vulnerable to knock back. With this mode, humans can only win by surviving
the entire round.
* Deploy a shield. This is a temporary immunity mode similar to TF2's
übercharge and activated by the "zshield" command (in chat or console).
Humans will be immune to infection and zombies will not receive knock back
(they still receive damage). The shield only last for a few seconds and need
a cooldown before it can be used again. Both values can be customized.
Currently there are no visual effects when the shield is deployed, but this
makes it possible for humans to use themself as a decoy.
* Be completely immune. Humans can't be infected and zombies don't receive
damage or knock back. There's no use for this mode itself and it will break
the game, but it's there if someone want to be creative with addon plugins.
It's practically the same as a permanent spawn protection, only that it
works on zombie classes too.
It's of course possible to make various classes with different modes, so you're
not bound to use only one of them.
These modes can drastically improve the gameplay and make it more fun to play.
It's now possible to get better control of how many humans that are infected
when the round has started. It has three modes:
* Dynamic (default). This is the old one that scales number of zombies
according to a ratio and number of players on the server.
* Absolute. Infect an absolute number of humans. This mode also has an option
to invert the infection so that everyone but a small group of humans are
infected (like a survivor game mode).
* Range. Infects a random number of players between a minimum and maximum
With the introduction of immunity modes and infection modes it's possible to
make a few game modes. These are not real game modes, but various configurations
of Zombie:Reloaded.
A few example configs are provided (based on the Zombie Plague plugin):
* Nemesis. Only one zombie is spawned, but it's very powerful and do instant
kills (64K HP, speed, jump boost, and very low knock back). Humans must
survive the round or kill it. Teamwork is essential in this mode.
* Survivor. Everyone is infected but a small group of humans.
* Swarm. 50% is infected. Humans fight to the death - humans are stabbed to
death instead of infected. This requires a post map config to modify the
immunity mode on all humans.
When the map is changed or reloaded the default configuration is restored. You
need to use map configs to enable these modes. It might work to enable some of
them after the map is loaded, but some modes require the class config to be
reloaded and reapplied on all players (zr_config_reload and zr_class_reload
Install the following requirements:
* Metamod:Source 1.8.6+
* SourceMod 1.4.0+
* SDK Hooks extension 2.0+
The version numbers listed above are minimum requirements. You should always get
the latest stable version.
See their documentation on how to install the requirements. Though, SDK Hooks is
easily installed by just extracting the contents into the "cstrike" folder on
the dedicated server and all files should go in the correct folders.
Note: Verify that both Metamod:Source and SourceMod is running before
continuing. Type these commands in the server console: "meta version" and
"sm version". If both give version information it's working. If not, go
through their installation instructions again and verify that everything
is in the correct place.
When the requirements are installed the Zombie:Reloaded release package can be
extracted into the "cstrike" folder and all files should go in the correct
Start the dedicated server and verify that Zombie:Reloaded is running by typing
this command in the server console: "zr_version".
Check the SourceMod error logs if it's not working. Zombie:Reloaded will
validate and log errors if something is wrong. Look for messages from
See the manual in docs/zr_manual.htm for details about configuration settings.
It's recommended to look through it to get to know details about the features
and how to configure them. Make sure you check it before reporting problems.
The source code is bundled in every release and patch. It's located in
addons/sourcemod/scripting/ and prepared to compile once the SDK Hooks include
file is installed.
Source code repositories with build scripts are available on our side at Google
The repositories are bundled with all requirements except Mercurial itself and
should compile out of box.
Snapshot builds will be available at:
Note that has limited bandwith and if we want a few people to try a
certain snapshot we'll upload it on our site at Google Code for faster
Also note that we don't support snapshot builds. Only official releases and
patches are supported.
A few people from the Allied Modders community have developed some addon plugins
as a supplement to Zombie:Reloaded. A list of them are available here:
These are the changes since the beta 2 release:
* Many bug fixes and minor changes (50+).
* Added a cvar to allow zombies to pick up weapons at the end of the round.
* Added scream and moan commands for zombies, with spam protection.
* Added cvar to enable suicide intercept before the first zombie.
* Added cvar for minimum dx level on overlays.
* Added validation error messages for individual attributes when loading
classes. Easier than reading bits from a number.
* Added external plugin API for ZR with basic infection, respawn and class
* Added improved random number generator from SMLIB. (Better random zombie
selection, etc.)
* Added infection countdown.
* Added cvar for disabling team balancing on round end (when using a custom
team balancing plugin).
* Added knock back boost workaround for CS: GO.
* Added immunity modes.
* Added infection modes.
* Changed class limit to 64 classes.
* Changed Zombie:Reloaded to use the SDK Hooks extension instead of our old ZR
Tools extension.
Zombie:Reloaded Release Notes
Version 3.1.0
Written by Richard Helgeby
Release Notes
Zombie:Reloaded is now mature enough to be called stable and we bump the version
to 3.1. The patches since the beta 2 release have fixed several issues and
improved a few things.
There's no official CS: GO support yet, as it's not our primary focus.
Richard Helgeby &
Immunity modes is an old idea that has been around since ZR 3.0 beta 1. It was
never given priority, until now.
These modes change the way attacks are received either as zombie or human. It's
now possible to do the following:
* Slow infection. Zombies can hurt humans so they'll loose HP. Either humans
are stabbed to death, or they can be infected if go below a HP threshold. If
some maps have medkits (or implement them) humans will get multiple chances
of getting away from zombies.
* Delayed infection. Instead of instantly turning a zombie, the infection is
delayed a few seconds (customizable). It's also possible to enable that
subsequent zombie attacks will reduce the delay by a certain amount of
seconds and speedup the infection. A possible feature that can be
implemented later is a cure for infection so that humans can cure themself
before the time is up.
* Instant kill. Zombies will instantly kill humans when attacking instead of
* Block damage. Zombies can't take damage from humans, but are still
vulnerable to knock back. With this mode, humans can only win by surviving
the entire round.
* Deploy a shield. This is a temporary immunity mode similar to TF2's
übercharge and activated by the "zshield" command (in chat or console).
Humans will be immune to infection and zombies will not receive knock back
(they still receive damage). The shield only last for a few seconds and need
a cooldown before it can be used again. Both values can be customized.
Currently there are no visual effects when the shield is deployed, but this
makes it possible for humans to use themself as a decoy.
* Be completely immune. Humans can't be infected and zombies don't receive
damage or knock back. There's no use for this mode itself and it will break
the game, but it's there if someone want to be creative with addon plugins.
It's practically the same as a permanent spawn protection, only that it
works on zombie classes too.
It's of course possible to make various classes with different modes, so you're
not bound to use only one of them.
These modes can drastically improve the gameplay and make it more fun to play.
It's now possible to get better control of how many humans that are infected
when the round has started. It has three modes:
* Dynamic (default). This is the old one that scales number of zombies
according to a ratio and number of players on the server.
* Absolute. Infect an absolute number of humans. This mode also has an option
to invert the infection so that everyone but a small group of humans are
infected (like a survivor game mode).
* Range. Infects a random number of players between a minimum and maximum
With the introduction of immunity modes and infection modes it's possible to
make a few game modes. These are not real game modes, but various configurations
of Zombie:Reloaded.
A few example configs are provided (based on the Zombie Plague plugin):
* Nemesis. Only one zombie is spawned, but it's very powerful and do instant
kills (64K HP, speed, jump boost, and very low knock back). Humans must
survive the round or kill it. Teamwork is essential in this mode.
* Survivor. Everyone is infected but a small group of humans.
* Swarm. 50% is infected. Humans fight to the death - humans are stabbed to
death instead of infected. This requires a post map config to modify the
immunity mode on all humans.
When the map is changed or reloaded the default configuration is restored. You
need to use map configs to enable these modes. It might work to enable some of
them after the map is loaded, but some modes require the class config to be
reloaded and reapplied on all players (zr_config_reload and zr_class_reload
Install the following requirements:
* Metamod:Source 1.8.6+
* SourceMod 1.4.0+
* SDK Hooks extension 2.0+
The version numbers listed above are minimum requirements. You should always get
the latest stable version.
See their documentation on how to install the requirements. Though, SDK Hooks is
easily installed by just extracting the contents into the "cstrike" folder on
the dedicated server and all files should go in the correct folders.
Note: Verify that both Metamod:Source and SourceMod is running before
continuing. Type these commands in the server console: "meta version" and
"sm version". If both give version information it's working. If not, go
through their installation instructions again and verify that everything
is in the correct place.
When the requirements are installed the Zombie:Reloaded release package can be
extracted into the "cstrike" folder and all files should go in the correct
Start the dedicated server and verify that Zombie:Reloaded is running by typing
this command in the server console: "zr_version".
Check the SourceMod error logs if it's not working. Zombie:Reloaded will
validate and log errors if something is wrong. Look for messages from
See the manual in docs/zr_manual.htm for details about configuration settings.
It's recommended to look through it to get to know details about the features
and how to configure them. Make sure you check it before reporting problems.
The source code is bundled in every release and patch. It's located in
addons/sourcemod/scripting/ and prepared to compile once the SDK Hooks include
file is installed.
Source code repositories with build scripts are available on our side at Google
The repositories are bundled with all requirements except Mercurial itself and
should compile out of box.
Snapshot builds will be available at:
Note that has limited bandwith and if we want a few people to try a
certain snapshot we'll upload it on our site at Google Code for faster
Also note that we don't support snapshot builds. Only official releases and
patches are supported.
A few people from the Allied Modders community have developed some addon plugins
as a supplement to Zombie:Reloaded. A list of them are available here:
These are the changes since the beta 2 release:
* Many bug fixes and minor changes (50+).
* Added a cvar to allow zombies to pick up weapons at the end of the round.
* Added scream and moan commands for zombies, with spam protection.
* Added cvar to enable suicide intercept before the first zombie.
* Added cvar for minimum dx level on overlays.
* Added validation error messages for individual attributes when loading
classes. Easier than reading bits from a number.
* Added external plugin API for ZR with basic infection, respawn and class
* Added improved random number generator from SMLIB. (Better random zombie
selection, etc.)
* Added infection countdown.
* Added cvar for disabling team balancing on round end (when using a custom
team balancing plugin).
* Added knock back boost workaround for CS: GO.
* Added immunity modes.
* Added infection modes.
* Changed class limit to 64 classes.
* Changed Zombie:Reloaded to use the SDK Hooks extension instead of our old ZR
Tools extension.
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- Windows: Use compile.bat in the source code repository.
- Linux: Use the Makefile script.
The binary will be made in <repos>/build.
The develop environment should be mostly stand-alone with SourcePawn compiler
some tools and include files.
Linux requirements:
- Make
- Mercurial
Windows requirements:
- TortoiseHg or Mercurial
- Windows: Use compile.bat in the source code repository.
- Linux: Use the Makefile script.
The binary will be made in <repos>/build.
The develop environment should be mostly stand-alone with SourcePawn compiler
some tools and include files.
Linux requirements:
- Make
- Mercurial
Windows requirements:
- TortoiseHg or Mercurial
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
@echo off
REM To avoid complicated and maybe impossible tasks in windows batch scripts,
REM this script will execute another linux shell script using cygwin.
set BASH=env\win32\bin\bash.exe
set DATEPATH=env\win32\bin\date.exe
REM Converts a windows path to a linux path for cygwin (/cygdrive/c/...).
for /f %%s in ('env\win32\bin\cygpath.exe -u "%DATEPATH%"') do set DATEPATH=%%s
@echo off
REM To avoid complicated and maybe impossible tasks in windows batch scripts,
REM this script will execute another linux shell script using cygwin.
set BASH=env\win32\bin\bash.exe
set DATEPATH=env\win32\bin\date.exe
REM Converts a windows path to a linux path for cygwin (/cygdrive/c/...).
for /f %%s in ('env\win32\bin\cygpath.exe -u "%DATEPATH%"') do set DATEPATH=%%s
Reference in New Issue
Block a user