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Changes from Zombie: Reloaded 2.5.1
Alpha values (transparency)
Support for alpha values in classes. New values in classes.txt (per class):
Key: Value: Default: Description:
alpha_spawn <0-255> 255 initial alpha value (0 = transparent)
alpha_damaged <0-255> 255 alpha value when damaged
alpha_damage <damage> 0 how much damage to do before
alpha_damaged take effect
Knockback multiplier
If classes are enabled the zr_zombie_knockback cvar is used as a multiplier.
Makes it possible to set custom knockback on maps using per-map configs.
Set zr_zombie_knockback to 1 if you use classes and want it the way it was
knockback = zr_zombie_knockback * class knockback
Full spawn protection
Spawn protection makes the players invisible and move faster, and cannot be
infected during protection time.
A centered counter shows the time remaining.
Overriding class night vision
Support for overrriding class nvgs with the zr_zombie_nvgs cvar. Generally,
any non-zero value is considered as on.
Value: Description:
-1 no override (use value in classes.txt) / nvgs on
0 never give nvgs
1 always give nvgs
Anticamp feature
Define hurt volumes in maps that gives x damage at a custom interval.
When creating volumes they should start a little bit _below_ the floor, so it
covers the players feet.
The volume is rectangular and you only need two locations in the map to create
it; a top corner, and the bottom corner at the oposite side.
zr_anticamp_create_volume <damage> <interval> <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>
- Create a rectangular volume between the specified locations.
zr_anticamp_remove_volume <volume id>
- Remove a volume.
- List existing volumes.
Set default classes
2009-02-21 16:03:18 +01:00
Setting the default class with a cvar. Works with per-map configs. Use "random"
as classname to set random classes on all players when the map loads or they
zr_classes_default <classname>
Zombie admin menu
Basic zombie admin commands like adjusting knockback, nvgs, infecting players
and spawn everyone.
Knockback changes are applied instantly, useful for tuning knockback in-game.
Note that the changes are not saved. They will reset on map change. In a
future version this menu might save the changes.
Knockback multiplier
- Fine tune the knockback multiplier.
Class knockback
- Fine tune a class knockback value.
Night vision settings
- Override night vision settings (explained earlier).
- Infect a player. Lists all players, but could be changed to only list
Spawn players
- Spawns all dead players (except spectactors).
(more zombie admin stuff might come...)
Set (and get) class knockback
Set or get knockback from a class. Changes are not saved. They will be reset on
map change.
zr_set_class_knockback <classname> <knockback>
- Sets knockback to a specified class. Useful when using per-map configs to
fine tune the class knockback for a map.
zr_get_class_knockback <classname>
- Prints the current knockback of a class to the client/server console.
Using the zombie admin menu to read a knockback value is easier sometimes.
More stuff
Other minior and major bug fixes. See changelog.txt.