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2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
* ====================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Author: Greyscale
* ====================
RegAdminCmd("zr_infect", Command_Infect, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Infects the specified player");
RegAdminCmd("zr_spawn", Command_Respawn, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Respawns the specified player following auto-respawning rules");
RegAdminCmd("zr_teleport", Command_Teleport, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Teleports one or more players to spawn. Usage: zr_teleport <target>");
RegAdminCmd("zr_tele_saveloc", Command_TeleSaveLocation, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Saves your or a players location to a buffer. Usage: zr_tele_saveloc [#userid|name]");
RegAdminCmd("zr_tele_loc", Command_TeleportToLocation, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Teleports you or a player to the saved location. Usage: zr_tele_loc [#userid|name]");
2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
RegAdminCmd("zr_restrict", Command_Restrict, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Restrict a specified weapon");
RegAdminCmd("zr_unrestrict", Command_UnRestrict, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Unrestrict a specified weapon");
RegAdminCmd("zr_set_class_knockback", Command_SetClassKnockback, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Sets the knockback to the specified class. Usage: zr_set_class_knockback <class name> <value>");
RegAdminCmd("zr_get_class_knockback", Command_GetClassKnockback, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Gets the knockback to the specified class. Usage: zr_get_class_knockback <class name>");
RegAdminCmd("zr_admin", Command_AdminMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays the admin menu for Zombie: Reloaded.");
RegAdminCmd("zr_knockback_m", Command_KnockbackMMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays the knockback multiplier menu.");
2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
public Action:Command_Infect(client, argc)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (argc < 1 || !enabled)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg1[32];
GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
new targets[MAXPLAYERS];
new bool:tn_is_ml;
new tcount = ProcessTargetString(arg1, client, targets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, target_name, sizeof(target_name), tn_is_ml);
if (tcount <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, tcount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for (new x = 0; x < tcount; x++)
Zombify(targets[x], 0);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Respawn(client, argc)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (argc < 1 || !enabled)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg1[32];
GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
new targets[MAXPLAYERS];
new bool:tn_is_ml;
new tcount = ProcessTargetString(arg1, client, targets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD, target_name, sizeof(target_name), tn_is_ml);
if (tcount <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, tcount);
return Plugin_Handled;
new team;
2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
for (new x = 0; x < tcount; x++)
2008-10-31 18:57:14 +01:00
team = GetClientTeam(targets[x]);
if (team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT)
2008-10-31 18:57:14 +01:00
if (GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_DEBUG])) ZR_DebugPrintToConsole(targets[x], "ZSpawn: Spawned player");
2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Restrict(client, argc)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (argc < 1 || !enabled)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg1[32];
GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
new WepRestrictQuery:output = RestrictWeapon(arg1);
if (output == Existing)
ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Weapon already restricted", arg1);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_UnRestrict(client, argc)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (argc < 1 || !enabled)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg1[32];
GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
new WepRestrictQuery:output = UnRestrictWeapon(arg1);
if (output == Invalid)
ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Weapon invalid", arg1);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_SetClassKnockback(client, argc)
if (argc < 2)
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("Sets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_set_class_knockback <classname> <knockback>");
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "Sets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_set_class_knockback <classname> <knockback>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:classname[64];
decl String:knockback_arg[8];
new classindex;
new Float:knockback;
GetCmdArg(1, classname, sizeof(classname));
GetCmdArg(2, knockback_arg, sizeof(knockback_arg));
classindex = GetClassIndex(classname);
knockback = StringToFloat(knockback_arg);
if (classindex < 0)
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("Could not find the class %s.", classname);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "Could not find the class %s.", classname);
return Plugin_Handled;
arrayClasses[classindex][data_knockback] = knockback;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_GetClassKnockback(client, argc)
if (argc < 1)
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("Gets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_get_class_knockback <classname>");
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "Gets the specified class knockback. Usage: zr_get_class_knockback <classname>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:classname[64];
new classindex;
new Float:knockback;
GetCmdArg(1, classname, sizeof(classname));
classindex = GetClassIndex(classname);
if (classindex < 0)
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("Could not find the class %s.", classname);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "Could not find the class %s.", classname);
return Plugin_Handled;
knockback = arrayClasses[classindex][data_knockback];
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("Current knockback for %s: %f", classname, knockback);
PrintToConsole(client, "Current knockback for %s: %f", classname, knockback);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_AdminMenu(client, argc)
if (IsClientPlayer(client))
PrintToServer("This menu cannot be used in the console. Client: %d", client);
if (client > 0) PrintToConsole(client, "You cannot use this menu. Client: %d", client);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_KnockbackMMenu(client, argc)
if (IsClientPlayer(client))
PrintToServer("This menu cannot be used in the console. Client: %d", client);
if (client > 0) PrintToConsole(client, "You cannot use this menu. Client: %d", client);
2008-10-04 22:59:11 +02:00
return Plugin_Handled;