ZMarket now allows you to update your loadout but selecting a weapon from the list, but if you are not able to (out of buyzone, zombie, etc) then the weapon won't actually be given.

This commit is contained in:
Greyscale 2009-06-21 12:43:28 -07:00
parent 2e178d2ab6
commit 209c13a3f9
2 changed files with 31 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -532,6 +532,11 @@
"en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaulthas a purchase limit of @green{2}@default. Wait until you respawn to try again."
"Weapons zmarket updated loadout"
"en" "You are not able to purchase a weapon at this time, but your loadout has been updated with this weapon."
"Weapons zmarket get current loadout"
"en" "Updated current loadout, use rebuy option to purchase these weapons again."

View File

@ -737,32 +737,39 @@ public ZMarketMenuTypeWeaponsHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_typeweapons, MenuAction:
stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
// If client is a zombie, then stop.
// Get weapon index.
new weaponindex = WeaponsNameToIndex(weapon);
// Get slot index of the weapon being purchased.
new WeaponsSlot:slot = WeaponsGetSlot(weaponindex);
// If weapon index is -1, then something went very wrong.
if (weaponindex == -1)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "ZMarket Equip", "Invalid weapon (%s) selected from the ZMarket menu.", weapon);
return false;
// If client is a zombie, then update weapon loadout and stop.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Must be human");
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;
new bool:zmarketbuyzone = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE]);
if (!rebuy && zmarketbuyzone && !ZMarketIsClientInBuyZone(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket buyzone");
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;
// Get weapon index.
new weaponindex = WeaponsNameToIndex(weapon);
// If weapon index is -1, then something went very wrong.
if (weaponindex == -1)
return false;
// Get slot index of the weapon being purchased.
new WeaponsSlot:slot = WeaponsGetSlot(weaponindex);
// Get the appropriate price of the item being purchased.
new bool:hasweapon = WeaponsClientHasWeapon(client, weapon);
new itemprice = (hasweapon && slot != Slot_Invalid && slot != Slot_Projectile) ? WeaponsGetAmmoPrice(weaponindex) : WeaponsGetZMarketPrice(weaponindex);
@ -779,7 +786,10 @@ stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
// If client doesn't have enough money, tell them, resend menu, and then stop.
if (cash < itemprice)
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Not enough money");
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;