Merged heads and fixed conflicts.
This commit is contained in:
@ -532,6 +532,16 @@
"en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaulthas a purchase limit of @green{2}@default. Wait until you respawn to try again."
"Weapons zmarket updated loadout"
"en" "You are not able to purchase a weapon at this time, but your loadout has been updated with this weapon."
"Weapons zmarket get current loadout"
"en" "Updated current loadout, use rebuy option to purchase these weapons again."
// Commands
"Weapons command restrict syntax"
@ -597,22 +607,82 @@
// Menu (ZMarket)
"Weapons menu zmarket main title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect an Option:"
"Weapons menu zmarket main get loadout"
"en" "Get Current Loadout"
"Weapons menu zmarket main view loadout"
"en" "View My Loadout"
"Weapons menu zmarket main rebuy"
"en" "Rebuy My Loadout"
"Weapons menu zmarket main auto-rebuy"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Auto-Rebuy: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket main weapons list"
"en" "View Weapons List"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout title"
"en" "ZMarket\nMy Current Loadout:\nRebuy refers to these weapons"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout primary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Primary: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout secondary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Secondary: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout melee"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Melee: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout projectile"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Projectile: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout explosive"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Explosive: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout empty"
"en" "(None)"
"Weapons menu zmarket types title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Weapon Type:"
"Weapons menu zmarket types rebuy"
"en" "Rebuy (1 weapon per slot)"
"Weapons menu zmarket types auto-rebuy"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Auto-Rebuy: {1}\n "
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon type title"
"#format" "{1:s}"
@ -260,15 +260,19 @@ zr_infect_weapons_drop "1"
// Effects
// Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection.
Disabling this will disable the fireball, smoke cloud, and sparks in a more efficient way.
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_explosion "1"
// Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_fireball "1"
// Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection.
// Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_smoke "1"
// Emit sparks from player on infection.
// Emit sparks from player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_sparks "1"
@ -613,7 +617,11 @@ zr_zspawn_timelimit "1"
// Default: "120.0"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_time "120.0"
// Spawn player on the zombie team AFTER the timelimit is up. ['-1' = Block ZSpawn | '0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie | Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie "1"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZTele (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <cstrike>
#include <zrtools>
@ -42,9 +43,10 @@
#include "zr/cvars"
#include "zr/log"
#include "zr/config"
#include "zr/serial"
#include "zr/steamidcache"
#include "zr/sayhooks"
#include "zr/tools"
#include "zr/cookies"
#include "zr/paramtools"
#include "zr/models"
#include "zr/downloads"
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ public OnPluginStart()
@ -127,7 +130,6 @@ public OnPluginStart()
public OnMapStart()
// Forward event to modules.
@ -166,6 +168,14 @@ public OnConfigsExecuted()
* Client cookies just finished loading from the database.
public OnClientCookiesCached()
// Forward event to modules.
* Client is joining the server.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Module
* Description: Client cookie API.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Cookies module init function.
// Forward event to modules.
* Accepts a bools for setting client cookies.
* @param client The client index.
* @param cookie The handle to the cookie.
* @param cookievalue The bool value to set cookie as.
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, Handle:cookie, bool:cookievalue)
// Convert bool to string.
decl String:strCookievalue[8];
ZRBoolToString(cookievalue, strCookievalue, sizeof(strCookievalue));
// Set the converted string to the cookie.
SetClientCookie(client, cookie, strCookievalue);
* Returns a cookie value as a bool.
* @param client The client index.
* @param cookie The handle to the cookie.
bool:CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, Handle:cookie)
// Get cookie string.
decl String:cookievalue[8];
GetClientCookie(client, cookie, cookievalue, sizeof(cookievalue));
// Return string casted into an int, then to bool.
return bool:StringToInt(cookievalue);
@ -88,11 +88,12 @@ enum CvarsList
@ -280,9 +281,10 @@ CvarsCreate()
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_WEAPONS_DROP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_weapons_drop", "1", "Force player to drop all weapons on infect, disabling this will strip weapons instead.");
// Effects
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "Emit sparks from player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_EXPLOSION] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_explosion", "1", "Disabling this will disable the fireball, smoke cloud, and sparks in a more efficient way.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "Emit sparks from player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sound", "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav", "Sound, relative to \"sounds\" folder, to play from player on infection. ['\"\"' = No sound]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_esplash", "1", "Emit an energy splash from player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake", "1", "Shake player's view on infect.");
@ -432,7 +434,7 @@ CvarsCreate()
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit", "1", "Put a time limit on the use of ZSpawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit_time", "120.0", "Time from the start of the round to allow ZSpawn. [Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie", "1", "Spawn player on the zombie team AFTER the timelimit is up. ['-1' = Block ZSpawn | '0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie | Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie", "1", "Spawn player on the zombie team AFTER the timelimit is up. ['-1' = Block ZSpawn | '0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie | Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]");
// ===========================
@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ public Action:EventRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadc
public Action:EventRoundStartPost(Handle:timer, any:index)
// Forward event to modules.
@ -139,7 +138,6 @@ public Action:EventRoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcas
new reason = GetEventInt(event, "reason");
// Forward event to modules.
@ -224,6 +222,7 @@ public Action:EventPlayerSpawnPost(Handle:timer, any:index)
// Forward event to modules.
@ -726,6 +726,37 @@ InfectFireEffects(client)
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, clientloc);
clientloc[2] += 30;
new bool:explosion = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_EXPLOSION]);
if (explosion)
// Initialize explosion flags variable.
new flags;
// Set "nofireball" flag if fireball is disabled.
new bool:fireball = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL]);
if (!fireball)
flags = flags | EXP_NOFIREBALL;
// Set "nosmoke" flag if smoke is disabled.
new bool:smoke = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE]);
if (!smoke)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSMOKE;
// Set "nosparks" flag if sparks are disabled.
new bool:sparks = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS]);
if (!sparks)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSPARKS;
// Create explosion at client's origin.
VEffectsCreateExplosion(clientloc, flags);
// If cvar contains path, then continue.
decl String:sound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND], sound, sizeof(sound));
@ -743,33 +774,6 @@ InfectFireEffects(client)
VEffectsCreateEnergySplash(clientloc, direction, true);
// Initialize explosion flags variable.
new flags;
// Set "nofireball" flag if fireball is disabled.
new bool:fireball = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL]);
if (!fireball)
flags = flags | EXP_NOFIREBALL;
// Set "nosmoke" flag if smoke is disabled.
new bool:smoke = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE]);
if (!smoke)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSMOKE;
// Set "nosparks" flag if sparks are disabled.
new bool:sparks = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS]);
if (!sparks)
flags = flags | EXP_NOSPARKS;
// Create explosion at client's origin.
VEffectsCreateExplosion(clientloc, flags);
// If shake effect is enabled, then continue.
new bool:shake = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE]);
if (shake)
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public MenuMainHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
case 5:
// Send ZMarket menu.
resend = !ZMarketMenuTypes(client);
resend = !ZMarketMenuMain(client);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ OverlaysClientUpdateOverlay(client, OverlaysChannel:channel = OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_N
// Display overlay to client.
ClientCommand(client, "r_screenoverlay %s", g_strOverlayPath[client][channel]);
ClientCommand(client, "r_screenoverlay \"%s\"", g_strOverlayPath[client][channel]);
@ -236,8 +236,11 @@ OverlaysChannel:OverlaysClientFindChannel(client)
* @param client The client index.
* @param channel The channel to change state of.
* @param toggle Set to true to toggle state, false to use value param.
* @param update (Optional) Update the overlay when this function is called.
* @param toggle (Optional) Set to true to toggle state, false to use value param.
* @param value (Optional) New value of the state, only used if toggle is false.
* @param reset (Optional) Resets the channel path.
* @return The overlay's new state.
bool:OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OverlaysChannel:channel, bool:update = false, bool:toggle = true, bool:value = false, bool:reset = false)
@ -300,6 +303,12 @@ public Action:OverlaysTimer(Handle:timer)
// If no overlay is on the client's screen, then stop.
if (OverlaysClientFindChannel(x) == OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_NONE)
// Update client's overlay.
@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
* ------------------------------------
* Create class-related cookies here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Called when all modules are done loading.
// Set default classes on all player slots.
* Called when a client connects to the server (OnClientPutInServer).
@ -35,15 +53,6 @@ ClassClientInit(client)
* Called when all modules are done loading.
// Set default classes on all player slots.
* Called a client disconnects.
@ -124,9 +133,6 @@ ClassOnClientSpawn(client)
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, ClassGetActiveIndex(client));
// Forward event to sub-modules.
@ -206,7 +212,4 @@ ClassOnClientInfected(client, bool:motherzombie = false)
// Apply the new attributes.
ClassApplyAttributes(client, motherzombie);
// Forward event to sub-modules.
@ -33,26 +33,16 @@
* @endsection
* Array to store default class overlay enable flag.
new bool:h_bClassOverlay[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
* Client is joining the server.
* @param client The client index.
* Name of the cookie for toggle state the class overlay.
// Get overlay toggle cvar values.
new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]);
new bool:overlaydefault = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_DEFAULT]);
// Apply default value if toggle is enabled, default to true if toggle is disabled.
h_bClassOverlay[client] = overlaytoggle ? overlaydefault : true;
* Cookie handle for the toggle state of an overlay.
new Handle:g_hOverlayEnabledCookie = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Hook commands related to overlay here.
@ -79,28 +69,40 @@ ClassOverlayOnCommandsHook()
* Client is spawning into the game.
* @param client The client index.
* Create class overlay-related cookies here.
// If overlay toggle is enabled and class has an overlay, then send center text.
new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]);
decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath));
if (overlaytoggle && overlaypath[0])
// If cookie doesn't already exist, then create it.
g_hOverlayEnabledCookie = FindClientCookie(CLASSOVERLAY_COOKIE_ENABLED);
if (g_hOverlayEnabledCookie == INVALID_HANDLE)
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds));
TranslationPrintHUDText(client, "Classes overlay toggle", togglecmds);
g_hOverlayEnabledCookie = RegClientCookie(CLASSOVERLAY_COOKIE_ENABLED, "The toggle state of the class overlay.", CookieAccess_Public);
* Client is joining the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Get overlay toggle cvar values.
new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]);
new bool:overlaydefault = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_DEFAULT]);
// Update class overlay.
OverlaysClientUpdateOverlay(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES);
// Get ZHP enabled cookie value.
decl String:overlayenabled[8];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hOverlayEnabledCookie, overlayenabled, sizeof(overlayenabled));
// If the cookie is empty, then set the default value.
if (!overlayenabled[0])
// Set cookie to default value from cvar.
new bool:overlayvalue = overlaytoggle ? overlaydefault : true;
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hOverlayEnabledCookie, overlayvalue);
@ -114,28 +116,6 @@ ClassOverlayOnClientDeath(client)
OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, false, false, true);
* Client has been infected.
* @param client The client index.
// If overlay toggle is enabled and class has an overlay, then send center text.
new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]);
decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath));
if (overlaytoggle && overlaypath[0])
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds));
TranslationPrintCenterText(client, "Classes overlay toggle", togglecmds);
ClassOverlayInitialize(client, const String:overlay[])
if (IsFakeClient(client))
@ -150,9 +130,23 @@ ClassOverlayInitialize(client, const String:overlay[])
// If overlay toggle is enabled and class has an overlay, then send center text.
new bool:overlaytoggle = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE]);
decl String:overlaypath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ClassGetOverlayPath(client, overlaypath, sizeof(overlaypath));
if (overlaytoggle && overlaypath[0])
GetConVarString(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS], togglecmds, sizeof(togglecmds));
TranslationPrintHUDText(client, "Classes overlay toggle", togglecmds);
// Display class overlays.
OverlaysClientSetChannelPath(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, overlay);
OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, false, h_bClassOverlay[client]);
OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, false, CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hOverlayEnabledCookie));
@ -171,6 +165,7 @@ public Action:ClassOverlayEnableCommand(client, argc)
// Toggle current overlay channel, and retrieve new value.
h_bClassOverlay[client] = OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, true);
// Toggle current overlay channel, retrieve new value, and update cookie.
new bool:overlayenabled = OverlaysClientSetChannelState(client, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_CLASSES, true, true);
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hOverlayEnabledCookie, overlayenabled);
@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ RoundEndOnClientInfected()
// Stop all overlays.
// If round end timer is running, then kill it.
if (tRoundEnd != INVALID_HANDLE)
@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ RoundEndOnRoundEnd(reason)
new RoundEndOutcome:outcome = RoundEndReasonToOutcome(reason);
// Display the overlay to all clients.
RoundEndOverlayStart(ROUNDEND_DELAY, outcome);
// Balance teams.
@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ RoundEndBalanceTeams()
* @param time Time to display overlays.
* @param outcome The outcome of the round.
RoundEndOverlayStart(Float:time, RoundEndOutcome:outcome)
// If round end overlays are disabled, then stop.
new bool:overlay = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY]);
@ -403,8 +406,6 @@ RoundEndOverlayStart(Float:time, RoundEndOutcome:outcome)
OverlaysClientSetChannelPath(x, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_ROUNDEND, overlaypath);
OverlaysClientSetChannelState(x, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_ROUNDEND, true, false, true);
CreateTimer(time, RoundEndOverlayTimer, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
@ -427,15 +428,4 @@ RoundEndOverlayStop()
// Disable roundend overlay channel.
OverlaysClientSetChannelState(x, OVERLAYS_CHANNEL_ROUNDEND, true, false, false, true);
* Timer callback, stops overlays on all clients.
* @param timer The timer handle.
public Action:RoundEndOverlayTimer(Handle:timer)
// Stop all overlays.
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Client serial number tracking API.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Maximum length of a client's serial number.
* Array to store client serial numbers.
new Handle:arraySerial = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Map is starting.
// If array exists, destroy before recreating.
if (arraySerial != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Create array.
arraySerial = CreateArray();
* Add client serial number to global array.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client was added successfully, false if the client already exists.
// Check if client is already added.
new bool:exists = SerialClientExists(client);
if (exists)
return false;
// Get client's serial number.
new serial = GetClientSerial(client);
// Push serial number into the global array.
PushArrayCell(arraySerial, serial);
// Client added successfully.
return true;
* Check if a client has been added to the global array.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client exists, false otherwise.
// Get client's serial number.
new serial = GetClientSerial(client);
// Return true if value was found, false otherwise.
return (FindValueInArray(arraySerial, serial) != -1);
* Reset serial number array.
// Clear array.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: A SteamID caching API.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* The maximum length of a SteamID
* Creates a steamid cache.
* @return Handle to SteamID cache.
stock Handle:SteamidCacheCreate()
// Return steamid cache handle.
* Add client serial number to the SteamID cache.
* @param steamidcache The SteamID cache to add client to.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client was added successfully, false if the client already exists.
stock bool:SteamidCacheAddClient(Handle:steamidcache, client)
// Check if client is in the cache.
if (SteamidCacheClientExists(steamidcache, client))
return false;
// Get client's SteamID.
decl String:steamid[STEAMIDCACHE_MAX_LENGTH];
GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
// Push SteamID into the SteamID cache.
PushArrayString(steamidcache, steamid);
// Client added successfully.
return true;
* Check if a client is in the SteamID cache.
* @param steamidcache The SteamID cache to check in.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the client exists, false otherwise.
stock bool:SteamidCacheClientExists(Handle:steamidcache, client)
// Get client's SteamID.
decl String:steamid[STEAMIDCACHE_MAX_LENGTH];
GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
// Return true if client was found, false otherwise.
return (FindStringInArray(steamidcache, steamid) != -1);
* Reset SteamID cache.
* @param steamidcache The SteamID cache to reset.
stock SteamidCacheReset(Handle:steamidcache)
// Clear array.
@ -581,8 +581,8 @@ public ZRTools_Action:RestrictCanUse(client, weapon)
return ZRTools_Handled;
// Forward event to modules. (item pickup)
WeaponAlphaOnItemPickup(client, weapon);
// Forward event to weapons module.
WeaponsOnItemPickup(client, weapon);
// Allow pickup.
return ZRTools_Continue;
@ -35,11 +35,6 @@
new g_iWeaponDropHookID[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {-1, ...};
* Global variable that stops render mode modifying
new bool:g_bWeaponAlpha;
* Client is joining the server.
@ -66,40 +61,14 @@ WeaponAlphaOnClientDisconnect(client)
* The round is starting.
// Allow weapon render mode to be modified.
g_bWeaponAlpha = true;
* The round is ending.
* @param reason Reason the round has ended.
// Disallow weapon render mode to be modified.
g_bWeaponAlpha = false;
* Client has just picked up a weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index.
WeaponAlphaOnItemPickup(client, weapon)
WeaponAlphaOnItemPickupPost(client, weapon)
// If weapon alpha updating is disabled, then stop.
if (!g_bWeaponAlpha)
// Get client's current alpha.
new alpha = ToolsGetEntityAlpha(client);
@ -116,12 +85,6 @@ WeaponAlphaOnItemPickup(client, weapon)
public ZRTools_Action:WeaponAlphaDrop(client, weapon)
// If weapon alpha updating is disabled, then stop.
if (!g_bWeaponAlpha)
// If weapon isn't a valid entity, then stop.
if (weapon < MaxClients)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ new Handle:arrayWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Weapons module init function.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
@ -121,6 +121,15 @@ WeaponsOnCommandsCreate()
* Create weapon-related cookies here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Loads weapon data from file.
@ -303,27 +312,67 @@ WeaponsOnClientSpawn(client)
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* The round is starting.
// Forward event to sub-modules
* The round is ending.
* Client is spawning into the game. *Post
* @param reason Reason the round has ended.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-modules
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Called when a client picks up an item.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index.
WeaponsOnItemPickup(client, weapon)
// Forward event to sub-modules.
// Fire post OnItemPickup event.
// Fill datapack with event information.
new Handle:eventinfo = CreateDataPack();
WritePackCell(eventinfo, client);
WritePackCell(eventinfo, weapon);
// Create post delay timer.
CreateTimer(0.0, WeaponsOnItemPickupPost, eventinfo);
* Called when a client picks up an item. *Post
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index.
public Action:WeaponsOnItemPickupPost(Handle:timer, Handle:eventinfo)
// Get event info.
new client = ReadPackCell(eventinfo);
new weapon = ReadPackCell(eventinfo);
// If client isn't in the game anymore, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
// If the weapon entity isn't valid anymore, then stop.
if (!IsValidEdict(weapon))
// Forward event to sub-modules.
WeaponAlphaOnItemPickupPost(client, weapon);
@ -371,6 +420,32 @@ stock WeaponsNameToIndex(const String:weapon[])
return -1;
* Takes a weapon's classname and returns the display name in weapons config file.
* @param
stock WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(String:classname[], classnamemaxlen, String:display[], displaymaxlen)
// Strip off classnames' weapon prefix.
ReplaceString(classname, classnamemaxlen, "weapon_", "");
ReplaceString(classname, classnamemaxlen, "item_", "");
// Get the index of the weapon.
new weaponindex = WeaponsNameToIndex(classname);
// If weapon index is invalid, then return an empty string.
if (weaponindex == -1)
// Return an empty string.
strcopy(display, displaymaxlen, "");
// Return the display name.
WeaponsGetName(weaponindex, display, displaymaxlen);
* Checks if a weapon is valid. (E.G. listed in weapons.txt)
* @param weapon The weapon name.
@ -25,6 +25,15 @@
* ============================================================================
* @section Name of the cookies for ZMarket rebuy/auto-rebuy data.
#define ZMARKET_COOKIE_AUTOREBUY "zr_zmarket_autorebuy"
#define ZMARKET_COOKIE_REBUY "zr_zmarket_rebuy"
* @endsection
* Variable to store buyzone offset value.
@ -41,14 +50,9 @@ new g_iZMarketCurType[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:g_hZMarketPurchaseCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
* Array to store a weapon of each type last purchased from ZMarket.
* Cookie handle for auti-rebuy.
new String:g_strZMarketLastWeapon[MAXPLAYERS + 1][WeaponsSlot][WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
* Array to store clients' auto-rebuy setting.
new bool:g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Create commands specific to ZMarket.
@ -59,6 +63,30 @@ ZMarketOnCommandsCreate()
RegConsoleCmd(SAYHOOKS_KEYWORD_ZMARKET, ZMarketCommand, "Opens custom buymenu.");
// If auto-rebuy cookie doesn't already exist, then create all ZMarket cookies.
g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie = FindClientCookie(ZMARKET_COOKIE_AUTOREBUY);
if (g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie == INVALID_HANDLE)
g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie = RegClientCookie(ZMARKET_COOKIE_AUTOREBUY, "The toggle state of auto-rebuy.", CookieAccess_Public);
decl String:rebuycookiename[32];
decl String:rebuycookiedesc[64];
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
// Format cookie name and description.
Format(rebuycookiename, sizeof(rebuycookiename), "%s_%d", ZMARKET_COOKIE_REBUY, x);
Format(rebuycookiedesc, sizeof(rebuycookiedesc), "Current loadout weapon for slot %d", x);
// Register client cookie.
RegClientCookie(rebuycookiename, rebuycookiedesc, CookieAccess_Public);
* Find ZMarket-specific offsets here.
@ -89,7 +117,15 @@ ZMarketClientInit(client)
g_hZMarketPurchaseCount[client] = CreateTrie();
// Initialize auto-rebuy data.
g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[client] = false;
decl String:zmarketautorebuy[8];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie, zmarketautorebuy, sizeof(zmarketautorebuy));
// If the cookie is empty, then set the default value.
if (!zmarketautorebuy[0])
// Set cookie to false.
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie, false);
@ -114,13 +150,19 @@ ZMarketOnClientDisconnect(client)
* @param client The client index.
// Reset purchase counts for client.
// If client hasn't spawned into the game yet, then stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
// If auto-rebuy is enabled, then force client to rebuy weapons.
if (g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[client])
if (CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie))
ZMarketRebuy(client, true);
@ -175,11 +217,12 @@ ZMarketGetPurchaseCount(client, const String:weapon[])
* Sends weapon type list to client.
* Sends main ZMarket menu to client.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the menu was sent successfully, false if not.
// If weapons module is disabled, then stop.
new bool:weapons = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS]);
@ -199,6 +242,245 @@ bool:ZMarketMenuTypes(client)
return false;
// Create menu handle.
new Handle:menu_zmarket_main = CreateMenu(ZMarketMenuMainHandle);
// Set translation target as client.
// Set menu title.
SetMenuTitle(menu_zmarket_main, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu zmarket main title");
// If rebuy is enabled, then add it to the menu.
new bool:zmarketrebuy = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_REBUY]);
new bool:zmarketrebuyauto = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_REBUY_AUTO]);
// Add "Get Current Loadout" option.
decl String:getloadout[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:viewloadout[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:rebuy[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:rebuyauto[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:weaponslist[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// Get auto-rebuy setting.
decl String:rebuyautosetting[8];
ConfigBoolToSetting(CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie), rebuyautosetting, sizeof(rebuyautosetting));
// Format menu options.
Format(getloadout, sizeof(getloadout), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket main get loadout");
Format(viewloadout, sizeof(viewloadout), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket main view loadout");
Format(rebuy, sizeof(rebuy), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket main rebuy");
Format(rebuyauto, sizeof(rebuyauto), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket main auto-rebuy", rebuyautosetting);
Format(weaponslist, sizeof(weaponslist), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket main weapons list");
// Add formatted options to menu.
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_main, "Get Loadout", getloadout, MenuGetItemDraw(zmarketrebuy || zmarketrebuyauto));
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_main, "View Loadout", viewloadout, MenuGetItemDraw(zmarketrebuy || zmarketrebuyauto));
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_main, "Rebuy", rebuy, MenuGetItemDraw(zmarketrebuy || zmarketrebuyauto));
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_main, "Auto-Rebuy", rebuyauto, MenuGetItemDraw(zmarketrebuyauto));
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_main, "Weapons List", weaponslist);
// Set exit back button.
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_zmarket_main, true);
DisplayMenu(menu_zmarket_main, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
// Menu sent successfully.
return true;
* Called when client selects option in the main ZMarket menu, and handles it.
* @param menu_zmarket_main Handle of the menu being used.
* @param action The action done on the menu (see, enum MenuAction).
* @param client The client index.
* @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0).
public ZMarketMenuMainHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_main, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
// Client selected an option.
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
// Get loadout.
case 0:
// Gets a client's current loadout.
// Resend menu.
// View loadout.
case 1:
// Show a client their current loadout.
// Rebuy.
case 2:
// Force client to rebuy weapons.
// Resend menu.
// Auto-rebuy.
case 3:
// Toggle rebuy.
new bool:autorebuyenabled = CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie);
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZMarketAutoRebuyCookie, !autorebuyenabled);
// Resend menu.
// Weapons list.
case 4:
// Send the weapon types list.
// Client closed the menu.
if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
// Client hit "Back" button.
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Client hit "Exit" button.
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
* Sends list of weapons in a client's loadout to the client.
* @param client The client index.
// Create menu handle.
new Handle:menu_zmarket_loadout = CreateMenu(ZMarketMenuLoadoutHandle);
// Set translation target as client.
// Set menu title.
SetMenuTitle(menu_zmarket_loadout, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout title");
decl String:primaryweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:secondaryweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:meleeweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:projectileweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:explosiveweapon[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// Transfer cookie values into an array.
new String:rebuyweapons[WeaponsSlot][WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
ZMarketCookiesToArray(client, rebuyweapons, WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX, sizeof(rebuyweapons[]));
// Return the display name for all the client's weapon classname's.
WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(rebuyweapons[Slot_Primary], sizeof(rebuyweapons[]), primaryweapon, sizeof(primaryweapon));
WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(rebuyweapons[Slot_Secondary], sizeof(rebuyweapons[]), secondaryweapon, sizeof(secondaryweapon));
WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(rebuyweapons[Slot_Melee], sizeof(rebuyweapons[]), meleeweapon, sizeof(meleeweapon));
WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(rebuyweapons[Slot_Projectile], sizeof(rebuyweapons[]), projectileweapon, sizeof(projectileweapon));
WeaponsClassnameToDisplay(rebuyweapons[Slot_Explosive], sizeof(rebuyweapons[]), explosiveweapon, sizeof(explosiveweapon));
// Get the empty translation.
decl String:empty[64];
Format(empty, sizeof(empty), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout empty");
// If the client doesn't have a weapon in this slot, then set the weapon to the empty translation.
if (!primaryweapon[0])
strcopy(primaryweapon, sizeof(primaryweapon), empty);
if (!secondaryweapon[0])
strcopy(secondaryweapon, sizeof(secondaryweapon), empty);
if (!meleeweapon[0])
strcopy(meleeweapon, sizeof(meleeweapon), empty);
if (!projectileweapon[0])
strcopy(projectileweapon, sizeof(projectileweapon), empty);
if (!explosiveweapon[0])
strcopy(explosiveweapon, sizeof(explosiveweapon), empty);
decl String:primary[64];
decl String:secondary[64];
decl String:melee[64];
decl String:projectile[64];
decl String:explosive[64];
// Format all the lines of the menu.
Format(primary, sizeof(primary), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout primary", primaryweapon);
Format(secondary, sizeof(secondary), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout secondary", secondaryweapon);
Format(melee, sizeof(melee), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout melee", meleeweapon);
Format(projectile, sizeof(projectile), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout projectile", projectileweapon);
Format(explosive, sizeof(explosive), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket loadout explosive", explosiveweapon);
// Add formatted options to menu.
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_loadout, primary, primary, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_loadout, secondary, secondary, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_loadout, melee, melee, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_loadout, projectile, projectile, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_loadout, explosive, explosive, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
// Set exit back button.
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_zmarket_loadout, true);
// Send menu to client.
DisplayMenu(menu_zmarket_loadout, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
* Allow the user to press the "Back" button to go to main ZMarket menu.
* @param menu_zmarket_loadout Handle of the menu being used.
* @param action The action done on the menu (see, enum MenuAction).
* @param client The client index.
* @param slot The slot index selected (starting from 0).
public ZMarketMenuLoadoutHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_loadout, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
// Client closed the menu.
if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
// Client hit "Back" button.
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Client hit "Exit" button.
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
* Sends weapon type list to client.
* @param client The client index.
// Create menu handle.
new Handle:menu_zmarket_types = CreateMenu(ZMarketMenuTypesHandle);
@ -208,32 +490,6 @@ bool:ZMarketMenuTypes(client)
// Set menu title.
SetMenuTitle(menu_zmarket_types, "%t\n ", "Weapons menu zmarket types title");
// If rebuy is enabled, then add it to the menu.
new bool:zmarketrebuy = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_REBUY]);
new bool:zmarketrebuyauto = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_REBUY_AUTO]);
// If rebuy or auto-rebuy is enabled, then add it to the menu.
if (zmarketrebuy || zmarketrebuyauto)
// Add "Rebuy" option.
decl String:rebuy[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
Format(rebuy, sizeof(rebuy), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket types rebuy");
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_types, "Rebuy", rebuy);
// If auto-rebuy is enabled, then add it to the menu.
if (zmarketrebuyauto)
// Get current auto-rebuy setting.
decl String:rebuyautosetting[8];
ConfigBoolToSetting(g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[client], rebuyautosetting, sizeof(rebuyautosetting));
// Add "Auto-Rebuy" option.
decl String:rebuyauto[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
Format(rebuyauto, sizeof(rebuyauto), "%t", "Weapons menu zmarket types auto-rebuy", rebuyautosetting);
AddMenuItem(menu_zmarket_types, "Auto-Rebuy", rebuyauto);
decl String:typename[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = Array index.
@ -260,13 +516,11 @@ bool:ZMarketMenuTypes(client)
SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_zmarket_types, true);
DisplayMenu(menu_zmarket_types, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
// Menu sent successfully.
return true;
* Called when client selects option in the weapons list menu, and handles it.
* @param menu_zmarket_types Handle of the menu being used.
* @param action The action done on the menu (see, enum MenuAction).
* @param client The client index.
@ -280,28 +534,6 @@ public ZMarketMenuTypesHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_types, MenuAction:action, clie
decl String:weapontype[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
GetMenuItem(menu_zmarket_types, slot, weapontype, sizeof(weapontype));
if (StrEqual(weapontype, "Rebuy"))
// Force client to rebuy weapons.
// Resend menu.
if (StrEqual(weapontype, "Auto-Rebuy"))
// Toggle rebuy.
g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[client] = !g_bZMarketAutoRebuy[client];
// Resend menu.
// Get weapon index.
new weapontypeindex = RestrictTypeToIndex(weapontype);
@ -326,7 +558,7 @@ public ZMarketMenuTypesHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_types, MenuAction:action, clie
// Client hit "Back" button.
if (slot == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
// Client hit "Exit" button.
@ -338,6 +570,7 @@ public ZMarketMenuTypesHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_types, MenuAction:action, clie
* Sends a list of weapons of a certain type in a menu to the client.
* @param client The client index.
@ -455,6 +688,7 @@ ZMarketMenuTypeWeapons(client)
* Called when client selects option in the weapon group menu, and handles it.
* @param menu_zmarket_typeweapons Handle of the menu being used.
* @param action The action done on the menu (see, enum MenuAction).
* @param client The client index.
@ -498,37 +732,44 @@ public ZMarketMenuTypeWeaponsHandle(Handle:menu_zmarket_typeweapons, MenuAction:
* Equip a weapon on a client.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon to equip (must be in weapons config file)
* @param weapon The weapon to equip. (must be in weapons config file)
* @param rebuy (Optional) If client is rebuying, ammo will be ignored.
stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
// If client is a zombie, then stop.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Must be human");
return false;
new bool:zmarketbuyzone = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE]);
if (!rebuy && zmarketbuyzone && !ZMarketIsClientInBuyZone(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket buyzone");
return false;
// Get weapon index.
new weaponindex = WeaponsNameToIndex(weapon);
// If weapon index is -1, then something went very wrong.
if (weaponindex == -1)
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Weapons, "ZMarket Equip", "Invalid weapon (%s) selected from the ZMarket menu.", weapon);
return false;
// Get slot index of the weapon being purchased.
new WeaponsSlot:slot = WeaponsGetSlot(weaponindex);
// If client is a zombie, then update weapon loadout and stop.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;
new bool:zmarketbuyzone = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE]);
if (!rebuy && zmarketbuyzone && !ZMarketIsClientInBuyZone(client))
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;
// Get the appropriate price of the item being purchased.
new bool:hasweapon = WeaponsClientHasWeapon(client, weapon);
new itemprice = (hasweapon && slot != Slot_Invalid && slot != Slot_Projectile) ? WeaponsGetAmmoPrice(weaponindex) : WeaponsGetZMarketPrice(weaponindex);
@ -545,7 +786,10 @@ stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
// If client doesn't have enough money, tell them, resend menu, and then stop.
if (cash < itemprice)
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Not enough money");
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket updated loadout");
return false;
@ -605,8 +849,8 @@ stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
// Give client the weapon.
GivePlayerItem(client, weaponentity);
// Copy weapon to array for this slot.
strcopy(g_strZMarketLastWeapon[client][slot], sizeof(g_strZMarketLastWeapon), weapon);
// Update cookie with new weapon.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, slot, weapon);
// Add 1 to the client's purchase count.
ZMarketSetPurchaseCount(client, weapon, 1, true);
@ -636,12 +880,133 @@ stock bool:ZMarketEquip(client, const String:weapon[], bool:rebuy = false)
return true;
* Gets the client's current weapons and puts them in the rebuy cache.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the menu sent successfully, false if not.
// If client is dead, then tell them they must be alive and stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Must be alive");
return false;
// If client is a zombie, then tell them they must be human and stop.
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Must be human");
return false;
// Get all of client's current weapons.
new weapons[WeaponsSlot];
WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons);
decl String:weaponname[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
// If slot is empty, then clear this slot in rebuy cache and stop.
if (weapons[x] == -1)
// Empty rebuy slot.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, WeaponsSlot:x, "");
// Get the name of the weapon.
GetEdictClassname(weapons[x], weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
ReplaceString(weaponname, sizeof(weaponname), "weapon_", "");
// Copy the name to the rebuy cache.
ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, WeaponsSlot:x, weaponname);
// Tell client their loadout has been updated.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket get current loadout");
return true;
* Transfer array values to rebuy cookies.
* @param client The client index.
* @param rebuyweapons The string array to copy results from.
* @param maxweapons The max amount of weapons in the array.
* @param maxlen The max length of each cookie result.
stock ZMarketArrayToCookies(client, String:rebuyweapons[WeaponsSlot][], maxweapons, maxlen)
decl String:rebuycookiename[32];
new Handle:rebuycookie;
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < maxweapons; x++)
// Format cookie name.
Format(rebuycookiename, sizeof(rebuycookiename), "%s_%d", ZMARKET_COOKIE_REBUY, x);
// Find cookie handle, and retrieve its value.
rebuycookie = FindClientCookie(rebuycookiename);
SetClientCookie(client, rebuycookie, rebuyweapons[x]);
* Transfer rebuy cookies to an array for easier access.
* @param client The client index.
* @param rebuyweapons The string array to copy results to
* @param maxweapons The max amount of weapons in the array.
* @param maxlen The max length of each cookie result.
stock ZMarketCookiesToArray(client, String:rebuyweapons[WeaponsSlot][], maxweapons, maxlen)
decl String:rebuycookiename[32];
new Handle:rebuycookie;
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < maxweapons; x++)
// Format cookie name.
Format(rebuycookiename, sizeof(rebuycookiename), "%s_%d", ZMARKET_COOKIE_REBUY, x);
// Find cookie handle, and retrieve its value.
rebuycookie = FindClientCookie(rebuycookiename);
GetClientCookie(client, rebuycookie, rebuyweapons[x], maxlen);
* Set a weapon slot cookie given the slot and value.
* @param client The client index.
* @param slot The weapon slot to set value to.
* @param value The value (weaponname) of the slot.
stock ZMarketSetRebuyCookie(client, WeaponsSlot:slot, const String:value[])
// Format cookie name.
decl String:rebuycookiename[32];
Format(rebuycookiename, sizeof(rebuycookiename), "%s_%d", ZMARKET_COOKIE_REBUY, _:slot);
// Find cookie handle, and retrieve its value.
new Handle:rebuycookie = FindClientCookie(rebuycookiename);
SetClientCookie(client, rebuycookie, value);
* Force a client to rebuy their weapons.
* @param client The client index.
ZMarketRebuy(client, bool:rebuy = false)
ZMarketRebuy(client, bool:autorebuy = false)
// If client is a zombie, then stop.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
@ -651,23 +1016,30 @@ ZMarketRebuy(client, bool:rebuy = false)
new bool:zmarketbuyzone = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE]);
if (!rebuy && zmarketbuyzone && !ZMarketIsClientInBuyZone(client))
if (!autorebuy && zmarketbuyzone && !ZMarketIsClientInBuyZone(client))
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Weapons zmarket buyzone");
// Transfer cookie values into an array.
new String:rebuyweapons[WeaponsSlot][WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
ZMarketCookiesToArray(client, rebuyweapons, WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX, sizeof(rebuyweapons[]));
// x = Weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
new bool:equipped = ZMarketEquip(client, g_strZMarketLastWeapon[client][x], true);
// Remove weapon from last weapons.
if (!equipped)
// If slot is empty, then stop.
if (!rebuyweapons[x][0])
strcopy(g_strZMarketLastWeapon[client][x], sizeof(g_strZMarketLastWeapon), "");
ZMarketEquip(client, rebuyweapons[x], true);
// Copy values back to cookies.
ZMarketArrayToCookies(client, rebuyweapons, WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX, sizeof(rebuyweapons));
@ -687,7 +1059,7 @@ public Action:ZMarketCommand(client, argc)
// Send ZMarket menu.
// This stops the "Unknown command" message in client's console.
return Plugin_Handled;
@ -25,15 +25,20 @@
* ============================================================================
* Name of the cookie for toggle state of ZHP
#define ZHP_COOKIE_ENABLED "zr_zhp"
* Array for storing ZHP timer handles per client.
new Handle:tZHP[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
* Array for flagging client to display HP
* Cookie handle for the toggle state of ZHP on a client.
new bool:pZHP[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:g_hZHPEnabledCookie = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Create commands specific to ZHP.
@ -44,6 +49,19 @@ ZHPOnCommandsCreate()
RegConsoleCmd(SAYHOOKS_KEYWORD_ZHP, ZHPCommand, "Shows real HP as zombie.");
* Create ZHP-related cookies here.
// If cookie doesn't already exist, then create it.
g_hZHPEnabledCookie = FindClientCookie(ZHP_COOKIE_ENABLED);
if (g_hZHPEnabledCookie == INVALID_HANDLE)
g_hZHPEnabledCookie = RegClientCookie(ZHP_COOKIE_ENABLED, "The toggle state of ZHP.", CookieAccess_Public);
* Client is joining the server.
@ -54,8 +72,16 @@ ZHPClientInit(client)
// Get default client setting from cvar.
new bool:zhp = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZHP_DEFAULT]);
// Set flag to default value.
pZHP[client] = zhp;
// Get ZHP enabled cookie value.
decl String:zhpenabled[8];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hZHPEnabledCookie, zhpenabled, sizeof(zhpenabled));
// If the cookie is empty, then set the default value.
if (!zhpenabled[0])
// Set cookie to default value from cvar.
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZHPEnabledCookie, zhp);
// Reset timer handle.
@ -162,12 +188,18 @@ bool:ZHPToggle(client)
return false;
// If ZHP is enabled, then tell client it's being disabled.
if (pZHP[client])
// Get the cookie value.
new bool:zhpstate = CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZHPEnabledCookie);
// Toggle the value.
CookiesSetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZHPEnabledCookie, !zhpstate);
// If ZHP was enabled, then tell client it has been disabled.
if (zhpstate)
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "ZHP disable");
// If ZHP is disabled, then tell client it's being enabled.
// If ZHP was disabled, then tell client it has been enabled.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "ZHP enable");
@ -176,9 +208,6 @@ bool:ZHPToggle(client)
// Toggle ZHP flag.
pZHP[client] = !pZHP[client];
return true;
@ -196,8 +225,11 @@ ZHPUpdateHUD(client)
// Get ZHP enabled cookie as a bool.
new bool:zhpstate = CookiesGetClientCookieBool(client, g_hZHPEnabledCookie);
// If player is a zombie, or has ZHP disabled, then stop.
if (!InfectIsClientInfected(client) || !pZHP[client])
if (!InfectIsClientInfected(client) || !zhpstate)
@ -333,3 +333,24 @@ stock ZRPrintToConsoleLong(client, const String:text[], splitsize = 1022)
pos += cellswritten;
* Converts a boolean value into a string.
* @param value The value to convert to string.
* @param output The converted string.
* @param maxlen The maximum length of the string.
ZRBoolToString(bool:value, String:output[], maxlen)
// If the value is true, then set string to "1".
if (value)
strcopy(output, maxlen, "1");
// If the value is false, then set string to "0".
strcopy(output, maxlen, "0");
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
new Handle:tZSpawn = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Global variable to store SteamID cache handle.
new Handle:g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Create commands specific to ZSpawn.
@ -46,6 +51,15 @@ ZSpawnOnMapStart()
// Reset timer handle.
// If SteamID cache hasn't been created yet, then create.
if (g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache == INVALID_HANDLE)
g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache = SteamidCacheCreate();
// Reset the SteamID cache.
@ -61,8 +75,8 @@ ZSpawnOnClientDisconnect(client)
// Add client serial to global array.
// Add client to the SteamID cache.
SteamidCacheAddClient(g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache, client);
@ -72,8 +86,8 @@ ZSpawnOnClientDisconnect(client)
// Add client serial to global array.
// Add client to the SteamID cache.
SteamidCacheAddClient(g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache, client);
@ -81,8 +95,8 @@ ZSpawnOnClientDeath(client)
// Reset serial number array.
// Reset the SteamID cache.
// If zspawn timer is running, then kill it.
if (tZSpawn != INVALID_HANDLE)
@ -177,7 +191,7 @@ bool:ZSpawnClient(client)
// Block if client has already played during this round.
if (SerialClientExists(client))
if (SteamidCacheClientExists(g_hZSpawnSteamIDCache, client))
// Tell client the command may only be used when joining late.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "ZSpawn double spawn");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user