Did all cvar descriptions, made spawn protect detect when client needs to be protected more accurately, bunnyhop protect put into a cvar.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// /*
// * ============================================================================
// *
// * Zombie:Reloaded
// *
// * File: zombiereloaded.cfg
// * Type: Core
// * Description: Plugin cvar configuration.
// *
// * ============================================================================
// */
// Notes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All notes are generalities, exceptions will be noted in appropriate place.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * All units of time are read in seconds.
// * ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format:
// <Cvar description>
// Default: "<Default value>"
// <Cvar> "<Value>"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// "<Simple description> [<Specification> = '<Meaning>' | ...]"
// OR
// "<Simple description> [<Flag>: <Value> | ...]"
// Specifications:
// These are specific values that the cvar can be set to. Used to illustrate
// the scale of a cvar, min/max values, etc.
// Meaning:
// The description of what the specification does.
// Flag:
// Includes any of the following:
// * "Dependency" - Means this cvar relies on another cvar to be enabled.
// E.G. Has no effect until its dependencies are enabled.
// * "Delimiter" - Separate each item by this given character.
// * "Override" - Means this cvar overrides another if enabled.
// * "Recommended" - Means another cvar is recommended to be enabled if this
// one is.
// ...
// Value:
// The value of the flag. Usually a referenced cvar.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
// ============================================================================
// Zombie:Reloaded
// Main configuration
// Check section 3.0 in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// ------------------------------------
// Standard Counter-Strike Settings
// ------------------------------------
// The length of the round, in minutes. If there are any humans left after this
// time is up, humans win.
// -
// Default: "5"
mp_roundtime "5"
// Allows players to move items with their "use" key. Disabled by default
// because players sometimes get stuck.
// -
// Default: "0"
sv_turbophysics "0"
// Multiplier for how easy props are moved.
// -
// Default: "3"
phys_pushscale 3
// Ammo settings
ammo_50AE_max 500 // deagle
ammo_762mm_max 300 // scout, ak47, g3sg1, aug
ammo_556mm_box_max 300 // m249
ammo_556mm_max 300 // galil, sg552, famas, m4a1, sg550
ammo_338mag_max 100 // awp
ammo_9mm_max 500 // mp5navy, tmp, glock, elite
ammo_buckshot_max 128 // m3, xm1014
ammo_45acp_max 500 // ump45, mac10, usp
ammo_357sig_max 500 // P228
ammo_57mm_max 500 // p90, fiveseven
// ------------------------------------
// Weapon Restrictions (Deprecated)
// ------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------
// General
// ------------------------------------
// Enable zombie gameplay
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_enable "1"
// Logging flags. See manual for details.
// -
// Default: "323"
zr_log "323"
// This will allow the player_team event to be fired on first team join. Enable
// if using mani admin model menu.
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_allow_player_team "0"
// Give players cash on spawn.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_cashfill "1"
// How much money players will have when they spawn, if cash fill is turned on.
// -
// Default: "16000"
zr_cashamount "16000"
// Block suicide attempts on humans.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_suicide_human "1"
// Block suicide attempts on zombies.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_suicide_zombie "1"
// Log suicide attempts to admin chat. (Deprecated. Use the log system.)
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_suicide_echo "0"
// Respawn zombies as zombies if they were killed by world damage, like doors,
// elevators and lasers.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_suicide_world_damage "1"
// Spawn protection time on players that join late.
// -
// Default: "15"
zr_protect "15"
// ------------------------------------
// Zombie Gameplay
// ------------------------------------
// Maximum time, in seconds, a player is picked to be zombie after the round
// starts.
// -
// Default: "50"
zr_spawn_max "50"
// Minimum time, in seconds, a player is picked to be zombie after the round
// starts.
// -
// Default: "30"
zr_spawn_min "30"
// Mother zombie ratio. For every "n" number of humans, there will be one
// zombie. (0: Always only 1 mother zombie)
// -
// Default: "8"
zr_mother_zombie_ratio "8"
// The first zombie(s) will be teleported back to spawn on first infection.
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_mother_zombie_respawn "0"
// Allow player to be randomly chosen twice in a row to be a mother zombie.
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_consecutive_infect "0"
// ------------------------------------
// Zombie Info (deprecated)
// ------------------------------------
// The default health of a zombie
zr_zombie_health "5000"
// How fast zombies travel (300: Default speed, 600: Double speed)
zr_zombie_speed "350"
// How far the zombie jumps, (0: Regular jump distance)
zr_zombie_jump_distance "0.1"
// How high a zombie jumps (0: Regular jump height)
zr_zombie_jump_height "10.0"
// How far zombies are pushed back when shot. If classes are enabled: This one is a multiplier for class knockback values. (1: Default)
zr_zombie_knockback "1"
// Zombies will be equipped with nightvision. Also used to override class nvgs if non-negative. (-1: No override/Nvgs on, 0: No nvgs, 1: Nvgs on)
zr_zombie_nvgs "-1"
// The field of vision of zombies (90: Default vision)
zr_zombie_fov "110"
// Zombies will regenerate health
zr_zombie_regen "0"
// How much health is regenerated when zr_zombie_regen is 1
zr_zombie_regen_health "1"
// How often, in seconds, a zombie regenerates health when zr_zombie_regen is 1
zr_zombie_regen_interval "5"
// Turns grenades into napalm grenades that light zombies on fire (0: Disable)
zr_zombie_napalm "1"
// How long the zombie burns when zr_napalm is 1
zr_zombie_napalm_time "20"
// Zombies wont be hurt from falling (0: Disable)
zr_zombie_nofalldamage "0"
// How many additional kills are rewarded to the killer of the zombie
zr_zombie_kill_bonus "2"
// How much health a zombie gains when infecting a human (0: Disable)
zr_zombie_infect_health "100"
// Overlay to be shown on all zombies' screen on infection (Leave empty to disable)
zr_zombie_zvision "overlays/zr/zvision"
// ------------------------------------
// Infection Effects
// ------------------------------------
// An energy splash is emitted when player is infected.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_esplash "1"
// A fireball is created when a player is infected.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_fireball "1"
// Sound played from from player on infection. Leave blank to disable.
// -
// Default: "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"
zr_infect_sound "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"
// A puff of smoke is created when a player is infected.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_smoke "1"
// Sparks are emitted when a player is infected.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_sparks "1"
//Player's screen is shaken on infection.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_shake "1"
// Amplitude of the shake, when shake is enabled.
// -
// Default: "15.0"
zr_infect_shake_amp "15.0"
// Frequency of the shake, when shake is enabled.
// -
// Default: "1.0"
zr_infect_shake_frequency "1.0"
// Duration of the shake, when shake is enabled.
// -
// Default: "5.0"
zr_infect_shake_duration "5.0"
// ------------------------------------
// Classes
// ------------------------------------
// Enable zombie classes. (Deprecated)
zr_classes "1"
// A random class is assigned to each player every round (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_classes_random "0"
// Classmenu is re-displayed every spawn (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_classes_spawn "0"
// The default class for zombies. (Deprecated)
zr_classes_default "classic"
// ------------------------------------
// Ambience
// ------------------------------------
// Enable creepy ambience to be played throughout the game (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_ambience "1"
// Path to ambient sound file that will be played throughout the game, when
// ambience is enabled.
// -
// Default: "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"
zr_ambience_file "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"
// The length, in seconds, of the ambience sound file.
// -
// Default: "60.0"
zr_ambience_length "60.0"
// Volume of ambience sound when ambience is enabled. (0.0: Unhearable,
// 1.0: Max volume)
// -
// Default: "0.8"
zr_ambience_volume "0.8"
// Make maps dark. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_dark "0"
// The darkness of the map, a being the darkest, z being extremely bright.
// -
// Default: "n"
zr_dark_level "n"
// The sky the map will have when darkness is enabled.
// -
// Default: "sky_borealis01"
zr_dark_sky "sky_borealis01"
// How often a zombie emits a sound, in seconds. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "50"
zr_emitsounds "50"
// ------------------------------------
// Overlays
// ------------------------------------
// Will show overlays that tell who the winner of the round was (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_overlays "1"
// Overlay for humans win event.
// -
// Default: "overlays/zr/humans_win"
zr_overlays_human "overlays/zr/humans_win"
// Overlay for zombies win event.
// -
// Default: "overlays/zr/zombies_win"
zr_overlays_zombie "overlays/zr/zombies_win"
// Frequency, in seconds, to re-display overlay on the client's screen.
// -
// Default: "3"
zr_overlay_redisplay "3"
// Allow players to disable overlays with their nightvision key (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_zvision_allow_disable "1"
// ------------------------------------
// Respawn
// ------------------------------------
// Respawn players when they die.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_respawn "1"
// How long to wait after death to respawn, in seconds.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_respawn_delay "1"
// Which team to respawn player as. (Choices: zombie, human)
// -
// Default: "human"
zr_respawn_team "human"
// ------------------------------------
// Commands
// ------------------------------------
// Must be in buyzone to access !zmarket, if Market is installed.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_zmarket_buyzone "1"
// Allow players to spawn if they just joined the game. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn "1"
// Startup delay for the deleporter. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "20"
zr_tele_startup_delay "20"
// Cooldown delay before a teleport can be done again. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "15"
zr_tele_cooldown "15"
// Teleport delays for humans. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "10"
zr_tele_human_delay "10"
// Teleport delays for zombies. (0: Disable)
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_tele_zombie_delay "0"
// Teleport limits for humans per round. (0: Not allowed to teleport,
// -1: Unlimited)
// -
// Default: "3"
zr_tele_human_limit "3"
// Teleport limits for zombies per round. (0: Not allowed to teleport,
// -1: Unlimited)
// -
// Default: "8"
zr_tele_zombie_limit "8"
// Allows clients to disable zombie health display.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_zhp "1"
// The default value of zombie health display to new clients.
// -
// Default: "1"
zr_zhp_default "1"
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
#include "zr/spawnprotect"
#include "zr/respawn"
#include "zr/napalm"
#include "zr/jumpboost"
#include "zr/zspawn"
#include "zr/ztele"
#include "zr/zhp"
#include "zr/jumpboost"
//#include "zr/anticamp"
// Almost replaced! :)
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ enum CvarsList
@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ enum CvarsList
@ -128,11 +130,6 @@ enum CvarsList
// To be modulized/recoded.
@ -180,21 +177,6 @@ CvarsInit()
// Cvar naming guidelines:
// 1. Prefix: "zr_"
// 2. Module name next. "zr_modulename_"
// 3. (If applys) Submodule name next. "zr_modulename_submodulename_" Ex "zr_weapons_restrict_"
// 4. Name last part to be defaulted to "1" (if boolean cvar) Ex "zr_damage_suicide_zombie",
// because it will be defaulted to "1". "zr_damage_suicide_zombie_disable" = bad. Because we want
// to try to default everything to "1" and let hosts disable what they don't want.
// Cvar description guidelines
// Assume cvar is enabled.
// Ex. "zr_roundend_overlay" "1" "Display round win overlays to all clients."
// Explain (additional) options in brackets.
// Ex. "zr_classes_default_zombie" "" "Default zombie class. ['""' = Class config defaults. 'random' = Give client random class on connect.]"
// Any thing else?
// ===========================
// General (Core)
// ===========================
@ -206,12 +188,12 @@ CvarsCreate()
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG] = CreateConVar("zr_log", "1", "Logs key actions performed by the plugin, including errors and debug.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_MODULES] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_modules", "", "If any log module name is withinin this string, log will be suppressed.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_DESCRIPTION] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_description", "", "If any log description is within this string, log will be suppressed.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_DEBUG] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_debug", "1", "Supresses debug messages.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_ADMINS] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_admins", "0", "Print all logs to currently connected admins.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_CHAT] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_chat", "1", "Print log to admin's chat area.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_CONSOLE] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_console", "1", "Print log to admin's console.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_MODULES] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_modules", "", "If any log module name is within this string, log will be suppressed. [Dependency: zr_log]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_DESCRIPTION] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_description", "", "If any log description is within this string, log will be suppressed. [Dependency: zr_log]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FILTER_DEBUG] = CreateConVar("zr_log_filter_debug", "1", "Supresses debug messages. [Dependency: zr_log]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_ADMINS] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_admins", "0", "Print all logs to currently connected admins. [Dependency: zr_log]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_CHAT] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_chat", "1", "Print log to admin's chat area. [Dependency: zr_log & zr_log_print_admins]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_CONSOLE] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_console", "1", "Print log to admin's console. [Dependency: zr_log & zr_log_print_admins]");
// ===========================
// Translations (core)
@ -223,12 +205,12 @@ CvarsCreate()
// Config (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_MODELS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_models", "configs/zr/models.txt", "Path to models config file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_DOWNLOADS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_downloads", "configs/zr/downloads.txt", "Path to downloads file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_PLAYERCLASSES] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_playerclasses", "configs/zr/playerclasses.txt", "Path to playerclasses config file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_weapons", "configs/zr/weapons/weapons.txt", "Path to weapons config file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_weapongroups", "configs/zr/weapons/weapongroups.txt", "Path to weapongroups config file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_hitgroups", "configs/zr/hitgroups.txt", "Path to hitgroups config file. [Relative to root sourcemod directory]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_MODELS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_models", "configs/zr/models.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to models config file.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_DOWNLOADS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_downloads", "configs/zr/downloads.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to downloads file.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_PLAYERCLASSES] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_playerclasses", "configs/zr/playerclasses.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to playerclasses config file.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_weapons", "configs/zr/weapons/weapons.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapons config file.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_weapongroups", "configs/zr/weapons/weapongroups.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapongroups config file.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_config_path_hitgroups", "configs/zr/hitgroups.txt", "Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to hitgroups config file.");
// ===========================
// Tools (core)
@ -248,17 +230,21 @@ CvarsCreate()
// General
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_SPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_spawn", "0", "Re-display class selection menu every spawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_RANDOM] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_random", "0", "Player is assigned a random class every spawn [Override: zr_classes_spawn & zr_classes_default_*]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_zombie", "random", "Zombie class assigned to players on connect ['random' = Random class | '""' = Class config default]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_human", "random", "Human class assigned to players on connect ['random' = Random class | '""' = Class config default]");");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ADMIN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_admin", "random", "Admin class assigned to admins on connect ['random' = Random class | '""' = Class config default]");");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_SPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_spawn", "0", "Re-display class selection menu every spawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_RANDOM] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_random", "0", "Player is assigned a random class every spawn. [Override: zr_classes_spawn & zr_classes_default_*]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_zombie", "random", "Zombie class assigned to players on connect. ['random' = Random class | '\"\"' = Class config default]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_human", "random", "Human class assigned to players on connect. ['random' = Random class | '\"\"' = Class config default]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ADMIN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_admin", "random", "Admin class assigned to admins on connect. ['random' = Random class | '\"\"' = Class config default]");
// Menu
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_MENU_AUTOCLOSE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_menu_autoclose", "0", "Automatically close class selection menu.");
// Overlays
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_overlay_toggle", "1", "Allow players to toggle class overlay.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds", "nightvision", "List of commands to hook that players can use to toggle class overlay. [Reliance: zr_classes_overlay_toggle | Delimited by \", \"]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_overlay_default", "0", "Default class overlay toggle state [Reliance: zr_classes_overlay_toggle]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_TOGGLECMDS] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds", "nightvision", "List of commands to hook that players can use to toggle class overlay. [Dependency: zr_classes_overlay_toggle | Delimiter: \", \"]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_OVERLAY_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_overlay_default", "0", "Default class overlay toggle state set on connecting player. [Dependency: zr_classes_overlay_toggle]");
// ===========================
// Weapons (core)
@ -266,49 +252,44 @@ CvarsCreate()
// General
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons", "1", "");
// Note make config file cvar.
// Note this disables restrict submodule.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons", "1", "Enable weapons module, disabling this will disable any weapons-related features. (weapon restrictions, weapon knockback multipliers, etc)");
// Restrict
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_RESTRICT] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons_restrict", "1", "");
// Note make config file cvar.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_RESTRICT] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons_restrict", "1", "Enable weapon restriction module, disabling this will disable weapon restriction commands.");
// Market Handler
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons_zmarket_buyzone", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Must be in buyzone to access !zmarket, if Market is installed (0: Can be used anywhere)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS_ZMARKET_BUYZONE] = CreateConVar("zr_weapons_zmarket_buyzone", "1", "Requires player to be inside a buyzone to use ZMarket.");
// ===========================
// Hitgroups (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_hitgroups", "1", "");
// Note make config file cvar.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_hitgroups", "1", "Enable hitgroups module, disabling this will disable hitgroup-related features. (hitgroup knockback multipliers, hitgroup damage control)");
// ===========================
// Infect (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RATIO] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_mzombie_ratio", "5", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_mzombie_respawn", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MIN] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_spawntime_min", "30.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MAX] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_spawntime_max", "50.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_CONSECUTIVE_BLOCK] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_consecutive_block", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_WEAPONS_DROP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_weapons_drop", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RATIO] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_mzombie_ratio", "5", "Number of mother zombies to infect (when infect timer is up) in proportion to number of humans on the server.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_MZOMBIE_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_mzombie_respawn", "0", "Teleport mother zombies back to spawn on infect.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MIN] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_spawntime_min", "30.0", "Minimum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPAWNTIME_MAX] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_spawntime_max", "50.0", "Maximum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_CONSECUTIVE_BLOCK] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_consecutive_block", "1", "Prevent a player from being chosen as mother zombie two rounds in a row.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_WEAPONS_DROP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_weapons_drop", "1", "Force player to drop all weapons on infect, disabling this will strip weapons instead.");
// Effects
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sound", "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_esplash", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_AMP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_amp", "15.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_FREQUENCY] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_frequency", "1.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_DURATION] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_duration", "5.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "Emit sparks from player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sound", "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav", "Sound, relative to \"sounds\" folder, to play from player on infection. ['\"\"' = No sound]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_esplash", "1", "Emit an energy splash from player on infection.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake", "1", "Shake player's view on infect.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_AMP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_amp", "15.0", "Amplitude of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_FREQUENCY] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_frequency", "1.0", "Frequency of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_DURATION] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_duration", "5.0", "Duration of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]");
// ===========================
// Damage (core)
@ -316,66 +297,48 @@ CvarsCreate()
// Hitgroup Damage
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_hitgroups", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_HITGROUPS] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_hitgroups", "1", "Read hitgroup damage control from hitgroup config file, disabling this allows all zombie hitgroups to be shot.");
// Block Damage Types
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_BLOCK_FF] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_block_ff", "1", "");
// note overrides mp_friendlyfire
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_BLOCK_BLAST] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_block_blast", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_BLOCK_FF] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_block_ff", "1", "Block friendly fire.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_BLOCK_BLAST] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_block_blast", "1", "Block blast damage inflicted on self or teammates.");
// Suicide Intercept
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_zombie", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Intercept human suicide attempts.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_human", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Intercept zombie suicide attempts.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_CMDS] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_cmds", "kill, spectate, jointeam", "");
// Old Desc: List of suicide commands to intercept. (Delimited by \", \"
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_zombie", "1", "Intercept suicide commands attempted by zombies.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_human", "1", "Intercept suicide commands attempted by humans.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_DAMAGE_SUICIDE_CMDS] = CreateConVar("zr_damage_suicide_cmds", "kill, spectate, jointeam", "List of client commands to intercept as suicide attempts. [Delimiter: \", \"]");
// ===========================
// Say Hooks (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET_FILTER] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet_filter", "1", "");
// when enabled it filters out failed sayhooks
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET_FLAGS] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet_flags", "58", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet", "1", "Stop certain in-game commands from appearing in chat. [See zr_sayhooks_quiet_filter & zr_sayhooks_quiet_flags]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET_FILTER] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet_filter", "1", "Stops any failed in-game command from showing in chat. Ex: Typing !zspawn while alive. [Dependency: zr_sayhooks_quiet]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SAYHOOKS_QUIET_FLAGS] = CreateConVar("zr_sayhooks_quiet_flags", "58", "Flag separate in-game commands to always hide from chat. [Dependency: zr_sayhooks_quiet]\n In-Game Command Flags:\n * Add numbers of desired flags together to produce final flag value.\n --------------------------------------------------------------------\n 1: !zmenu\n 2: !zadmin\n 4: !zclass\n 8: !zspawn\n 16: !ztele\n 32: !zhp\n 64: !zmarket");
// Flags (default: 2 + 8 + 16 + 32)
// 0 Allow all.
// 1 Quiet "!zmenu" say hook.
// 2 Quiet "!zadmin" say hook.
// 4 Quiet "!zclass" say hook.
// 8 Quiet "!zspawn" say hook.
// 16 Quiet "!ztele" say hook.
// 32 Quiet "!zhp" say hook.
// 64 Quiet "!zmarket" say hook.
// ===========================
// Overlays (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_OVERLAYS_UPDATE_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_update_time", "1.0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_OVERLAYS_UPDATE_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_update_time", "1.0", "How often to update overlays on players. [0.0 = Disabled]");
// ===========================
// Round End (core)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlay", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Shows an overlay to all clients when a team wins. (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlays_human", "overlays/zr/humans_win");
// Old Desc: overlays/zr/humans_win", "Path to \"humans win\" overlay
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlays_zombie", "overlays/zr/zombies_win", "");
// Old Desc: Path to \"zombies win\" overlay
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlay", "1", "Show specified overlay to players depending on winner when the round ends.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlays_human", "overlays/zr/humans_win", "Overlay, relative to \"materials\" folder, to display when humans win the round. [Dependency: zr_roundend_overlay]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ROUNDEND_OVERLAY_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_roundend_overlays_zombie", "overlays/zr/zombies_win", "Overlay, relative to \"materials\" folder, to display when zombies win the round. [Dependency: zr_roundend_overlay]");
// ===========================
// Account (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL] = CreateConVar("zr_account_cashfill", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Enable the mod to set the players cash to zr_cashamount (0: Disabled)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL_VALUE] = CreateConVar("zr_account_cashfill_value", "12000", "");
// Old Desc: How much money players will have when they spawn when zr_cashfill is 1
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL] = CreateConVar("zr_account_cashfill", "1", "Reset player's cash each spawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ACCOUNT_CASHFILL_VALUE] = CreateConVar("zr_account_cashfill_value", "12000", "Amount of cash to set player's account to. [Dependency: zr_account_cashfill]");
// ===========================
// Visual Effects (module)
@ -383,30 +346,28 @@ CvarsCreate()
// Lightstyle
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_LIGHTSTYLE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_lightstyle", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_LIGHTSTYLE_VALUE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_lightstyle_value", "b", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_LIGHTSTYLE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_lightstyle", "1", "Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_LIGHTSTYLE_VALUE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_lightstyle_value", "b", "Lightstyle value. ['a' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest | Dependency: zr_veffects_lightstyle]");
// Sky
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SKY] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sky", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SKY_PATH] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sky_path", "sky_borealis01up.vmt", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SKY] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sky", "1", "Change map skybox.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SKY_PATH] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sky_path", "sky_borealis01up.vmt", "Skybox file, relative to \"materials/skybox\" folder, to change map skybox to. [Dependency: zr_veffects_sky]");
// Sun
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SUN_DISABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sun_disable", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_SUN_DISABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_sun_disable", "1", "Disable sun rendering on map.");
// Fog
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_OVERRIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_override", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_PCOLOR] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_pcolor", "255 255 255", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_SCOLOR] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_scolor", "255 255 255", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_DENSITY] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_density", "0.8", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_STARTDIST] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_startdist", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_ENDDIST] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_enddist", "400", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_FARZ] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_farz", "2000", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog", "0", "(UNSUPPORTED) Enable fog rendering on the map.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_OVERRIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_override", "0", "(UNSUPPORTED) If fog exists already on the map, then replace with new modified fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_PCOLOR] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_pcolor", "255 255 255", "(UNSUPPORTED) Primary color of the fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_SCOLOR] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_scolor", "255 255 255", "(UNSUPPORTED) Secondary color of the fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_DENSITY] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_density", "0.8", "(UNSUPPORTED) Density (thickness) of the fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_STARTDIST] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_startdist", "0", "(UNSUPPORTED) Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_ENDDIST] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_enddist", "400", "(UNSUPPORTED) Distance from player to stop rendering fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG_FARZ] = CreateConVar("zr_veffects_fog_farz", "2000", "(UNSUPPORTED) Vertical clipping plane.");
// ===========================
// Sound Effects (module)
@ -414,32 +375,23 @@ CvarsCreate()
// Zombie Sounds
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_MOAN] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_moan", "30", "");
// Old Desc: How often, in seconds, a zombie moans (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_GROAN] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_groan", "5", "");
// Old Desc: Chance factor a zombie will groan when shot (Lower: More often, 0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_DEATH] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_death", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Zombie will emit a death sound when killed (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_MOAN] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_moan", "30.0", "Time between emission of a moan sound from a zombie.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_GROAN] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_groan", "5", "The probability that a groan sound will be emitted from a zombie when shot. ['100' = 1% chance | '50' = 2% chance | '1' = 100% chance]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SEFFECTS_DEATH] = CreateConVar("zr_seffects_death", "1", "Emit a death sound when a zombie dies.");
// Ambient Sounds
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Enable creepy ambience to be played throughout the game (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_FILE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_file", "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3", "");
// Old Desc: Path to ambient sound file that will be played throughout the game, when zr_ambience is 1
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_LENGTH] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_length", "60.0", "");
// Old Desc: The length, in seconds, of the ambient sound file
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_VOLUME] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_volume", "1.0", "");
// Old Desc: Volume of ambient sounds when zr_ambience is 1 (0.0: Unhearable, 1.0: Max volume)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds", "1", "Play an ambient sound to all players during gameplay.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_FILE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_file", "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3", "Sound file, relative to \"sounds\" folder, to play as ambience. [Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_LENGTH] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_length", "60.0", "Length of the ambient sound. [Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_AMBIENTSOUNDS_VOLUME] = CreateConVar("zr_ambientsounds_volume", "0.8", "Volume of the ambient sound. [1.0 = Max volume | 0.0001 = Not audible | Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]");
// ===========================
// Antistick (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK] = CreateConVar("zr_antistick", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Enable the anti-stick module, which will automatically unstick players stuck within each other. (0:Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK_INTERVAL] = CreateConVar("zr_antistick_interval", "0.5", "");
// Old Desc: How often, in seconds, the anti-stick module checks each player for being stuck. (1.0: Default)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK] = CreateConVar("zr_antistick", "1", "Automatically unstick players when stuck within each others' collision hull.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTISTICK_INTERVAL] = CreateConVar("zr_antistick_interval", "0.5", "Time between each check for stuck players. [Dependency: zr_antistick]");
// ===========================
// Knockback (module)
@ -460,14 +412,10 @@ CvarsCreate()
// Respawn (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn", "0", "");
// Old Desc: When player is killed, player will respawn
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_delay", "1", "");
// Old Desc: How long to wait after death to respawn, in seconds
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team_zombie", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Respawn player as zombie (0: Respawn as human)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE_WORLD] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team_zombie_world", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Respawn zombies as zombies if they were killed by the world, like elevators, doors and lasers. (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn", "0", "Respawn players after death. [Recommended: (Enable) zr_zspawn*]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_delay", "1", "Time after death to delay player respawn. [Dependency: zr_respawn]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team_zombie", "1", "Respawn player as a zombie. [Dependency: zr_respawn]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE_WORLD] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team_zombie_world", "1", "Respawn player as a zombie if player was killed by the world. [Override: zr_respawn_team_zombie]");
// ===========================
// Napalm (module)
@ -475,49 +423,43 @@ CvarsCreate()
// (None)
// ===========================
// Jump Boost (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_JUMPBOOST_BUNNYHOP_PROTECT] = CreateConVar("zr_jumpboost_bunnyhop_protect", "1", "Prevent players from using forward jump boost multipliers to bunny hop.");
// ===========================
// ZSpawn (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Allow players to spawn if they just joined the game (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn", "1", "Allow players to spawn into the game late.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TEAM_OVERRIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_team_override", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_team_zombie", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TEAM_OVERRIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_team_override", "1", "Override spawn team when spawning by means of ZSpawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_team_zombie", "0", "Spawn player on zombie team when spawning by means of ZSpawn. [Dependency: zr_zspawn_team_override | Override: zr_respawn_zombie]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit_time", "120", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit", "1", "Put a time limit on the use of ZSpawn.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZSPAWN_TIMELIMIT_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn_timelimit_time", "120.0", "Time from the start of the round to allow ZSpawn. [Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]");
// ===========================
// ZTele (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_zombie", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_BEFORE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_human_before", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_AFTER] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_human_after", "0", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_DELAY_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_delay_zombie", "3", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_DELAY_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_delay_human", "3", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_MAX_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_max_zombie", "3", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_MAX_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_max_human", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_AUTOCANCEL] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_autocancel", "1", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_AUTOCANCEL_DISTANCE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_autocancel_distance", "20", "");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_zombie", "1", "Allow zombies to use ZTele.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_BEFORE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_human_before", "1", "Allow humans to use ZTele before the mother zombie has spawned.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_AFTER] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_human_after", "0", "Allow humans to use ZTele after the mother zombie has spawned.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_DELAY_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_delay_zombie", "3.0", "Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for zombies. [Dependency: zr_ztele_zombie]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_DELAY_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_delay_human", "3.0", "Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for humans. [Dependency: zr_ztele_human_(before)/(after)]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_MAX_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_max_zombie", "3", "Max number of times a zombie is allowed to use ZTele per round. [Dependency: zr_ztele_zombie]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_MAX_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_max_human", "1", "Max number of times a human is allowed to use ZTele per round. [Dependency: zr_ztele_human_(before)/(after)]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_AUTOCANCEL] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_autocancel", "1", "Automatically cancel ZTele if player moves out of a set boundary. [Dependency: zr_ztele_(zombie)/(human)[_(before)/(after)]]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZTELE_AUTOCANCEL_DISTANCE] = CreateConVar("zr_ztele_autocancel_distance", "20", "Maximum distance, in feet, player is allowed to travel before teleport is cancelled. [Dependency: zr_ztele_autocancel]");
// ===========================
// ZHP (module)
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZHP] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Allows clients to enable/disable zombie health display (1: On, 0: Off)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZHP_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp_default", "1", "");
// Old Desc: The default value of zombie health display to new clients (1: On, 0: Off)
// Old Desc: Allow users to disable ZVision with their nightvision key (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_MENU_AUTOCLOSE] = CreateConVar("zr_menu_autoclose", "0", "");
// Old Desc: Automatically close menus on selection. If disabled the menu will remain open.
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTICAMP] = CreateConVar("zr_anticamp", "1", "");
// Old Desc: Enables or disables hurt volumes for preventing unfair camping. (0: Disable)
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ANTICAMP_UPDATE_INTERVAL] = CreateConVar("zr_anticamp_update_interval", "1", "");
// Old Desc: How often to update player locations (in seconds).
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZHP] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp", "1", "Allow player to toggle real HP display as a zombie.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_ZHP_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp_default", "1", "Default ZHP toggle state set on connecting player. [Dependency: zr_zhp]");
// Auto-generate config file if it doesn't exist, then execute.
AutoExecConfig(true, "zombiereloaded", "sourcemod/zombiereloaded");
@ -185,6 +185,23 @@ public Action:EventPlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroad
TranslationPrintToChat(index, "General zmenu reminder");
// Fire post player_spawn event.
CreateTimer(0.0, EventPlayerSpawnPost, index);
* Event callback (player_spawn)
* Client is spawning into the game. *Post
* @param event The event handle.
* @param name Name of the event.
* @dontBroadcast If true, event is broadcasted to all clients, false if not.
public Action:EventPlayerSpawnPost(Handle:timer, any:index)
// Forward event to modules.
@ -30,12 +30,16 @@ JumpBoostOnClientJump(client)
new Float:vecVelocity[3];
ToolsClientVelocity(client, vecVelocity, false);
// Protect against bunnyhopping.
new Float:magnitude = SquareRoot(Pow(vecVelocity[0], 2.0) + Pow(vecVelocity[1], 2.0));
// Protect against bunnyhopping, if cvar is enabled.
new bool:bunnyhopprotect = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_JUMPBOOST_BUNNYHOP_PROTECT]);
if (bunnyhopprotect)
// Set distance multiplier to 0.
distance = 0.0;
new Float:magnitude = SquareRoot(Pow(vecVelocity[0], 2.0) + Pow(vecVelocity[1], 2.0));
// Set distance multiplier to 0.
distance = 0.0;
// Apply forward jump boost.
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public ClassMenuSelectHandle(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, slot)
decl String:classname[64];
new classindex;
new teamid;
new bool:autoclose = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_MENU_AUTOCLOSE]);
new bool:autoclose = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_MENU_AUTOCLOSE]);
switch (action)
@ -115,18 +115,6 @@ RespawnOnRoundEnd()
* Returns if a player is to be respawned as a zombie, because they were killed by world.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if they were killed by world, false if not or cvar is disabled.
// Return true if both the cvar is enabled and the player was killed by world.
return (GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE_WORLD]) && bKilledByWorld[client]);
* Spawns a player into the round.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ SpawnProtectClientInit(client)
* Client is spawning into the game.
* @param client The client index.
// Disable spawn protection on client.
@ -49,10 +49,17 @@ SpawnProtectOnClientSpawn(client)
// Reset timer handle.
tSpawnProtect[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Client is spawning into the game. *Post
* @param client The client index.
// If client isn't on a team, then stop.
new team = GetClientTeam(client);
if (team != CS_TEAM_T && team != CS_TEAM_CT)
if (!ZRIsClientOnTeam(client))
@ -70,35 +77,35 @@ SpawnProtectOnClientSpawn(client)
// If player respawns as human, and either cvar zr_suicide_world_damage or the client
// wasn't killed by world is false, then continue on to protect client.
new bool:respawn_zombie = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM_ZOMBIE]);
if (!respawn_zombie && !RespawnKilledByWorld(client))
// If client is a zombie, then stop.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
// Set spawn protect flag on client.
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_NORMAL] = true;
// Get spawn protect attribute cvars.
new Float:speed = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_SPEED]);
new alpha = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_ALPHA]);
// Set spawn protect attributes.
ToolsSetClientLMV(client, speed);
ToolsSetClientAlpha(client, alpha);
// Set time left to zr_protect_time's value.
new protect_time = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_TIME]);
pSpawnProtectTime[client] = protect_time;
// Tell client they are being protected.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Spawn protection begin", protect_time);
// Send time left in a hud message.
TranslationPrintHUDText(client, "Spawn Protect", pSpawnProtectTime[client]);
// Start repeating timer.
tSpawnProtect[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, SpawnProtectTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);
// Set spawn protect flag on client.
bInfectImmune[client][INFECT_TYPE_NORMAL] = true;
// Get spawn protect attribute cvars.
new Float:speed = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_SPEED]);
new alpha = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_ALPHA]);
// Set spawn protect attributes.
ToolsSetClientLMV(client, speed);
ToolsSetClientAlpha(client, alpha);
// Set time left to zr_protect_time's value.
new protect_time = GetConVarInt(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_SPAWNPROTECT_TIME]);
pSpawnProtectTime[client] = protect_time;
// Tell client they are being protected.
TranslationPrintToChat(client, "Spawn protection begin", protect_time);
// Send time left in a hud message.
TranslationPrintHUDText(client, "Spawn Protect", pSpawnProtectTime[client]);
// Start repeating timer.
tSpawnProtect[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, SpawnProtectTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);
@ -282,6 +282,17 @@ VEffectsApplySunDisable(bool:disable = false)
VEffectsApplyFog(bool:override = false)
// If fog is disabled, then stop.
new bool:fog = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG]);
fog = false;
if (!fog)
// Find current fog index
new fogindex = FindEntityByClassname(-1, "env_fog_controller");
@ -296,13 +307,6 @@ VEffectsApplyFog(bool:override = false)
// If fog is disabled, then stop.
new bool:fog = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VEFFECTS_FOG]);
if (!fog)
// If there is no fog on the map, create new fog.
if (fogindex == -1)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user