Changed hardcoded antistick force into a CVAR.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
2009.01.16 -
* Changed hardcoded antistick force into a CVAR.
2009.01.14 -
* Fixed spectactor admins not able to teleport players to their custom location.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include <market>
#define VERSION ""
#define VERSION ""
#include "zr/zombiereloaded"
#include "zr/global"
@ -80,86 +80,88 @@ enum ZRSettings
new gCvars[ZRSettings];
gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_enable", "1", "Enable zombie gameplay (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DEBUG] = CreateConVar("zr_debug", "0", "Debug switch, for developers. Usually enables logging of messages and events to a console. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ALLOW_PLAYER_TEAM] = CreateConVar("zr_allow_player_team", "0", "This will allow the player_team event to be fired on first team join, enable when using mani model menu (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience", "1", "Enable creepy ambience to be played throughout the game (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_FILE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_file", "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3", "Path to ambient sound file that will be played throughout the game, when zr_ambience is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_LENGTH] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_length", "60.0", "The length, in seconds, of the ambient sound file");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_VOLUME] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_volume", "0.6", "Volume of ambient sounds when zr_ambience is 1 (0.0: Unhearable, 1.0: Max volume)");
gCvars[CVAR_EMITSOUNDS] = CreateConVar("zr_emitsounds", "50", "How often a zombie emits a sound, in seconds (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES] = CreateConVar("zr_classes", "1", "Enable zombie classes");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_SPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_spawn", "0", "Classmenu is re-displayed every spawn (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_RANDOM] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_random", "0", "A random class is assigned to each player every round (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default", "classic", "Default class selected for all players. Usage zr_classes_default <class name>");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_SAVE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_save", "0", "Remember class selection when changing maps.");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_health", "5000", "The default health of a zombie");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_SPEED] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_speed", "350", "How fast zombies travel (300: Default speed, 600: Double speed)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_JUMP_DISTANCE] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_jump_distance", "0.1", "How far the zombie jumps, (0: Regular jump distance)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_JUMP_HEIGHT] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_jump_height", "10.0", "How high a zombie jumps (0: Regular jump height)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_KNOCKBACK] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_knockback", "1", "How far zombies are pushed back when shot. If classes are enabled: This one is a multiplier for class knockback values (1: Default)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NVGS] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_nvgs", "-1", "Zombies will be equipped with nightvision. Also used to override class nvgs if non-negative. (-1: No override/Nvgs on, 0: No nvgs, 1: Nvgs on)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_FOV] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_fov", "110", "The field of vision of zombies (90: Default vision)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen", "0", "Zombies will regenerate health");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen_health", "1", "How much health is regenerated when zr_zombie_regen is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN_INTERVAL] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen_interval", "5", "How often, in seconds, a zombie regenerates health when zr_zombie_regen is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NAPALM] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_napalm", "1", "Turns grenades into napalm grenades that light zombies on fire (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NAPALM_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_napalm_time", "20", "How long the zombie burns when zr_napalm is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NOFALLDAMAGE] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_nofalldamage", "0", "Zombies wont be hurt from falling (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_KILL_BONUS] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_kill_bonus", "2", "How many additional kills are rewarded to the killer of the zombie");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_INFECT_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_infect_health", "100", "How much health a zombie gains when infecting a human (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_ZVISION] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_zvision", "overlays/zr/zvision", "Overlay to be shown on all zombies' screen on infection (Leave empty to disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZVISION_REDISPLAY] = CreateConVar("zr_zvision_redisplay", "0.2", "Frequency, in seconds, to display zvision on the client's screen (Never go below 0.1, 0.2 seems safe)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZVISION_ALLOW_DISABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_zvision_allow_disable", "1", "Allow users to disable ZVision with their nightvision key (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK] = CreateConVar("zr_dark", "0", "Default value for darkening maps, most dislike this feature (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK_LEVEL] = CreateConVar("zr_dark_level", "a", "The darkness of the map, a being the darkest, z being extremely bright when zr_dark is 1 (n: Default)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK_SKY] = CreateConVar("zr_dark_sky", "sky_borealis01", "The sky the map will have when zr_dark is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_MOTHER_ZOMBIE_RATIO] = CreateConVar("zr_mother_zombie_ratio", "5", "For every 'x' number of humans, there will be 1 zombie (0: Always only 1 mother zombie)");
gCvars[CVAR_MOTHER_ZOMBIE_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_mother_zombie_respawn", "0", "First zombie(s) will be teleported back to spawn when infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn", "0", "When player is killed, player will respawn");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team", "zombie", "Which team to respawn player as (Choices: zombie, human)");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_delay", "1", "How long to wait after death to respawn, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide", "1", "Stops players from suiciding");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ECHO] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide_echo", "0", "Log suicide attempts to admin chat.");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_WORLD_DAMAGE] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide_world_damage", "1", "Respawn zombies as zombies if they was killed by the world, like elevators, doors and lasers.");
gCvars[CVAR_SPAWN_MIN] = CreateConVar("zr_spawn_min", "30", "Minimum time a player is picked to be zombie after the round starts, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_SPAWN_MAX] = CreateConVar("zr_spawn_max", "50", "Maximum time a player is picked to be zombie after the round starts, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_PROTECT] = CreateConVar("zr_protect", "10", "Players that join late will be protected for this long, in seconds (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CONSECUTIVE_INFECT] = CreateConVar("zr_consecutive_infect", "0", "Allow player to be randomly chosen twice in a row to be a mother zombie (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays", "1", "Will show overlays that tell who the winner of the round was (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_human", "overlays/zr/humans_win", "The overlay shown to tell everyone that humans won when zr_overlays is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_zombie", "overlays/zr/zombies_win", "The overlay shown to tell everyone that zombies won when zr_overlays is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZMARKET_BUYZONE] = CreateConVar("zr_zmarket_buyzone", "1", "Must be in buyzone to access !zmarket, if Market is installed (0: Can be used anywhere)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZSPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn", "1", "Allow players to spawn if they just joined the game (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE] = CreateConVar("zr_tele", "1", "Allow players to use the teleporter to get to spawn. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_STARTUP_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_startup_delay", "30", "Number of seconds to wait before the teleporter is enabled (0: Always enabled)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_COOLDOWN] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_cooldown", "20", "Number of seconds to wait before the teleporter can be used again, after a teleport. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_human_delay", "10", "Teleport delay for humans. (0: No delay)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_LIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_human_limit", "3", "Maximum number of teleports humans can do. (0: Humans can't use the teleporter. -1: Unlimited)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_zombie_delay", "0", "Teleport delay for zombies. (0: No delay)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE_LIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_zombie_limit", "8", "Maximum number of teleports zombies can do. (0: Zombies can't use the teleporter. -1: Unlimited)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_RESET_BUFFERS] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_reset_buffers", "1", "Reset custom saved teleport locations on each round start. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZSTUCK] = CreateConVar("zr_zstuck", "1", "Allow players that are stuck together to get unstuck (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZHP] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp", "1", "Allows clients to enable/disable zombie health display (1: On, 0: Off)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZHP_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp_default", "1", "The default value of zombie health display to new clients (1: On, 0: Off)");
gCvars[CVAR_CASHFILL] = CreateConVar("zr_cashfill", "1", "Enable the mod to set the players cash to zr_cashamount (0: Disabled)");
gCvars[CVAR_CASHAMOUNT] = CreateConVar("zr_cashamount", "12000", "How much money players will have when they spawn when zr_cashfill is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "A fireball is created when a player is infected ( 0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "A puff of smoke is created when a player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "Sparks are emitted when a player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sound", "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav", "Sound played from from player on infection (Leave blank to disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_esplash", "1", "An energy splash is emitted when player is infected ( 0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake", "1", "Player's screen is shaken on infection (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_AMP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_amp", "15.0", "Amplitude of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_FREQUENCY] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_frequency", "1.0", "Frequency of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_DURATION] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_duration", "5.0", "Duration of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_enable", "1", "Enable zombie gameplay (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DEBUG] = CreateConVar("zr_debug", "0", "Debug switch, for developers. Usually enables logging of messages and events to a console. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ALLOW_PLAYER_TEAM] = CreateConVar("zr_allow_player_team", "0", "This will allow the player_team event to be fired on first team join, enable when using mani model menu (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience", "1", "Enable creepy ambience to be played throughout the game (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_FILE] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_file", "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3", "Path to ambient sound file that will be played throughout the game, when zr_ambience is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_LENGTH] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_length", "60.0", "The length, in seconds, of the ambient sound file");
gCvars[CVAR_AMBIENCE_VOLUME] = CreateConVar("zr_ambience_volume", "0.6", "Volume of ambient sounds when zr_ambience is 1 (0.0: Unhearable, 1.0: Max volume)");
gCvars[CVAR_EMITSOUNDS] = CreateConVar("zr_emitsounds", "50", "How often a zombie emits a sound, in seconds (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES] = CreateConVar("zr_classes", "1", "Enable zombie classes");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_SPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_spawn", "0", "Classmenu is re-displayed every spawn (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_RANDOM] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_random", "0", "A random class is assigned to each player every round (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default", "classic", "Default class selected for all players. Usage zr_classes_default <class name>");
gCvars[CVAR_CLASSES_SAVE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_save", "0", "Remember class selection when changing maps.");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_health", "5000", "The default health of a zombie");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_SPEED] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_speed", "350", "How fast zombies travel (300: Default speed, 600: Double speed)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_JUMP_DISTANCE] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_jump_distance", "0.1", "How far the zombie jumps, (0: Regular jump distance)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_JUMP_HEIGHT] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_jump_height", "10.0", "How high a zombie jumps (0: Regular jump height)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_KNOCKBACK] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_knockback", "1", "How far zombies are pushed back when shot. If classes are enabled: This one is a multiplier for class knockback values (1: Default)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NVGS] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_nvgs", "-1", "Zombies will be equipped with nightvision. Also used to override class nvgs if non-negative. (-1: No override/Nvgs on, 0: No nvgs, 1: Nvgs on)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_FOV] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_fov", "110", "The field of vision of zombies (90: Default vision)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen", "0", "Zombies will regenerate health");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen_health", "1", "How much health is regenerated when zr_zombie_regen is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_REGEN_INTERVAL] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_regen_interval", "5", "How often, in seconds, a zombie regenerates health when zr_zombie_regen is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NAPALM] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_napalm", "1", "Turns grenades into napalm grenades that light zombies on fire (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NAPALM_TIME] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_napalm_time", "20", "How long the zombie burns when zr_napalm is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_NOFALLDAMAGE] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_nofalldamage", "0", "Zombies wont be hurt from falling (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_KILL_BONUS] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_kill_bonus", "2", "How many additional kills are rewarded to the killer of the zombie");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_INFECT_HEALTH] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_infect_health", "100", "How much health a zombie gains when infecting a human (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZOMBIE_ZVISION] = CreateConVar("zr_zombie_zvision", "overlays/zr/zvision", "Overlay to be shown on all zombies' screen on infection (Leave empty to disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZVISION_REDISPLAY] = CreateConVar("zr_zvision_redisplay", "0.2", "Frequency, in seconds, to display zvision on the client's screen (Never go below 0.1, 0.2 seems safe)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZVISION_ALLOW_DISABLE] = CreateConVar("zr_zvision_allow_disable", "1", "Allow users to disable ZVision with their nightvision key (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK] = CreateConVar("zr_dark", "0", "Default value for darkening maps, most dislike this feature (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK_LEVEL] = CreateConVar("zr_dark_level", "a", "The darkness of the map, a being the darkest, z being extremely bright when zr_dark is 1 (n: Default)");
gCvars[CVAR_DARK_SKY] = CreateConVar("zr_dark_sky", "sky_borealis01", "The sky the map will have when zr_dark is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_MOTHER_ZOMBIE_RATIO] = CreateConVar("zr_mother_zombie_ratio", "5", "For every 'x' number of humans, there will be 1 zombie (0: Always only 1 mother zombie)");
gCvars[CVAR_MOTHER_ZOMBIE_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_mother_zombie_respawn", "0", "First zombie(s) will be teleported back to spawn when infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn", "0", "When player is killed, player will respawn");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN_TEAM] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_team", "zombie", "Which team to respawn player as (Choices: zombie, human)");
gCvars[CVAR_RESPAWN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_respawn_delay", "1", "How long to wait after death to respawn, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide", "1", "Stops players from suiciding");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ECHO] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide_echo", "0", "Log suicide attempts to admin chat.");
gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_WORLD_DAMAGE] = CreateConVar("zr_suicide_world_damage", "1", "Respawn zombies as zombies if they was killed by the world, like elevators, doors and lasers.");
gCvars[CVAR_SPAWN_MIN] = CreateConVar("zr_spawn_min", "30", "Minimum time a player is picked to be zombie after the round starts, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_SPAWN_MAX] = CreateConVar("zr_spawn_max", "50", "Maximum time a player is picked to be zombie after the round starts, in seconds");
gCvars[CVAR_PROTECT] = CreateConVar("zr_protect", "10", "Players that join late will be protected for this long, in seconds (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_CONSECUTIVE_INFECT] = CreateConVar("zr_consecutive_infect", "0", "Allow player to be randomly chosen twice in a row to be a mother zombie (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays", "1", "Will show overlays that tell who the winner of the round was (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_human", "overlays/zr/humans_win", "The overlay shown to tell everyone that humans won when zr_overlays is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_OVERLAYS_ZOMBIE] = CreateConVar("zr_overlays_zombie", "overlays/zr/zombies_win", "The overlay shown to tell everyone that zombies won when zr_overlays is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_ZMARKET_BUYZONE] = CreateConVar("zr_zmarket_buyzone", "1", "Must be in buyzone to access !zmarket, if Market is installed (0: Can be used anywhere)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZSPAWN] = CreateConVar("zr_zspawn", "1", "Allow players to spawn if they just joined the game (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE] = CreateConVar("zr_tele", "1", "Allow players to use the teleporter to get to spawn. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_STARTUP_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_startup_delay", "30", "Number of seconds to wait before the teleporter is enabled (0: Always enabled)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_COOLDOWN] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_cooldown", "20", "Number of seconds to wait before the teleporter can be used again, after a teleport. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_human_delay", "10", "Teleport delay for humans. (0: No delay)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_HUMAN_LIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_human_limit", "3", "Maximum number of teleports humans can do. (0: Humans can't use the teleporter. -1: Unlimited)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE_DELAY] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_zombie_delay", "0", "Teleport delay for zombies. (0: No delay)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_ZOMBIE_LIMIT] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_zombie_limit", "8", "Maximum number of teleports zombies can do. (0: Zombies can't use the teleporter. -1: Unlimited)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZTELE_RESET_BUFFERS] = CreateConVar("zr_tele_reset_buffers", "1", "Reset custom saved teleport locations on each round start. (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZSTUCK] = CreateConVar("zr_zstuck", "1", "Allow players that are stuck together to get unstuck (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZHP] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp", "1", "Allows clients to enable/disable zombie health display (1: On, 0: Off)");
gCvars[CVAR_ZHP_DEFAULT] = CreateConVar("zr_zhp_default", "1", "The default value of zombie health display to new clients (1: On, 0: Off)");
gCvars[CVAR_CASHFILL] = CreateConVar("zr_cashfill", "1", "Enable the mod to set the players cash to zr_cashamount (0: Disabled)");
gCvars[CVAR_CASHAMOUNT] = CreateConVar("zr_cashamount", "12000", "How much money players will have when they spawn when zr_cashfill is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_FIREBALL] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_fireball", "1", "A fireball is created when a player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SMOKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_smoke", "1", "A puff of smoke is created when a player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SPARKS] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sparks", "1", "Sparks are emitted when a player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SOUND] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_sound", "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav", "Sound played from from player on infection (Leave blank to disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_ESPLASH] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_esplash", "1", "An energy splash is emitted when player is infected (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake", "1", "Player's screen is shaken on infection (0: Disable)");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_AMP] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_amp", "15.0", "Amplitude of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_FREQUENCY] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_frequency", "1.0", "Frequency of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_SHAKE_DURATION] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_shake_duration", "5.0", "Duration of the shake, when zr_infect_shake is 1");
gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_ANTISTICK_FORCE] = CreateConVar("zr_infect_antistick_force", "-160.0", "Force to push away players from eachother on infection. Negative values push away, positive values pull. (0: Disable)");
HookConVarChange(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE], EnableHook);
@ -657,6 +657,12 @@ AntiStick(attacker, client)
new Float:force = GetConVarFloat(gCvars[CVAR_INFECT_ANTISTICK_FORCE]);
if (force == 0.0)
new Float:vector[3];
new Float:attackerloc[3];
@ -668,7 +674,7 @@ AntiStick(attacker, client)
MakeVectorFromPoints(attackerloc, clientloc, vector);
NormalizeVector(vector, vector);
ScaleVector(vector, -160.0);
ScaleVector(vector, force);
TeleportEntity(attacker, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vector);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user