Greyscale 0f8206596a Recoded weapon restrictions, and made new way of storing data. (Arrays)
* Removed ZMarket as an external plugin (to be integrated next commit)
* Updated weapon configs, removed weapongroups.txt and moved weapons.txt to root zr config folder.
* Moved offset finding to respective module, made new forward *OnOffsetsFound.
* Updated weapons&hitgroups config file format to match playerclass.txt
* Updated translations.
* Recoded weapon restrict menu, commented out all zadmin options that don't quite work.
* Added weaponammo module (not finished but existent)
* Started zmarket module.
2009-05-28 23:43:15 -07:00

540 lines
14 KiB

* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: API for all weapon-related functions.
* ============================================================================
* Maximum length of a weapon name string
* Number of weapon slots (For CS:S)
* Weapon config data indexes.
enum WeaponsData
* @endsection
* Variable to store active weapon offset value.
new g_iToolsActiveWeapon;
* Weapon slots.
enum WeaponsSlot
Slot_Invalid = -1, /** Invalid weapon (slot). */
Slot_Primary = 0, /** Primary weapon slot. */
Slot_Secondary = 1, /** Secondary weapon slot. */
Slot_Melee = 2, /** Melee (knife) weapon slot. */
Slot_Projectile = 3, /** Projectile (grenades, flashbangs, etc) weapon slot. */
Slot_Explosive = 4, /** Explosive (c4) weapon slot. */
* Array handle to store weapon config data.
new Handle:arrayWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE;
#include "zr/weapons/restrict"
#include "zr/weapons/weaponammo"
#include "zr/weapons/weaponalpha"
#include "zr/weapons/zmarket"
#include "zr/weapons/menu_weapons"
* Weapons module init function.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Find active weapon-specific offsets here.
// If offset "m_hActiveWeapon" can't be found, then stop the plugin.
g_iToolsActiveWeapon = FindSendPropInfo("CBasePlayer", "m_hActiveWeapon");
if (g_iToolsActiveWeapon == -1)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_FATALERROR, "Tools", "Offsets", "Offset \"CBasePlayer::m_hActiveWeapon\" was not found.");
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Create commands related to weapons here.
// Forward event to sub-modules.
* Loads weapon data from file.
// Register config file.
ConfigRegisterConfig(File_Weapons, Structure_Keyvalue, CONFIG_FILE_ALIAS_WEAPONS);
// If module is disabled, then stop.
new bool:weapons = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_WEAPONS]);
if (!weapons)
// Get weapons config path.
decl String:pathweapons[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new bool:exists = ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CVAR_CONFIG_PATH_WEAPONS, pathweapons);
// If file doesn't exist, then log and stop.
if (!exists)
// Log failure.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Weapons", "Config Validation", "Missing weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
// Set the path to the config file.
ConfigSetConfigPath(File_Weapons, pathweapons);
// Load config from file and create array structure.
new bool:success = ConfigLoadConfig(File_Weapons, arrayWeapons);
// Unexpected error, stop plugin.
if (!success)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Weapons", "Config Validation", "Unexpected error encountered loading: %s", pathweapons);
// Validate weapons config.
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
if (!size)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Weapons", "Config Validation", "No usable data found in weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
// Now copy data to array structure.
// Set config data.
ConfigSetConfigLoaded(File_Weapons, true);
ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(File_Weapons, GetFunctionByName(GetMyHandle(), "WeaponsOnConfigReload"));
ConfigSetConfigHandle(File_Weapons, arrayWeapons);
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Caches weapon data from file into arrays.
* Make sure the file is loaded before (ConfigLoadConfig) to prep array structure.
// Get config's file path.
decl String:pathweapons[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ConfigGetConfigPath(File_Weapons, pathweapons, sizeof(pathweapons));
new Handle:kvWeapons;
new bool:success = ConfigOpenConfigFile(File_Weapons, kvWeapons);
if (!success)
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Weapons", "Config Validation", "Unexpected error caching data from weapons config file: %s", pathweapons);
decl String:weaponname[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = array index
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
for (new x = 0; x < size; x++)
WeaponsGetName(x, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
if (!KvJumpToKey(kvWeapons, weaponname))
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Weapons", "Config Validation", "Couldn't cache weapon data for: %s (check weapons config)", weaponname);
// Get config data.
decl String:weapontype[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
decl String:ammotype[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
// General
KvGetString(kvWeapons, "weapontype", weapontype, sizeof(weapontype));
// Restrict (core)
new bool:restrictdefault = ConfigKvGetStringBool(kvWeapons, "restrictdefault", "no");
new bool:toggleable = ConfigKvGetStringBool(kvWeapons, "toggleable", "yes");
// Weapon Ammo (core)
KvGetString(kvWeapons, "ammotype", ammotype, sizeof(ammotype));
new ammoprice = KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "ammoprice");
// Knockback (module)
new Float:knockback = KvGetFloat(kvWeapons, "knockback", 1.0);
// ZMarket (module)
new zmarketprice = KvGetNum(kvWeapons, "zmarketprice", -1);
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, x);
// Push data into array.
PushArrayString(arrayWeapon, weapontype); // Index: 1
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, restrictdefault); // Index: 2
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, toggleable); // Index: 3
PushArrayString(arrayWeapon, ammotype); // Index: 4
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, ammoprice); // Index: 5
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, knockback); // Index: 6
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, zmarketprice); // Index: 7
// Initialize other stored weapon info here.
PushArrayCell(arrayWeapon, restrictdefault); // Index: 8
// We're done with this file now, so we can close it.
* Called when config is being reloaded.
public WeaponsOnConfigReload()
// Reload weapons config.
* Client is joining the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-module.
* Client is leaving the server.
* @param client The client index.
// Forward event to sub-module.
* The round is starting.
// Forward event to sub-modules
* The round is ending.
* @param reason Reason the round has ended.
// Forward event to sub-modules
* Weapon data reading API.
* Clear cache for a given weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:hWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Clear array.
* Find the index at which the weapon's name is at.
* @param weapon The weapon name.
* @return The array index containing the given weapon name.
stock WeaponsNameToIndex(const String:weapon[])
decl String:weaponname[WEAPONS_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = Array index.
new size = GetArraySize(arrayWeapons);
for (new x = 0; x < size; x++)
WeaponsGetName(x, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
// If names match, then return index.
if (StrEqual(weapon, weaponname, false))
return x;
// Name doesn't exist.
return -1;
* Checks if a weapon is valid. (E.G. listed in weapons.txt)
* @param weapon The weapon name.
* @return Returns true if valid, false it not.
stock bool:WeaponsIsWeaponValid(const String:weapon[])
return (WeaponsNameToIndex(weapon) != -1);
* Gets the name of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param weapon The string to return name in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetName(index, String:weapon[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get weapon name.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_NAME, weapon, maxlen);
* Gets the type of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param type The string to return type in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetType(index, String:type[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get weapon type.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_TYPE, type, maxlen);
* Gets if a weapon is restricted by default.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return True if the weapon is restricted by default, false if not.
stock bool:WeaponsGetRestrictDefault(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return default restriction status.
return bool:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_RESTRICTDEFAULT);
* Gets if a weapon's restriction status is toggleable.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return True if the weapon restriction can be toggled, false if not.
stock bool:WeaponsGetToggleable(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return if weapon is toggleable.
return bool:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_TOGGLEABLE);
* Gets the ammo type of a weapon at a given index.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @param ammotype The string to return ammotype in.
* @param maxlen The max length of the string.
stock WeaponsGetAmmoType(index, String:ammotype[], maxlen)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Get ammo type of the weapon.
GetArrayString(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_AMMOTYPE, type, maxlen);
* Gets the price of ammo for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The ammo price.
stock WeaponsGetAmmoPrice(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return ammo price of the weapon.
return GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_AMMOPRICE);
* Gets the knockback multiplier for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The weapon knockback multiplier.
stock Float:WeaponsGetKnockback(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return knockback multiplier of the weapon.
return Float:GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_KNOCKBACK);
* Gets the ZMarket price for the weapon.
* @param index The weapon index.
* @return The ZMarket price.
stock WeaponsGetZMarketPrice(index)
// Get array handle of weapon at given index.
new Handle:arrayWeapon = GetArrayCell(arrayWeapons, index);
// Return the ZMarket price of the weapon.
return GetArrayCell(arrayWeapon, _:WEAPONS_DATA_ZMARKETPRICE);
* General weapon API.
* Return an array that contains all client's weapon indexes.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapons The weapon index array.
* -1 if no weapon in slot.
stock WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons[WeaponsSlot])
// x = weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
weapons[x] = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, x);
* Returns weapon index of the client's deployed weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The weapon index of the deployed weapon.
* -1 if no weapon is deployed.
stock WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponIndex(client)
// Return the client's active weapon.
return GetEntDataEnt2(client, offsActiveWeapon);
* Returns slot of client's deployed weapon.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The slot number of deployed weapon.
stock WeaponsSlot:WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponSlot(client)
// Get all client's weapon indexes.
new weapons[WeaponsSlot];
WeaponsGetClientWeapons(client, weapons);
// Get client's deployed weapon.
new deployedweapon = WeaponsGetDeployedWeaponIndex(client);
// If client has no deployed weapon, then stop.
if (deployedweapon == -1)
return Type_Invalid;
// x = weapon slot.
for (new x = 0; x < WEAPONS_SLOTS_MAX; x++)
if (weapons[x] == deployedweapon)
return WeaponsSlot:x;
return Type_Invalid;
* Forces player to drop weapon index.
* @param client The client index.
* @param weapon The weapon index to force client to drop.
stock WeaponsForceClientDrop(client, weapon)
// Force client to drop weapon.
SDKCall(g_hToolsCSWeaponDrop, client, weapon, true, false);