Corrected newline format.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
* ====================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Author: Greyscale
* ====================
#define DMG_GENERIC 0 // generic damage was done
#define DMG_BULLET (1 << 1) // shot
#define DMG_SLASH (1 << 2) // cut, clawed, stabbed
#define DMG_BURN (1 << 3) // heat burned
#define DMG_FALL (1 << 5) // fell too far
#define DMG_BLAST (1 << 6) // explosive blast damage
#define DMG_DROWN (1 << 14) // Drowning
enum ZRHooks
new gHooks[MAXPLAYERS+1][ZRHooks];
/* It's case sensitive! */
RegConsoleCmd("kill", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("KILL", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("jointeam", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("JOINTEAM", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("spectate", Attempt_Suicide);
gHooks[client][Hook_TraceAttack] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_TRACEATTACK, TraceAttack, false);
gHooks[client][Hook_OnTakeDamage] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_ONTAKEDAMAGE, OnTakeDamage, false);
public TraceAttack(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, hitbox, hitgroup)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!attacker || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker) || !enabled)
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerZombie(client) && IsPlayerZombie(attacker))
return 0;
if (IsPlayerHuman(client) && IsPlayerHuman(attacker))
return 0;
return Hacks_Continue;
public OnTakeDamage(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, damagetype, ammotype)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!enabled)
return Hacks_Continue;
decl String:classname[64];
GetEdictClassname(inflictor, classname, sizeof(classname));
if (StrContains(classname, "trigger") > -1)
return Hacks_Continue;
if (damagetype & DMG_FALL)
if (!IsPlayerZombie(client))
return Hacks_Continue;
new bool:blockfalldamage = GetClassNoFallDamage(pClass[client]);
if (!blockfalldamage)
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
if (damagetype & DMG_BLAST)
if (!IsPlayerHuman(client) || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
if (damagetype & DMG_BULLET)
if (!client || !IsClientPlayer(client) || !IsClientInGame(client))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (!attacker || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerZombie(client) && IsPlayerHuman(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerHuman(client) && IsPlayerZombie(attacker))
new health = GetClientHealth(client);
SetEntityHealth(client, health + damage);
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
return Hacks_Continue;
public Action:Attempt_Suicide(client, argc)
if (!client)
return Plugin_Continue;
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!enabled)
return Plugin_Continue;
new bool:suicide = IsPlayerZombie(client) ? GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ZOMBIE]) : GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_HUMAN]);
if (!suicide)
return Plugin_Continue;
decl String:cmd[16];
GetCmdArg(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Suicide text");
ZR_PrintToChat(client, "Suicide text");
decl String:clientname[64];
decl String:buffer[192];
GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname));
ZR_LogMessageFormatted(client, "damage control", "suicide", "Player \"%s\" attempted suicide.", true, clientname);
if (GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ECHO]))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Player '%s' attempted suicide.", clientname);
return Plugin_Handled;
* ====================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Author: Greyscale
* ====================
#define DMG_GENERIC 0 // generic damage was done
#define DMG_BULLET (1 << 1) // shot
#define DMG_SLASH (1 << 2) // cut, clawed, stabbed
#define DMG_BURN (1 << 3) // heat burned
#define DMG_FALL (1 << 5) // fell too far
#define DMG_BLAST (1 << 6) // explosive blast damage
#define DMG_DROWN (1 << 14) // Drowning
enum ZRHooks
new gHooks[MAXPLAYERS+1][ZRHooks];
/* It's case sensitive! */
RegConsoleCmd("kill", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("KILL", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("jointeam", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("JOINTEAM", Attempt_Suicide);
RegConsoleCmd("spectate", Attempt_Suicide);
gHooks[client][Hook_TraceAttack] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_TRACEATTACK, TraceAttack, false);
gHooks[client][Hook_OnTakeDamage] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_ONTAKEDAMAGE, OnTakeDamage, false);
public TraceAttack(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, hitbox, hitgroup)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!attacker || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker) || !enabled)
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerZombie(client) && IsPlayerZombie(attacker))
return 0;
if (IsPlayerHuman(client) && IsPlayerHuman(attacker))
return 0;
return Hacks_Continue;
public OnTakeDamage(client, inflictor, attacker, damage, damagetype, ammotype)
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!enabled)
return Hacks_Continue;
decl String:classname[64];
GetEdictClassname(inflictor, classname, sizeof(classname));
if (StrContains(classname, "trigger") > -1)
return Hacks_Continue;
if (damagetype & DMG_FALL)
if (!IsPlayerZombie(client))
return Hacks_Continue;
new bool:blockfalldamage = GetClassNoFallDamage(pClass[client]);
if (!blockfalldamage)
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
if (damagetype & DMG_BLAST)
if (!IsPlayerHuman(client) || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
if (damagetype & DMG_BULLET)
if (!client || !IsClientPlayer(client) || !IsClientInGame(client))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (!attacker || !IsClientPlayer(attacker) || !IsClientInGame(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerZombie(client) && IsPlayerHuman(attacker))
return Hacks_Continue;
if (IsPlayerHuman(client) && IsPlayerZombie(attacker))
new health = GetClientHealth(client);
SetEntityHealth(client, health + damage);
return Hacks_Continue;
return 0;
return Hacks_Continue;
public Action:Attempt_Suicide(client, argc)
if (!client)
return Plugin_Continue;
new bool:enabled = GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_ENABLE]);
if (!enabled)
return Plugin_Continue;
new bool:suicide = IsPlayerZombie(client) ? GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ZOMBIE]) : GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_HUMAN]);
if (!suicide)
return Plugin_Continue;
decl String:cmd[16];
GetCmdArg(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
ZR_ReplyToCommand(client, "Suicide text");
ZR_PrintToChat(client, "Suicide text");
decl String:clientname[64];
decl String:buffer[192];
GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname));
ZR_LogMessageFormatted(client, "damage control", "suicide", "Player \"%s\" attempted suicide.", true, clientname);
if (GetConVarBool(gCvars[CVAR_SUICIDE_ECHO]))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Player '%s' attempted suicide.", clientname);
return Plugin_Handled;
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ ClassGetOverlayPath(index, String:overlay[], maxlen, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_
* Gets the health points from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ ClassGetHealth(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the running speed value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ Float:ClassGetSpeed(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the jump distance boost from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ Float:ClassGetJumpDistance(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the jump height boost from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ Float:ClassGetJumpHeight(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the knock back boost from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ Float:ClassGetKnockback(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the night vision setting from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ bool:ClassGetNVGs(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the field of view value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ ClassGetFOV(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the health regen interval value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ Float:ClassGetHealthRegenInterv(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the health regen amount value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ ClassGetHealthRegenAmount(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the napalm grenades time from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ Float:ClassGetNapalmTime(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the no fall damage setting from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ bool:ClassGetNoFallDamage(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the kill bonus value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ ClassGetKillBonus(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the health infect bonus value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ ClassGetHealthInfectBonus(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the initial alpha value from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ ClassGetAlphaInitial(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the alpha value when damaged, from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ ClassGetAlphaDamaged(index, cachetype = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER)
* Gets the damage amount needed to change alpha, from the specified class.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param cachetype Optional. Specifies what class cache to read from. Options:
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL - Unchanced class data.
* ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED - Changed/newest class data.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user