Improved error handling of model list.
Fixed typo in class attribute validator.
Changed cvar defaults: class menu auto-close and overlay default state.
SDK Hooks works, but is not yet fully compatible with weapon restrict module because of missing Weapon_CanUse event in SDK Hooks. Weapons disappear when zombies walk near them. Otherwise the extension works.
Fixed timer handle error in volfeatures on map end.
Fixed incorrect default value in class cvars.
Changed map config files to be loaded in OnAutoConfigsBuffered.
Added flag on some timers so we are sure they are killed on map change.
Added stop event on health regeneration timer when applying classes, if the class has no regeneration.
Cvar zr_classes_default_admin is now replaced by admin-only classes. Old cvar is zr_classes_default_admin_mode.
Changed admin teleport command to log target names.
Cached result of privilege check instead of calling function twice (zadmin menu).
Disabled old debug commands. Do not remove, we need them for testing later.
Started writing docs about volumetric features.
Improved manual style, lined up tables.
Added missing attributes in anticamp conversion functions.
Fixed anticamp not extinguishing players who leave a volume that ignite players.
Fixed existing volumes not removed after a map change.
Added class editor feature that can modify certain class attributes on players in a volume.
Fixed typo in class attribute name.
Fixed health regeneration timer not stopping if a player were kicked or timed out.
Added the API functions for but they don't do anything, they are just a sneak-peak into the way it will work, any feedback on your opinion would be nice.
Worked more on the voice API, need to figure out why they are reversed. The cvar to disable it now should work, because it doesn't quite work right.
Changed Gangsta Glock back to Glock :P
Made support for my Grenade Pack plugin, just install the plugin and ZMarket will follow gp_limit. The only problem right now is flash/smoke are treated like grenades, this will be fixed soon.
Fixed weapon type restriction menu not translating the first time.
Fixed zmarket weapon type selection menu title not translated.
Fixed too short title string space in zmarket loadout, ztele force, zspawn force and hit group menus.
Fixed "empty" phrase not translated.
Fixed on/off translation string space too short in hit group menu.