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2009-02-21 16:03:18 +01:00
2009.02.21 -
* Moved model precache to startup. This will probably fix the freeze on infection problem.
2009.02.16 -
* Fixed ambience sound not always playing. Changed ambience module to play a ambience sound per client, when they connect.
* Improved logging function.
* Fixed zvision not disabled if the setting is empty in classes.txt. Disabled zvision timer (not really needed?).
2009.02.13 -
* Fixed bug in formatted log messages when client is negative or 0 (console).
* Simplified log formatting style.
* Blocked non-root admins from changing log flags (except print to chat flags).
* Fixed unknown command error on zr_anticamp_list command.
* Simplified some messages by using ReplyToCommand.
* Added module based log flags.
* Made CVARs for alpha values (transparency).
* Changed CVAR zr_classes_default to select a random class on map load, if "random" is used.
* Removed CVAR zr_classes_save. This feature can be replaced later with client cookies from SourceMod 1.1.0.
* Fixed zmenu not closing when teleporting or spawning.
2009.02.02 -
* Fixed message typo.
* Added debug messages when applying models.
* Added log messages on manual infecions and weapon restrictions.
2009.01.31 -
* Fixed incorrect weapon name used in group weapon restrictions (bullpup => aug).
* Improved logging system. CVAR zr_debug renamed to zr_log. Using bit flags instead of on/off CVAR. Added flag configurations to zombie admin menu.
* Fixed index out of bounds error in anticamp module.
2009.01.18 -
* Created a anticamp feature that give players damage at a specified interval in custom defined volumes. Only affects humans.
* Re-formatted changes.txt.
2009.01.17 -
* Fixed teleport location text to display as float values instead of decimal.
2009.01.16 -
* Changed hardcoded antistick force into a CVAR.
2009.01.14 -
* Fixed spectactor admins not able to teleport players to their custom location.
2009.01.13 -
* Fixed zstuck still working when disabled.
* Code cleanup: Removed old teleport functions and debug messages in zspawn.
2009.01.13 -
* Added per-client teleport buffers instead of one common (still only for admins).
* Made zr_tele_reset_buffers CVAR for resetting custom saved locations on round start. Abuse protection.
* Fixed spectactors able to teleport, using admin commands.
* Added !teleabort chat trigger. Doesn't abort cooldown.
* Changed ztele to tele in CVAR names.
2008.12.27 -
* Made zr_suicide_world_damage CVAR for respawning as zombie if a zombie was killed by the world.
* Removed spawn protection on respawned zombies.
2008.12.26 -
* Finished teleporter admin commands; zr_teleport, zr_tele_saveloc, zr_tele_loc, zr_tele_abort.
* Teleport admin menu made, but not coded.
2008.12.20 -
* Improved the teleporter. Startup delay, cooldown, separate team delays and limits. Admin commands made, but not coded yet.
2008.12.16 - - Richard
* Removed unnecessary function call in OnPluginEnd causeing the periodical GameRules not available error.
2008.11.24 - - Richard
* Made zr_ztele_humans cvar for allowing or disallowing humans to use the teleporter. Defaults to allow.
2008.11.17 - - Richard
* Made a switch for printing suicide attempts to admin chat.
* Added suicide response to client chat too, not just the console.
2008.11.16 - - Richard
* Applied game rules not available fix from Grey Echo.
2008.11.13 - - Richard
* ZSpawn fix confirmed.
* Added debug messages on OnPlayerDisconnect and PlayerDeath. (zr_debug must be 2, might spam the console).
* Fixed invalid timer handle errors on OnClientDisconnect and PlayerDeath.
* Fixed client not in game error in ZR_DebugPrintToConsole.
2008.10.29 - - Richard
* Improved handling of invalid handle errors on OnClientDisconnect and PlayerDeath.
CloseHandle sometimes cause errors when destroying timers. Solution: KillTimer.
* Added debug switch and a function for printing/logging messages to client consoles or the server.
* Added debug messages on zspawn.
* Fixed zr_spawn not spawning spectactors (if @all is used).
2008.10.11 - - Richard
* Added CVAR for saving class selection after map changes. Default: off.
If default classes are used, this one should be off.
2008.10.11 - - Richard
* Added CVAR for setting default class.
2008.10.11 - - Richard
* Fixed bugs in IsClientPlayer
* Made a zombie admin menu (zr_admin).
2008.10.10 - - Richard
* Fixed night vision state not remembered. If zomibes turn off zvision, nvgs
will be off next time too.
2008.10.08 - - Richard
2008-10-08 16:05:34 +02:00
* Fixed invalid client index errors.
2008.10.08 - - Richard
2008-10-08 16:05:34 +02:00
* Fixed zombie moans not looping when interval is 0 (disabled).
2008.10.08 - - Richard
* Made the console commands zr_set_class_knockback and zr_get_class_knockback.
2008.10.07 - - Richard
* Added support for overriding class nvgs with the CVAR.
-1: Disable override, 0/1: Off/On
2008.09.21 - - mbalex
* Added centered counter for spawn protection.
* Made chat commands visible to other players.
* Made unlimited ammo and hit sounds scripts part of the patch.
* Added public CVars zombie_enabled and zombie_version.
* IsClientConnected must always be before IsClientInGame, because
IsClientInGame does not implicit call it.
2008.09.20 - 2.5.1
* Fixed spawn protection not protecting against zombies. (Richard)
* Made protected players invisible and move faster. (mbalex)
* Changed class knockback to be a multiplier of the default knockback. (Richard)
2008.09.17 - 2.5.1
* Added support for alpha values in classes. (mbalex)